The liquids spit out from Dago's mouth.

It looks like water, but is actually oil.

Even Chen Jing suspected that it was the product of the melted fat in Dago's body.

Because he saw that while Dago was spitting water, the fat accumulated in his abdomen became less and less...

The translucent dark yellow liquid exudes a strong oily smell.

No matter how lethal it is, at least how disgusting it is, Chen Jing is completely convinced.

If he accidentally gets exposed to these liquids, Chen Jing will have the urge to die where he is and reincarnate again.

Crow Crow's response was much faster than Chen Jing imagined.

The moment the water column soared into the sky, countless black crows began to swoop in groups to block it. Like an airtight black cloud, they crashed directly into the water column without any scruples.


The crackling sound of a fried ingredient exploded in the air.

Those disgusting liquids seemed to have a terrifying corrosiveness. The moment they came into contact with the crows, they easily corroded the hundreds of black crows, leaving no bones behind...

"Go around." Chen Jing just glanced at it and said hurriedly to Yan Que, "We are in the sky and have the initiative, as long as..."

Before Chen Jing could finish speaking, dozens of polluted species with wings on their backs rose into the sky and flew straight towards them.

It seemed that he was determined not to let them leave.

"Trouble." Yan Que held the staff and sword in his hand tightly and frowned at the polluted species coming towards them, "I'll kill them first and then leave."

"Look at the sky!" Ryan exclaimed.

Everyone hurriedly looked up, only to realize that Chen Bofu, who was sitting in the clouds before, was nowhere to be found...

Where did the old man go? ?

Chen Jing couldn't help but become nervous.

He was a little worried about the old man.

Although Chen Bofu had shown enough strength to fight Zhao Puxian before, in the blink of an eye...why did he disappear? !

"Are you worthy of fighting with me?"

Suddenly, the old man's voice came from the black cloud.

Compared to his previous speaking tone, his voice seemed much duller at this time.

At the same time, the black clouds quickly began to move.

Under the clouds.

Everyone finally saw that familiar face.

It was a face made of black mist, almost covering half of the sky.

"That's...the old man?!"

Chapter 147 Courtyard Gate·The Door of Wonders

"Damn, why is his face so big!"

"Is this the power of your grandfather's ultimate sequence? Why is there no record of this in the church's archives..."

Chen Jing didn't know how to answer Yan Que's question, because the old man had various abilities and he really hadn't understood them carefully...

However, this face formed by thick fog always reminded him of the face he had seen at Sentinel Ridge a few days ago before he traveled back to the other world.

"Garbage died and came back to life...isn't it still garbage?"

Chen Bofu did not pay attention to Chen Jing and the others at this moment. His eyes were on Zhao Puxian from beginning to end.

The moment his voice fell.

Two arms formed from thick black fog poked out from the clouds.

I saw them clasping their palms together and slowly rotating in the opposite direction.

"Turing's power is limited after all..."

When Chen Bofu's sneer began to reverberate in the sky, the ground was already in a doomsday scene.

The wasteland as far as the eye can see has turned into a swamp, whether it is rocky gravel or green moss...

Everything is melting into black water at an extremely fast speed.

It only takes a few seconds.

The wasteland within nearly a hundred kilometers has turned into a strange black lake.

"Natural disaster..."

Yanque said softly, looking at the black water below that seemed to be everywhere, his eyes filled with unconcealable shock.

"I once heard the Pope say... Your grandfather did not dare to unleash the power of his sequence in the eternal night... Once it is fully unleashed... maybe the whole city will fall..."

"F*ck!" Wei Nan seemed to have never seen such a spectacular scene before, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face, "Is this old man so strong!"

"Master is so powerful..." Ryan clenched his fists excitedly, because Chen Boxu showed such power that he had never seen in the wasteland.

"It seems that the old man is really honest in the city..." Chen Jing couldn't help but mutter in his heart. Thinking of the last scene of his fight with Xu Ye, he felt that the old man had gone too far.


On this black lake that stretches for hundreds of kilometers below everyone.

Twisted and ferocious human faces began to emerge from the water.

No, maybe more than just faces.

They are like thousands of drowning people.

Screaming and wailing.

It took all his strength to keep his face above the water.

Chen Jing couldn't distinguish their appearance.

The facial features are blurred and not mentioned.

They look like dolls made of black asphalt.

It seems to be carved out of the same mold.

"Why do you look so scary..." Chen Jing was inexplicably nervous, his ears filled with thousands of wailings, and he felt a chill behind his back.

"This water has corroded the wasteland." Yanque murmured, "It's like the remaining pollution of the past..."

At this moment, the group of corpses who wanted to stop Chen Jing and the others had fallen into the black lake.

The strange figures that appeared in the lake were like the evil spirits who had just escaped from hell. As soon as the corpses fell into the lake, they swarmed up and entangled the corpses controlled by Zhao Puxian.

No one knows how deep this black lake is.

But it's at least a few hundred meters.

Because Dago, who was the largest and over a hundred meters tall, had been dragged into the bottom of the lake by those strange figures.

In the end, will it be eaten away by those weird figures swarming up, or will it be corroded by the black water in the lake until there is no residue left?

Nobody knows.

When the last corpse disappeared from the lake, Zhao Puxian finally spoke again, with a trace of doubt in his tone.

"What sequence of creatures are you?"

When he asked this question, Zhao Puxian, who was standing in the sky, had slowly landed.

He had no scruples about the strange black water, and walked on the lake as if he were walking on flat ground.

The corrosive nature of the black water seemed to have no effect on him, and the evil spirits that gathered toward him also found it difficult to touch him.

From time to time, faint electric light flashed beside Zhao Puxian.

It seemed that it was these electric lights that blocked the hand reaching out to him.

"Your ability is very strange... I have never met such a creature... What is the sequence of your awakening?"

"Why should I satisfy your curiosity?"

Hearing the ancient alchemist's active question, Chen Bofu's face made of thick fog showed a contemptuous and sarcastic smile.

Even if Chen Bofu saw that Zhao Puxian was immune to the erosion of the black water and was not captured by the resentful spirits... From the beginning to the end, the old man was still smiling and did not feel discouraged at all.

For him after all.

It's not easy to meet such a tough enemy.

It's natural to have a good time when you have a rare opportunity.

"This era is really strange..."

Zhao Puxian turned around and walked towards the ruins of the Yellow King's Courtyard. There was a trace of confusion in his electronically synthesized voice.

"I didn't expect that after their death... so many strange creatures would be born in this world..."

At this moment, Chen Jing's eyes did not linger on Zhao Puxian because he discovered something very strange.

This black water summoned by the old man corroded everything.

Even the old site of Huangwang Courtyard was completely corroded.


On the former site of Huangwang Courtyard.

The building with a simple shape similar to the Arc de Triomphe still stayed there.

To be precise, it floats on the water.

"How can it resist the erosion of black water..."

That weird building is like a huge door frame standing on the water. Maybe it once had a door... but now it is just a door frame, and you can see directly from one end to the other.

"You also want the Yellow King's treasure?" Zhao Puxian suddenly asked. At this moment, he was standing in front of the only remaining old building. When he spoke, he specifically raised his head to glance at Chen Bofu's face.

"What the hell?" Chen Boxu was stunned.

Zhao Puxian seemed to have lost his fighting spirit at this time, and Chen Boxu was not used to his calm tone.

After all, this was so different from his previous attitude of drawing a sword and killing people without saying a word.

"If you want King Huang's treasure, you can get it yourself."

After Zhao Puxian said this calmly, he stepped into the building that resembled a triumphal arch...


It was just an empty doorframe.

But Zhao Puxian seemed to have stepped into another world.

Only for a moment.

Zhao Puxian disappeared after crossing the door frame.

And just the next second.

The door frame suddenly trembled.

The dark gray outer layer gradually transforms into gold.

The Yellow King totems on the tops of the two huge stone pillars also lit up inexplicably.

It's like turning on two laser lights.

The dazzling golden light beam shot straight into the sky, even penetrating the black mist created by Chen Bofu...

"No wonder those polluted species and old descendants came here." Yan Que murmured in sudden realization.


Wei Nan seemed to have seen something delicious, and swallowed with eyes shining.

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