: Against the sky! X-rated wandering spirit!

He tried several times with Juhun, but he was still able to forcefully pull out his soul.

After pulling out the soul, the ghost’s body will remain frozen in place, unable to move.

At this time, the soul can be killed.

If left alone, the soul will slowly return to the ghost’s body, and the ghost will regain its ability to move again.

A ghost has only one soul, no soul.

If it were a human being, how many souls could be pulled out at one time?

If only one soul could be pulled out, I wonder if he would still stand there.

Hua Pi suddenly said: “Master, restrain the soul and restrain the soul object, maybe you can catch the will-o’-the-wisp.”

Chen Qing’s eyes lit up.

Then he shook his head and sighed: “It’s useless, the position is already full.”

At this time, Golden Butcher finally completed his awakening!

He looked up and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to laugh again, but no sound came out.

“Kill the ghost!”

Chen Qing gave it an instruction.

The butcher made a motion of throwing the chain, but the chain was still in his hand.

I think the “Void Chain” trick has disappeared.

The butcher threw it twice more, but seeing no result, he rushed towards a sick man and cut him in two with one knife.


Chen Qing comforted himself: Anyway, it is still very powerful…

Of course, Chen Qing has a lot of fighting power in his hands, so he doesn’t expect it to fight.

Thinking of letting the Abandoned Baby Tower hit the SSS, I didn’t rush to leave, and ducked to the top of a tree to be on guard.

The Golden Butcher and the Golden Abandoned Infant Tower were added together. With the auras of the two Yuan Embryos’ golden bodies superimposed, the nearby ghosts rushed here crazily.

At this time, Chen Qing saw a ghost he had never seen before.

This ghost looks like a human being. He is wearing a torn Taoist robe and carrying a large wooden box on his back. His intelligence is obviously not low. He only looks this way from a distance and does not dare to get close.

“Master! That’s a fortune teller! Very impressive!”

Huapi immediately reminded: “When you reach the evil ghost level, you are a fortune teller. You can determine life and death with just one draw!”

So powerful, but… I have no place, eldest sister!

Each of the 12 ghost pets has a role. If you want to change them, you may have to change them to Mao Zhan and Gui Che, but Mao Zang is an old hero and works hard without complaining.

A ghost car…

Chen Qing looked at the ghost car that was having fun…

It was sticking out a big tongue and drifting crazily. That big tongue is like a tie floating in the air…

“If I want to change, I have to change you first!”

Chen Qing gritted his teeth, “Gui Che, get out of here!”

Gui Che yelled, “Hey~ Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, go away.” Come over.

Chen Qing slapped his big face hard: “Keep your voice down!”


Gui Che closed his mouth and drifted away happily again.

Have you ever seen a kind of silent drift?

The fortune teller finally resisted the temptation and retreated into the depths of the mist.

The Abandoned Infant Tower continued to swallow ghosts, and after two hours it had absorbed approximately three to four hundred ghosts.

At this time, Chen Qing saw another ghost that he had never seen before.

He was holding a cane in his left hand and a bowl in his right hand. His body was thin, covered with sores, and was in tatters.

“A beggar?”

“Yes, Master, he is also very powerful.”

“What is the evil spirit level of a beggar?”

“I heard it is called a ‘dog beating stick’, but I am not sure about it.”

“There must be a lot of beggars, right?”

“Yes. ! It is one of the most numerous ghost species. There are many crazy ghosts, toilet ghosts, hungry ghosts, breath-eating ghosts, skeletons, and big trend ghosts.” This is the

second time Chen Qing heard “big trend ghost”. He saw it before In the four-level system of Rakshasa, the second level, in addition to Rakshasa and Yaksha, also has the general trend.

“What is the general trend?”

“The general trend is the ghost with the largest number and good strength. Therefore, in the underworld, every ghost king will have a general trend ghost army.”

While the two were talking, the Guhuo bird fell from the sky.

With blazing flames all over his body, he floated in front of Chen Qing.

Chen Qing was standing on the top of the tree at the moment, and the two faced each other silently.

This is a large bird with bright orange and red fur, a light yellow belly, only one leg, and a crest on its head, with fire flowing out of it.

The bird’s beak quickly retracted, and its face turned into a human face with bird characteristics.

She is a girl with huge eyes, as if they contain spring and rising sun. Lips are crystal clear, soft and plump.

“The Yuan embryo golden body is yours?”

the girl said.


Chen Qing didn’t want to provoke Huapi after hearing that she had a great background. Of course, if she wanted to rob her, she would have to test the sharpness of the spirit sword.

“You have great luck, would you like to go with me to save someone?”

What kind of words are you talking about, you monster?

Are you talking about this when we first meet? Crazy you!

Chen Qing wanted to roll his eyes, but said nothing cruel: “Sorry, I’m weak, so I can’t go.”

The girl frowned and said seriously: “Your strength is not bad.”

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://readwn.com///)

“…” Chen Qing was speechless: “Let’s do it another day.”

Huapi hurriedly said Explanation: “Master, the ghost tribe is like this. At best, they are straight forward. At worst, their emotional intelligence is too low and they can’t speak. Don’t be polite to her.”

Painted skin has obviously made up for the modern knowledge during this period, and even knows “emotional intelligence” used.

“Okay!” Guhuo Bird responded, and its human face returned to that of a bird, with a long flaming tail, and disappeared into the thick fog like a rocket launching.

Chen Qing didn’t even want to ask who to save.

At this time, the number of ghosts gradually decreased, and the Abandoned Baby Tower still looked like it was easy to navigate.

After a while, there was finally no ghost.

Not a bad harvest!

Put away all the ghost pets, feel good.

A dozen golden lights came back home.

Leaving Huapi to stay at home, Chen Qing came to the Demon Suppressing Tower.

What surprised Chen Qing was that these guys dug a shallow pool under the waterfall.

The fat and armless golden body squatted in the water, and the golden centipede still circled around them.

The twelve ghost pets sat on the golden centipede to practice.

And the creek flowing out of the pool is densely packed with countless ghosts…

If these ghosts weren’t all made up of rich people, trypophobia would be so scary!

“This is a good idea!”

Chen Qing praised.

In this way, the stream can carry excess vitality to these poor ghost pets downstream.

The big brother can eat meat, but the little brother can still drink soup.

Of course, there is inevitably a struggle over who is upstream and who is downstream.

A row of mud huts has been built by the pool, and the scholar is sleeping soundly.

Except for the scholar, there was no ghost. They were all soaked in the water…

Chen Qing didn’t care and put the golden butcher into the pool.

The ghost pets suddenly became restless again.

Each one of them looked at Chen Qing with burning eyes, one was hungry and thirsty.

“Long live the master!”

Suddenly a teenage girl ghost raised her arms and shouted.

Then he sat down weakly, looking extremely frightened.

“Come on, come on, you sit first behind them.”

Chen Qing waved and placed it in the first position behind the twelve ghost pets.

I won’t go into detail about how excited the little ghost girl was. Anyway, Chen Qing’s words were already the greatest blessing in her life.

The ghost watch is aimed at the Abandoned Infant Tower…


This guy has indeed reached the SSS level!

He also tested the other ghost pets one by one:

there are thirteen evil ghosts:

Ghost Che 862, A-level evil ghost.

White Bone Demon 855, a Class A evil ghost.

Zuzuo 735, B-level evil ghost.

Jin Buhuan 667, a B-level evil ghost.

Painted Skin 600, B-level evil ghost.

Chaotic Court 471, C-level evil spirit.

Mao Zheng 404, a C-level evil ghost.

Water Monkey 208, a D-class evil spirit.

Flowery Bride 194, E-class evil ghost.

Wu Zhuangyuan 179, E-level evil ghost.

Soul Binding 107, E-level evil ghost.

I don’t know where Ye Ciao’er is, I can’t detect it.

The gold price should have been around 880, but it was drained just now, so it fell to 667.

There are three wandering spirits, the 1000 Abandoned Infant Tower, the 27 Crazy Ghost, and Zhong Kui.

Summoning Zhong Kui out, his injuries had healed. His eyes were wandering wildly, and he couldn’t tell which one was looking at Chen Qing: “What are you doing?”

Chen Qing vaguely felt that there was some kind of change in Zhong Kui, but he couldn’t explain clearly.

Don’t worry about it, anyway, no matter what happens to this guy, it’s not surprising.

“What are you going to do?”

“Immediately, immediately,”

Zhong Kui said anxiously, stamping his feet: “What are you doing~”

Chen Qing almost spit out a mouthful, where did you learn to be so stupid? ! !

The ghost watch is aimed at him…


A heaven-defying wandering soul…

but the following description stunned Chen Qing:

X-level wandering soul, extremely dangerous!


that can be announced now (“Reveal the news” to ask readers for their opinions. If you don’t like it, you won’t add it in the future):

Fortune teller → fortune teller →?

Beggar→dog beating stick→?

Guhuo bird →?

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