Master… I’m so scared, so scared…

Chen Qing watched silently.

No sound was made, no unnecessary movement was made.

No matter what happens to Qianmianniang, this is an opportunity she fought for with her life!

It would be the biggest stupid thing for him to go out and shout at the sky and seize the earth.




Recover your soul power quickly, you idiot!

Hurry! ! !

In the distance, God Asura is getting closer and closer to Qianmianniang!

And with the current speed of soul power recovery, it is absolutely impossible for him to accumulate enough soul power.

Chen Qing’s heart was as sharp as a knife and she forced herself not to look at the Thousand Faced Girl.

But you can’t look at the god Asura.

“Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down…”

At a certain moment, Chen Qing’s mind buzzed.

A clear day.

He used the distraction method he used when practicing Duobao Lingchi.

The mind is divided into two, and the two are divided into four…

until it becomes thirty-two.

My mind wandered rapidly.

He was like a bystander, calmly and indifferently counting everything he had now.


Break the situation…

how to break the situation.

Bai Long used himself as a key, relying on his own luck…

Chen Qing had never used luck directly except for the prince’s luck.

It seems to be a hidden passive value.

The blood pool is sucking luck.

So how to use luck?

Where is the luck?

If this blood pool is regarded as a womb, then Qi is nutrition. How is nutrition transported?

umbilical cord.

Blood vessel.


Blood vessel!

Blood vessel!


a dull sound came.

Qianmianniang has been overtaken by the Asura God.

Chen Qingqiang endured it and forced himself not to see her.

His eyes were fixed on a huge blood vessel on the wall of the cave not far away.

He didn’t know how to use it.

But there is no choice!

Chen Qing rushed forward, placing his hands close to the blood vessels.

However, no response.

All the mobilizable soul power and spiritual power in Chen Qing’s mind started to move rapidly:

“No matter what it is, come to me!”


Deep in his mind, some kind of inexplicable power was connected with some kind of power in his blood vessels. Something resonated.

Is this luck?

Whatever it was, it was too late to tell.

Chen Qing has experience in operating the Duobao Spiritual Pool. The unknown power rotates rapidly, forming a vortex, sucking in the same unknown power in the blood vessels.

Buzz –

as if a small water bottle was connected to the water outlet of the hydropower station.

In just an instant, Chen Qing’s soul power was fully charged!

The extra power almost shattered Chen Qing’s soul into pieces.

Chen Qing stumbled to the ground and struggled to get up.

Qianmianniang is already injured!

But with his small body, he barely escaped the attack of Asura God.

Chen Qing took a deep breath…

Asura God’s giant hand grabbed him again…

Suddenly, a golden light flashed in front of his eyes!

Chen Qing grabbed Qianmianniang.

Another golden light has disappeared in place.


Half a mile away, Qianmianniang returned to her human form and spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, she was completely naked, with a huge gaping hole in her waist.

She hugged Chen Qing’s neck tightly, her plump breasts pressed against Chen Qing’s body, her eyes were red: “Master, I… I was so scared just now, so scared…”

This is flawless beauty.

No matter the appearance or figure.

However, Chen Qing had no time to appreciate it.

He was anxious in his heart, but he squeezed it dishonestly and said with a smile: “Weren’t you afraid just now?”

Qianmian Niang’s face was red, shy and anxious.

The golden light that stretched across the ground just now was too forced, and it was probably not out of the tracking range of the Asura God.

And Chen Qing’s soul power has been exhausted.

Chen Qing’s eyes moved rapidly…

The entire cave was densely covered with blood vessels, but except for the top, 99% of it was buried in the thick cave walls.

And Chen Qing, at this moment, has found a naked place.

Holding Qianmian Niang in her arms, Chen Qing walked to that place with difficulty.

With Chen Qing’s strength, he could usually lift a hundred Thousand-faced Lady with ease, but at this moment, the beauty in his hands was as heavy as a mountain.

Qianmianniang suddenly woke up!

Chen Qingyuan is not as relaxed as he appears!

She struggled and jumped out of Chen Qing’s arms: “Master, leave me alone, hurry up!”

Neither of them were hypocritical people, and Chen Qing immediately put down Qianmianniang.

Walk towards the cave wall with difficulty.

Qianmian Niang covered the huge bloody hole in her waist with one hand and struggled to keep up.

Behind him, Asura God slowly looked at the Thousand-faced Mother with dull and firm eyes, and slowly flew over: “Soul…soul…give me my soul back…”


Ninety feet!

Eighty feet!

And Chen Qing is still ten feet, nine feet, eight feet away from the blood vessel…

God Asura is getting closer and closer.

Sixty feet!

Fifty feet!

Forty feet!

Chen Qing had already pounced on that blood vessel.

With the experience he had just gained, this time he did not draw too hard on it.

With just one breath, the soul power is already full.

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief and opened his arms towards Qianmian Niang with a smile.

God Asura is already very close to Qianmianniang.

Thirty feet!

Twenty feet!

Ten feet!

Qianmianniang threw herself into Chen Qing’s arms.

A golden light flashed!

Chen Qing has already appeared on the top of the cave.

Among the messy things that look like vines and wires.

Chen Qing was like a gibbon walking through the trees, holding Qianmianniang with one hand and pressing the other against a blood vessel.

In an instant, Chen Qing’s soul power was full again.

Chen Qing spotted the next place to stay and once again displayed the vertical golden light.

At this moment, it is more than a mile away from the Asura God.

Don’t dare to neglect, absorb again, and transmit again.

Three times in a row, it’s far enough away.

But Chen Qing was already on the verge of collapse at this time.

He is only a human being after all, not a balloon.

To empty it out and fill it up in an instant like this is a serious loss of vitality.

Chen Qing forcibly replenished his soul power again, “Xiao Qian… come here.”

As he said that, his palms covered Qianmian Niang’s naked body – to be precise, it was the huge wound that extended from her waist to her lower abdomen.

“I will inject soul power into you, and you should repair your body quickly.”

The two of them must maintain a state.

Seeing Chen Qing’s appearance, Qianmianniang felt distressed and burst into tears, but she also understood the seriousness and didn’t say much.

Chen Qing’s soul power was slowly transferred to Qianmianniang, and he also used this breathing opportunity to nurse his body that was on the verge of collapse.

Now it is almost certain that Hunluo is related to the god Asura!

Could it be that Luo Luohong was going to be sacrificed to God Asura?

Or is she the soul of the god Asura?

Is there only one Hunluo, or are there a group of them?

If Luo Luohong is really the soul of God Asura, is that a missing piece of the puzzle, or is it the entire soul of God Asura?

There are no answers to these.

Chen Qing gritted his teeth.

You pig-headed Luo Luohong, aren’t you trying to trick us!

I’m wearing a chicken-feather soul thread.

Qianmianniang’s body repaired very slowly, but the bleeding had been temporarily stopped at this moment.

Chen Qing looked at her.

The most perfect woman.

When describing her, you can freely use all the words to describe her beauty.

The skin is delicate and tight, the legs are long and straight, the lips are bright red, and the stars are shining in the eyes.

Chen Qing is fair and upright, looking from top to bottom, from the outside to the inside.


well…you understand, my friend, there are some things that cannot even be written.

Qianmianniang was in close contact with Chen Qing almost 24 hours a day, but she was too embarrassed to look at Chen Qing at this moment.

Chen Qing stared directly at him domineeringly, while his thoughts were rapidly changing.

Running like this is not an option, and there is no guarantee that the boat will capsize in the gutter at any time.

You must find help!

Zhong Kui!

It can only be Zhong Kui!

After his body stabilized, he tried to summon Zhong Kui.

“Master, look! Oh no, you can’t look…”

Qianmian Niang pointed downwards, eyes widening:

“Master, there is a big Asura God, chasing a small Asura God!”

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