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Chapter 1536: 1536: Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (seventy-five)

Chapter 1536 Chapter 1536: Fa Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (seventy-five)

The enemy underestimated the power of the iron whip.

When they held Zhang Yu's long spear at His Majesty Jiang Yanji, they saw Jiang Yanji's long whip dancing, and they bound all their spears like a snake. With a strain on her wrist, the spear in the hands of more than ten people was easily snatched away by Jiang Yanji.

The whip fluttered again, and she returned to the enemy with all her spears.

Some go straight through the cheek holes, some go towards the neck, some penetrate the heart ...

Don't say they hurt Jiang Yanji, she couldn't even touch her majesty, and it was very painful.

Fan Chen is extremely dissatisfied with this progress. So many people can't win one person? His horse is still alive and well?

Bi Jiang said, "I must wait for incompetence, because the enemy is too evil."

Jiang Yanji didn't say anything at first, just her horse is very evil.

No matter how many people try to pierce the war horse with a spear, they will always pierce a layer of invisible but real barriers.

The soldiers were stunned by this change. For a while, the teenager on horseback swept away the spear with an iron whip or directly beat the soldiers under siege. This is not an exaggerated description. The power of the iron whip can really break the neck and fly the brain!

How **** and violent the scene was, Bi would not know what words to use to describe it.

Fan Chen said after hearing, "It really is Liu Yan, no matter how much it is paid, this person must not be kept alive!"

Pi will sigh in secret, and fists.

In order to arouse the fighting spirit of his soldiers, he directly shouted the identity of Jiang Yanji.

As the so-called "there must be brave husbands under re-reward", Pi will show the reward under Fan Chen's advice.

"This person is the prince Liu Yan, who can take off her head, and reward him with 100,000 gold, and the land is closed!"

One hundred thousand gold?

The fiefdom?

The high interest made the timid soldiers red-eyed, one by one, as if they had beaten chicken blood, they rushed forward.

When they were soldiers, they hung their heads on the belt of their trousers. Today, there is no tomorrow, and they don't know when they will be in their prime.

Now I have a chance in front of them, even if they are desperate, they have to give it a try, maybe they can pick up Jiang Yanji's head.

With the head in hand, the 100,000 gold reward plus the seal title, you will only have to enjoy it in this life.

Jiang Yanji was shouted to break his identity. The two men rushed to send soldiers to **** Jiang Yanji to retreat, but his own protagonist refused.

"A group of black people want my head too?"

Jiang Yanji felt ashamed.

Not to mention a group of ordinary soldiers who are not qualified, even the colleagues of previous lives are not sure to win her head.

I really thought her head was paperless.

"It's almost death!"

Jiang Yanji alone attracted half of the firepower, and the enemy archers aimed at her and her Majesty.

Fan Chen felt that Jiang Yanji should be dead, but he did not know that Jiang Yanji was a sorrow, and Lord Yan did not dare to take her life.

Arrow rain has come in all directions. It can be shot down, and it can't be shot down in the spiritual realm.

The enemy rushed up without worry, sending people a thousand miles away, showing courtesy and affection, how could she not smile?

The severely injured Berning was commanded by Jiang Yanji to command and dispatch. He could not easily go forward. He could only listen to the soldier's report, and knew only the terrible feat of his main character through words. Enemy bodies around her could pile up the hill.

Qin Gong was relatively lightly injured, but he was able to lead troops to cope with Jiang Yanji.

"Going back to tell several military divisions about this--"

He is not a man who likes to make small reports, but he really can't stand his own hero running into the enemy's heap.

If the **** let a few be here, Jiang Yanji would not dare to be so brazen, they were not there, and Qin Gongbining couldn't hold her back.

Even if hated by the protagonist, Qin Gong will make a small report!

It was dark, the two armies killed you, and almost everyone lost their mind.

As soon as a soldier strangled the enemy, the enemy's blade stabbed him into a horse honeycomb the next second.

The battle was stalemate here, and Zhanjiang Pass was killed more fiercely.

Wei Wei apparently came this time, even though Wei Ci and others have tried to destroy their more than 50 slingshots, but there are still new slingshots being pushed up by soldiers to replace the smashed slumped ones Stone throwing car. The fire was fierce and the offensive continued.

The wall was very dangerous, and the **** asked the others to retreat from command to avoid being accidentally injured by the high-altitude objects thrown by the stone thrower.

"I have a saying that is right—the Nie family has a great career and a wealth of money. I can't wait!"

The **** had burned the vultures of the newly made feather fan, and burned a few holes in his sleeves. He looked very embarrassed.

Wei Ci smiled bitterly, and Nie's ... is indeed a wealthy man!

Father Sun Wen's face was somber and authentic, "They are stubborn and want to break the Zhanjiang Pass. If this situation continues, I'm afraid they can't keep it."

It's not that our military's strength isn't working, it's just because the enemy personnel and firepower have exceeded the limits they can resist.

In this siege battle, the losses of both sides were even worse than the last time.

If usual, in the face of such a large loss, Wei Wei had already retired, but this time it seemed that he had taken the wrong medicine, and he would not spare.

The **** gave way, "We are so distressed for such a large loss."

Wei Ci said, "According to his character, he will not easily withdraw troops at this moment, of course ... it is better not to withdraw!"

The **** asked Wei Ci with his eyes.

Wei Ci said, "The protagonist is still outside the Zhanjiang Pass. If the elder brother knows it, he will definitely send troops back for assistance, but the protagonist is dangerous."

If you lose Zhanjiang Pass, you will lose it. Sooner or later, you will be able to call back, but the protagonist is gone-it is really irreparable.

The **** sighed secretly.

It's really heartbreaking.

At this time, Father Sun Wen said, "If you can't keep it, you might as well retreat to Erdao City."

Wei Ci asked, "Meaning of Tao means ... Zhanjiang Pass was released? If the protagonist knew, he would be furious."

Sun Wendao, "This is called retreating for progress."

Jiang Yanji knew that Nie was difficult to play, so he was extremely cautious when defending.

Not only was the city built, but a temporary wall was also built to cushion the enemy's forces.

Sun Wendao, "The enemies control the place outside the Zhanjiangguan city walls. They are also very convenient to transport the trebuchet ladders and unhindered, but it is a burden for our army. It would be better to let this wall and retreat to the second city. There is a long distance between the closed gate and Erdao City. If the enemy wants to attack Erdao City, they can only pass through the gate. Although the gate is tall and spacious, there are tens of thousands of enemies, and it is impossible to flood in at once. It will take longer for heavy stones, etc. to be brought in. "

The newly built Erdao City has a slightly weaker defensive ability, but it can also play a role in buffering the enemy ’s strength and gaining time for itself.

If the enemy rushes in, it will inevitably disrupt the military formation and even lead to the untimely dilemma of reinforcement support.

Because of the gate, the enemy's stone-crushing vehicle could not reach Erdao City in the first place, which weakened the enemy's combat power.

Sometimes strategic retreats are also made to lure enemies.

However, making this choice requires courage and courage.

_ (: з 」∠) _ Cavendish, it hurts.

Suddenly found that, just like attacking and defending, using several walls to gradually weaken the enemy's forces, making them unable to support them, and then hit out with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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