The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1639 The Third Battle of the Mordel Sector (3)

1639. The Third Battle of the Mordel Sector (3)

"The separatist interstellar base has begun to descend! It has entered the synchronous orbit of the planet!" The adjutant walked over quickly and said to the commander-in-chief, Major General Casio-Tag.

"Very good! Let the cheerer-class assault landing ship come up immediately!! Then tell all the battleships to bomb the planetary shield with all their strength!" Casio Tag said loudly, waving his hand violently.

"What about the Separatist battleship?" the adjutant asked.

"Their battleships are handed over to the fighter formations to deal with! In addition, all the bomber squadrons are deployed to participate in the bombing of the planetary shield." Casio Tag waved his hand.

His intention is very clear, that is to contain the fleet of the Principality of Dawn through the formation of fighter jets, and then concentrate all the heavy firepower on his side to destroy the planetary shield of Planet Anji in a short time and start landing.

Before starting the battle, the two dark side powerhouses, Sa Kuis and Jan Droga, also warned Casio Tag that if they enter the ground battle, the threat of the dead angel will be even greater. At that time, with The two of them are very difficult to block the dead angel.

At that time, the army will have to ask for more blessings.

However, they still came up with a plan. As long as it is the place where the dead angel appears, immediately concentrate all the long-range firepower to carry out saturation strikes, even if they do not hesitate to use orbital bombing, then there is still a good chance to stop him.

For Casio Tag, who is now completely red-eyed, this is enough!

He is afraid that there is no way to solve it, and if there is a way, no matter how low the probability is, that's fine! After launching this attack, until now when he repelled the Argonev-class interstellar base, his fleet has lost more than 30 capital ships and more than 2,000 fighter jets, but he has no intention of stopping at all.

"Attack! Continue bombing!! Nuclear missiles count, throw them all out!" Casio Tag roared loudly.

There are still some warships in the Republic fleet equipped with nuclear bombs, including Commander-class dreadnoughts, Governor-class battleships, and Prosecutor-class battlecruisers. These are old battleships from the last era, oh no, the last era, The means of orbital bombing is still nuclear missiles, so these warships are also equipped with nuclear bomb launchers.

When the Galactic Republic launched the Mandalorian excision on the planet Mandalore 740 years ago, it used nuclear bombing.

However, the Galactic Republic did not pay much attention to the development of nuclear bombs. Previously, due to the restrictions of Lusan’s reforms, the development of nuclear bombs, a weapon used for orbital bombing, was expressly prohibited. So it is also a nuclear bomb, the nuclear bomb used by the fourth civilization for orbital bombing is much more advanced.

The nuclear bombs of the Fourth Civilization have strengthened the explosion coverage area. For ground targets, large-scale flames and shock waves are the main means of killing, while for hidden targets, neutron jets are used as the means of killing. The two methods are combined on a nuclear bomb, talking about a killing efficiency.

Those huge and cumbersome battleships started to move forward, and then opened the vertical missile launcher, and powerful nuclear missiles were launched one after another. Huge fireballs from nuclear bomb explosions also began to light up on the planetary shield.


At the same time, at the command center at the core of the Argonev-class interstellar base.

"The battleship Long Snake was severely damaged! The fighter formation immediately covered and retreated!"

"G-99 Area Shield Overloaded! Contact Ground Engineering Immediately!"

"Starbase Reactor #7 is on fire! Where's the backup damage control? ... No! That's the engine! Don't let the B-1 robot damage control!"

"The ground console is urgent! The planetary shield capacitor in the G-99 area exploded! It can't stand it anymore!"

"We still need at least four squadrons of Wraith fighters! The Republic cannot be allowed to continue attacking our disaster-class battlecruisers!"

In the command center, countless staff and staff members are constantly busy, providing support and command for this chaotic battlefield.

Volgograd-Kanidi stood next to the holographic combat star map, checking the battlefield situation on the star map, and at the same time commanding the battle situation that was communicated to him.

After layers of processing and resolution, what can be conveyed to him is the highest level of combat decision-making.

He flipped through the densely packed files on his personal terminal, clicked on one of them and said, "No... Let the disaster-level formation hold on! Without the fire cover of particle light spears, the warships of the Galactic Republic will bombard even more recklessly .Three more squadrons of ghost fighters will be dispatched from the interstellar base!"

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately stood at attention and saluted, and began to convey instructions.

He looked at the file again, looked up and asked the T-series tactical robot next to him, "How many Coyote robot bombers do we have?"

There are also many T-series tactical robots in the army of the Fourth Civilization. It's just that unlike the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, these T-series tactical robots are rarely responsible for decision-making on the battlefield, and generally only assist the commander in dealing with some problems. For example, for this type of information that involves detailed data, it is naturally much better to ask a tactical robot than a human.

"There are 39 Coyote bombers in total." The T-series tactical robot next to him said in a flat tone.

"Use it intensively, bomb the opponent's Governor-class battleship! Try to sink it!" Volgograd-Kanidi looked at the holographic combat star map, and one of them was approaching the planet Anji fiercely, and I also poked on the icon of the 4,000-meter-long large warship that constantly fired nuclear bombs.

"Roger!" The T-series tactical robot responded immediately, and then gave combat instructions to the Coyote robot bomber formation.

In an invisible hangar platform, the electronic eyes of 39 coyote robot bombers immediately lit up with scarlet light, and they began to stand up, using the deformable wings as four legs and began to climb towards the hangar launch channel.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen vulture robot fighters in the hangar, which were also activated at the same time, ready to take off to cover the bomber's operations.

Coyote robot bombers, the Navy of the Fourth Civilization was not very interested at first, thinking that they overlapped with Viking fighters. However, in continuous actual combat, it was found that the basic shape of this bomber is similar to that of the vulture robot fighter, but it is larger in size, with a length of 12.48 meters, so its firepower is also extremely fierce. It can be said to be a complete battleship killer!

And compared to the Viking fighter that also undertakes aerial combat missions at the same time, the Coyote robot bomber is more pure. The Fourth Civilization therefore introduced a production license for the Coyote droid bomber, and has begun producing such bombers themselves.

Because of this, the research and development of other drone models of the Fourth Civilization is more inclined to air superior drones. Such as the monk drone, the swarm drone, the F-99 wombat drone and so on.

This bomber squadron suddenly took off from the hangar platform with the cloaking device deployed, broke in from the side and rear of the Republic Fleet almost without warning, and approached the hapless Governor-class battleship! (end of this chapter)

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