While everyone was falling to the ground rapidly, those who reacted most calmly were Chen Boxu and Yan Que, especially Yan Que...

Compared to the uneasiness when facing [Moonlight Hermitage].

She was so calm at the moment.

Even though Bai Aji was suddenly cut into two pieces in front of her eyes, her emotions were still in an absolutely calm state. After summoning the giant crow, she pulled out the long sword hidden in the cane.

With the swing of the staff and sword.

The giant crow that swooped towards the crowd quickly split apart.

One is divided into two, two is divided into four.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the giant crow split into an overwhelming flock of crows.

Weinan, Lane.

They were not within the range of Chen Bofu's instinctive protection, so they were the two of them who fell the fastest.

The crows seemed to know what to do.

When Wei Nan and the others fell to a height of about 300 meters above the ground, the first group of crows had already swooped away, lifting them up easily like somersault clouds.

"Stay away from the battlefield!"

Chen Bofu roared, and with a wave of his hand, bursts of thick, liquid-like black mist poured out from his palm, spreading outward even faster than those crows splitting, but in an instant, the sky was covered. The power of the sun.


The sky that everyone can see with the naked eye has been completely obscured by this thick fog, and the bright star trails outlined by the stars in the sky can no longer be seen.

Before Chen Jing had time to react, he had been thrown out by the old man, and Yan Que, who was standing on the back of the giant crow, was even more quick-sighted. When he saw Chen Jing flying towards him, he raised his hand lightly and caught it steadily. he.

"Are you okay?" Yanque asked worriedly.


Chen Jing wanted to say it was okay, but he was in an awkward situation at the moment. After all, being caught in a princess hug by this little loli who was a head shorter than himself really made him feel a bit embarrassed.

"Bai Aji is dead?" Yanque's eyes showed a trace of inexplicable sadness, as if he had a good impression of the stupid Bai Aji along the way.

"It won't die." Chen Jing explained, turning his head to look at the remains of Baiaji that gradually turned into mist and disappeared, "As long as twenty-four hours pass, I can summon it again. ”

After receiving this answer, Yan Que nodded silently.

"That ancient alchemist is so powerful..." Chen Jing said with lingering fear, "Bai Aji was defeated by him in one glance..."

"It is indeed terrifyingly strong."

Looking at the alchemist who flew straight towards Chen Boxu, Yan Que's tone was full of solemnity.

"Except for the old man, none of us is his opponent, so let's retreat now and stay as far away from the battlefield as possible, so as not to hold the old man back."

"Okay...but can you put me down first?"

at the same time.

The ancient alchemist flying in the air has already started a close hand-to-hand combat with Chen Bofu.

He seemed to have identified Chen Boxu.

As soon as he came, he went straight to the most powerful old descendant in this group of people.

Accompanied by the deafening sound of gold and iron clashing, every slash of the long sword in the ancient alchemist's hand was blocked by the old man's bare hands.

It was as if the seemingly ordinary mortal body was tougher than any known substance. No matter how sharp the long sword in the ancient alchemist's hand was, he could only leave white streaks on the old man's body after he tried to slash it hundreds of times. print.

Swing the last sword.

The ancient alchemist Zhao Puxian finally stopped. It seemed that he also realized that this level of fighting could not hurt the skinny old man in front of him at all.

"Fuck...kill you!!"

Chen Boxu forgot what he was doing at this moment.

Unconsciously, I became immersed in this battle.

The blood that had been calm for many years, as calm as stagnant water, was once again flowing rapidly in the blood vessels, burning like fire...

On his old face.

All that can be seen is an almost crazy fighting spirit.

This is a wasteland, not eternal night.

Here he no longer needs to tie his hands and feet.

He can fight any way he wants.

"Yan Que! Take them to retreat!"

After Chen Bofu finished speaking these words, his body gradually became transparent and dissipated like smoke at a speed visible to the naked eye in front of Zhao Puxian's eyes.

when he appears again.

It is already standing above the black mist in the sky.

"It's so enjoyable..."

Chen Bofu sat cross-legged on the top of the clouds and mist as thick as black water, with a smile on his face that was both excited and crazy.

He was almost certain.

This ancient alchemist's strength has exceeded his expectations.

Even if this ancient alchemist were placed in a place like Yong Ye, there would probably be only a few people in the entire city who could defeat him.

"I haven't played like this for a long time..."

As Chen Bofu slowly closed his palms, the black mist that covered the sky and sun began to move.

The mist all over the Distorted Eye is constantly billowing, like boundless turbulent waves.

Like Moses parting the sea in mythology.

The thick fog in the sky started from Chen Bofu's position as the center line, splitting into two parts and suddenly split open at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was a terrifying sight as if the sky was falling apart.

It's just shocking and inexplicable.

At this moment, the ancient alchemist standing in the sky suddenly spoke, with a strange accent that sounded like an electronically synthesized human voice.

"You...want to fight with me?"

As Zhao Puxian spoke, he raised his hand and waved the sleeves of his Taoist robe. Many thumb-sized objects that looked like electronic drones suddenly flew out of his sleeves and flew directly towards the mountains of corpses outside the ancient ruins of the Huangwang Courtyard.

Everyone didn't understand what he was going to do, so they just listened to him clasping his fingers and muttering.

"In the beginning of the universe...the Yin God descended..."

"The spiritual light enters the body...don't be alarmed..."

"I serve Turing Heavenly Lord as urgently as the law..."


Chapter 146 Dao Dou Dao

Chen Jing once heard an old man say that most of the alchemists in Hanging City relied on "biotechnology" to fight.

But those so-called technologies are related to a certain old god.

It’s more like a combination of technology and metaphysics.

"Anyway, you are right to remember what grandpa said. None of the alchemists in Hanging City are good, and their ambitions are greater than anyone else's. Moreover, all of them are madmen. They will clamor to see through the illusion every day and want to ascend to the reality. world……"

At this moment, Chen Jing's mind kept flashing all the information about the alchemist.

Looking at the corpses standing up below, he felt that his understanding of Fang Shi was still too superficial... Is this the corpse control technique used by Zhao Puxian?

In everyone's doubtful eyes.

The corpses in the mountain of corpses that had long since made no sound were gradually gathering towards the center of the battlefield.

The most eye-catching one is a giant.

I would barely call it a giant.

It has the general outline of a human being, with fairly distinct limbs.

He is about 100 meters tall.

The fat and bloated body is like a balloon filled with water. The sticky fat like liquid will slosh with every step.

"That polluted species... should be the most powerful among these living corpses..." Yan Que whispered.

"What method did he use?" Chen Jing couldn't help but ask, "Is what flew out of his sleeves just now a drone or something?"

"have no idea."

Yanque shook his head, his expression also very confused.

"I don't know much about Alchemists, so I can't be sure, but his method... I have seen similar methods in the church's archives. It is very similar to the method used by Alchemists in Hanging City to refine corpses. "

"Refining corpses?" Chen Jing was startled and suddenly began to wonder if he had picked up the wrong script.

Why did he suddenly travel to the world of metaphysics and supernatural beings?

"First, the 'magic weapon' is implanted into the spiritual orifice of the corpse, and then the data network is used to download the backup of the AI ​​Yin God and install it in the corpse. In their words... this is called 'planting the Yin God'."

At this time, Wei Nan and Ryan had been flown over by a flock of crows.


Wei Nan still looked shocked, as if he was frightened by Zhao Puxian.

"Bai Aji actually let him kill him with one sword!"

"It can survive. As long as I don't die, I can summon it again."

The smile on Chen Jing's face looked a little forced.

Although he knew that Bai Aji was immortal, watching others cut it in half with a sword... it would be a lie to say that he didn't feel uncomfortable.

"We haven't withdrawn far enough now." Yan Que looked at Chen Bofu, who was far away in the sky, and estimated the distance between the two sides in his mind. "Withdraw another two kilometers, otherwise we will be easily affected by the battle here."

"Okay, let's retreat first." Chen Jing nodded and said.

From the previous fight between the old man and Zhao Puxian, it is not difficult to see that although Zhao Puxian is ridiculously strong, he seems to be unable to do anything to the old man.

That seemingly indestructible long sword couldn't break the old man's defense at all!

So Chen Jing was relieved for the time being and prepared to follow Yan Que and the others to withdraw from the battlefield, at least not to hold the old man back.


Wei Nan suddenly tugged on Yan Que's sleeve and sounded nervous.

"Those ghosts on the ground are watching us!"

After hearing Wei Nan's words, everyone looked to the ground in unison.

The group of corpses controlled by Zhao Puxian were all staring at them with their heads raised, and they could not feel any vitality in their lifeless eyes.

"That's the patron saint of the Kanur tribe! Dago!" Ryan said suddenly, tremblingly pointing at the fat white man who was as bloated as a mountain of flesh. "It... it's stronger than the Tusuo tree... so our tribe has always been Bullied by the Kanur tribe..."

Stronger than the Tuso Tree?

Chen Jing and Yan Que looked at each other, while Wei Nan on the side became even more nervous when she heard these words. After all, she is the kind of crazy girl who looks reckless but is actually timid. If the situation goes wrong, she will retreat immediately. These words are almost her life creed. .

"Hurry up! Otherwise, we'll be in trouble if they catch up soon!"

"Crow! Fly faster!"

Yanque also found that the situation was somewhat urgent.

She did not dare to hesitate and urged the crows to carry everyone to fly away into the distance.

But just as the crows were speeding up, the giant corpse named "Dago" suddenly puffed up his cheeks.

The next second.

A water column of about ten meters in diameter spurted out from Dago's mouth, heading straight towards the direction of Chen Jing and the others like a water cannon.

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