Declaration of War

Flying tiger?

“Can the transformed flying tiger be equivalent to an evil spirit?”

“Brother, what are you thinking! It’s already pretty good if it can fly. It’s probably equivalent to a wandering spirit.”

“That’s it…”

Chen Qing didn’t So satisfied.

The prince was angry, pointed at Yu Ruyi and shouted: “This is already outrageous! Creating things out of thin air! It is equivalent to the mediation of Nuwa!”

Chen Qing nodded immediately: “I understand, I understand. Very awesome…”

Everyone in the Ghost Control Army changed into new military uniforms and new Kunwu swords.

Touching the new saber, many people’s eyes turned red.

Chen Qing originally wanted to go to the Princess Tomb to retrieve Zhou Yangqiao, but the opportunity was rare, so she should let her natal nympho cultivate there first.

She can’t help much now anyway.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the last moment to arrive.

Ximing City.

Liu Xi’s face was full of exhaustion. He suffered from severe insomnia due to the tremendous pressure.

This broke him down both physically and mentally.

Thinking of her mother, her only relative, buried next door, Liu Xi’s red eyes hurt a little.

It’s time to go…

it’s time to sleep. My body has reached its limit. I hope I won’t wake up after this sleep. I hope everything is just a dream.

Chen Qing suddenly appeared in Liu Xi’s mind.

“I wonder what happened to that guy…”

Parents always prefer the thinnest and least outstanding one.

The same goes for Liu Xi. There are so many students in the class, but Chen Qing is the only one who worries him the most.

Chen Qing joined the Ghost Control Army, but now it seems that the Ghost Control Army is gone…


Just as I was about to go to sleep, something suddenly occurred to me.

It’s probably time to charge your phone again.

The power at home had long been cut off, but the fire light in the corridor still had power. She removed the two wires from the light and connected it to the charger, but it still had power.

It is for this reason that his mobile phone can still be turned on.

After turning on the super power-saving mode, in addition to checking for messages every time I slept, and controlling myself not to use it at all, the phone was able to stay on standby for about a week.

He turned on his phone and was about to check the remaining battery when he suddenly froze.

His hands trembled suddenly and his lips trembled.

He rubbed his eyes hard, fearing that it was just his imagination.

Pressing the phone against his chest, he tried to close his eyes, took a long breath, looked at the phone again, and tremblingly opened the text message:

“Today (September 14th) at 12 noon, the Ghost Control Army will attack Shura. Launch a counterattack! At the same time, the Ghost Control Army will lead the people to retreat to Chang’an. If you want to leave, please gather in an open area of the community. We will send helicopters to respond. ——Jin Lin, the third commander of the Ghost Control Army.”

“Yu… …Ghost Control Army!”

Liu Xi felt something stuck in his throat. He rubbed the screen over and over again, fearing that it was his hallucination.

But, it’s all so real.

Every word, every punctuation, told him that this was true.


His heart suddenly jumped!

On the phone, it shows 11:57.

It’s almost 12 o’clock!

He staggered up, but felt the world spinning.

Been hungry for too long!

Just a simple movement of getting up was almost impossible to complete. He struggled to get up, held on to the wall, and walked outside.

Just going downstairs took almost all his energy.

The strong sunlight shone down, and the light pierced his eyes like a knife or an arrow.

He tried to close his eyes, but the redness he saw through his eyelids was radiant.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

To his surprise, many haggard people had gathered downstairs.

“You, you had a dream too?”

“Yes! You…you had that dream too?”

“The Ghost Control Army…is still there! They are all still there! They are here to save us!”

Several people said I cried, tears bursting down the embankment.


What dream?

Liu Xi’s vision went dark and he almost fell down again.

It’s 12 o’clock!

Suddenly, a giant that reached the sky appeared in the center of Ximing City!

He seemed to be really standing in the sky!

Scattered white clouds hung on his chest, and a flock of birds slowly passed by his waist…

He was wearing a golden dragon robe and a golden mask decorated with cloud patterns.

In just one moment, the whole city was shocked!

Several people around Liu Xi screamed and pointed at this figure: “That’s him!! Lord Jinlin appeared in my dream!! That dream was not a dream! It was real! Ah…”

In the hospital, several women The doctor cried out:

“Jinlin! It’s him! Lord Jinlin! It’s exactly the same as in my dream! Exactly the same! He’s really here! He’s here to save us!”

“The commander of the Ghost Control Army, Jinlin! Jinlin! The Lord is here! He is really here!”

“There is still hope for mankind, the Ghost Control Army! The Ghost Control Army is here to save us!” In

Nanguang Community, Liu Fei sat on her knees on the ground, looking at the tall figure like a god in the sky. , making an unpleasant eh eh cry.

Her voice was hoarse and dry. She knelt on the ground desperately and kowtowed: “Master Jinlin! Master Jinlin, please save me! Save me…”

At this moment, the whole city was boiling!

Some cried uncontrollably, some screamed heartbreakingly, some slapped themselves as if they were heartbroken, and some shouted for the Golden Scale Buddha.

At this time, Chen Qing slowly spoke:

“All Shura, Rakshasa, Yaksha, and Dashi in Ximing City, I am the third commander of the Ghost Control Army, Jin Lin.”

With one simple sentence, everyone in the city I felt goosebumps all over my body.


“The Ghost Control Army! The Ghost Control Army is here! Our disciples are here! They are really here!”

Even the countless Asura Rakshasa who were fighting stopped, horrified Look at this god who holds the sky.

“Shuras and humans are mortal enemies. But that is a duel between warriors and has nothing to do with ordinary people.”

“Your white deer Luo Hong, Luo Luo Hong, has been captured by me…”

Countless Shura and Rakshasa were horrified. He said:



“How could the two princesses be captured!”

“Princess White Deer indeed disappeared mysteriously today. I didn’t expect that she was captured by this human being!”

A rumbling voice continued in the sky. Continuing:

“We, the Ghost Control Army, if you have the ability, let us go and fight! You can kill hundreds or ten thousand, it is your ability! After this battle, regardless of winning or losing, I will let the two princesses go.” ”

But you guys If they hurt those vulnerable people, the two princesses, I will kill them in the central square.”

Shura Rakshasa was shocked.

“What’s this gold? He’s actually a hero!”

“Hmph, ordinary humans, I don’t like those fragile things!”

The huge figure continued to rumble: “We, the people of the human race, please all gather in the center of our community. I will send someone to pick you up.”

Chen Qing finally finished speaking, and the huge figure slowly disappeared.

Liu Xi raised his head, feeling shocked.

People around him were cheering and screaming, but at this moment, Liu Xi seemed to have reached the end of his life.

His body swayed slightly and was about to fall to the ground.

Suddenly there was a golden light, and a man in a yellow robe held him firmly.

Liu Xi could no longer make a sound, but her pupils were constricted!

This…isn’t this the golden…golden scales that were holding up the sky just now?

The cheers of the crowd seemed to be cut off by something, and there was silence.

Suddenly someone shouted in horror:

“Jin Lin!! It’s… it’s Commander Jin!!!”

“Commander Jin is here to save us!!”

“Commander Jin is here!”

A woman gritted her teeth and thumped her teeth gently. Tears fell from her chest like broken threads, and she pulled the man beside her:

“Husband… Husband, tell me, this is not a dream, this is not a dream, right…”

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