Panchang War

Xue Luohong’s eyes were red, staring at Bai Long!

“Hahahahaha! Entering the blood pool is a certain death situation. Even if you use all your mechanisms, it is just a dream!” ”


Bai Long laughed wildly, and his laughter was full of joy.

The blood is extremely red.

He was in extremely bad condition at the moment, with all four palms broken off and one foot also cut off.

Stimulated by Bai Long’s words, his blood surged, and he ran straight in front of Bai Long and kicked out hard with his feet!


Bailong crossed his arms in front of him.

After blocking the blow, murderous intent surged in his eyes.

“Then I’ll kill you before the God Emperor devours you!”

Bai Long laughed, hugged Xue Luo Hong’s kick, and punched out the other two fists heavily!

Xue Luohong refused to let go, and the four hands that had lost their palms all shot out…


There was a muffled sound, and a tiny wave of air came out.

The blood-red severed hand was spattered with blood and flesh, and the bone in it had cut off one of Bailong’s fingers.

If outside, the two people’s full blow would shatter the building just from the aftermath.

But the space here is solid and the air seems to be stagnant. This blow only created a small air wave.

Bailong smiled ferociously, his chest wide open!

The ribs suddenly swelled, as if a huge mouth suddenly opened and bit Xue Luohong.

Xue Luohong knew he was going to die, but he had no intention of evading. With red eyes, he bit down between his wrist bones, biting off the skin and flesh on his wrist – as if he had pulled away the scabbard, revealing the blood-red bones.

The blood-red hand bone was pushed forward, and with a pop, it pierced Bailong’s throat.

Bailong still laughed wildly, but his throat was almost broken in two, and he was laughing with blood foam. Both hands were already inserted into Xue Luohong’s body.

All the anger of the two people had turned into murderous intent.

They are already destined to die, but they both want to watch the other person die before their own death.

Therefore, almost all of them are life-threatening tactics.

There was a crash!

Bailong pulled out a ball of bloody internal organs in his hand.

Xue Luohong’s face was ferocious, and his four hands without palms tightly grasped Bailong’s head, trying to tear off the head forcefully.

Bailong smiled wildly on his face, and the blood hole in his throat roared with blood bubbles. The bone knife that turned into his ribs bit Xue Luohong tightly, and emerged from Xue Luohong’s back.

The two were entangled together and fell heavily into the pool of blood.

There was a sound, and waves of sticky blood surged up.

The blood wave was so heavy that the two of them were floating on the blood wave. Their every move was filled with murderous intent and hatred, and they lost their human form in just a moment.

There is a word called panchang war.

There is nothing more appropriate to describe the bloody battle at this moment.

At this moment, both sides are no longer the powerful Shura King, but are like pure beasts, knowing no pain, and just want to use all means to kill the other party.

Bite to death!


Xue Luohong shouted sternly, trying to tear off the white dragon’s head with all his strength. The flesh and blood on the white dragon’s neck burst open, and the head was about to be disconnected the next moment.

At this time, one of Bailong’s ribs suddenly stabbed out!

The blood was red from the abdomen and stabbed to the head.

The spine was chopped into pieces, and then it was stabbed under the neck into the brain.

Xue Luohong’s body froze.

Relying on his remaining obsession, he completely pulled off Bailong’s head.

Both of them froze, without any movement.

Bailong’s head suddenly widened with anger, “Human boy, I will teach you the method of burning blood, and you will burn everything here…”

The next moment, Bailong was stunned.

Xue Luohong’s whole body exploded into blood mist, and regrouped again in front of him.

“Have you forgotten that this king is Xue Luo!”

Xue Luo Hong slapped the white dragon’s head heavily with one hand. The white dragon’s head exploded and he was finally dead.

Xue Luohong’s body has recovered to its full form at this moment, but his aura is far inferior to what he had just now.

Obviously, this method of physical reorganization consumes a lot of energy.

Xue Luohong looked around with stern and cold eyes.


the next moment, his eyes froze!

An unimaginable murderous aura filled the air.

Even with the strength of King Shura of Blood, his whole body froze!

It was as if something had grabbed hold of his heart.

In the distance, a thick wave of blood rose up and slowly came from a distance.

It’s as if there’s a man-eating evil shark hiding underneath.

Bloody red hair is creepy!

In his eyes, this aura was like a ferocious beast swallowing the sky.

He couldn’t even raise his head in front of this ferocious beast!

The wave came in front of Xue Luohong, and with a crash, the ferocious beast slowly rose up from the water, revealing its true appearance.

That was an expressionless… bloody man.

I don’t know what this thing is. It’s ten meters tall. It has dark red blood and slender arms. The thick blood all over its body is slowly falling, but it can be seen that there is something like plate armor growing under the blood.

There are five horns on the head, one grows from the forehead, bends and sticks to the head and raises at the back of the head, and the two horns on both sides also stick to the scalp and raise at the back of the head.

There are also two horns growing on the cheeks, extending to the front of the mouth.

There are wings on the back, but they haven’t grown yet.

“God… God God God… God God… God Emperor…”

Xue Luohong trembled suddenly and fell to his knees on the ground.

In front of this existence, he couldn’t think of any resistance.

It is not only the suppression from the bloodline, but also the unimaginable gap in strength.

God Asura seems to have no sanity.

Without a sound or hesitation, the clawed fingers slowly pointed at Xue Luohong.

Killing intent!

Bloody red horror!

There is no trace of resistance, just want to escape!

His body exploded into blood mist, and he was about to escape…

That finger carried some kind of magical power that could not be resisted.

The moment he clicked his finger, Xue Luohong’s body was forcibly condensed.

“God… God, God, God, Emperor… Emperor…”

Xue Luohong trembled violently, “You… I, I, I, you, you, your faithful servant, you, you, you… you…”

pointed his finger. Blood is red on the forehead.

Xue Luohong froze.

No more utterances could be made.

God Asura picked him up with two fingers, raised his head, opened his mouth, and ate it in one bite.

A clack-clack sound.

The Blood Shura King who shocked the underworld and killed two realms was actually eaten alive.

God Asura’s body was suspended, his toes dragged on the blood waves, creating a thin wave, and flew to the white dragon.

He opened his hand slightly, and Bailong’s body floated in front of him.

He still pinched it with two fingers, put the white dragon into his mouth, bit it into pieces and ate it.

At this time, God Asura’s eyes were blank, and he looked in a certain direction of the blood pool…

there, there was a bulge of flesh and blood.

Behind the low wall of flesh and blood, Qianmian Niang instantly tensed up!

Her false form can deceive heaven and nature, but she doesn’t know if she can hide it from such evil existences.

God Asura walked up in confusion, one step, one step, one step…

Qianmian Niang tried several more times.

The space has been locked, and she can’t sense the Demon Suppression Tower!

“Master! Master!”

“Master, master, master…”

“Wake up!”

“Wake up, Master!”

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