The call in despair

For Chen Qing, this thing is formless and cannot be seen.

At the moment, I can only watch the live broadcast through the dictation of Qianmianniang.

Two Asura gods emerged from the blood wave below. The two were obviously different in size. The larger one was only ten meters, and the smaller one was only five or six meters.

And there are many differences in appearance. The larger ones have more obvious outlines, especially on the back, which has a little wings.

And the small back is still very flat.


the little Asura God screamed one after another.

It struggled frantically to get away, but its speed was inferior to that of the Great Asura God.

While it was struggling, the Great Asura God had already grabbed its ankle and dragged it back.

The little Asura God roared and fluttered violently. At a certain moment, he actually broke one of his legs.

The big Asura God stumbled before he regained his balance. The little Asura God had already dived into the blood waves and quickly escaped.

The Great Asura didn’t give chase. He picked up the broken leg like a chicken drumstick and ate it in just a few strokes.

At this time, it slowly lay down, sank into the pool of blood and disappeared.

Chen Qing kept listening.

Eyes flickering.

There is more than one Asura God. Is the blood pool a mode of cultivating gu?

There are many Asura gods, let them devour each other, and the one who survives in the end is the winner?

If this is the case, then once this Asura God is born, it will really bring endless slaughter to the three realms.

Legend has it that a tigress only gives birth to two cubs, and very occasionally she will give birth to a third cub, which is Biao.

Nature is cruel.

Many birds and beasts of prey will abandon their thin and weak cubs, just like Biao.

Tiger cubs will be abandoned as soon as they are born, and wolves and bears will subconsciously kill tiger cubs, so tiger cubs rarely survive.

But once he survives, Biao becomes the nightmare of the forest. Extremely powerful, extremely cruel, ruthless, vicious, and murderous.

One tiger can defeat ten tigers!

If the blood pool is really a place for cultivating poisonous insects, the Asura god born in such a cruel environment will not only be a cruel Shura, but even if Buddha enters, he will definitely become a killing god after leaving.

Chen Qing looked heavy.

My thoughts wandered around, and finally I came back to the starting point: looking for Zhong Kui!

Chen Kuan was unable to ask for help. The teleportation balls were all in the Demon Suppressing Tower, and contact with the Demon Suppressing Tower had been lost.

And even if you can get the teleportation ball, even if you use it, it won’t be useful given the degree of solidification of the space in the blood pool.

The teleportation ball is a ghost bead that causes restlessness in all directions. Its essence is to tear apart space to build a temporary passage.

But trying to break through the space here with an evil spirit-level ghost bead is undoubtedly a fool’s errand.

Chen Qing slowly conveyed soul energy towards Qianmianniang.

Qianmianniang’s injuries are slowly recovering.

Time slows down.

There is no distinction between day and night here, and there is no way to record time.

It felt like after five or six hours, Qianmianniang’s wound finally healed.

The soul power in Chen Qing’s body that was on the verge of collapse gradually stabilized.

During this period, everything was peaceful and not a single Asura god passed by below.

Chen Qing took a deep breath.

He wants to forcefully summon Zhong Kui!

Zhong Kui is a blood contract ghost pet, so there is always a chance.


Chen Qing took a deep breath.

With his eyes closed…

His palms overlapped, his soul energy slowly condensed…

He was feeling Zhong Kui’s position.

The soul power slowly spread out, and the terrain here formed in Chen Qing’s mind, as if it was slowly scanning into phases.


this place is absolutely closed, and Chen Qing can’t feel Zhong Kui at all.

After a while, Chen Qing opened his eyes again.

His face was heavy.

Chen Qing has analyzed the current situation many times. It is absolutely impossible to break the current situation with the strength of himself and Qianmian Niang.

Even the weak Asura God just now was already powerless to Chen Qing.

This proves that its strength is dozens or even a hundred times that of Chen Qing.

We can only rely on Zhong Kui!

No matter what you do here, the consumption is several times that of the normal world.

Just after feeling it, Chen Qing’s soul power had been consumed by about 30%.

Touching the blood vessels again, Chen Qing controlled the vortex to a minimum and slowly absorbed it, filling it up in a moment.

Slowly adjusting the state, he was about to forcefully summon.

But I heard Qianmian Niang’s solemn voice: “Master!”

Qianmian Niang’s face was a little ugly: “There is an Asura god below, looking at us.”

At the end of Qianmian Niang’s line of sight, an Asura god raised his head and looked blankly at the top of the cave. .


“My soul…”

It murmured, and its body slowly levitated.

Oh shit!

Chen Qing cursed in his heart…

Let the golden light shine on the ground!

One teleport away.

His soul power was exhausted again, and Chen Qing’s eyes went dark.

This time he appeared among the messy organs at the top of the cave, like a bug on the spider web on the top of the auditorium.

Chen Qing worked hard to adjust his soul power.

He was anxious. If he was discovered again, he would collapse first without Asura God taking action.

Executing the vertical golden light here is too heavy a load on the body.

His hand touched the blood vessel and controlled to fill it up at the slowest speed.

Chen Qing couldn’t care less about anything else and forcefully summoned him!

All soul power is released!


He seemed to feel Zhong Kui’s position.

But…it’s too far!

Zhong Kui is too far away from Chen Qing!

This is both a physical distance and a shield from the blood pool.

If there was a hundred miles between him and Zhong Kui, the power of his summons just now could only be counted as one mile at most.

A chill ran down Chen Qing’s spine.

His eyes darkened slightly.

Qianmianniang has already possessed Chen Qing: “Master, can’t you do it?”

Chen Qing chuckled: “Who is your master? Everything is under control.”

After saying that, he came to the huge blood vessel and slowly poured out his soul power. Replenished.

Chen Qing opened his hands again…

There was nothing he could do!

Zhong Kui is the only way.

Even if he knew that despite all his efforts, the power of summoning could only reach 1% of the distance, this was still the only way.

“Zhong Kui!”

All the soul power exploded!

Chen Qing was taken away in an instant.

He had already felt Zhong Kui’s position.


even if all the soul power explodes, the power of summoning can only reach one percent of the distance from Zhong Kui.

It seems like an endless distant shore.

Zhong Kui was hesitating back and forth.

A sudden moment!

Zhong Kui turned around.

Looking across thousands of mountains and rivers, he saw Chen Qing.

The next moment, Zhong Kui rushed in like a demon!

When you encounter a mountain, you will create a mountain!

With unrivaled momentum, he rushed towards Chen Qing.

If there were a hundred layers of barriers between the two of them, Chen Qing used all his strength to break through the first layer, and Zhong Kui used his overwhelming force to break through the remaining ninety-nine layers!

In an instant, the familiar figure with a beard like a hedgehog, looking at the sky and looking at the ground, tore open the space and appeared in front of Chen Qing.

“Qing Bao!”

Zhong Kui stared at him angrily, “Who locked you up here? Kui Bao, go and tear him into twelve pieces!”

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