The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1534: 1534: Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (73)

Chapter 1534 Chapter 1534: Fa Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (seventy-three)

Fan Chen knew that Jiang Yanji had just acted, and instead of attacking the rear, he damaged a lot of troops.

"I don't know how the battle in Zhanjiang Pass was--"

Jiang Yanji had already become a blood man at this time, looking horrible, but the blood was all enemies, and she didn't even have one hair in her hair.

With a drop in the ear, the old chief sent her a private chat.

[Your dad]: You want to know the situation over there. Don't tell me, you are weak.

Jiang Yanji passed through and changed an ordinary person's body. The decline in physical skill was extenuating, and it was not that the spiritual area was weak.

"Liu Ye is an ordinary person. Excessive use of mental abilities will cause damage to this body. In addition, I haven't used it for many years, can't I remember it for a while?" Jiang Yanji smiled awkwardly, smiling. Covered with blood, I can't see the sincerity, but it has a bit of a bitter taste. "It's not a good thing to be comfortable for too long. I'm really worried that I won't be able to adapt to the federal rhythm in the future."

That being said, she still spread out her spiritual realm and "looked" at the battle situation in Zhanjiang Pass.

The city gates are firm, the gates have not been lost, and the enemy has not yet succeeded.

Quickly withdraw after reading.

at the same time--

Wei Ci looked at a certain direction outside the Zhanjiang Pass, and his eyes looked slightly blank.

"Only now, just now I feel the main character ... Illusion?"

There were 150,000 enemies outside the Zhanjiang Pass, killing and shaking the sky, and the sky was illuminated by the firelight into a city that never sleeps.

With the last lesson, Wei Wei brought enough troops and hundreds of stone throwers. The power of the siege is far from the last time.

As the so-called soldiers came to cover up, the water came to cover the earth, no matter how many enemies threw rocks, the city gates remained firm, but the battle on the walls was extremely fierce, and the stench of fire oil stimulated everyone's nerves. In addition to the enemy in the eyes of the crowd, they could no longer see anything else.

Tonight, either the enemy died or they died.

"It's a tough bone-it's so good to keep it!"

General Nie Ying looked at the city wall covered with ladder ropes. His expressions were all overcast and fierce, and his black eyes were colored orange by the fire.

Wei Wei said, "Yu Yan's vigilance is far beyond my imagination."

Suddenly launched an attack, the defensive side was not fully prepared, and most of them would cope with it.

According to Nie Liang's plan during his lifetime, Jiang Yanji confidently sent troops to chase their bait, and the defense of Zhanjiang Pass would be greatly weakened. They launched a siege battle at night, and the enemy rushed to fight. In the face of the Nie's army with full firepower, even if Jiang Yanji can resist for a while and a half, Zhanjiang Pass can't keep it. For the sake of self-protection, he can only lead his troops to retreat, and the result is disappointed.

Wei Wei led his troops directly to Zhanjiang Pass. Although the enemy rushed to fight, they did not immediately collapse, and the reinforcements arrived very promptly.

Jiang Yanji is far more cautious than he and Nie Liang imagined. He is obviously a woman of twenty-two or twenty-three years of age, but he is more cautious and cunning than the elderly of four or fifty. She believed the news of Nie Jun's retreat, and in the end she ordered Zhanjiang Pass to be more vigilant and prevent night attacks. I really don't know if she should "do more", or praise her for being cunning like a fox and treacherous?

The general said ruthlessly, "What about being vigilant? I will break this barrier tonight!"

Nie Jun made a furious attempt to win the Zhanjiang Pass this time. This time it was unsuccessful. I do n’t know when the next opportunity will be.

"Of course-Zhanjiang Pass must be broken tonight."

Whatever it takes!

Seeing the huge fireballs were thrown into the city walls, wall stacks and even the gates of Zhanjiangguan by a stone thrower, Wei's mood was extremely calm.

"That Shi Zhong is still useful."

Shi Zhong was chopped a few times with a hatchet by his bandits. He couldn't carry the pen in his right hand for a short time. The cheek wound was too deep, causing the left eye to be blind, and there was a very long wound from the left shoulder to the clavicle. He was so injured, even if he had the amazing perseverance to re-engraved the drawings he had written, but with no strength in his hands, he could not draw such detailed drawings at all. Unable to paint, he made another plan and simply dictated.

Oral improvement of existing armaments, such as coating a layer of fire oil on the stones of a rock thrower and igniting before throwing.

Fireballs and simple rocks have different lethality.

After Shi Zhong's improvement, the stone throwing vehicle did put tremendous pressure on the pass.

Without Jiang Yanji's marksman, coupled with the sky factors, the soldiers who controlled the crossbow could not effectively destroy the enemy's throwing vehicle.

It took so long for them to destroy four or five. In desperation, Wei Ci could only order the stone thrower on the city wall to point at the enemy's stone thrower. Right, the efficiency was much higher than that of a bed crossbow destroying the stone thrower. By the way, he could also hit the enemy's shooter on the spot.

The city is still deadlocked, and Zhanjiang Pass is temporarily in danger of not being lost.

Jiang Yanji is much easier here, even if there are more enemies than them, but relying on her precise command can always make the enemy lose.

Not only that, she also took the time to ask the old chief, so as not to forget it after the war.

"I remember before the retirement of the old chief, I mentioned awakening, what is that?"

[Your dad]: Fighting is still half-hearted, your subordinates know, how do you feel?

"Don't change the subject!"

There was silence for a while, as if a few sentences required her to rack her brains.

[Your dad]: What's the matter ... Well, children have no mother, it's a long story.

"To make a long story short!"

[Your dad]: The current strength system of the Federation is based on the development of human limits, and the key lies in genes. Under normal circumstances, the genes of ordinary people will evolve with generations of inheritance, but some geniuses can condense hundreds or even thousands of years of evolution into just a few years. This is the gene unlocking-completely unlocked Bound, the power limit that the human body can reach. But there are several genes locks in the end, no one can answer yet, and maybe the end is the eternal life that all scientists dream of.

Jiang Yanji frowned.

[Your dad]: It's far away ... The "awakening" I said is essentially similar to but different from gene unlocking. The latter is to develop the potential of the body, but the former is to trace the origins and return to the ancestors. Why do you think Jiang Jiazhi will be hit by the brain power? Because Jiang Jiayu's blood vessels spread ancient blood! You are the last lineal descendant and the only one who has the opportunity to awaken the power of the ancestors. This power is the most feared existence of the defection Tiannao, and only you can completely kill it!

"What if ... I didn't wake up?"

[Your dad]: Die! The federal funeral for you! Rest assured, I will mail you the best coffin.

"Affectionate woman." Jiang Yanji pouted, "No--this body is Liu Yan, how can I 'awaken'?"

[Your dad]: The ancient blood of the Jiang family is rather special, not attached to the body but attached to the soul.

Jiang Yanji looked down and seemed to think of something.

"Awakening that thing will change your hair color?"

[Your dad]: It's possible, let alone change your hair color, you can change your gender.

V group of shiitake mushrooms: 687 two four one 001

Ordinary group: 699 six five one 712

The V group needs 10,000 female emperor fans worth 10,000, and those with insufficient fan value can go to Pu group.

_ (: з ″ ∠) _ The mushrooms have a bad toothache for the past two days, and the toothache that is owed after two days is not hurt for two days and they are immediately replaced.

(End of this chapter)

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