The End Is Approaching: People In Yingjiang, Crazy Zero Yuan Shopping

077: Too Addicted To Poker, Full Of Gamblers! Enter The Military Base!

It was around three o'clock in the afternoon.

The rain has stopped.

On the third floor of the capital building, Xiao Yuan and his poker players gathered together.

It stands to reason that the rain has stopped, and they should go to the Bethes military base to clean up the ammunition depot.

But right now it's playing cards.

The game is halfway through.

You must not go halfway, otherwise this brand is too bad.

And the king bomb in his hand, if it doesn't explode, even a man can't bear it.

do not care.

Let's finish this game first.

"Kim, you're out of gas on your cards."

"Playing cards are easy to fly around."

Xiao Yuan put away the playing cards first.

Then Kim Carlos got up and oiled the solid poker table, making it shiny and smooth in an instant.

Xiao Yuan tried it.

Slam the playing cards on the table hard, and they bounce up high in an instant.

But no flying around.

Not bad!

You have to use your strength to play cards, especially when throwing bombs. If you don't throw the momentum of the bomb, you will have no strength in the fight.

So not only must the quality of the playing cards be good.

Also, the card table must be solid and solid.

No matter how much force you have, the cards will not be broken, the table will not be broken, and you can play as you want.

Better to get some oil on the table.

Poker will not fly around, saving you from picking cards everywhere.

After the game is over.

it's getting dark.

Xiao Yuan got addicted to poker, and instantly entered the saint mode.

I regret it now.

According to the plan, when the rain stopped, we should go to clean up the ammunition depot.

It was getting dark outside.

Also wiped the hair.

Margaret carefully helped Xiao Yuan put away the playing cards.

Then he said: "It's okay master, it's not too late for us to go again tomorrow morning.

Lilia also said: "Yes, let's go tomorrow."

"I'm going to work again tomorrow, and I guess I'll be tired all day."

"After dinner in the evening, we continued to play cards, I don't believe we can't beat the master.

"Piss off, never wins."

Lilia's proposal was approved by everyone.

Xiao Yuan smiled.

One by one, they were so addicted to cards that they all became gamblers.

This should be put before the end of the world, such a big card addiction, which man can afford it?

No matter how big a family is, it can be emptied.

Fortunately, Xiao Yuan's family background is strong, and he won everything, otherwise he really wouldn't dare to fight with these gamblers every day.

"Okay, it's almost time to eat."

"Let's go."

The place where everyone eats is the state banquet hall in the capital.

The kitchen is big enough.

The restaurant is also big enough.

After all, it is a place to hold state banquets and entertain foreign guests, and the layout is luxurious and exquisite.

Meals are more moody.

At the dinner table, Xiao Yuan started talking about business.

"Anna, how big is the ammunition depot at Bethes Military Base?"

Determined the size.

Xiao Yuan was able to arrange the number of people.

Anna thought about 967 and thought: "I'm not sure how big it is, because I haven't been there.

"I heard from my father."

Since it was said by the five-star general, there must be nothing wrong with it.

"But there are some things I can be sure of."

"This base belongs to the army base, and all the warehouse stores are light weapons and ammunition."

Hear small arms.

Xiao Yuan was obviously taken aback.

Didn't you say you want to take me to get the heavy machine gun bullets?

They are all light weapons and ammunition, although it is not too little, but it is obviously different from my purpose.

Anna seemed to see Xiao Yuan's doubts.

"Master, there are many types of light weapons."

"The original small arms refer to pistols, submachine guns, rifles, as well as light machine guns and grenades.

"Later with the development of armament weapons."

"Squad portable weapons, also light weapons."

"Such as heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, including machine guns, etc."

I'll be good.

Xiao Yuan's spirit trembled suddenly.

Mad, in addition to heavy machine guns, there are rocket launchers, grenade launchers, and even machine guns.

The minimum caliber of that thing is 20 mm.

Used for hunting.

Not to mention making a big hole with one shot, at least it can make a double penetration.

Xiao Yuan can't wait to go to the Besses military base now.

After obtaining these large-caliber weapons and bullets, there will be more ways to kill hunters in the future.

"Do you know the quantity, roughly how many?"

Anna thought about it.

"I remember my father said that the total amount of various ammunition in stock is close to 200 million."


200 million!

Madeleine, that's cool!

Of course, compared to Eagle Sauce's official total inventory, 200 million ammunition is just a drop in the bucket.

Before the end of the world, all countries have analyzed it.

The official number of conventional bullets in Eagle Sauce is at least 50 billion.

And it's in stock.

Not counting the bullets distributed to the various combat units.

"So many bullets."

"Tomorrow only two people will be left to look after the house, and the others will go with me to carry the bullets.

Margaret hurriedly said:

"Master, let me go too."

"I haven't been out for a long time."

Margaret hasn't been out on a mission since she took charge of the internal affairs.

I also want to go out to relax.

"Okay, sure."

Xiao Yuan is quite satisfied with Margaret.

Not only does the housekeeping work well, but every time after playing cards, Xiao Yuan's poker will be carefully cleaned and wiped clean one by one.

She is a very careful woman.

From time to time, it should be taken out for activities.

So as not to get bored.

After dinner, there's nothing else to do (bab).

Seeing how much money everyone has in their pockets, and the card addiction has relapsed, Xiao Yuan decided to win their points before talking about it.

the other side.

Bethess Military Base, Canteen Warehouse.

Lin Yuan was still behind the shelf, quietly eating bread and drinking milk.

She kept her voice as low as possible.

Let the two Yingjiang soldiers on the opposite side not be aware of their movements, maybe they will mistakenly think that they are asleep.

Then touch it quietly.

Then you can kill them.

Fortunately, the zombies outside the door kept hitting, and the loud noise covered up the sound of eating.

After eating and drinking.

Lin Yuan continued to squat behind the shelf.

The eagle sauce soldier on the opposite side threw things here from time to time, and even cursed some nasty swear words.

Lin Yuan knew that they wanted to annoy her.

But she was still calm and steady, never making a sound.


When it was late at night, Lin Yuan began to feel drowsy, and she was extremely sleepy.

Play mobile phones and play games.

Maybe not sleepy all night.

But in the warehouse Curry, I can't do anything, and I have been listening to the zombies hitting the door, like a lullaby.

Lin Yuan tried her best to keep herself awake.

She dared not fall asleep.

At this time, another eagle sauce soldier who was resting in turn on the opposite side also woke up.

He pointed across.

Another soldier shook his head.

It meant that it was not clear whether Lin Yuan had fallen asleep, and the two decided to wait.

So the soldiers, who were resting in rotation, began to close their eyes and sleep.

The soldier in charge of security suddenly had an idea.

He picked up a can of Coke from the shelf.

Then he took out another cigarette.

Squeeze out the shredded tobacco inside.

Take out another bullet, remove the bullet, and sprinkle the gunpowder evenly on the cigarette paper.

He doesn't sprinkle much.

Because the amount of gunpowder is small, it will not burn quickly when it is ignited.

At least from this side of the warehouse, throw it to the opposite shelf, and it can still keep burning and smoking.

Eagle sauce soldier carefully tightened the cigarette paper.

Then fix it on the Coke can, and a simple fake grenade was successfully made.

When it was more than four o'clock in the morning, he felt that the time had come.

People are the most sleepy at this time.

The woman opposite may have fallen asleep.

But he wasn't sure.

So give it a try.

The soldier patted his sleeping teammates to wake them up, and then showed them the fake grenade they made.

That's a Coke can.

A strip of cigarette paper wrapped in gunpowder is fixed on it.

The soldiers who woke up immediately understood what he meant. The lights in the warehouse Curry were dimmed. When the cigarette paper was lit, the gunpowder inside would burn and smoke would come out.

Throw the can of Coke over gently.

If the other party is awake, they will immediately evade, and then they will be exposed to their guns.

If there is no response from the other party.

It means that he has fallen asleep, so that would be the best, and he will go directly to catch the living.

Then enjoy!

The two eagle sauce soldiers are excited!

The eagle sauce soldier who made his own fake grenade lit the cigarette paper on the Coke can.

The gunpowder smoked instantly.

He threw it out quickly and rolled along the ground to the shelf where the woman was hiding.

at the same time.

The man raised his gun at the same time and looked at the other side of the shelf.

If that woman is awake.

You can only jump to the other side of the shelf to avoid the grenade, and you will be exposed to the gun.

two seconds...


The gunpowder of the fake grenade burned out, and the woman on the opposite side did not move.

Another five seconds passed.

Still no response.

The two eagle sauce soldiers showed relaxed expressions, indicating that the other party was asleep.

The two made an OK gesture.

Then touch it quietly.

But when I came to the back of the shelf where the woman was hiding, I found it was empty.


The two Yingjiang soldiers were stunned for a moment. The warehouse was surrounded by reinforced concrete walls.

It is also difficult to fly with wings.

How could that woman run away without a sound?

at this time.

Behind the two, gunshots suddenly sounded.

Da da da da da.....

The dense bullets shot towards them desperately, and before the two Yingjiang soldiers could react, they each shot themselves several times.

And they're all fatal.

The two received the lunch box on the spot.


Lin Yuan let out a long breath, and finally relaxed her tense nerves.

Get rid of these two eagle sauce soldiers.

The warehouse curry is safe!

In fact, when the fake grenade was thrown over, Lin Yuan was still struggling to sleep.

I saw an iron lump rolling over.

And it was smoking.

Anyone would mistake it for a grenade, and Lin Yuan almost flew out to avoid the grenade.

But she is a highly trained agent.

Mental quality and response are not generally fast.

She immediately realized that if the opponent had a grenade, she would have thrown it to blow herself up.

Why wait until now?

Especially when they first rushed into the warehouse, so many people died, and they never threw a grenade over to blow themselves up.

It means that the opponent has no grenade at all.

Moreover, there is still a difference between soda cans and black sweet potatoes. Lin Yuan immediately realized that this might be a fake.

Deliberately deceive yourself.


Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a Coke can.

Lin Yuan immediately slashed, the opponent's temptation may be a precursor to an attack.

She wants to gamble once!

So get up immediately,

Touch the shelf from the other side.

She was right.

The two eagle sauce soldiers at the gate are not here.

She popped her head out.

He happened to see the two soldiers in a daze at the place where he was hiding just now.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Lin Yuan fired a bullet and successfully killed the two of them.

After the crisis is resolved.

Lin Yuan immediately gathered the ammunition of the eleven soldiers.

80 rounds of pistol bullets.

470 rounds of automatic rifle ammunition.

There is plenty of ammunition.

But it is a bit troublesome to leave the warehouse, after all, there are nearly two hundred zombies outside.

If you shoot through the crack of the door.

Not only can't they kill all of them, but the corpses of dead zombies will also block the door.

If you remove the shelf and then climb up to shoot zombies condescendingly, the swarming zombies will definitely overturn the shelf.

Can't think of a better way for the time being.

"do not care."

"Let's get some sleep first."

It's almost five o'clock in the morning, and I'm so sleepy that I can't talk about the big things until I wake up.

next morning.

Two helicopters took off from the lawn in front of the capital.

Although the capital has been shrouded in space folding.

However, going out from the inside will not be affected.

Both helicopters are fully loaded, exactly 32 people, of course, in fact, a few more people can be loaded.

The pilots of the two planes were Dani and Delilah.

Although it was the first time to fly a plane independently, the passengers in the plane were very relaxed.

Even if it is really improper driving, leading to a crash.

Everyone can also teleport directly to the ground before the plane crashes.

"Master, our planes don't go straight to the military base.

"It is best to land near the Walter Military Medical Center, which is only 50 kilometers away from the military base.

"We'll drive there then."

Xiao Yuan nodded, he understood what Anna meant.

Bethess Military Base, though only an Army base.

But there are definitely anti-aircraft missiles.

No matter how bad it is, there are anti-aircraft guns.

In case there are survivors in the base and see an unknown plane approaching, just shoot it out and you'll be done.

Although less likely.

But the end times have caused some people to become extremely insane.

Have to guard against.

Half an hour later, the helicopter arrived at the Walter Army Medical Center.

Dani and Di Lila found a relatively safe open space in the suburbs to land.

When it is more than 100 meters above the ground.

The people in the plane teleported down first to clean up the scattered zombies nearby.

After the plane lands.

Xiao Yuan put the helicopter into the space warehouse, and then released five off-road vehicles and an explosion-proof vehicle.

The explosion-proof car opened the way ahead.

The crowd continued to drive towards the Bethes military base.

Anna sat in Xiao Yuan's explosion-proof car and led the way.

There are scattered zombies everywhere on the road, and those who can hit them will hit them directly.

If you can't hit it, you can even teleport over with a car.

less than half an hour.

The convoy arrived at the Besses military base.

Xiao Yuan found a commanding height to observe, the base is not big.

There are seven or eight hundred zombies wandering inside.

strictly speaking.

The significance of the existence of the Bethesia base is only to guard the ammunition depot inside.

Of course.

It does not rule out other uses, Xiao Yuan is a layman and does not understand these.

"Anna, do you know the exact location of the ammunition depot?"

Anna shook her head.

"I don't know about that."

"At the beginning, when I was chatting with my father, I accidentally mentioned the situation of this base.

"So there was no question about the location of the ammunition depot."

Well, it seems that it depends on the survivors.

As long as you find a living person, you can ask the location of the ammunition depot.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome to find it yourself.

Xiao Yuan opened the jump gate and teleported everyone to the roof of the base soldier dormitory.

Only this building is the tallest.

The condescending view is wider, and you can observe where the ammunition depot may exist.

Every time I go to a strange place.

The first thing Xiao Yuan has to do is to release his perception to investigate.

Released with powerful perception.

The dormitory building was investigated again, and there were no survivors, and the perception continued to spread to the nearby cafeteria.

Xiao Yuan's eyes lit up immediately.

"There are survivors in this building.

"And there are many zombies."

"It must have been trapped inside.

Hearing that there were survivors, Anna immediately looked forward to it.

Maybe he can hear about his father.

Although this base has nothing to do with the five-star general, it all belongs to the army system in the final analysis.

"Okay, you guys wait for me here first."

"I'm going down."

After Xiao Yuan finished speaking, he locked onto a safe location in the cafeteria and teleported there.

The eyes are heavy shelves.

It is filled with flour, cooking oil, bread, milk

There are still many corpses of Yingjiang soldiers lying on the ground.

It appears that there was an intense firefight here.

Next to a shelf, a woman was lying.

Xiao Yuan took a closer look.

The other party has the face of a woman from the Xia Kingdom, with delicate features and fair skin.

The plump and well-shaped figure undulates with even breathing.

Very stalwart and imposing....

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