
Chen Qing looked at the water under his feet and finally confirmed his guess:

the water-avoiding beads were still effective against weird water droplets!

This is good news.

Otherwise, if you get along for a long time and accidentally get killed by your own things, there will be no excuse.

Yuan Zhen Fountain continues.

The water splash was tinged with blood.

Gradually, her body shriveled up. Finally disappeared completely.

Let Fugui punch Chi Shui, and the water drop turned back into a drop, and was taken into the tower by Chen Qing.

“Fugui, Xiaoqian, you two go to the fire tower and continue to clean up the water drop until it stops pretending to be stupid.”

Chen Qing insisted that the water drop has intelligence.


Many of the swords on Sword Mountain are smart enough to fight landlords. This thing is so powerful, how can it be said that it has no smart skills?

Who believes it?

Just fight!

Beat me until you answer for yourself!

Let you know what it means to be frank and lenient, and to resist being beaten to death.

While thinking about it, he came to the Yuanzhen Fountain.

There is explosive equipment.

It is a light red dress.

The level should not be low.

Chen Qing thought this and suddenly felt a pity.

Considering how favored Yuan Zhen is, she must have a lot of good things, so she should be captured and tortured.

What a pity, what a pity…

I thought as I moved forward.

To Chen Qing’s surprise, Qianmianniang returned to Chen Qing.

“Guess what happened?”

“Guess whether I guess or not.”

Qianmianniang: “…”

“Okay, okay, let me guess, uh… Shuidi did it?”

“No!” Qianmianniang said with a smile. : “Hou Tianyi has reached the Ten Yuan Realm!”

The monkey has reached the Ten Yuan Realm! ! ? ?

“Really?!” Chen Qing was surprised and delighted: “He, what is his Tao?”

“Guess…his Tao shocked all of us! No one has ever had such a Tao.”


Chen Qing was shocked, “Is it a way of saying ‘I want the world’, ‘turning my hands to make rain, turning my hands to make clouds’ or something like that?!” ”

No… uh, forget it, you definitely can’t guess it” Arrived.” Qianmianniang said word by word: “His ‘Tao’ is: never doubt what Chen Qing said. Whatever Chen Qing chose, resolutely implement it.”

Chen Qing…

was confused.

He stood there in shock: “What?!”





Chen Qing was stunned.


what the hell is this?

Chen Qing was stunned.

Qianmianniang said with a smile, “This slave also felt angry and funny, but when I thought about it, he was really clever.”

“Hou Tianyi’s talent is mediocre, even… below average.” If there is no master, I am afraid that his soul will be his limit, and he will only be able to have an evil ghost-level ghost pet in this life.

“And now, he is highly bound to the master. As the saying goes, if the elder brother eats meat, the younger brother can also drink soup. As the master becomes stronger, he will also become stronger.”


this, this… …

My head feels so itchy!

It’s time to grow a brain again!

Can you still play like this?

“No…” Chen Qing, a fierce man, scratched his head: “Then if a random cat or dog comes, he will be bound to me?” ”

How can it be so casual? Hou Tianyi has been getting along with his master. Every time he becomes stronger, he becomes stronger. It was created by the master. This is an objective condition. As for the subjective condition, he absolutely believes in the master. Unconditional belief.”


Chen Qing was speechless.

But upgrading is a good thing.

As the saying goes, you are lucky when you find money. It is inappropriate to worry about whether it is new money or old money.

At this time, Chen Qing saw another person.

This person is wearing a white scarf and wearing a weird costume. He is slowly moving forward under the escort of two ghost pets.

He glanced at Chen Qing and said with a smile: “Fellow Taoist, have you just arrived? We are all late.”

“Yes…” Chen Qing said with a smile: “I was too careful along the way. I was afraid of everything. You’re walking slowly.”

“Fellow Taoist is also landing on the first floor?”

“I’ve been on this floor all along.” Chen Qing was stunned: “Isn’t this the first floor?”

“Hey, fellow Taoist, you are really a bit It’s too late.” The monk in white scarf smiled and said, “It is said that the stone ship has five floors. Those with better luck will land on the second floor. Those with bad luck like me can only land on the first floor.”

He pointed. Top of the head: “Among the five layers, the deeper you go, the greater the opportunity.”

“That’s it…”

Chen Qing murmured, pretending to be a noob.

Little Zhuge reminded: “Master, don’t say anything about the stone ship.”

“I know, I know.”

“I’ve learned a little about tracking. If you can see the track, I’m afraid the entrance to the third floor is ahead.”

Chen Qing With the eyes of a candle snake, he naturally knows.

But he made up his mind to pretend to be a novice and didn’t know anything about it.

“Brother Qin!”

Suddenly a voice of surprise came.

It is the monk who knows far away.

He was overjoyed and ran a few steps: “Brother Qin, are you okay!?”

“I finally escaped with my life…” Chen Qing smiled and said, “Brother Zhiyuan is okay, I’m very happy.”

The monk in white scarf looked at him, “The two Are we separated?”

“Yes! Brother Qin Fei is so heroic. Although we met by chance, he sacrificed his life for me so that I can take this life!”

Chen Qing laughed.

This bald man is good. If he hadn’t planned to save himself first, he would definitely not have given up for him.

“I’ll give it to you, brother!”

Chen Qing nodded, not paying much attention, and looked around: “Where’s Brother Gongyang?”

“I don’t know. Yuan Zhen and we were originally together, but we got separated.” The monk’s face was filled with emotion. Excitedly: “Brother Qin, let’s go! I know where the entrance to the third floor is.”

The monk in white scarf should follow him and not see anyone else.

After walking for about half an hour, Chen Qing saw a group of people, about twenty in total, gathered in front of a crack.

The monk smiled bitterly: “It seems that only two or three people can enter this crack at a time. Monks, strength is respected. The strong ones can naturally enter first, and we can only wait behind others.”

Chen Qing nodded.

In other words, the top experts have all entered, and those who remain here are not too strong?

“Brother Qin, I can see clearly that the three teams are the strongest. Their strength is extremely terrifying. I’m afraid this big opportunity will come from the three teams.” ”


“One team, lead the team. The one seems to be called Boss Rat. The other team, all members are shrouded in black mist, almost my formlessness!” ”

The other team is Shura.”

“Oh? Shura is here too?”

“Yes! The leader of the team is Shura. Bloody Plum Blossom! Just this name is enough to explain everything!”

Bloody Plum Blossom?

Chen Qing frowned.

The Blood Lady is here too?

The Shu Lao is naturally very strong, so it is not surprising that Shura comes here.

Just everyone covered in darkness?

Who is this team?

“In addition to these three teams, there are also several very powerful casual cultivators who are already seniors in the Yangshen Realm! Alas, this time the stone ship has alarmed many seniors, I wonder if we can share some of the soup.”

Headache, headache!

Yang Shen, that is already the top of the pyramid of the Three Realms.

I just don’t know how it compares to my brother?

At this moment, Chen Qing saw a familiar figure.

Although the face is unfamiliar, Chen Qing can be sure that she is Yu Rong!

Chen Qing also changed her appearance, and it was impossible to see through it in the disguise of the Thousand-Faced Lady.

But the two of them have moon stones and can sense each other.

Yu Rong didn’t say hello, so Chen Qing naturally just pretended not to see him.

At this moment, Chen Qing’s heart skipped a beat.

A black Rakshasa came slowly, with overwhelming momentum.

He is a Brahma Rakshasa, a sixth-grade Rakshasa!

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