Goodbye Sixth Grade Sha

Chen Qing’s eyes narrowed.

He was the one who sold the information about the ship ticket in Heishifang to Xue Ji.

Why can the Sixth Grade Sha still appear here?

Blood Princess didn’t get the ticket?

It’s not impossible for the Sixth-Rank Sha to somehow get three two-winged Asura gods by his side.

In other words, Shura decided to give up a boat ticket to Sixth Grade Sha?

But it doesn’t look like it either.

After all, the Sixth Grade Sha is now alone, with no Shura accompanying him.

Qianmian Niang suddenly reminded:

“Master, he…he has Luo Luohong’s aura!”

Chen Qing’s heart trembled!

If there is only a sixth-grade black Rakshasa, Chen Qing is confident that he can easily deal with him even though he has reached the Taoist corpse level.

But there are three Asura Gods, and the strength of the Sixth Grade Sha definitely belongs to the first echelon.

“Luo Luohong…can she feel you?”

“I don’t know very well. I feel a little strange. Luo Luohong…may be dead.”

In front of the blood pool, Luo Luohong used her soul as a rope to tie her up. It was tied to Chen Qing, but because Qianmian Niang was possessed outside Chen Qing, the soul rope was tied to Qianmian Niang instead.

When Chen Qing heard this, he was silent.

Shura and human beings are natural opposites and cannot be reconciled.

But there is one thing to say, Luo Luohong is really good to Chen Qing.

Moreover, Luo Luohong had never eaten anyone. If possible, Chen Qing wanted to save her life.

Chen Qing was silent for a long time: “Did the Sixth-Rank Sha kill Luo Luohong?”

“I don’t know…” Qianmian Niang whispered: “Master, the Sixth-Rank Sha…?”

“Don’t worry at the moment. If anything, Don’t be soft on opportunities.”

Luo Luohong is dead…

Chen Qing let out a long sigh.

At this time, a group of people were about to cross the crack.

However, Liupinsha walked straight over. When he passed by Chen Qing, he didn’t even look at Chen Qing. He walked straight to the crack and said, “Get out of the way.”

The four people were startled.

The first one sneered: “Black Rakshasa? What’s the matter, a black Rakshasa dares to come…”

The sixth-grade Sha suddenly took action!

In an instant, his arms swelled!

A hand that was one meter thick and ten meters long, twisted like a snake and coiled like a root, suddenly struck out!

That monk is no weak hand either!

In an instant, a stone shield appeared in his hand.


The giant hand hit the stone shield hard.

In just an instant, the monk disappeared from the spot and hit the stone wall behind him hard.


The gravel flew and cracked with a radius of tens of meters.

The monk’s body sank into the stone wall, and with a pop, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, the stone shield was strange, with no cracks at all.

Just one blow shocked the entire audience!

Sixth Grade Sha sneered, with a trace of black energy rising from his body, and walked into the crack without looking back.

Chen Qing’s eyes narrowed.

He felt the breath of the two-winged Asura God on that giant hand!

What will it be?

Brahma Rakshasa, Canaan Yaksha, and Loulan Dashi are the three accompanying guardians of the Asura God.

Hunra is also related to the god Asura.

“Xiao Zhu, analyze it.”

“Lord, the conditions are limited, so I can only make random guesses.” Xiao Zhuge hesitated: “Uh… God Asura may be just a body, like a mecha or a soul. Maybe it’s the driver.”

Chen Qing: “…”

No, as for making such a comparison?

Am I so stupid in your mind?

I am also very smart sometimes!

And you are such an old-fashioned little thing, don’t say offensive words like mecha!

“The three accompanying guards may be reserved for God Asura to devour. Then God Asura can obtain certain abilities. For example, by swallowing Loulan, you may be able to obtain Loulan’s clone and lightning abilities.

“Of course, there are too few known conditions. The accuracy of these inferences is very low, almost equivalent to guessing, and is only for reference. ”

“clear. Chen

Qing nodded in agreement: “Then what do you think is the relationship between the Sixth Grade Sha and the Shura clan now?” ”

Well… Lord, the Asura God devouring the accompanying guard is based on the ‘normal birth’. Because of the appearance of the Lord, the Asura God is now only a mutilated body, so… could it be the other way around for the Sixth Grade Temple?” Swallowed the Asura God and Hunra? “And Blood Princess, maybe she also wants to try and find a new path? ”

So you gave Sixth Grade Sha a chance? ”

Little Zhuge added: “There is still no basis for this. Lord, I can only regard it as my wild guess. ”

Chen Qing was silent.

The little guy’s brain is easy to use, but he is not Qian Ji. He can only solve problems.

Chen Qing stood in the crowd and

waited quietly.

The monk in white scarf was a familiar person and said cheerfully: “A great opportunity. Most of it has already been divided up by those seniors. It’s really not worth it for us to fight over who gets into it first. Moreover, the difference between advanced and backward is nothing more than the difference between the front and rear feet. Fellow Taoists, I think… we might as well draw lots. ”

“What fellow Taoist said is absolutely true! ”

“right! Now that the remaining strength is almost the same, there should not be a bloody battle over this. ”

Everyone responded to the call.

The people and the people drew lots and decided the order.

Coincidentally, the temporary team of Chen Qing, the monk, and the white scarf monk entered first.

There was a huge resistance in the cracks.

The monk was very enthusiastic about Chen Qing. Luo: “I don’t know why Shichuan has a limit of five people on top and bottom. Therefore, no team can enter more than five people. Chen

Qing suddenly said: “Oh…”

There was great resistance in the crack.

But with the combined efforts of the three of them, it was easily broken open.

The third layer appeared in front of him.

An extremely grand… cabin?

Three The place where the person appeared should be said to be the ceiling.

– It was like three flying insects landing on the ceiling.

Looking down, it was hard to tell whether it was hundreds or thousands of miles away.

The cabin was so big that it was filled with thick fog. .

The monk sighed: “It’s really a miraculous workmanship! I don’t know who the owner of the stone ship is. Is he probably a giant hundreds of miles tall? “Two of you, where are those people who entered before us? ”

The white scarf monk said: “It doesn’t matter where you come out of the same passage. The monk looked at the monk in white scarf: ”

Fellow Taoist, you…?” ”

It’s very tactful, but it’s chasing people away.

The white-clothed monk was startled, but he was free and easy: “Hahahaha, you two don’t have to be like this. I can’t believe it, so I’ll try my luck. Goodbye! ”

As he waved his hand, a white tablecloth appeared. He stepped on it and drifted away.

The monk saw him walking away and then said: “Brother Qin, I came here for a spring. This news is precious. Brother Qin saved me with his bravery and bravery, so I am willing to share it with Brother Qin. ”

“oh? Chen Qing was surprised: “What spring water?” ”

The name was given by my master. It’s called Bone Well! ” The monk shook his head: “Master said, the spring is on the third floor.” And my White Bone Sect is able to gain the momentum it has today because my master entered the bone well on the seventh stone ship. Chen Qing became curious, ” Bone well?” The monk said:

The White Bone Sect knows that all the spirit guides of all the ‘skeleton’ lineage and corpse level are obtained from this spring.” When I come here this time, I don’t dare to participate in the fight among the big shots, but I was attracted by the Yin God-level spirit running towards the ‘skeleton’. ”

You can have this!

Chen Qing’s heart is burning. There are two dragon bones and skeletons waiting for food in the tower!


The information that can be released now:

Shura → Love/Jade/Bitterness/Huan/Goodness/Gold/Blood/Soul Luo → Asura → King Asura → God Asura/Blooded Plum Blossom

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