Third Level Identity

Facing the crowd, Chen Qing didn’t say much.

Time is not urgent, there are too many people waiting for you.

Wave your hand!

Everyone was admitted to Guangfu County.

“This… what kind of place is this!”

“Is this heaven? Am I dead?”

“There is a city there!”

“It seems that there has never been a ghost disaster here!”

In a daze, Liu Xi heard someone shouting:

“Come here quickly! There is a man who is dying here.”

Immediately, a man who looked like an ancient doctor squatted next to him, stuffed a pill into his mouth, and then poured a mouthful of hot water.

He woke up leisurely.

A man in a straight suit said loudly: “My name is Ji Boxeng. Welcome to Guangfu County, which is the base of mankind. Here, you will have enough food and shelter to sustain your life.” “Of course, there is no

free lunch in the world, you You have to work hard and obey the laws of Guangfu County unconditionally.”

“By the way, we have only one leader, Lord Jinlin.”

Everyone cheered!

Some people covered their faces and cried.

Can survive!

We can all survive!

This is the aftermath!

Ji Bosheng continued: “You are very weak now. You will rest for three to seven days depending on your physical condition. Guangfu County is still very small and needs our construction. Your labor will be rewarded accordingly, which is Guangfu coins. You can buy basic Biological necessities, such as clothes, books, etc.”

“Of course, I recommend that you save the recovery coins you have worked so hard to obtain and buy the ‘Opening Spirit Pill’.”

“Opening Spirit Pill, you have a chance to unlock soul power after eating it. , you will embark on the path of cultivation, and you can become a physically powerful warrior, and you can become a ghost cultivator who can control ghosts.”


Everyone was still immersed in the excitement of the aftermath of the disaster. When they heard this, they all thought I heard wrongly.

“Sir, you…what did you say?”

“How could there be…such a thing!”

Ji Bosheng did not explain too much.

They were new here and had a lot to digest.

“Your accommodation area is the fifth-level area. Area A.”

“By the way, in Guangfu County, everyone will start from scratch. Except for murder, all crimes will not be investigated.”

“Resident status is divided into five levels, you can Rely on hard work and improve your score. When you reach level 4, you can own your own house.” ”

Those who have skills will have a much higher initial score. You will make a note when you register your identity later.” ”

Now go fill your stomach first and have fun. Take a bath!”

Everyone cheered again!

Really saved!


Many people are afraid that this is a dream, and that when they open their eyes, they will see that lifeless house again.

But when they were led to the canteen, a not-so-luxurious meal was placed in front of them, and when the first mouthful of warm, even scalding rice entered their stomachs, many people cried.

“It’s really rice… this is rice!”

Liu Xi had tears in his eyes. He chewed slowly and gently. The rice grains were crushed into mud between his teeth, with aroma and sweetness. Fill the entire mouth.


this is hot, real rice!

This meal made everyone cry.

Soon, the meal was finished, and everyone felt more satisfied than ever before.

But no one felt full.

Of course, they dare not say it.

I am afraid that if I say a wrong word, I will be expelled from this strange paradise.

A young man smiled and said: “You have been hungry for a long time and your stomach cannot bear it. Don’t worry, you will have three meals a day from now on.” “Come

on, follow me now and register your identity.”

Everyone registered one by one.

When it was Liu Xi’s turn, Liu Xi tried to be as humble as possible: “Liu Xi.”

“Liu Xi…” The boy was using a tablet computer and was about to register, but found that Liu Xi was already registered in it. He was slightly startled, wondering if he had the same name. .

I clicked it and saw…

it was Liu Xi in front of me.

And the status level is clearly written as level three.

The young man was startled.

Because he is only level four!

This new refugee is actually of a higher level than him?

Is it a typo? Or does the person in front of me have any special skills?

He can be in charge here precisely because he is smart and naturally not stupid enough to question.

I took Liu Xi alone to Area A of the third-level housing area.

It’s very quiet, with lush vegetation. Each house is a six-story building, with each person occupying two floors.

The young man smiled and said: “Mr. Liu, there are still very few people in the third-level housing area. You can choose a house at will.”

Liu Xi was panicking. He looked at this place without any joy, and his voice was a little stuttering: “Sir, yes Isn’t it a mistake? I… I’m just fine with everyone. It’s already good. Here, it shouldn’t be given to me. I’m just an ordinary high school teacher. I only have an ordinary academic degree and no special skills. Yes.”

“It’s okay, there shouldn’t be a mistake. And what can happen if I make a mistake? The most I can do is go back. You can choose a house to live in with peace of mind. I will verify it when I go back.”

Liu Xi chose randomly . I walked into a room and found a complete set of furniture.

“No matter what! As the guy said just now, just go back if you can’t do it!”

Liu Xi gritted his teeth, went to the bathroom, and took off his clothes.

When the warm water poured down on her head, Liu Xi let out a very long moan…

After taking a shower, the receptionist knocked on the door gently.

Liu Xi was about to put on the clothes that he didn’t think much about at first, but now they smelled very fishy. He frowned and then saw a bathrobe in the bathroom. He put on a new bathrobe and opened the door with some anxiety.

The receptionist smiled and said: “Mr. Liu, I checked it out and it’s correct. This is your house. By the way, there is also a letter for you.” ”

Hey, eh, ok, ok, sorry for bothering you! You are busy with your work.”

Liu Xi took it, sat down on the sofa, and opened the letter. It was very short, but explained everything clearly:

“Haha, Xizhilang, I am angry! Now I am Gao Gao in Guangfu County. High and high, I will protect you from now on! – Hou Tianyi.”

“What a fool! Monkey!!”

Liu Xi was surprised and happy!

I never expected that Monkey would be a high-ranking person here.

Regarding the fifth-level status, Chen Qing had a thorough discussion with the senior officials. Chen Qing knew deeply that it was easy to move from frugality to luxury, but difficult to move from luxury to frugality.

This system must be strict, serious and rigorous.

Therefore, senior status is given very cautiously. Of course, no matter how cautious you are, you cannot search for your brothers.

It’s just that he can’t show up personally, so he can only let the monkey pretend.

Liu Xi was surprised and happy, but finally felt relieved.

He suddenly felt sleepy as never before. He opened the bedroom and found quilts and sheets in the cabinet. He laid them hastily and just lay down on them when the knock on the door rang again.

When I opened it, it was Hou Gang and Li Qi.

Liu Xi was startled: “You are the monkey’s parents, right!”

Li Qi smiled and said: “Yes! Teacher Liu, we are neighbors. There are so few neighbors now, so we need to move around more!”

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