Let’s have a fair fight between heroes.

Listening to Ji Chenhui’s screams, this insect prison… must be terrifying!

“What’s your name?”

“Lord Rakshasa, my name is Chen Qing.”

“My name is Sixth Grade Sha.”

The other two heads also said:

“My name is Seventh Grade Sha!”

“My name is Eighth Grade Sha!”

Chen Qing was startled. Each of the three heads had its own name? Sixth grade brake? What the hell is this name?

As if seeing Chen Qing’s confusion, the sixth-grade Sha laughed loudly and said: “Rakshasa doesn’t like human beings. Our last name is placed after the first name.”

In other words, his last name is “Sha”.

“Chen Qing, you are brave by nature, are you willing to follow me?”

The seventh-rank cha also said: “I like men the most.”

The eighth-rank cha said: “We are short of manpower now.”

You are willing to do it!

Chen Qing just wanted to register as a good citizen and live a stable life.

But then I thought about it, now that I have a deadly feud with the Ji family, it is really difficult to deal with it without a shield.

He had an idea in his mind, but he shook his head.

The sixth-rank priest was furious: “Mother! You look down on me, I will kill you!” The

seventh-rank priest was furious: “Mother! Throw you into the insect prison!”

The eighth-rank priest was furious: “Come here!!”

Rakshasa It is true that he is irritable and irritable.

With this thought in his mind, Chen Qing also said angrily: “I am a hero! I will only follow heroes who are better than me! No matter how big your official position is, it is of no use to me!”

Sixth Grade Sha turned his anger into joy and gave a thumbs up: “He is indeed a hero! Then let’s have a fight!”

“That’s what I meant!”

The strength of the Rakshasa clan was terrifying, and Chen Qing was just about to try it out.

He immediately opened his stance, pulled his neck and shouted: “No one is allowed to let go! If you let go, you will look down on me! I would rather be killed by you than looked down upon by you!”

Hearing this, the Sixth Grade Shacha was updated. Yes.

“Okay, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Seventh-grade Sha: “Let’s fight with all our strength this time!”

Eighth-grade Sha: “Come on!”

There was a basketball court next to them, and the two of them got into a stance. Chen Qing shouted again: ” Are you ready?”


When Chen Qing actually confronts the enemy, he will shout these mentally retarded lines. If he can kill one of them without any injuries, he will earn money. If he can kill a few more, he will earn several times more.

But at this moment, I don’t want to do it openly and openly.

Chen Qing’s martial arts skills are actually very good.

I practiced with Binggui before, then with Wu Fu, and later with Wu Zhuangyuan.

But he didn’t use any martial arts, he just opened his stance and rushed over with his fists like a reckless man.


The two fists hit each other hard on the chest.

The Sixth-Rank Sha took two steps back, and Chen Qing’s body flew out, his entire upper body numb.

I was extremely shocked!

He made a blood contract with Zhong Kui, and now his body is extremely powerful. Although he is a ghost control master, he is physically stronger than most bone-tempering realm berserkers.

The sixth-grade Sha was also shocked, “What a powerful human being!”

“Come again!”

“Just come!”

The fight between the two was even more reckless. They were both punching to the flesh and not avoiding the slightest.

They immediately got entangled with each other, pulling each other’s necks and hitting each other’s heads.

In a moment, Chen Qing was completely unrecognizable. The sixth-grade Sha was better, but his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Finally, Chen Qing’s vision went dark and he fell to the ground.

The sixth-grade, seventh-grade and eighth-grade Shashas howled at the same time, extremely excited.

After a while, Chen Qing woke up leisurely.

The sixth-grade Sha was chewing on a… white and tender human hand.

Chen Qing withdrew his gaze and bowed slightly: “You are better than me, I am convinced.”

Sixth Grade Sha laughed coaxingly: “You are not bad at all! Bone Tempering Realm, right? Human beings have never been able to compete with me at the Bone Tempering Realm!”

As he spoke, he passed the human hand to Qipinsha’s mouth.

“Here you go! This is the White Token of Black Stone Ghost House!”

“Black Stone Ghost House?”

Sixth Grade Sha: “It hasn’t started yet, but you are one of our own, and I won’t hide it from you!”

Eighth Grade Sha: “Soon. , Luoshahai City will be divided into hundreds of villages, each of which corresponds to three or four communities.”

Chen Qing did not understand.

The sixth-grade Sha said again: “The first task given to you is to clear out the raw sheep!”

“What are the raw sheep?”

The seventh-grade Sha said while chewing on the human hand: “Stupid! The ones registered are the cooked sheep. Those who don’t want to register are giving birth to sheep and will be killed!”

Chen Qing frowned and didn’t move.

The Eighth Grade Sha asked: “What’s wrong?”

“I respect the Rakshasa for being bright and magnanimous! So I took refuge! But I was born in the human race, but I can’t do anything to kill my compatriots!”

Chen Qing sighed: “A hero is born in the human race, not a hero. Passed.”

The first sentence made all three heads frown, but the next sentence immediately made them sigh with emotion.


He is a hero born in the human race, this is not a choice he can make!

The three heads immediately said,

“I don’t blame you!”

“I didn’t think about this well! I shouldn’t have sent you to do such a thing.” “If I were asked to massacre Rakshasa, I wouldn’t do it

either .”

They all shook together, like a three-blade razor.

“Okay! Then go back!”

Chen Qing said goodbye and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I don’t know if it was due to the blessing of talented people, but things went very smoothly.

As for the “Black Stone Ghost Workshop”, Chen Qing was very concerned about it.

Coming to the dark place, there were a few golden lights, and people had returned home.

While letting him heal his wounds.

While asking: “Hua Pi, what is a ghost workshop?”

“The place where ghosts gather in the underworld has many names, such as ghost city, ghost city, ghost domain, ghost mansion, etc. And ghost workshop is only found in large ghost towns. Some of them are like Community. The difference is that there is a weapon refining workshop, a ghost bead workshop, etc. This black stone ghost workshop… I have never heard of it, and I can’t guess what it is.” ”

Master, I guess they want to destroy the Rakshasa Sea. The city will be integrated into Ximing City.”

Chen Qing frowned.

“Ghosts living in the human world will lose their lifespan, so they first used the blood moon to transform it, and then moved a ghost town here.”

After a moment of pause, Huapi shook his head again: “Hmm… This conjecture is too bold, and I just said it casually. Said. ”

It’s really too bold.

Chen Qing didn’t go into details, but still took out the skin given by the commander and wrote the message “Black Stone Ghost Workshop” on it.

In the depths of the cave, the commander looked at the leather with writings that kept popping up in surprise: “This guy is really amazing! On the first day, he has already detected this level of intelligence.”

“Guifang, Guifang…I’m afraid Shura We are really planning to build a ghost city in the human world!”

The commander murmured and sighed, still in good spirits, and said to everyone: “Hurry up and find the boundary stone. If you can find the news about the boundary stone, the old man will not be able to trade his life for a boundary stone. Calculate the loss.”

After saying that, he wrote on the leather: “Received! Please pay attention to the news about the boundary stone. Don’t be deliberate and pay attention to protecting yourself.”

Chen Qing looked at the word “boundary stone” on the leather and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he got up and came to the fifth floor.

The White Bone Demon still tied up the screaming butcher and stood by.

“White Bone Demon, it’s too bad for you to look at it like this. Is there any way to tie it up?”

White Bone Demon thought about it and made a chopping motion towards his phalanges.

What is now pierced through the butcher’s body is the white-bone spirit’s fingers that have turned into bone chains.

Cut one off and use it as a rope to tie it?

Chen Qing became irritable, and coincidentally, the gold ingot was full again.

Immediately, he called Jin Buhuan: “Come on!”

“Jin Buhuan~Jin Buhuan~~Jin Buhuan~~~”

Jin Buhuan jumped into the butcher’s body.

The Bone Demon quickly withdrew his hand.

Jin Buhuan’s ability is so weird that it is possible for her to turn into gold as well.

After a while, the butcher transformed into a huge golden man.

Click, click, click…

The floorboards clicked.

Chen Qing was shocked and quickly put away the golden butcher.

The density of gold is too high. Considering the terrifying size of Butcher, it is probably about 50 tons now.

Fortunately, the floors have been reinforced. If it were a few adjacent buildings, they might have collapsed.

“The Hanged Ghost, how many souls do you have left to advance to the next level?”

The Hanged Ghost pointed out a finger in his waterfall-like black hair that covered his face and half of his body.

It just so happens that Golden Butcher also needs to wake up and make arrangements together.

“Let’s go.”

Golden light flashed and Chen Qing disappeared into the room.

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