
The creatures in the mist are somewhere between reality and illusion.

Unable to touch, unable to communicate.

So how to take Luo Luohong away?

Xiao Qian talked with the think tanks for a long time and went through all the methods in the Demon Suppression Tower, but none of them worked.

Little Zhuge frowned and said: “Sister Qianqian, if I want to take Luo Luohong away, I’m afraid you have to come. Only you have a physical body. And you have a soul line connection with Luo Luohong. Since you can still sense in the fog, you should have Useful.”

Returning to Chen Qing again, Xiao Qian fell into the state of a deaf-mute blind person who could neither see nor hear.

“Master, we have been discussing for a long time. Only a slave can maintain his body shape in the mist. Most likely, the slave will have to try.” ”

Then try.”

Xiao Qian kept trying, but without exception, his hand passed through Luo Luo again and again. Red body.

This is true regardless of the posture.

Luo Luohong sat there for a long, long time.

During this period, Xiaoqian kept trying, but couldn’t make contact.

She kept trying to contact Luo Luohong, but there was no response.

Gradually, Chen Qing’s heart sank.

“Xiao Qian, you know the radio, try calling at different frequencies.”

It’s simple to say, but it’s not about controlling the volume, so how can we achieve “different frequencies”.

Xiao Qian stopped and thought about ways to control the intensity of his thoughts.

She could feel Luo Luohong’s soul thoughts, proving that the connection between souls still existed.

But obviously Luo Luohong couldn’t sense Xiao Qian.

Is it because Xiaoqian has maintained his body shape?

Xiaoqian frowned and thought.

Chen Qing was looking at Luo Luohong.

After being extremely sad, she was holding herself with one arm and curled up into a ball.

Even ghosts on the bed are so scary, and now, all five senses are gone. How terrifying would it be?

Xiao Qian suddenly said: “Master, that person just now!”


“The person just now who kept asking ‘Is there anyone else?’ He figured out a way to use his consciousness to make sounds. Let’s rush over and learn!”


If I think hard about it, I don’t know how many years it will take. If there is a ready-made homework, it is best to copy it.

At that moment, the two abandoned Luo Luohong and chased the figure.

I didn’t know how big it was in the fog. After searching for a long time, I finally saw the figure again.

“Is there… someone… here…”

It was still the mechanical, lifeless voice.

This is not a sound coming from the mouth, but a sound coming from the soul.

For example, the famous saying “cut out all the middlemen” ignores the vocal tract, mouth, and ears.

It’s a direct conversation between the brains.

Xiao Qian and Chen Qing followed him closely, trying to distinguish his words and trying to copy them.

Chen Qing is also studying.

Although he has no physical body at the moment, neither does the person in front of him!

He can speak out, which means he can too.

At the moment, Xiao Qian and Chen Qing followed this body closely, trying hard to feel and copy it. If they were not careful, it would pass through his body.

Chen Qing has extremely strong control over his spiritual consciousness. Especially when he was practicing the Duobao Taoism, he was distracted in his practice and had reached the point of having thirty-two thoughts.

After thinking about it for a moment, he divided his thoughts into four groups and tried them individually, which was equivalent to approximately four times the efficiency.

Chen Qing worked hard to learn the way this person’s consciousness vocalized, and kept trying to control different “frequencies” of vocalization.

It’s a bit like practicing Mandarin at different volumes…

“Is there… someone… here…”

the mechanical voice was still shouting.

I don’t know how long this voice has been asking, maybe ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years…

“Is there… someone… here…”

Chen Qing kept trying, “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey , are you there?”

“There is… someone… here…”

“Hey, hey, hey! Are you there, are you there?”

The mechanical voice suddenly froze.

The body like a walking zombie froze!

Although it was just an indistinguishable shadow, he could clearly be seen shaking.

Trembling violently!

“You…, there is… there is, there is someone?!”

Did you hear that?

Finally heard it!

Chen Qing was overjoyed: “Senior, senior, can you hear me?”

The voice was on the verge of collapse, trembling: “Really…really, really…can you really hear, hear?! You… Who are you?!”

Xiao Qian was already stunned.

She never expected that Chen Qing was one step ahead of her… No, he learned how to communicate with each other many steps before her.

She asked herself that she had just gained some knowledge.

At this moment, there was a shock in her heart!

Chen Qing has always been playing the king’s game. No matter where he goes, he will always be his younger brother.

Having been her younger brother for so long, Chen Qing really felt like a younger brother to her.

If you think about it carefully, Chen Qing can only practice for two months!

Even if the time speed of the Demon Suppression Tower is included, it will only take seven or eight months. Because Chen Qing spends most of his time in the Demon Suppressing Tower dealing with messy things and spends very little time on cultivation.

At this moment she realized this and was completely shocked!


What are those so-called geniuses compared to their masters?

If the so-called geniuses are brought together, the master’s talent can also suppress the entire audience.

The master is just a little cowardly and lazy. With so many powerful ghost pets, he is too lazy to do anything. Even after having little Zhuge, he is too lazy to use his brain…

Xiaoqian was shocked, and suddenly heard the mechanical sound of collapse.

“Kill… kill me!!! Kill… me!! Please, kill… kill me!”

At this moment, both Chen Qing and Xiao Qian were stunned.

I don’t know how long he has been holding on to this idea. Why did he seek death when life appeared?

The next moment, Chen Qing’s hair stood on end!

He suddenly realized something extremely terrible!

Here…it seems that even seeking death is impossible!

He has been thinking about “how to give birth”.

At this moment, I suddenly discovered that even suicide is impossible here.

Even if Chen Qing wants to commit suicide…

what should he do?

The greatest terror in the world is the inability to live and the inability to die.

Stone Eye Prison is scary enough, but inside, at least you can hear, see, and touch.

And this is the most terrifying prison that is tens of thousands of times more terrifying than Stone Eyes!

“Fellow Daoist! Fellow Daoist… kill me!! Please, kill me!! Kill me…”

The man in front of him had collapsed.

“Former…fellow Taoist,” Chen Qing calmed down his thoughts, “Speak slowly, I just came in not long ago.”

“This is hell!!!”

“This is the eighteenth level of hell!! This is the eighteenth level of hell. !!!”

“Death! Please let me die!!!”

“Fellow Taoist, fellow Taoist! Great Immortal!! Please, please, kill me, kill me!!” ”

I can’t do it anymore ! I won’t check the King of Hell anymore!! I won’t check the disappearance of the immortals and Buddhas anymore. I don’t dare anymore, ah ah ah… I don’t dare anymore, I don’t dare anymore…” “

I won’t check anything anymore, nothing. No more investigations, please, please, kill me…”

“Kill me…”

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