I’m so happy today

After a while, Chen Kuan let go of Chen Man.

Looking at Uncle Xia: “Uncle Xia, are you okay?”

Uncle Xia’s eyes were filled with tears, and he groped for Chen Kuan’s hand: “This hand… is really yours! Chen Kuan! You are back! These These two children have had a hard time!”

“I’m back, I’m back.”

Chen Kuan smiled and patted Uncle Xia on the shoulder.

Turn around and visit the safe house.

Chen Kuan flicked the alloy wall with his fingers, just twice, but the safe house made a loud bang, like a heavy hammer hitting it.

“You have managed the house well!”

“At that time, I planned to sell the house and borrow some loan sharks, but I didn’t get the money in exchange. I turned my birthday roast duck into a golden roast duck and sold it for 9…9.3 million.” Chen

Kuan was suddenly stunned and said in a daze: “Yes, you are an adult.”

In the past, Chen Qing had complained about Chen Shan and Chen Kuan for leaving the two brothers behind.

But when seeing Chen Kuan’s difficulty in delivering paper knives and paper armor, how could he still have these emotions?

Changing the subject, he laughed at himself: “Later I found out that all the items in Jin Buhuan’s collection were magical artifacts. I sold them as cultural relics for scrap metal.” ”

You can’t say that. At least I guarantee Xiaoman and your food, drink, housing and transportation.”

Chen Kuan went to the next room: “Medical room? What do you want to do with this thing?”

“I was still an ordinary person at that time, and the safe houses were all designed according to ordinary people’s logic, and I bought a lot of them. Here’s the gun.”

Chen Kuan came to the video game room and saw the silicone lady keenly.

Chen Man immediately explained: “I train a penis.”

His tone was full of complaints: “But Chen Qing is not willing to teach me how to train a penis.”

Chen Qing felt so embarrassed.

Chen Kuanqi asked: “With your current conditions, how can you lack a woman?”

Chen Qing was startled, yes!

If I were to find a woman now, she would at least be a school beauty.

He shook his head and said, “I don’t have the intention…”

Chen Kuan nodded, picked up the game controller and looked at it.

His hands are so big that everything in his hands looks like a mini version.

One finger can match the four keys ABXY of the handle combined. It is estimated that the computer will be confused when pressing it with one finger.

Then he took Chen Kuan to the roof of the building and introduced the family farm.

“Family farm? This is good. If we have this at our place, we won’t have to eat ghost meat every day.”

“Ghost meat?” Chen Qing was stunned: “Is it edible?”

“It’s edible, but it’s unpalatable. I’m going to die. Although I’ve never eaten shit, I guess it tastes worse than shit.” ”

Then you move all this farm.” ”

Without the sun, there’s probably nothing you can do. Bring some seeds back and try.”

He knew Chen Kuan Definitely going.

Chen Qing didn’t ask.

If he could say it, Chen Kuan would naturally say it; if he couldn’t, he would naturally not bother with it.

He took Chen Qing to the warehouse area on the roof, which was full of cans.

“Brother, take these cans back. We don’t need these, Xiaoman.”

Chen Kuan suddenly said: “You didn’t put the cans in the Demon Suppression Tower but at home. Are you afraid that you might die?”

Chen Qing was silent. .

Suddenly he grinned: “These cans can be eaten until Xiaoman grows up.”

Chen Kuan turned back to look at Chen Qing: “Don’t die, take the teleportation ball. As long as I am here, you will not die.”

Chen Qing nodded.

“I’ve wiped out all the Taiping Road over there.”

“Are there any enemies here that we can’t deal with? I’ll deal with them.”

Chen Qing thought for a moment: “Ji Wei.” ”

Ji Wei?” ”

That group of people just now It belongs to the Ji family. Ji Wei was one of the former Eight Pillar Kingdoms, but he betrayed humanity. He killed three Pillar Kingdoms in the crucial battle, and humanity was defeated.” ”

Then we have to kill him.” Chen Kuan nodded and asked again:

“Here Now is the world of Rakshasa, why didn’t those red-faced beasts make things difficult for you?”

Chen Qing smiled bitterly: “I am undercover now.”

Then he told the story of how to be an undercover agent.

Chen Kuan nodded: “Then lie down. The role of an undercover agent is very important. If necessary, you can kill even your former brothers.”

Chen Qing remained silent.

In his first mission after being undercover, he faced He Qiang with weapons. He couldn’t imagine the future.

“When you say it is small, you are an undercover agent. When you say it is big, it means the rejuvenation of the human race. These four words must be built up with mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Anyone can be sacrificed. If you don’t have this consciousness, take Uncle Xia with you this time. I’ll take you away.”

Chen Qing remained silent.


He really didn’t have this awareness.

To put it bluntly, the biggest reason why he agreed to be an undercover agent was just to have the title of “good citizen”.

Maybe he was a little touched by this mission, but it was just a touch.

Of course, if he had to take sides, he would naturally side with humans 100%.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://readwn.com///)

At least when humans are around, I can be a human being.

But when Rakshasa is in power, he is just a dog.

Even the Ji family is just a dog with a higher status under the hands of Rakshasa and Shura.

What he can do for the human race is probably to collect more information for the human race on the premise of protecting himself.

“Stop talking about this, let’s eat.”

Chen Kuan patted his belly: “This belly has been with me all these years, but it has suffered a lot.”

Chen Qing smiled and said, “What do you want to eat?”

“Do you have any pork knuckles?”

Chen Qing turned over his hands and immediately had a plate of steaming pork knuckles in his hand.

Chen Kuan’s eyes widened!

“Can the Time Tower still be like this?”

“The flow rate of time in the first level is one fifteen thousandth of that in the outside world.”

“Good guys! Doesn’t this mean that you guys, Xiaoman, can eat hot meals for decades?”

“Yes. !” Chen Qing said with a smile, telling him that there were thousands of tables of dishes in his tower.

“The Time Tower is so cool!”

In a moment, a table of dishes was placed on the table.

Hard dishes such as lobster and abalone, and home-cooked dishes such as twice-cooked pork and shredded potatoes.

Chen Qing also put two bottles of red wine.

Chen Kuan asked, “Is there any Coke?”

Chen Qing felt that it was a bit inconsistent…

shouldn’t a big man like this be greedy for strong drinks?

Of course, he turned over and took it out again.

“I also like Coke.” Chen Man also said, holding a small bottle of Coke and clinking glasses with the two-liter large bottle in Chen Kuan’s hand: “Cheers!”

Chen Kuan took a big gulp and drank it until it bottomed out.

Then he let out a very long burp.

He laughed loudly: “It’s great!”

Then like a wind and a cloud, 80% of the food on the table went into his mouth.

“Is there any chicken butt?”


“Three more plates with pickled meat and vegetables.”


“No matter what kind of meat is wrapped in the lettuce, it’s so damn tasty!”

Chen Qing looked at Chen Kuan, feeling a little sad. .

He must have had a very hard life.

Finally satisfied, Chen Kuan lay on the sofa, let out a long burp, and patted his belly: “Belly, belly, I haven’t wronged you today, have I?”

Chen Man said expressionlessly: “Chen Kuan, I I’m so happy today.”

Chen Kuan touched his head lovingly: “Why?”

“Because Chen Qing and Chen Kuan are both here.”

“It would be great if Chen Shan and mother were here too.”

“You little brat Knife meat!” Chen Kuan laughed loudly: “Dad and brother can’t scream!”

He picked up Chen Man and looked left and right: “This little thing has strong energy and blood. When he grows up, he must at least be… uh… ”

He suddenly remembered that there were some existences whose names Chen Man might not even be able to bear.

At the moment, he just smiled and said: “My little Man will definitely become a great hero wearing golden armor and walking on colorful auspicious clouds when he grows up.”

Chen Man lay down next to Chen Kuan and finally fell asleep.

Chen Kuan put away his pleasant smile, “Do you know where the most powerful people in Ximing City are now?”

“I can contact the commander.”

Chen Qing took out the piece of leather: “Writing here, he can write there See.”

“Oh? That’s easy.”

Chen Kuan smiled and said, “Write whatever you want.”

As he said that, his eyes turned completely black and he stared at the leather.

The entire space in the room was faintly shaking, and a terrifying momentum filled it.

Chen Qing thought for a while and wrote two words: “Are you there?”

Words quickly appeared on the leather: “I have something to say!”

Before the words were displayed, Chen Kuan had disappeared.

In a supermarket warehouse.

An extremely tall and demon-like figure suddenly appeared.

The people inside were horrified and took out their weapons to summon their ghost pets.

Chen Kuan didn’t look at these people, but looked at the middle-aged man holding the leather in his hand: “Commander, do you dare to die?”

The commander was startled and looked at Chen Kuan, “You… you are…”

He realized something, He closed his mouth.

Laughing loudly!


“My whole life is waiting for this opportunity.”

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