Chen Kuan’s fist is so hard

Boom –

an indescribable shock wave exploded!

Chen Kuan didn’t ask or say another word.

His Qi and blood are extremely strong, and he is also extremely evil!

There was actually a trace of black air inside.


Chen Kuan’s figure suddenly disappeared, leaving only a wave of air.

The next moment, his figure had rushed in front of the most powerful Taoist zombie-level ghost pet…

and punched him!

Unimaginable power condensed into one point and exploded within the body of this corpse-level ghost pet.


The Taoist corpse was blown to pieces, leaving only half of the body standing staggeringly.

Everyone was stunned!

Chen Qing was also stunned.

He thought Chen Kuan would be very strong, but he never thought it would be so outrageous!

Chen Kuan looked at the middle-aged man coldly.

The middle-aged man looked pale: “Yang…Yang Shen!”

Upon hearing these two words, Chen Qing’s head buzzed and his eyes turned dark.


Another air wave exploded under Chen Kuan’s feet.

The next moment he was already in front of the middle-aged man.

One punch, from top to bottom.

Blast the middle-aged man to pieces!


Someone finally reacted and screamed and fled in other directions.

Chen Kuan opened his big hand and clenched it suddenly!



Both people were shattered into pieces at the same time.

“Withdraw!! Withdraw the prison sentence!!”

Chen Qing also moved!

With a thought and a flash of golden light, he appeared in front of the fleeing man.

The bronze sword passed by and the head flew up!


On the other side, Chen Kuan once again punched a person to pieces.

At this moment a dark shadow suddenly came.

Chen Kuan felt the aura of this black shadow and his eyes narrowed!

Then a landslide-like punch hit him!

The other person also slapped him with his palm.


A huge air wave exploded!

All the glass in the 8 buildings was shattered!

Doors and windows were shattered!

Chen Qing shouted: “Brother! This is Zhong Kui!”

“Zhong Kui, don’t fight! Don’t fight! This is my brother!”

Chen Kuan immediately stopped caring, disappeared again, and rushed towards the next person.

A cone-shaped air wave exploded, this was a sonic boom!

It means that Chen Kuan’s speed has exceeded the speed of sound.

The energy and blood in his body were like invisible sharp blades.

As long as they get close, no matter whether they are humans or ghost pets, they will be easily chopped into pieces.

Zhong Kui laughed, not understanding the situation at all. He opened his hand, revealing a purple karma fire inside.

The fire of karma kept flickering, as if it wanted to escape, but was firmly trapped in his hand.

He showed a row of big white teeth: “How is it! Is Kui Bao awesome?”

Don’t show off, big brother!

When is this!

Several restless people from all directions quickly squeezed together and evacuated the prison in an instant.

“Zhong Kui, hurry up…”

Chen Qing’s words changed immediately as he spoke.

“With so many people and so many ghost pets, absolutely no one in this world can keep them all at the same time!”

“Kui Bao can do it!” Zhong Kui said happily, throwing the Karma Fire at his feet, and opened the index fingers and thumbs of both hands at 90 degrees, clasping each other. A rectangular shape, from which cool eyes looked at the people who were running away like crazy:


Everyone froze, including Chen Kuan.

But Chen Kuan only paused briefly before breaking free. His body rushed around like thunder, and everything he passed turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

Chen Qing also used Zongdi Jinguang to join the battle group.

Only one person and two ghost pets were killed, but Chen Kuan had already killed them all.

At this time, the blood energy in Chen Kuan’s body dissipated like a landslide and tsunami.

Dust was rising on the ground, and there were gullies and large pits everywhere.

“Chen Qing, go and collect that bad guy.”

“Wicked guy?” Chen Qing was startled and then came to his senses.

This refers to that corpse!

Immediately ecstatic!

Chen Kuan owns the Demon Suppressing Tower and is familiar with the rules of the Demon Suppressing Tower. What he said naturally means that the corpse-level ghost pet can still be included in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Looking at Zhong Kui, he praised: “You are very strong.”

Zhong Kui was happy and extremely proud: “That’s natural.”

Chen Qing said at the last summit that Zhong Kui’s brain was not normal, so Chen Kuan naturally would not care about this with him.

Looking at the karma fire jumping on the ground trying to escape, and then looking at the dragon bones and skeletons, I understood what Chen Qing was planning.


Don’t ask Chen Kuan, Zhong Kui has already started to show off: “Chen Qing said that no one in this world can catch the fire of karma…”

Chen Kuan seemed reckless, but with just these few words, he understood Zhong Kui’s temperament.

Taking over his words: “That’s right! It’s impossible for anyone in this world to catch the fire of karma!”

“Unless he is a famous first-class hero from the three realms and six realms, it is even possible!”

Zhong Kui said tightly. I closed my eyes and tried to hold back my laughter, my shoulders twitching, it was so hard.

Finally I couldn’t hold it in any longer, lowered my head and smiled.

(Zhong Kui expression picture)

Chen Kuan found it interesting, but heard Chen Qing standing in front of the Taoist corpse-level ghost pet, “Brother, what are you doing?”

Chen Kuan walked over and said, “Taoist-level bodies are generally very strong, this thing Although the upper body is gone, it is not dead yet. If you leave it alone, it will grow back in a few years.”

“It’s amazing!” Chen Qing said happily: “Is this thing called evil?”

“Well, it’s of the ‘monk’ lineage. Yes, there are two paths of good and evil in the monk lineage. On the good path, the monks, ascetics, Dari Zenxin, and Shan Lai should finally be some kind of Arhat.” “On the

evil path, the monks, demon monks, and evil spirits are I don’t know what, and then this evil comes.”

Chen Kuan handed over two teleportation beads: “Take these two, and give one to Xiaoman.”

“No,” he said, taking it back and rubbing his hands. “I gave it to him with my own hands. By the way, where is Xiaoman? How old is he? This little thing is missing a soul. Isn’t it easy to take it with him?”

Chen Kuan just killed so many masters without blinking an eye or even saying a word. words, but at the moment he looks a little… nervous and expectant.

Chen Qing asked the ghost pets to clean up the battlefield, but he glanced at Zhong Kui and saw Zhong Kui trying hard to suppress his laughter, his face flushed red, and the karma fire that he missed was at his feet. He suddenly said happily: “Brother, karma fire skeleton! What to do?”

Chen Kuan Waving his hands, “Don’t worry yet.”

At that moment, Chen Qing took Chen Kuan to the sixth floor.

Chen Qing remembered that the alloy door was two meters tall, but the height only reached Chen Kuan’s chin.

Chen Qing opened the door.

Chen Kuan rubbed his hands and saw a familiar but much older old man sitting on the sofa.

There is another one, a little fat guy with an expressionless face.

Chen Man raised his head and saw Chen Kuan.

“Why did Mom, Dad and you abandon Chen Qing and me?”

“Chen Qing worked so hard.”

“I’m sorry!” Chen Kuan squatted down, half-kneeling on the ground, and opened his hands: “Come on, big brother, give me a hug.”

Chen Man He walked over and let Chen Kuan hold him in his arms.

Chen Kuan’s rough hands, as if they had been damaged by wind and frost for decades, kept stroking Chen Man’s head.

He murmured: “You have grown so big, you have grown so big…” ”

When we left, you were just such a little thing, why did you grow up secretly without waiting for us.

” In Chen Kuan’s big hands, Chen Man’s head looked like a small orange.

Chen Qing wanted to say something, but fell silent.

Flowers that are not taken care of will grow up quietly.

Chen Qing and Chen Man have grown up in silence for six years without confidence, and today their confidence finally came back.

It’s cold and dark outside the window, but it’s bright and warm inside.


that can be announced now:

Monk → Ascetic → Great Sun Zen Heart → Shanlai → Arhat (suspected)

Monk → Demonic Monk →? →Evil comes→?

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