The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1535: 1535: Nie Liang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (74)

Chapter 1535 Chapter 1535: Nieliang Attacks Yang Tao, Sword Pointing At The World (Seventy-four)

"Change gender? So poisonous?"

Jiang Yanji said so in his mouth, but his eyes brightened, a look of eagerness.

[Your dad]: What do you want to do?

According to her understanding of Jiang Yanji, most of them are not a good thing. This guy doesn't even have a little bit of martial arts.

Jiang Yanji said, "Well, everyone is an adult. Ming people don't say secret words-I want to cry and filial piety!"

[Your dad]: You really should let your underages take a good look at what kind of beast you are.

What kind of operation are you thinking about?

Jiang Yanji mumbled, "You just say it's impossible."

[Your dad]: No, give up. The Jiang family's ability to return to ancestors is to control fire and does not support gender conversion.

Fire control?

Jiang Yanji couldn't help but groan, "Isn't this the same as the ability derived from my gene unlock?"

I thought it would be a special ability to hang up the sky, anyway, playing with fire.

[Your dad]: It ’s different. Before the awakening, it is ordinary fire. After the awakening, the flame can burn everything, but it is the blaze that wipes out everything. The warship that the Federation claims to be the strongest defense can not stand that. Destruction of this kind of flame. Not only can it burn entities, it can also burn spiritual energy. In addition to the changes in flames, the ability to awaken the blood of the ancient blood will also increase a hundredfold, and at the same time, the life span will increase significantly. Tiannao hates Jiang Jiayu branch, in addition to the old hatred two thousand years ago, there is this.

Jiang Yanji echoed, "It's really good. I don't need to use flint to make a fire in the future."

[Your dad]:… To be honest, most of your ancestors will die when they hear you.

Coupled with Jiang Yanji, only three awakened in two thousand years.

The first two are well-known figures. They killed the federal hostile forces, but Jiang Yanji ... used to make a fire?

A little bit better, okay?

Jiang Yanji could not help rolling his eyes.

What's the use of her ability to blow up the sky again?

The enemy is a group of ordinary people. In order not to bully people, her mental field has converged. What should she do?

Jiang Yanji couldn't help but vomit, "I can't use it to make a fire, what else can I do? The old chief said just now, the flame after awakening can burn spiritual energy. In the words of this era, the human spirit is the so-called three Seven souls. My fire will make my spirits fly away, and there is no need to be so fierce. In summary, this is a golden finger without much eggs. "

For her now, it is really useless.

[Your dad]: ...

It's justified and makes people irrefutable. Jiang Yanji's current state is the same as the full-scale divine costume going to Xinshoucun. Taking off the divine costume can also completely abuse the small village. At this time, give her another divine costume, to be frank, this is just the icing on the cake.

The old chief felt that he should revere him.

[Your dad]: Don't underestimate it, it will come in handy in the future.

Leaving such a plausible sentence, the old chief went offline, leaving Jiang Yanji with a lot of questions.

Jiang Yanji watched the scuffle, took a deep breath, and told herself over and over again-this is just a war of ordinary people, she wants to restrain!

Don't watch Jiang Yanji talk to the old chief for a few minutes, but her pace of killing the enemy has not stopped.

No matter whether it is the enemy or his comrade-in-arm's robe, Jiang Yanji could kill the Quartet while being distracted and talking with others.

If you know, it is estimated that you will spit blood.

Of course, Fan Chen and others are now depressed enough.

No matter how they sneak attack or deploy troops to attack, the enemy seems to predict their actions in advance, and the defense is leak-proof.

Even if the number of own side is a lot higher than that of the enemy side, it does not take much advantage.

At this point, news came from the front--

"Military division, the enemy has a general who is so terrible that the soldiers cannot stop him at all."

This rhetoric has been beautified. In fact, the soldiers in that area were guilty and almost no one dared to attack.

If no more measures are taken, the enemy may use this as a breach and counterattack them.

Fan Chen asked, "Terrible? How terrible can it be?"

"Why can't a hundred people do it!"

Fan Chen frowned slightly, and it seemed that he could not imagine such an inhuman existence under Jiang Yanji's account.

When describing others as brave, they always like to use "one man as a guardian and one man as a guardian" and "one man as one hundred". No matter whether it is "Wan Fu Mo Kai" or "Taking One as One Hundred", the words "One Hundred" and "One Hundred" are both empty words, which means that there are many people rather than the real ten thousand people and one hundred people.

Even a martial arts high-powered general, in the face of hundreds of enemies, will most likely give up his life.

No matter how strong Wuyi is, he also has two hands and two feet, and his physical strength is limited. He cannot be a little tired or injured.

There are really such generals under Jiang Yanji's account, and he shouldn't be a little bit of fame unless--

Fan Chen flashed a flash of light in his head and thought of something.

He just speculated that Jiang Yanji would probably be in front of the battle. At this time, another brave and talented young man appeared. Could it be ...

"How about Liu Yan's force?"

He inquired about Bian, who was the one who had met Jiang Yanji's front line.

Bi will answer honestly, "This person is a rare warrior in the world. If the end will fight with her, it will not take half a tea time."

Jiang Yanji once fought the generals before the battle, killing several people in a row, and those generals ranked high in Nieying.

"The military division suddenly asked what this was for?"

Fan Chen said, "Guess ... is it possible that the teenager who just reported up is Liu Ye?"

Pi will be surprised by Fan Chen's speculation.

"Is this, is this possible?"

He stated that he did not understand the brain circuits of the princes.

The fighting generals will stop. If the force is high, the one-to-one survival rate will be extremely high.

However, it's a scuffle now!

Soldiers of the two armies can only distinguish between enemies and enemies by the color of their armor, neck or arm straps. As a vassal of one party, she didn't want to be good at running in the rear to sneak attack. Now even dare to intervene in melee, admiring her for being a man!

Fan Chen whispered, "Perhaps seven or eight are accurate."

Even if he is not allowed, Fan Chen wants the teenager to fold here.

There are such capable generals under Jiang Yanji's tent. When the two armies meet, they can greatly boost morale. It is a scourge to keep them.

Fan Chen's speculation was naturally correct. This wave was soaring, and the person who killed 300 enemy troops in a short period of time was Jiang Yanji.

"Hmm--I feel like my identity is exposed--"

After a while, Jiang Yanji apparently felt that the enemy was deliberately targeting her.

Both the secret arrows and the number of enemies rushing up were rising, and both of them were busy stabilizing the overall situation and could not care about their main character for a while. Jiang Yanji excitedly licked the blood that accidentally splashed on his lips, and with one hand danced the knife, and the other hand pulled out the barbed iron whip around the waist. Her ability to work with one heart is not just about chatting and chatting, but also fighting!

_ (: з 」∠) _ It is shameful to ask for a monthly ticket ~~~ Suddenly I find that toothache is the weapon to lose weight. I can't eat anything, and it will be reduced quickly.

PS: Regarding the title, Shiitake doesn't think it's necessary to think about it this month.

(End of this chapter)

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