The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1640 The Third Battle of the Mordel Sector (4)

1640. The Third Battle of the Mordel Sector (4)

The Governor-class battleship of the Galactic Republic was bombarding the planet Anji heartily, and was completely unprepared for the Coyote robot bomber formation attacking from the side and rear.

For this mission, the Coyote robot bombers are all equipped with anti-ship attack configuration. There are a total of 6 concussion missiles, 6 proton torpedoes, and 4 powerful proton bombs!

They quickly entered the attacking position, and the escorting vulture robot fighter jets rushed forward bravely to entangle the Galactic Republic escort fighter jet formation that rushed over in a panic. Seizing this little moment, 39 coyote robot bombers launched all the weapons they carried!

This governor-class battleship was hit by a particle light spear before, and the state of the shield was very weak. After being violently bombed by this group of coyote robot bombers, the deflector shield failed, followed by a total of 8 proton torpedoes and 3 A proton bomb hit the battleship engine from the rear!

In an extremely violent explosion, the Governor-class battleship lost all power immediately. The battleship was very close to the planet before. After losing power and anti-gravity devices, it was immediately captured by the gravity of the planet, and the whole battleship began to spin. , and began to fall rapidly towards the planet!

The launch stations on both sides of the battleship continuously shot out the rescue capsules. It was obvious that the people inside the battleship were also desperately trying to escape, but only a small number of people could escape at this time.

In the end, the huge 4,000-meter-long warship completely lost control, and then crashed into the planetary shield!

Under the strong gravitational force and its own huge mass, the mass of the entire battleship is all pressed on the planetary shield, and the strong repulsion generated by the deflector shield almost instantly crushes the entire battleship! Then the huge energy reactor inside the battleship suddenly produced an extremely violent explosion!

This terrible explosion finally became the last straw for the planetary shield of Anji's planet!

In a burst of extremely violent flickering and fluctuations, the planetary shield of Anji's planet finally collapsed!

"Land on now!!!" Casio Tag saw the disappearance of the planetary shield, and he almost exhausted his whole body to give the order.

5 Cheerer-class assault landing ships that were already ready to go immediately rushed into the planet's atmosphere, and at the same time, 10 Hunter-class battlecruisers were also covering the surrounding area.

The Jaeger-class battlecruiser came to the outer layer of the atmosphere and began to take off more fighter formations. These formations rushed into the planet Anji like locusts, and then bombarded the intended target indiscriminately!

Planet Anji is also fully prepared, with countless anti-aircraft guns and orbital defense systems on the ground firing violently! Wherever the fighter formations of the Galactic Republic passed by, the dense anti-aircraft firepower on the ground continued to fire up, almost lighting up the entire sky.

Three extremely powerful J-1 proton cannons were also pushed out from the concealed bunker, aiming at one of the Cheerers-class assault landing ships that were landing in this direction and firing directly!

The incomparable power of the three J-1 proton cannons directly penetrated the abdomen of the cheerer-class assault landing ship! Numerous goods and clone soldiers fell out of the penetrated place in the violent explosion, and even a few AT-TE walkers were also seen falling down!

Suffering devastating damage, the Cheerer-class assault landing ship began to flee in a panic, trying to leave the atmosphere. At the same time, a large group of fighter jets of the Galactic Republic also locked the position of the proton cannon, and rushed over viciously, wanting to give priority to destroying this powerful anti-aircraft cannon completely.

But before that, the J-1 proton cannon fired again, and the cheerer-class assault landing ship was hit again! The landing craft finally lost power and began to fall towards the ground.

While falling, the landing ship also opened all the hangar platforms to allow those transport planes and LAAT assault transport boats to take off as much as possible.

But the formation of fighter jets in the atmosphere deployed on the planet Anji also joined the battle, and they launched a crazy attack on these transport ships that took off in a hurry!

Boom~~~~ When this cheerer-class assault landing ship finally fell to the ground, the whole ground shook! More than 80% of the more than 15,000 clone troopers loaded on the landing ship failed to escape.

But in other directions, the other four cheerer-class assault landing ships launched a landing with powerful anti-aircraft firepower.

At the same time as the landing, other warships of the Galactic Republic mercilessly launched a tragic orbital bombardment on the planet Anji! This orbital bombing has no humanity at all. They bombed the north and south poles to melt the glaciers, and bombed the planet's transportation hubs and industrial centers in order to paralyze the defense of the entire planet in a short time!

However, the defense of an entire planet is naturally impossible to be so weak. Even if the planetary shield is destroyed, the counterattack on the ground is still very terrifying.

The orbital defense cannon built on the basis of the extremely large energy reactor on the ground is far more powerful than the main cannon of the Star Destroyer. Its only weakness is that it cannot move, and it can target the Star Destroyer as the planet rotates. Chances are few.

But even so, the Orbital Defense Cannon shot down several Galactic Republic warships.

At the same time, the fighter planes of the two sides also launched a frantic battle in the atmosphere. This is a life-and-death war!

The current situation is the two sides in the battle, whether the Galactic Republic cannot bear the heavy losses and retreats, or whether the Anji planet has shed its last drop of blood.

And at this moment, outside the Anji galaxy. After several rounds of supply supplies, the white light flickered violently, and 15 more Jaeger-class battlecruisers left the hyperspace channel and appeared here!

After these battleships arrived, they immediately received orders from Casio Tag, and rushed towards the battlefield of Planet Anji without stopping!

The warships prepared by the Galactic Republic and the Kuat Power Shipyard for this battle are not exhausted yet! !


At this time, the capital of Dawn Star, Dawn City.

In an unremarkable two-story building on the outskirts of the city, a beautiful blonde woman was busy in the kitchen. Her lower abdomen swelled slightly, obviously she was pregnant.

With a happy expression on her face, she gently stroked her stomach with one hand, and skillfully flipped the fried eggs in the pan with the other hand.

Soon, the delicious breakfast was ready, and the woman turned her head and shouted: "James! James! I prepared breakfast for you, it's time to get up!"

However, there was no response from inside the house.

"James!" The woman set the plate and walked towards the second floor.

I only saw a man in a large nightgown looking at the holographic projection in front of him in the study on the second floor.

In the projection, it was an extremely tragic scene!

"They are bombing the planet Anji..." the man sighed. (end of this chapter)

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