Chapter 127 Let's go crazy in the parish

After the discussion.

Xu Ye left with satisfaction.

For her.

Getting Chen Bofu's definite answer is more important than anything else.

"Ryan went to buy supplies. We will set off to the wasteland in two days. It is important to hurry up and get you promoted first..."

"Well, okay."

"Now there are no outsiders at home. Tell grandpa what you really think..."

Chen Bofu was lying on the sofa.

He was holding a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the chandelier on the ceiling, wondering what he was thinking, with an indescribably complicated expression.

"You are not really going to help the parliament get rid of the Priory, are you?"

"Half and half."

Chen Jing sat on a small stool watching TV, saying without looking back.

"The Priory is a greater threat than the Parliament, and no one knows when they will be desperate. If they suddenly accept the olive branch thrown by the other two sects, we will still be in trouble..."

"Is this why you want to get rid of the Priory?"

"The main reason is actually you." Chen Jing looked back at the old man, speaking in a very helpless tone.

"On me?!" Chen Bofu sat up and asked in disbelief, "What does it have to do with me?"

"I remember when I was eleven, you seemed to have a head-on conflict with the Hermitage. Not only did you kill three bishops in their church, you also killed a monk named Light Bearer..."

These are all dug out from the memory of "Chen Jing in the Other World".

To be honest.

When Chen Jing thought about this, he felt terrified.

"That person named Light Bearer...seems to be the only student of the Pope, right..."

Chen Bofu frowned and nodded, saying yes.

"That's right."

"You have offended almost all the people in the Parliament."

"You have offended almost all the people in the Hermitage."

"In fact, rather than saying that we have to stand on the side this time, it is better to say that we have to make a choice ourselves..."

Chen Jing sighed helplessly, looked away again, and continued to watch the news program on TV.

"The situation is tense now. Foreign sects have been trying to invade Evernight City. So we must get rid of one of these two forces first, otherwise we will not have a peaceful life."

"Can't we just remain neutral?" Chen Bofu said with a distressed look, "Let them be cautious... Is that right?"

"I'm afraid they will unite and kill us first." Chen Jing smiled bitterly, "To put it bluntly, Grandpa, in their eyes, you are a mad dog that can bite people to death at will. No one will believe that you can really remain neutral..."

"What kind of metaphor is this! Is there anyone who says his grandfather is a mad dog!" Chen Bofu blew his beard and glared to express his dissatisfaction.

"That's about it." Chen Jing explained helplessly, "They've all been bitten by you, so it's definitely a lie if they say they don't hate you."

"How can you be sure that they will unite to deal with me?" Chen Bofu snorted, seemingly disagreeing with his point of view, "The opponents outside are not enough for them to have a headache, do they dare to deal with me?"

"When I was chatting with Xuye in the car, she accidentally told me something... She said that the Hermitage has been showing goodwill to the parliament recently, and even wanted to hand over some monks to complete their tasks."

Chen Bofu was stunned and said nothing more.

"They can unite to fight against outsiders, but they also understand the principle of pacifying the country before resisting foreign aggression... Leave a time bomb that can go crazy at any time in the rear, do you think they dare?"

"Xuye and you are also talking about this..."


Chen Jing interrupted Chen Bofu and smiled.

"She said that the Council suspected that the sudden show of goodwill by the Hermitage was a fraud, so they ignored the monks at all."

"What you said is just a guess..."

"Even if there is only a slight possibility, we can't take it lightly, so the words I said to Xu Ye today were all preparations."

"So we will line up to get rid of one first, as for the Council... let's see what happens."

Chen Bofu looked at the slightly thin back in front of him, and suddenly felt that this grandson had become a little strange. He didn't think so much before, and his mind wouldn't be...

"Grandpa, for this family, I can do anything, so there are some things I have to think deeply about..."

Chen Jing said without looking back. Although his eyes were always on the TV screen, he was obviously a little absent-minded, because there were some things he was destined not to say.

The current inner world is no longer an "internal test version".

Countless candidates who have traveled from the surface world are all over the world.

Add to that the constraints of the test questions and those gradually awakening "old descendants".

This world is destined not to be peaceful for too long.

Therefore, before the chaos comes, I must come up with a plan to protect this family and nip all potential dangers in the bud...

"What happens after we get rid of the Priory?" Chen Bofu sighed, "Won't we become the second nail that the parliament must pull out?"

"Our nail is not so easy to pull out."

Chen Jing's slender white fingers flicked lightly on his knees, as if playing a piano piece with a sense of rhythm.

"In the process of getting rid of the Priory, I will find a way to hurt the parliament... At least for a long time, they dare not think about us."

"And the style of the parliament is... order."

"Compared to the leaders from decades ago, Xu Ye is not that eager for power, so as long as we keep a low profile, they may not dare to come to us for trouble, unless they want to see Yongye City fall into real chaos. ”

Chen Bofu lit another cigarette for himself and remained silent for a long time with a frown on his face.

Until the fire burns out.

He coughed twice and threw the extinguished cigarette butt into the ashtray.

"What do you need Grandpa to do next?"

"Go crazy."

Chen Jing raised his hand and stroked his stomach that had been disemboweled not long ago. The wounds there were almost healed and no injuries could be seen, but he had not forgotten the bone-chilling pain.

"Go to Moonlight Parish to go crazy and kill some people to vent your anger, but you must pay attention to the scale."

"Okay, I'll go now." Chen Bofu yawned and stood up with a curse, "I'm holding back a lot of anger!"

"We already have the reason. If you go to the parish to avenge your grandson, no one will say anything, so you don't have to worry about the monastery that they will fall out, they won't even resist."

Chen Jing seemed to have predicted the Hermitage's next reaction, and the smile on his face was still so harmless.

"Real or false?" Chen Boxu didn't believe it.

"of course it's true."

Chen Jing said calmly, the smile on his face not diminishing.

"If you don't go crazy, I guess the Pope won't be relieved either, so just let yourself go... let him bleed a little, so that everyone will be happy, and maybe he will be grateful to you."

"Then I'll go now." Chen Bofu showed an excited smile and said eagerly, "I haven't played against him in so many years, and I really want to give it a try..."

"Take it easy and don't make a fuss."

As Chen Jing spoke, he suddenly seemed to remember something and hurriedly added.

"If he shows kindness to you..."

Chapter 128 The sky made of eyeballs

On the balcony of Chen's house.

Ryan brought a chair to Chen Jing and specially made him a pot of medicinal tea that the old man ordered, saying it could promote the body's self-healing effect.

"Master, according to the master's instructions, I have prepared all the materials needed for this time. Let's live in the wasteland for a month... No problem, we can still live a comfortable life!"

"It won't take a month." Chen Jing held the tea cup and drank slowly, his eyes always in the direction of "Moonlight Parish".

It is the residence of the [Moonlight Hermitage], and it is also the only area in Eternal Night City that does not have a vigilante. It seems that this state of independence has existed since many years ago.

"Maybe we can come back in just one day this time." Chen Jing said with a smile, thinking about what the old man said before.

He had already asked out the clues that Lawrence knew.

He also asked the council for a map of the wasteland.

According to the route planned by the old man, coupled with Baiaji's speed, as long as there are no accidents along the way, including the time spent traveling back and forth... one day is more than enough.

"Ryan, you seem to be very excited." Although Chen Jing kept his eyes in the direction of the parish, he could still see from the corner of his eye that the soul fire in the eyes of Skeleton Ryan was beating at an abnormal frequency.

"Well..." Ryan nodded and spoke very quietly, "After all, I grew up in the wasteland... I also want to go back and see..."

"Are you just going back for a look?" Chen Jing turned his head and looked at Ryan, with a meaningful smile on his face.

Ryan nodded hurriedly and said yes, but the next second, he lowered his head again, as if he felt that his little thoughts were seen by the young master.

In fact, when Ryan first entered the Chen family.

As a veteran, Chen Bofu had already figured out his details.

From a certain perspective, Ryan's background is indeed very clean, similar to that of most kids living in the wasteland.

Ryan was born in a wasteland tribe called "Tusuo", and his parents are both old descendants of the tribe.

However, his father died when he was two years old, and his mother was sacrificed by the tribe to the "Tusuo Tree" a few months ago.

According to the old man.

That ancient tree is the patron saint of the Tusuo tribe.

At least that's what they think.

Every wandering tribe will support a "god" who protects the tribe, but in the final analysis, those so-called "gods" are actually some more powerful ancient descendants or polluted species.

These patron saints do not unconditionally protect the tribe.

Same with "Relic".

If the tribe wants to use their power, it must pay a corresponding price.

This price.

In most cases, the settlement is based on human life.

Most of the time, transactions tend to be fair, but occasionally there are scum who "take money and do nothing", such as the ancient tree in the Tusuo tribe...

"Want to avenge your mother?" Chen Jing looked at Ryan and asked with a gentle smile.

"Well... yes..." Ryan nodded timidly, his voice getting smaller and smaller, "But I'm too weak..."

"With us here, what are you afraid of?" Chen Jing said with a smile, not surprised by Ryan's little thoughts, "Since you live in this home, you are considered one of our own."

Ryan was startled and looked up at Chen Jing.

"It's just to vent your anger. It's not as complicated as you think."

Chen Jing turned his face and continued to look in the direction of Moonlight Parish. His soft words of comfort made Ryan want to cry.

"Master...thank you..."

Although Ryan has been living in the wasteland and only recently seized the opportunity to sneak into the city, he knows very well...

Whether in the wasteland or in the city.

There are definitely not many kind-hearted young masters like Chen Jing.

Apart from the help mentioned this time, he has never put on airs in normal times. Even in daily life, Ryan often needs to be taken care of by him.

"It must be my parents who bless let me meet such a good young master..."

Suddenly, Chen Jing spoke out of the blue.

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