"Why does it want to go to the Yellow King Courtyard?"

"Who knows..."

Chen Bofu shook his head helplessly. Facing Chen Jing's question, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Originally, the old man wanted to take his grandson on a leisurely outing, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Now it seems...

The outing plan had to be terminated early.

"Flying is fast..."

Wei Nan has become accustomed to the feeling of flying in the sky.

After all, Bai Aji's nickname "stable as a passenger plane" is not groundless.

"The Yellow King Courtyard is in front..."

Ryan pointed to a piece of ruins in the wilderness in the distance and said.

This place is not unfamiliar to him.

After living in the wasteland for so many years, he has learned about the ancient ruins not too far from the tribe, and even sneaked in to play.

"That place is empty, there is nothing, and there should be no one hiding..." Ryan said with experience.

"That's hard to say."

Chen Bofu frowned, feeling that there was something wrong with the wilderness ahead.

The moss on the ground seemed to be covered by something strange...like rocks of different colors?

He took another closer look.

Chen Bofu's face suddenly changed.

He slapped Bai Aji's back to make it stop.

"Fuck?! Why are there so many dead people?!"

At this time, not only Chen Bofu's face changed, but even the slightly stupid Wei Nan found something wrong.

Because the ground near the ancient ruins was densely packed with corpses.

Chen Jing took a deep breath, trying to calm his inner uneasiness, and whispered to Bai Aji.

"Fly higher."

Bai Aji nodded silently, then slowly flapped his wings and gradually climbed to the sky.

The farther away from the ground.

The pile of corpses near the ancient ruins... looked more spectacular.

As Ryan introduced to everyone before.

The Huangwang Courtyard looked like a dilapidated ancient ruins.

There was no complete building.

There were gray gravel and sand everywhere.

Since the surface of the ancient ruins is covered with a layer of gray stone bricks, the contrast between the surface of the ruins and the nearby wasteland is particularly strong when looking down from the sky.

Without the green moss covering it, you can roughly see a very regular gray circle... or a huge totem!

The grooves on the ground of the ancient ruins that have no function are just like the lines under the brush.

The details of the totem are depicted very delicately and cleverly, and are exactly the same as the pattern on the Yellow King Holy Grail.

The place is right.

But what about these corpses?

Hundreds of corpses are piled up in a circle around the ancient ruins.

Among them, the large-scale polluted corpses account for the majority, and only a small part are wanderers dressed in different clothes.

"No... I've been here before..." Ryan murmured, with a hint of horror in his tone, "At that time, there was nothing here..."

"How long ago was the last time you came here?" Chen Bofu asked.

"A few months ago..." Ryan replied.

Chen Bofu nodded silently, observed carefully for a while, and his tone gradually became serious.

"Among the bodies of those polluted species... there are three or four... whose strength is stronger than the Tuso Tree..."

"Fuck! How about we retreat!" Wei Nan felt a chill on his back and got goose bumps all over his body. "The strength of that tree is equivalent to the old descendants of Sequence 4 or Sequence 5. If it is stronger than it, wouldn't it be Sequence 6?"

After saying that, Wei Nan shrank back and hid behind Chen Jing.

"Master Chen, will the people who killed these polluted species... be as strong as you?"

"How the hell do I know!" Chen Bofu's expression became more and more ugly, and he began to calculate in his heart...

In Yongye and the wasteland near Yongye, there are only a handful of people who can fight him, and he knows all those people.

So at this time, Chen Bofu has begun to count on his fingers and compare them one by one according to the "enemies" in his memory.

There is strength and means.

After killing someone, he was able to hide his own breath without leaving any trace at the scene.

This looks like...

"There is someone there!"

Yan Que suddenly said.

Chen Bofu looked in the direction Yan Que pointed... and saw that there was indeed a thin and dry figure moving slowly in the pile of corpses.

Chen Bofu didn't know that person, and he didn't even have the slightest impression of him.

And that person's breath...

Just like Bai Aji.

There was no breath at all.

If he hadn't seen him standing there with his own eyes, I'm afraid even Chen Bofu wouldn't be able to sense his existence.

"Is he a member of the ancient race?" Chen Bofu had this guess in his mind, and his pupils shrank instantly.

At the same time.

The figure who was walking leisurely towards the center of the ancient ruins suddenly looked up without warning.

I don't know if the two sides were too far apart, or if the other party used some means.

The man's face seemed to be covered with a layer of golden mist.

Only the eyes without any human emotions were exposed.

Cold and indifferent.

Filled with a weird and unspeakable death aura.

Just like a silent corpse or a man-made cold machine.

When Chen Jing's eyes met his, even though the other party did not show too obvious hostility, Chen Jing still felt a bone-chilling chill.

"This man looks unfamiliar..."

At this moment, Chen Bofu was still carefully looking at the man's face, while his good grandson Chen Jing, who was sitting behind him, was frightened and sweating.

Because he suddenly remembered the three conditions that needed to be met to advance to Sequence 2.

First, hold the medium "Door Key".

Second, enter the "Yellow King Courtyard".


"It's him..."

Looking at the "Taoist" whose dress was out of tune with this world, and then taking a closer look at his dark Taoist robe and the whisk in his hand, Chen Jing was almost sure of it instantly.

"He is the blasphemer... Zhao Weixian..."

Chen Jing was about to speak out to remind everyone to be careful, but the Taoist standing in the ancient ruins suddenly flashed and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this moment.

Except Chen Bofu.

No one could see his movements clearly.

"Be careful!!!"

Chen Jing only heard the old man's roar beside him, and then felt a piercing chill coming from his side.

Before Chen Jing could react, the old man pulled him up and held him in front of him.

During this process.

Chen Jing only vaguely saw a golden light passing by him.

The next second.

Bai Aji's body was broken apart from the chest.

It was as if it was cut off by some sharp weapon.

The whole body was split into two parts in the air without any warning.

And the people riding on its back also lost their center of gravity, and fell to the ground at a very fast speed like a falling meteor.

Facing the starlight in the night sky.

Chen Jing finally saw the skinny figure standing in the air, and the long sword held in the other party's hand...

The eight-diagram gear on the hilt was spinning rapidly at this time, and a cable similar to optical fiber extended from the tail of the gear, tightly connected to the Taoist's pulse gate.

The wind whistled in his ears.

The old man also shouted in confusion.

"How can there be 'ancient alchemists' in this era?! Aren't these bastards extinct?!"

Chapter 145 Ancient Alchemists and Living Disasters

Ancient alchemists.

This is a term as old as the ancient races.

Many legends about the [Turing Research Society] have the figures of these "ancient alchemists".

It is said that they are the predecessors of the modern suspended city alchemists.

The awakening sequence is also "Turing" like those modern alchemists.

But Chen Jing had heard the old man say it when he was a child.

The alchemists of the old times are different from the modern alchemists after all.

Even if the awakening sequence is the same.

The power obtained from the source of the sequence is also different.

Compared with the modern cyber alchemists who rely on biotechnology to advance in sequence, these outdated "ancient alchemists" are more similar to the traditional "cultivators" in Chen Jing's understanding.

Although the ancient alchemists also advance in sequence based on a method similar to "biotechnology", they do not have so many fancy magic equipment.

For example, Zhao Weixian who killed Bai Aji with one sword.

His fighting style is extremely simple, just using a sword.

Unlike the alchemists in the Hanging City, who have all kinds of methods, such as single-molecule wires, kinetic energy artificial flying swords, AI-possessed Yin spirits, etc.

"Fuck, fuck, he fell down!!!"

"Ya Ya! Come and save him!"

"Master, be careful! He's going after you again!"

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