
“I will never check the disappearance of gods and demons again…”

Chen Qing gradually frowned after hearing this.

What does it mean?

Is this the group of people the Chaos Ghost King said was investigating the truth about the world?

From what Chen Qing knows so far, there is a group of people who have been pursuing the truth of the world, saying that they want to find a way out for the world.

Candle Snake is one of them.

In addition, his mother may be Xiaoqian’s nominal mother, the Chaos Ghost Mother, and so may he.

These people have two characteristics:


Believe that the world will end.

Is the one in front of me one of them?

At this moment, the man’s figure began to shake violently.

Chen Qingju was afraid that he would disperse next moment.

“Fellow Taoist, fellow Taoist! Please calm down! Calm down!”

Chen Qing kept soothing him, and his voice gradually calmed down.

“Fellow Taoist, which batch of stone ships are you in?”

The man was stunned for a long time and asked doubtfully: “Stone ships?”

Now it was Chen Qing’s turn to be stunned.

Didn’t he come in with a stone boat?

“Fellow Taoist, where did you enter this fog?”

“Abyss. Aren’t you?”

Chen Qing was silent.

In other words, the way to enter this fog is not just a stone boat?

After a while, Chen Qing said again: “Fellow Taoist, what did you mean when you said this was the eighteenth level of hell?”


His voice suddenly paused, as if he was hesitating whether to tell or not.

Chen Qing said: “Find a way out for the Three Realms!”

His voice paused, and he asked with great joy: “You are also an advance knight!”

An advance knight?

Chen Qing silently wrote down the name.

“We have set foot in more than half of the three realms of death, and that time, we were almost in touch with the truth. Suddenly a mist drifted over, and I…I appeared here.” “How long have you been

trapped here?”

“I I don’t know anymore, I only know that it has been a long time, a long time…”

Chen Qing paused and asked, “Do you know Huang Yi?”

“Huang Yi?” The man was stunned, “I don’t know.”

Huang Yi is Chen Qing’s mother. .

It seems that my mother joined this organization too late, so late that she has never heard of this person in front of her?

“Fellow Taoist, how old are you?”

Chen Qing was silent.

This is probably the secret code among these advance knights.

I can’t pretend anymore! Damn it!

Helpless, Chen Qing said: “Fellow Taoist, to tell you the truth, I am not the person who pioneered the knights, but I have been fascinated by it for a long time…”

Chen Qing sighed longly: “Some people can only see one city and one country, and some are obsessed with the rise and fall of a clan. But you are different. You are here for the Three Realms! I have been fascinated by it for a long time, but… alas! There is no way!” ”

You can enter the Blackfield and understand the method of soul communication. Your strength is enough.” He hesitated: “But in my current state, I can’t give you a brand, and I can’t ‘ask my heart’.”

Chen Qing said blankly: “Ask your heart?”

“Master, ask your heart.” He said slowly: “The advance party has no interests, only responsibility! This responsibility, Just to find a way out for the creatures in the three realms!”

Chen Qing: “…”

How about… forget it?

Han Yuan!

Yes, yes, it’s appropriate for Han Yuan to join the club, I’ll forget it.

“By the way, fellow Taoist, what do you call me?”

“Ren Yang.”

Chen Qing was startled.

What’s this name?

“Ren” refers to the ten heavenly stems, and “Sheep” refers to the twelve earthly branches.

“Fellow Daoist Renyang, what did you find when you came here?”

“Except for the tides day after day, I can’t feel anything.”


Coincidentally, all the blood lines in the sky changed again at this time. They have to be neatly aligned and point in one direction.

Renyang said: “This is the tide.”

Is it a tide?

Chen Qing murmured.

“Brother Qin, what about you? Can you see me?”

“Yes, I have special skills. I can see, and now I can also ‘hear’.”

Renyang was overjoyed: “Then…Brother Qin, you may find a way out. Huh?”

Ren Yang was seeking death just now because of the imprisonment and darkness day after day.

But if there is a chance of life, how can one want to die?

“I don’t know, but I want to go to the source of the ‘tide’.”

“Brother Qin, you…can you take me with you?”


For real saints like Han Yuan and Yao Ci, Chen Qing couldn’t do it, but he always respected him.

And he might be a comrade of his own mother and Xiaoqian’s mother.

I just bring it with me, it’s not a hassle.

If it were someone else, at the very least, they would have to exchange it for information, spiritual guidance, and the like.

But Chen Qing didn’t want to force him to learn about Ren Yang.

Renyang said in surprise: “Thank you, fellow Taoist!”

Chen Qing thought it was simple, but he thought wrong.

It is really difficult to walk in the fog with a person whose five senses have all disappeared!

Ordinary humans, even with extensive training, cannot walk in a straight line with their eyes closed.

Chen Qing can walk here only with the eyes of the candle snake as a reference.

But Ren Yang is different, he has no five senses.

He tried hard to adjust and try to “move forward”, but at every step, he didn’t know where he would go.

It can be called random.

The most uncomfortable thing was Chen Qing. He watched Ren Yang make all kinds of mistakes and could only correct him out loud, but couldn’t even help him.

Ren Yang was anxious, he was really scared!

Afraid that Chen Qing would throw him away after being impatient, his tone was already three points lower: “Fellow Taoist Haihan! I have lost all five senses. I can’t even tell whether I have taken a step or not. I am no better than a three-year-old child.”

“Don’t worry. .”

Since he said he would take him away, Chen Qing could only be patient.

Just like that, after walking and walking, I finally arrived in front of Luo Luohong.

Chen Qing constantly adjusted the frequency of the soul, like a radio looking for a signal source.

Then, a voice rushed into Chen Qing’s ears.

“Why… why did you treat me like this…”

“In Chuntai Fang, why didn’t you just let Han Yuan kill me…”

“Is it because I’m not worthy or because I’m of the wrong race? Why did you treat me like this…”

Chen Qing Since he could hear her words, if he said anything at this moment, she could also hear him.


what can I say?

He is a human race, and he represents the human race. If he is capable enough, he will lead the entire human race back to the world that should belong to the human race.

And you are Shura, Shura, a cannibal.

Chen Qing sat next to her, and their illusory figures overlapped slightly.

There was a brokenness in Luo Luohong’s voice.

“You spilled your blood on my chest, you rejected the two princesses for me, and you faced Tianbo Shun for me. Are these all fake…are they all just a show for me?” “Didn’t you say you met

Ichi ? Is it a blessing to see me like this? Why, why do you have to be like this…”

She counted the little bits and pieces, all related to Chen Qing.

Chen Qing opened his mouth several times but didn’t know what to say.

At the end, Luo Luohong smiled, “It doesn’t matter here, it doesn’t matter here! No need to be the God Emperor, no need to bear the name of Shura, no need to see that evil man again…” ”

What God Emperor, what Soul Luo, what Chen Qing, Let all Brahma Rakshasas die! Let us all die together!”

“I don’t want to be the God Emperor anymore. I won’t see that evil man again. Go ahead and kill him. I… I just want to have a good sleep.”

“I’m fine. I’m tired, I want to sleep…”

Chen Qing’s heart tightened, he shouldn’t be able to commit suicide here, but this tone… wasn’t quite right.

At that moment, Chen Qing said: “I’m here to save you.”

In an instant, Luo Luohong was startled!

She looked around in horror, but of course, she couldn’t see or touch.

“You…Chen Qing! Chen Qing! Are you here?”

She didn’t know whether she was happy or angry. She was a little nervous. She grabbed him everywhere in vain and passed through Chen Qing’s body several times.

After a while, she suddenly smiled miserably and sat down, “Ha… still can’t let go of this obsession? Why are you so worried about that evil person and still have an illusion!” ”

It’s not an illusion, it’s me. I’ll take you away.”

Luo Luo . Hongxuanxuan’s body was trembling. She tried hard to control it, but her voice was trembling: “Chen…Chen Qing!”

“Yeah.” Chen Qing calmed down and said softly: “Let me go, I…”

“You…you’re really here!”

In just a moment, Luo Luohong collapsed, “Why are you coming! Why are you coming! There’s…there’s no way to get out of here!” There was

already something brewing in his chest. Her hatred collapsed in an instant, and her voice was filled with tears: “Why are you coming… Why are you coming…” ”

You… where are you?”

Luo Luohong looked around in vain, “You… you too Don’t you have a body? Can you see it? Can you feel it?”

“I can.” Chen Qing sighed: “I can see our appearance.”

“I can’t see myself, but I can see you,” Luo Luo Hong said, hatred welling up in her heart again: “I can see you even if you turn into ashes!”

What she was talking about was Chen Qing in her heart.

Chen Qing sighed and said: “Luo Luohong, I can save you, but you have to explain everything about God Asura.”

“Who wants you to save!” Luo Luohong gritted his teeth and said, “Just let me die here!”

Chen Qing was silent.

She must be taken away, but what next? How to deal with it?

Under house arrest?

When Luo Luohong saw that Chen Qing was suddenly quiet, she also fell silent. Not long after, she spoke out: “Chen Qing? Chen Qing! Are you…are you still there?”

Luo Luohong’s world at this moment was full of darkness. , nothing can be seen, nothing can be touched.

“Chen Qing! Come back! Come back! Chen Qing!”

Luo Luohong was about to collapse, and Xiao Qian activated her ability – Mantra at the right time.

When she was the Thousand-faced Mother, she could use this ability to judge sinners and help Juhun advance to the level of Master Qingtian. Now that she has advanced to Chaos, the strength of her ability has increased again.

In addition, Luo Luohong and Xiao Qian’s souls are already connected, which has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Luo Luohong cried: “Chen Qing, the God Emperor… The God Emperor has two bodies, yin and yang, and needs two souls with connected souls! Originally… I chose you, as long as… as long as you become a soul, the human race Your identity will no longer be a drag on you, and you… you will be able to gain a firm foothold in the Shura clan…”

Chen Qing was stunned.

Luo Luohong was in Chen Qing’s hand – Qianmian Niang to be precise, with a soul thread tied to her hand. Chen Qing has been thinking about what this means and what it does.

Never thought it would be like this.

Asura god, yin and yang?

Two Asura gods?

“As long as I connect you with my soul thread and get along with you every day, our souls will one day be connected, and then we will be the God Emperor…”

Chen Qing fell silent.

I sighed in my heart, woman, after all, I still think too simply.

No matter what, such a big thing cannot be left to an outsider.

“What does yin and yang mean? Is there another god Asura?”

“No, it’s the shadow of the God Emperor.”

“The God Emperor is the most powerful Yin and has gathered countless grievances. Originally, another God Emperor should also be there at the same time. Wake up, but the Kunlun Blood Pool was not caused by killing, but was obtained by transforming the luck of the human race, without resentment, so the Resentment God Emperor was not born…”

Chen Qing understood.

The blood pool in the past was really a blood pool, made of human heads. How much resentment was in it?

Asura eats two dishes with one dish. The blood boils into an Asura god, and the resentment boils into another god.

And the current blood pool was obtained by stealing the luck of the human race, so there is no resentment.

“The God Emperor of Resentment has no entity and needs to be carried by the Blood God Emperor. Before that, it can only be carried by the Brahma Rakshasa who has been promoted to the ‘Black Rakshasa’…”

Chen Qing finally understood the role of the Brahma Rakshasa. .

He was wondering originally!

For example, Loulan’s general trend, whether it’s clones, flying or lightning, are all awesome.

But the Brahma Rakshasa never saw anything strange. It turned out to be just a container…

In fact, maybe the “Black Rakshasa”, a Taoist corpse, was specially used as a vehicle.

“Shura occupied the human world and accumulated enough resentment. I don’t know what the Blood Princess did. She forcibly summoned the God Emperor of Resentment and injected it into the body of the Sixth Grade Temple.

“The Blood Princess said, I will take you to the blood pool. Because of the following series of events, the God Emperor was unable to descend smoothly, and he deserved death… so he separated my soul from my body and handed it over to the Sixth Grade Shasha to devour…” There

was fear in Luo Luohong’s voice. Obviously, The separation of the soul from the body is extremely painful.

“The sixth-grade priest swallowed the three mutilated God Emperors, and his strength skyrocketed. However, the God-Emperor’s need for resentment was too great, and when he could not satisfy it, he sucked the souls of the sixth-grade priest. They fought to kill each other, but instead Let me find an opportunity to disperse the sixth-grade soul and seal the Emperor of Resentment. ”

The so-called incomplete God Emperor should be the “two wings” that Chen Qing said.

Chen Qing finally understood everything.

In other words, the Luo Luohong in front of him has a sixth-grade body and a Luo Luohong soul. At the same time, There is also an embryonic-level Resentful Asura God.

Being influenced by Xiao Qian and saying so much, Luo Luohong collapsed: “Chen Qing, it’s all your fault! It’s all your fault! Not to mention home, the three realms are so big, where else can I go? “I’ll take you away. ”

Luo Luohong was stunned: “What? ”

“I’ll take you away. ”

“Walk? This is Black Plains, how can we leave? ”

Chen Qing was slightly startled.

Renyang said this place was not called Black Plains. But

Luo Luohong said it was Black Plains.

“I don’t know if I can leave, but I can probably take you with me. ”

Chen Qing, you… don’t do anything stupid. I, I… I won’t leave. You talk to me, I won’t leave.” ”

Chen Qing waved his hand, and the one-eyed stone man appeared in front of him.

As Chen Qing expected, the stone man remained as usual in a world full of illusions and chaos.

It can be used!

And the user Xiao Qian can also maintain it here. The body.

After absorbing enough blood on the third level, the stone man can be used about twice.

The first time, give it to Luo Luohong.

Xiao Qian fumbled for the stone man, “Master, I’m ready.” “She’s a foot in front of you. ”

“clear! ”

Xiao Qian’s soul power entangled the one-eyed stone man. A lot of blood suddenly surged out of the stone man’s body, and it was withdrawn in an instant. In an instant

, the stone man’s eyes opened!

Behind Luo Luohong, a stone eye appeared out of thin air and closed instantly, locking her inside.

With a thought, the stone eye containing Luo Luohong had been taken into the Demon Suppressing Tower by Chen Qing.


four thousand word chapter. It’s almost six in the morning since I wrote yesterday.

This is the treatment of Luo Luohong. The audience is not satisfied and can only do this. Yanbao really tried his best…

Also, the collection of this book has officially reached one million. I am rolling on the floor. Thank you, audience!

Gentlemen, would you like to consider ordering an update reminder so that Yanbao can experience what it’s like to have an update reminder exceed 10,000?

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