Asura God


Chen Qing fell into a certain state.

Faintly, he heard the voice of Qianmian Niang.

Chen Qing was in a daze, but he could vaguely feel that it was now a matter of life and death.

He forced himself to wake up.

“Master!! Go!! Run away!!!”

Qianmian Niang was surprised and happy.


Chen Qing was confused and in a trance.

But subconsciously, a golden light spread across the ground…

Buzz! !

His body trembled.

In the past, the golden light that could be used at will was like being stuck in a quagmire. Although I could move, moving even a little bit was like carrying a mountain on my back, which was extremely difficult.

Chen Qing wants to enter the Demon Suppression Tower.


the Demon Suppression Tower cannot be contacted!

Chen Qing was horrified and sobered up a little.

At this time, a terrifying breath slowly approached.

This aura was so rich, evil, and bloody that Chen Qing had only seen it in his life!

“Master, don’t look at it!”

Chen Qing’s heart was pounding.

Gritting his teeth, he used all his strength…

and unleashed golden light!

The next moment, his body had disappeared.

At this time, God Asura slowly floated to where the two of them were.

His eyes were blank.

Slowly said: “Soul…”


“Give me back my soul…”

About a mile away.

Chen Qing suddenly fell to the ground.

Just one stroke of golden light had drained all his soul power.

This has never happened before!

Even in the absolute prison built by Bafang Restless, he can teleport freely inside.

And…where’s the Demon Suppression Tower!

Chen Qing was horrified: “Xiao Qian, this is…”

Qianmian Niang’s voice was solemn: “Blood pool!”

“Blood… blood pool!”

Chen Qing was shocked: “The blood pool that gave birth to the god Asura?”

“Yes! ”

Qianmian Niang: “Master, Bailong brought you here with the thought of dying together. Your luck seems to be some kind of key to open this place.”

Qianmian Niang explained the current situation in a few short sentences. Speak clearly, with a solemn expression: “Master, that thing is invincible! The space is stagnant at this moment, we can’t run fast, you must recover your soul power quickly! At least you must be able to use the vertical golden light!” Chen Qing nodded

heavily : “Okay!”

He called in his heart: “Kui Bao, Kui Bao…”

There was no response.

Chen Qing was anxious.

Looking around, it looks like a giant cave at first glance.

But it is ridiculously big, and the width and height are probably measured in kilometers.

The length is unknown.

Numerous blood-colored things that looked like organs were entangled above the cave, like vines and wires, chaotically intertwined.

And through these organs, there seemed to be huge blood vessels sunk into the cave wall on the roof of the cave, spreading to all parts of the cave like magic circles and tree roots.

Underneath, there is a thick pool of blood…

There is no wind, but there is some kind of force pushing it, and the blood waves slowly rise and fall, making a sticky swishing sound.

The solidity of space was something Chen Qing had only seen in his life. Even the air seemed to have solidified. It was obviously a transparent gas, but every step he took felt like he was walking through mud.

The blood wave did not cover the entire cave. Occasionally, the ground was exposed, and sometimes an island of flesh and blood was formed in the middle.

At this moment, the two of them were on a gentle slope above the blood pool.

It’s also a blessing.

If you fall into a pool of blood, even if you are only a hundred meters away from the shore, you may not have the strength to swim to the shore.

The two of them walked into a depression with difficulty.

The Thousand-faced Lady covered Chen Qing’s body and transformed into a cave wall of flesh and blood, covering both of them inside.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did Qianmian Niang tell in detail what she had seen and heard during the fight.

The white dragon died, and the blood red was eaten alive…

Is this the terrifying power of that thing?

“You said they floated on the blood pool when they were fighting?”


“The blood water must be very heavy.”

Chen Qing explained: “For example, magma, in fact, people cannot sink if they fall into it. Because the unit weight of magma is greater than that of human beings Much higher.”

“In the same way, iron balls can also float on mercury.”

This is also a very important message.

Because this means that for the two of them, the blood pool is like a flat land that will constantly rise and fall. If something happens, they can just walk over there.

It’s just that the blood pool is sticky or not…

Chen Qing tried to calm down.

Calm down, calm down, calm down…

you must calm down…

this is a place of death!

But the more desperate you are, the less you can panic.

There is still a glimmer of hope to stay rational. If you mess up first, it will really be a doomed situation.

Chen Qing slowly recovered his soul power.

With the strength of him and Qianmianniang, even ten Zhuge Liang’s heads would not be a match for that thing.

Just like ants, no matter how smart they are, they can’t kill an elephant.

Therefore, we can only ask for foreign aid!

Zhong Kui is the first choice.

Regardless of whether it was possible or not, after recovering his soul power for a while, he could only bet on Zhong Kui coming.

It’s just that… I can’t feel the Demon Suppression Tower. Can Zhong Kui get in touch?

Chen Qing was silent.

My heart is sad.

“No chaos, no chaos, no chaos…”

“Steady, steady, steady…”

Chen Qing tried his best to restore his soul power. Suddenly, Chen Qing froze.

Qianmianniang also stopped.

The two of them were on a hillside.

It’s not too high, but it has a good view, and it has a cover that can hide most of the body.

Looking from a distance here, I saw a bloody man slowly emerging from the blood pool.

A waterfall of bloody water was suspended in the air.

Chen Qing only glanced at it, and he was already dizzy, his whole head was buzzing, and his mind was like a small boat in the huge waves, teetering on the edge of collapse.

What an evil thing!

Chen Qing was shocked and didn’t dare to look anymore.

He murmured: “Xiao Qian, is this the Asura God?”

As a ghost, Qianmian Niang could see that thing.

It’s just…

Qianmianniang was full of horror and said in a trembling voice: “Master, then… that’s not it!”

“No! No!”

“The one just now went to that end, but this one… came from the other side. They came out from one direction.”

“They… they may not be the same one!”

Chen Qing felt a chill in his heart: “What?”

A chill ran down Chen Qing’s spine.

Listen to this…

Asura God… there is more than one?

Or is this thing not the Asura God?

The thing slowly got up.

I don’t know why, but there is a very sluggish feeling.

It looked around blankly, as if feeling something.

After a moment, the thing slowly turned around, its eyes fixed on Chen Qing from a distance.

Chen Qing and Qianmianniang both felt cold all over!

“Master…Master, what…what should I do?”

Chen Qing’s mind was racing.

And that thing was already slowly floating towards the two of them.



“Give me back my soul…”

There was no luck left in Chen Qing’s heart.

He gritted his teeth and used all his soul power…


Too little!

Too little!

With the soul power he is currently exerting across the golden light, the soul power he has just accumulated may not be enough for a hundred meters.

“Hun? Hunluo?”

Chen Qing was not stupid, and he suddenly guessed something.

Could it be that…

the “soul” this thing is talking about is the soul wrapped around Luo Luohong?

“Xiao Qian, quickly destroy the strand of soul wrapped around Luo Luohong!”

“I tried it just now, but it didn’t work…” Qianmian Niang said softly: “That soul of Luo Luo has somehow become connected with my soul. Couple.”

Qianmianniang left Chen Qing’s body.

He smiled sweetly: “Master, this thing may have sensed this ray of soul, please go and lead it away.”



Chen Qing gritted his teeth, stared at Qianmian Niang, and slowly shook his head.

“My slave, Vajra Indestructible, has already become a small creature. I’m sure she won’t die.”

Qianmianniang said, suddenly turning into a big sable.

Outside, in this form, her speed would have been unimaginably fast, but here, her movements were slow, like a walrus on the shore, each step being extremely heavy.

Chen Qing lowered his body and let the big rock in front of him completely block him.

His eyes were fixed on Qianmianniang.

She looked back and met Chen Qing’s eyes.

With just one glance, he had already turned his head and tried hard to move forward clumsily in the other direction.

Behind him, God Asura’s eyes were dull, but he stared at Qianmian Niang:



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