: The Hanged Ghost Advances to the Level of Soul Imprisonment

Nowadays, there are many Rakshasa in the city, and Chen Qing does not want to cause unnecessary trouble.

So this time Chen Qing chose to stay outside the city.

The blood moon was covered with blood, like an eyeball that had been boiling for several nights.

Under the light of the blood moon, blood was faintly visible on the ground, as if it was poured with a layer of blood.

After several flashes of golden light, he was far enough away from Ximing City. Chen Qing took out the Golden Butcher and summoned both the Abandoned Infant Tower and the Hanged Ghost.

At the same time, let Wu Zhuangyuan and Gui Che protect the law.

The ghost car has the character of a will-o’-the-wisp boy and immediately starts racing around the crowd. The soil was sprayed everywhere, and the land was soon covered with ruts.

Just like the wisdom of driving a car over the grassland.

After looking at the Abandoned Infant Tower, it stands to reason that it has absorbed enough ghosts and should have turned into a tomb tower.

But I don’t know if it’s due to the metalization. Like Zhong Kui, it refuses to advance even if it’s life or death. It keeps moving forward bravely on the road of wandering soul. Now it’s only one step away from SSS.

Attracted by the Abandoned Infant Tower, within a moment, the first ghost rushed over.

Why is he a toilet ghost…

There is still fresh food on this thing’s mouth. He must have been eating happily just now.

Forget it… Chen Qing forced himself not to look at it.

Chen Qing, the hanged ghost, still doesn’t know whether he is a boy or a girl.

Let’s call him a man. His fingers are thin, tender and white. They are definitely top-notch fingerprints.

Let’s call him a woman. His breasts are huge, with a cup size of 0.2A at most.

The hanged ghost obviously didn’t want the toilet ghost to dirty the holy and lovely Bai Ling, so he turned a blind eye.

Only the Abandoned Infant Pagoda does not refuse visitors, with a mentality of “everyone is a guest”, and always opens its mouth.

A second ghost appears.

Breath-eating ghost.

The hanging ghost Bai Ling immediately wrapped it up and wrapped it tightly. Try to digest.

There seemed to be no evil spirits in the suburbs, they were all the most common types of ghosts.

Breath-eating ghosts, toilet ghosts, and skeletons are the most common.

Chen Qing looked at it and suddenly saw a blue will-o’-the-wisp flickering in the distance.

“Is this a will-o’-the-wisp or a karmic fire?”

“Master, this is a will-o’-the-wisp. It’s not very dangerous, but you can’t let it get on you.” Knowing what Chen Qing was thinking, Huapi added, “Except for the Great Master Zhong Kui, we can’t keep anyone here.” It.”

The wandering spirit level is called ghost fire, and the evil ghost level is called karma fire.

Chen Qing was very envious of the “karma fire skeleton” that Chen Kuan called, but he had no choice but to keep it.

People come when they want and leave when they want.

Just as he was thinking about it, the will-o’-the-wisp flashed into the abandoned baby tower.

Chen Qing was stunned and immediately looked towards the entrance of the Abandoned Infant Tower, but it was pitch black and he couldn’t see anything.

Chen Qing was a little confused: “Can this… come out?”

Painted Skin was also a little confused: “Can’t it be?”

The Abandoned Baby Tower means “no one can leave once you’re here”, while the will-o’-the-wisp means “If I want to leave, I’ll leave.”

The two of them kept looking around, but saw no will-o’-the-wisps coming out for a long time.

“Take it?”


The Abandoned Infant Tower is a Yuan embryo golden body, which is too attractive to ghosts.

In a moment, hundreds of ghosts gathered and became a crowd again.

Call out the chaotic court to direct traffic, and occasionally let Wu Zhuangyuan handle the ones that are too big.

The will-o’-the-wisp didn’t come out for a while, so it must have really been refined inside.

The fingers of the third hand on Golden Butcher’s neck moved slightly, and he began to wake up.

I was very busy when I suddenly heard a long cry.

“Master, it’s Guhuoniao!”

Huapi immediately became excited, raised his head and looked around.

Chen Qing also looked up, but saw a strange scene.

Countless white dots were falling in the sky, as if it was snowing.

The white dots quickly fell, and when I got closer, I realized that they were paper cranes one after another.

After a while, Chen Qing finally saw a paper crane the size of a house, struggling to escape, and behind it was a big bird covered in fire.

The paper crane was dozens of times larger than the bird, but it had been burned with holes everywhere and fled desperately.

“Guhuoniao! It’s really Guhuoniao!”

Huapi was very excited.

Chen Qing was confused: “What is it?”

“Guhuo Bird, according to legend, is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. Anyone who sees it will have good luck!” ”

What is the one she is chasing?”

“That’s the Thousand Paper Crane, um, that’s it. The evil ghost level of the paper man, the wandering spirit level is the paper man, and the evil ghost level is the paper crane. If the slave guessed correctly, the evil spirit level should be the big sun paper bird. It is the one as big as the mountain we saw in the clouds last time Paper bird.”

Chen Qing suddenly realized.

He wondered: “A wandering soul can chase an evil ghost?”

“Firstly, the Guhuo bird is extremely noble, and secondly, the five elements of the Guhuo bird belong to fire.”

The small paper cranes in the sky fell like snowflakes, and The paper crane as big as a house has been overtaken by the bird.

The flames on Guhuoniao’s body swelled.

The body turned into a ray of fire, passing through it and pricking the paper crane with holes.

Qian Zhihe’s body quickly ignited a fire, and after a few breaths it exploded with a bang!

It fluttered and fell straight to the ground.

In the process, countless small paper cranes fell from its body, as if they were its blood.

With a thought in Chen Qing’s mind, he collected dozens of paper cranes and asked Luan Ting to throw away the ghosts surrounding the Abandoned Infant Tower and stuff all the paper cranes inside.

“Master, actually this is not the correct usage of the Abandoned Infant Tower…”

Huapi said leisurely: “After those ghost kings get the Abandoned Infant Tower, they will stuff specific ghost species into it.”


Chen Qing understood immediately. In other words, if you keep stuffing it with butchers, it will only produce butchers.

But each abandoned baby tower is formed after thousands of babies have died, so most of the babies it produces are still female babies.

The denominator is too large and the meaning is not very big.

Just as he was talking, the Hanged Ghost slowly floated up.


Chen Qing felt happy and looked over immediately.

The hanged man’s long hair, which covered his entire face and half of his body, slowly parted, revealing an extremely delicate face.

She is fair and clean, and still can’t tell whether she is a boy or a girl.

His white silk slowly retracted and was draped casually on his shoulders, but two long white whips appeared in his hands.

Chen Qing followed the hanging ghost… No, it was already a soul-binding hand. He slowly looked along the soul-binding hand. He saw that the whip was covered with fine lines, a bit like scales.

Looking at the head of the whip, I saw a snake head, opening its mouth, hissing and spitting out the message.

Chen Qing was shocked!

Juhun still didn’t want to fall to the ground, so two whips…or white snake whips were gently placed on the ground, holding him up.

The two white snakes are thin and long. The first half of the body swims quickly, and the second half of the body lifts the soul up high, as if walking on stilts.

The picture is very unscientific.

“Hang… No, Juhun, what ability do you have now?”

Juhun whipped a burning ghost ten meters away.

The moment the white snake whip was drawn out, the white snake suddenly opened its mouth and bit into the void.

It was like biting an invisible fulcrum in the void…

The next moment, Juhun pulled hard!

The burned-to-death ghost froze, and an illusory burned-to-death ghost was torn away from the body.

What was pulled out was the soul of the burned ghost!

6ah! !

Chen Qing is overjoyed!

No wonder it’s called Juhun!


the news that can be announced:

paper man → paper crane → big sun paper bird (suspected)

will-o’-wisp → industry fire →?

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