Xiao Yuan was a little confused for a moment.

This is Yingjiang's military base, and there is actually a woman from the Xia Kingdom inside.

Of course.

It is not ruled out that it is Xiaoxiba, or Xiaobaga.

However, there are some differences between the people of these two countries.

From the perspective of temperament, it is more likely that the person lying on the ground is a woman from the Xia Kingdom.

All the Yingjiang soldiers in the warehouse were dead.

She is alone.

Although the eyes are closed, from the even breathing, it can be seen that he is sleeping.

Then, the identity of this woman must not be simple.

Xiao Yuan squatted down carefully.

He reached out to touch the weapon in the woman's hand, and instantly put it into the space-warehouse.

Just as she was about to take away the pistol at her waist.

The woman was awakened.

Xiao Yuan immediately pointed the local gold pistol at her head.

"Do not move!"

Xiao Yuan spoke Xia Guo dialect, and wanted to test whether the other party was a Xia Guo woman.

"People from the Xia Kingdom?"

"Are you...Space Bandit Xiao Yuan?"

The woman recognized Xiao Yuan.

"I didn't expect you to know me."

Not surprisingly, the survivors all over the world, except those who don't know how to use a mobile phone, have basically watched Xiao Yuan's video.

"What's your name?"

"Lin Yuan."

"Why are you here?"

Lin Yuan was silent.

As an agent, she cannot reveal her true identity.

At least it's impossible to tell someone you just met.

"Sorry I can't tell you."

Lin Ying's tone was clean and concise.

Xiao Yuan is also more aware that the identity of this woman is not simple.

But it looks like she won't say it.

"Where are you from?"

"Magic City."

Coincidentally, meeting fellow countrymen in a foreign country.

"I know that you are also from Modu, and your information background has been made public before the end of the world." Lin Xue said.

Xiao Yuan didn't deny it either.

But compatriots belong to compatriots, fellow villagers belong to fellow villagers, Xiao Yuan still pointed the gun at Lin Yuan.

"Give me your weapon first."

"Don't play tricks.

After all, this is the end of the world, and people's hearts are unpredictable.

When fellow countrymen meet fellow villagers, put a... on the bed, no, there are too many things about putting a gun in the back.

You must first ensure that the other party is not a threat.

Lin Yuan smiled calmly.

"What if I don't give you the gun?"

Xiao Yuan said lightly, "Then I'll just be rough."

Lin Yuan frowned.

She has no hostility towards Xiao Yuan, and even before the end of the world, she still has a mission to contact Xiao Yuan.

Try to convince him to play for the country.

However, with the outbreak of the end of the world, the superiors could not be contacted at all, and the mission was cancelled.

But in the end it's a fellow.

Lin Yuan asked with a hint of expectation: "If I give you the gun, can you promise not to hurt me?"

Xiao Yuan nodded.

"Of course, I do not harm anyone who is not a threat to me.

Lin Yuan smiled, then handed the gun to Xiao Yuan.

It doesn't work if you don't give it.

She knew very well that she was no match for Xiao Yuan.

People with space abilities come and go freely, and the dragon sees the head but does not see the end.

And before the end of the world, twenty policemen and twenty mercenaries were killed in one go.

Still unscathed.

With this kind of strength, Lin Yuan thought that even if she used all her abilities, she would have no experience in parrying.

It's better to take the initiative to hand over the gun.

"I hope you keep your word."

Xiao Yuan looked at Lin Niao again. She was wearing a nocturnal tights, and it was impossible to hide weapons inside her clothes.

"Since you don't want to tell me your identity."

"I don't force it either."

In fact, Xiao Yuan can roughly guess that a Xia country woman appeared at the Yingjiang military base.

And he killed so many Yingjiang soldiers by himself.

The identity is ready to be revealed.

Either an agent, or a special soldier performing a secret mission.

Judging from Lin Ying's temperament, she doesn't have the style of sonorous roses used by Zhen Guo female soldiers.

On the contrary, it has more glamorous and sexy temperament.

The answer is already there.

"You should be an agent."

"You don't have to deny it, it's not important to me."

"Since you are at this military base, you should know where the base's ammunition depot is?"

Lin Yuan smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I know."

"You want to empty the ammunition depot?"

Before the end of the world, Xiao Yuan ransacked the ammunition depots of arms dealers, and now he appeared here and asked about the ammunition depots.

A fool also knows what he is going to do.

"You take me to the ammunition depot."

"In return, I'll give you two choices."

"First, I will take you out of here and back to my stronghold. I can guarantee your absolute safety, and you will have nothing to worry about in your life."

Xiao Yuan didn't say, be my poker buddy.

After all, they are compatriots.

Although I thought in my heart, I couldn't use force.

Anyway, as long as you take it back, the capital will be a man by yourself, and I still don't believe that she is willing to be a nun in this life.

normal people.

No matter men or women, there is no one who does not become addicted to cards!

"Second option."

"Or I will take you away, and then return the weapon to you, and you can go wherever you want."

If Lin Yuan is really unwilling to go with her.

Xiao Yuan will not force it either.

There are so many poker friends, she is not one of them.

Even if Yingjiang does whatever he wants and uses force on his compatriots, he still can't do it.

Especially in a foreign country!

Lin Yuan was caught in a tangle.

He believed that Xiao Yuan didn't need to lie, and with his ability, he could indeed easily take him away.

But where do you go after you leave?

return home?

Obviously unrealistic, the airport is full of zombies, although she can fly a helicopter.

But the airliner never touched it.

Wandering alone?

Here is Yingjiang, everyone has a gun, no matter how capable she is, she may be shot down by the mob.

It's okay to be killed.

The most terrible thing is that after being injured, it becomes a tool of thugs.

Can I only choose to go back with Xiao Yuan?

But he kills like hemp, and he is not a good stubble.

Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment.

"Forget it, I reserve the right to choose for the time being.

"I will take you to find the ammunition depot first, and then I will make a decision. I hope you will keep your promise!"

Xiao Yuan smiled.

"My promise stands forever."

"The premise is that you will lead me to find the arsenal."

"Let's go."

Xiao Yuan opened a space transition door and walked in with Lin Yuan.

next moment.

The two returned to the roof of the soldiers' dormitory.

Lin Yuan saw that there were women all around her, both black and white, and all of them were beautiful.

"They are?"

"My... poker buddy."

Xiao Yuan bluntly said that it is the end of the world, and he is still coy.

Besides, who cares if I accept so many poker players?

Lin Yuan was speechless for a moment.

I thought to myself, are you born or a horse?

With so many poker players, no matter how much money you have, you have to lose it all, right?

But look at Xiao Yuan, who has a strong and well-shaped body, exuding strong strength all over his body.

This is clearly the appearance of winning money.

Lin Yuan was suddenly startled.

"You asked me to go back with you, wouldn't you also want me to be your poker friend?"

Xiao Yuan smiled wickedly.

"It's not forced, it's purely voluntary.

"As long as you want, you can join the poker game at any time."

Lin Yuan gave Xiao Yuan an angry look, who wants to join your poker game, I don't like playing poker with foreign women.

They don't care whether they win or lose money.

As long as it gets excited, it screams wildly.

And when I lose money and get angry, I like to eat poker.

Oops, this kind of thought must never be said.

In case Xiao Yuan asked me, how do you know that foreign women will eat poker when they lose money, how should I answer?

I can't show my stuff

"Okay, Anna, you go to investigate other places in the base."

"See if there are any survivors."

Anna nodded, and immediately teleported to a place that hadn't been detected.

She is also desperate to find survivors.

After all, Lin Yuan is not a soldier in Yingjiang, so it is impossible to know about her father.

Watching Anna teleport to a hundred meters away.

Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Why can she also teleport?"

"Before the end of the world, only you, a space robber, were reported."

Xiao Yuan calmly pointed at all the women behind him.

"It's not just Anna."

"Except for you, everyone here has mastered the power of space."


Lin Yuan was stunned.

"how is this possible?"

"You are already an alternative that cannot be explained by science, and the appearance of you is almost a miracle for all mankind.

How powerful. "

"And it just so happens that they are all your poker friends."

Lin Yuan spoke Xia Guo dialect, and she felt that calling her card friends directly was not very respectful to the women here.

They can't understand Xia Guo dialect.

Xiao Yuan looked at Lin Ming: "Yeah, don't you think my poker players are all spatial ability users, isn't that very unreasonable?"


It's very unreasonable.

Lin Yuan looked at Xiao Yuan with knowing eyes.

Looking at it, she felt something was wrong.

Xiao Yuan has something to say.

At this moment, Anna teleported back, judging from the look on her face, there should be no survivors.

Or maybe she didn't hear about her father.

"How about it?"

Sure enough, Anna shook her head.

"There are no survivors."

Xiao Yuan knew very well in his heart that it wasn't that there were none, but that they were all killed by Lin Yuan.

The dead bodies of Cang Curry are the evidence.

Of course, Xiao Yuan would not say such things.

In case Anna hated Lin Yuan and wanted to fight her, it would be difficult for Xiao Yuan to stop her.

After all, Lin Yuan is just a passerby she just met.

Anna is his poker friend.

However, if Anna was allowed to fight Lin Yuan, it would be tantamount to bullying her own compatriots.

Stop Anna.

It's like turning your arms out.

Although it is just a poker friend, playing poker with you at least makes you over the poker addiction.

You can't deny people when you leave the poker table.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Xiao Yuan overlooked the entire base.

There are some dry horse armored vehicles parked here and there in all directions.

This is a good thing.

Sometimes it comes in handy.

"You lure the zombies out of the base first, and after I collect these armored vehicles, go and sweep the ammunition depot."

After Xiao Yuan gave the order.

Everyone immediately started teleporting, taking turns leading the zombies out of the base in batches.

Only Xiao Yuan and Lin Yuan were left upstairs.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was already dumbfounded.

"It turns out it's true, they are all spatial abilities."

"Xiao Yuan, they all listen to you, you...how did you subdue them?"

Lin Yuan couldn't figure it out.

Since they are all space power users, no one should obey anyone?

·0 for flowers......

But these women all listen to Xiao Yuan's words.


Just because he's a man?


There must be a reason!

Xiao Yuan smiled mischievously: "You tell me your identity first, and then I will tell you how to tame them.

Lin Yuan was very curious.

But she sticks to her professional beliefs more.

"Forget it, I won't inquire about your secrets, and you shouldn't ask me about my identity.

Oh, why didn't you take the bait?

"It doesn't matter if you say it or not."

"A woman from the Xia Kingdom killed more than a dozen Yingjiang soldiers with a pair of ninjas at the Yingjiang military base.

"What else are you but an agent?"

Lin Yuan was speechless for a moment.

It seems that there is no way to hide it.

"Now that you know my identity, can you tell me the question?"

Oh, it doesn't hurt to tell you.

"Because they are my card friends, I gave them the ability of space.


Lin Yuan thought of many possibilities, but this was the only one she didn't think of.

It seems that only this reason is convincing.

Otherwise, why would people listen to you so much.

If they are all born with supernatural powers, they must be rebellious.

Just like Xiao Yuan.

Before the end of the world, they ignored the eagle sauce law and robbed shopping malls and supermarkets everywhere.

"You mean, you can give spatial abilities to anyone?"


Xiao Yuan nodded.

Lin Yuan's heart trembled, didn't she say that she can also give me the spatial ability?

But first you have to become his poker buddy.

It's disgusting!

This guy is definitely a demon, Shi Mo, who let me know how to obtain spatial abilities, but there are such harsh conditions.

No, he must have lied to me.

Trying to lure me to his poker table, I won't be fooled.

"I do not believe you."

"You are not a god, why can you give such a powerful power to others casually?"

don't believe me?

Hehe, let's try it.

It just so happened that Lin Yuan was going to take her into the ammunition depot next.

It's unclear if she was hostile towards him.

You can use the space imprint to test it out.

If she can activate the power of the imprint, it will prove that she is not hostile to me, and there is no need to be wary of her at the ammunition depot.

If she can't activate the sigil.

Then be careful.

"Then you don't resist."

While speaking, Xiao Yuan stretched out his palm, and two imprints appeared on his palm.

Space imprint!

Strengthen the mark!

Xiao Yuan injected the two seals into Lin Cur's body, and in an instant, the power of the blue law came out through his body.

Lin Yuan was taken aback.

"what are you doing?"

"What is this?"

Xiao Yuan said calmly: "This is the power of space power, as long as you absorb it, you can get it.


Did you give it to me so easily?

I didn't agree to be your poker friend.

While thinking wildly, the power of the law began to slowly withdraw into the body.

Although the process is relatively slow.

But at least in a little bit of recycling.

After about two minutes.

All the power of the law was absorbed by Lin Yuan, and then deposited in her body.

Mark activated!

Although it has been a little longer, it shows that Lin Yuan doesn't trust Xiao Yuan very much.

There is even vigilance.

But at least it proves that there is no harm in Xiao Yuan's idea.

This is also normal.

After all, there is no natural conflict between the two, and they are compatriots and fellow villagers. Xiao Yuan rescued Lin Yuan again.

Naturally, she would not harm Xiao Yuan's mind.

"My God."

"This is real."

Lin Yuan felt the spatial abilities in her body, and even her physical fitness was greatly improved in an instant.

It felt like one punch could kill a cow.

"It turns out that you can really give others spatial abilities."

Lin Yuan immediately teleported to the top of the restaurant.

Then teleported to the headquarters building.

Her figure flickered non-stop. Although she didn't laugh out loud, she could tell she was very excited.

Finally, she teleported back to Xiao Yuan's side.

"Thank you, Xiao Yuan."

"But I can't be your poker friend, I can't accept it.

Xiao Yuan smiled wickedly.

"You don't need to thank me, I didn't say that I would give you the spatial ability."

"I'm just trying to see if you are hostile to me."

What's the meaning?

Lin Yuan looked at Xiao Yuan suspiciously: "Didn't you already give it to me?"


I gave it to you.

"But I can take it back at any time."

With Xiao Yuan's thought, the spatial imprint and strengthening imprint disappeared from Lin Yuan's body.

at the same time.

The abilities he had just mastered, as well as his strengthened physical fitness, also receded like a tide.


It's back to what it was before.

This feeling of ups and downs is really uncomfortable.

"Xiao Yuan, what do you mean?"

"I said, just to test whether you are hostile to me."

"You can activate the spatial ability, which proves that you are not hostile to me, that's all."

Lin Yuan suddenly lost her temper.

I really want to be a space power user!

But the initiative is in other people's hands, and you must become a poker player.

It's so hateful.

This guy has a bad mouth!.

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