Chen Jing glanced at Zhao Puxian for the last time, and at this moment, the electronic light screen used for the examination was suddenly projected on his retina.


Tip: It has been detected that the candidate is eligible for the promotion sequence. Do you want to enable the sequence promotion now?

Choice: [Yes/No]


Chen Jing raised his hand with difficulty and clicked on the "Yes" option.

The next second.

The text information on the light screen changes rapidly.

Chen Jing also noticed that his body was "squirming", as if every organ and tissue came to life and began to move in the right direction on its own.


Tip: The sequence is being promoted, please wait patiently. Candidates can go to the personal page to check the promotion target sequence information...


Seeing these two lines of text, Chen Jing did not hesitate and went directly to the candidate page to check...

When he opened the candidate's personal page and saw the lines of text information that were constantly changing, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Sequence 2...the blood descendant of the king?"

Chapter 162: The sect of all kings, the end of all kings

Since the light curtain of the examination can only be seen by the examinees, at this moment Jegertos felt that the "King" was a little strange... He was poking randomly in the air with his fingers, not knowing what he was doing.

Could it be that there was something wrong with the coronation ceremony? ?

Just when Yegetos was hesitant to ask, Chen Jing suddenly bent down and trembled violently, and the body he had just put together seemed to collapse again.


Hearing Jegertos' concerned shout, Chen Jing couldn't help but burst out laughing despite the severe pain.

Because he always felt like Jegertos was imitating the barking of a puppy, especially the "woof" sound...

"Stop talking! Wait for me to slow down!"

Chen Jing gritted his teeth and said, feeling that the process of being promoted to Sequence 2 was uncomfortable, as if his limbs and bones were being pulled wildly, and every pore felt as if it was being pricked by needles.

This invisible force was tempering his body.

At least that's what he thought at first.

But after feeling it carefully, he suddenly felt that his idea was a bit naive.

Because this invisible force was obviously tearing him apart, as if it was trying to force him back to his previous state of being torn apart.

to be honest.

Chen Jing's current appearance is really scary.

His original humanoid torso was constantly twisting, even stretched and became extremely slender, as if he had turned into a thin and abnormal monster.

Unable to bear the severe pain, he stumbled and walked on the shore, as if he was dancing a strange and foolish dance.

Nervous tissue and blood vessels are gradually detaching from his body.

It seemed to have turned into strands of golden threads.

They leaned towards the dome of the palace like living creatures, and like snakes holding their bodies to show off their power... and Chen Jing became their beloved puppet, being pulled by them step by step up the ancient and decaying steps. .

See this scene.

Jagerthos understood instantly.

The coronation of the king.

here we go.

"Deep space is no longer a borderless land..."

Yegetos held the cross sword in his left hand and stuck it on the ground. He knelt down on one knee and put his right fist on his heart, as if he was worshiping Chen Jing who was walking towards the throne. There was a kind of fanaticism that was difficult for ordinary people to understand between the lines.

When the staggering Chen Jing reached the top of the steps, his body had completely collapsed.

Those nerve tissues and blood vessels like golden threads tore his entire body into pieces...

Like a fishing hook and line, Chen Jing's organs, organs, muscle tissue, etc. will be pulled out from under each golden thread...

They hung these things that originally belonged to Chen Jing high in the air, floating back and forth as if they were showing off their trophies.

But even if he fell into such a strange state, Chen Jing's consciousness was still awake.

Similar to what happened before in Golden Mire.

He split into hundreds and thousands of parts.

Yet he can sense the existence of hundreds or thousands of himself.

But it's different from before.

This time it’s no longer a painless split.

The unimaginable pain tortured him from beginning to end.

Even he couldn't help but roar in pain.

It's a pity that these roaring sounds have fallen out of the human category.

It was a cry similar to that of a beast or a polluted species.

Twisted, sharp.

The shrill roar only made Jegertos, who was kneeling at the foot of the steps, tremble.

Chen Jing felt like he was really going crazy.

He could see himself twisting on the high platform from hundreds of angles, and he could hear his wails from hundreds of directions.

Hearing, sight, touch.

All of this is divided into thousands of parts.

And these thousands of neurofeedbacks were poured into his brain at the same time.


Chen Jing's shrill howl stopped without warning.

The entire palace fell into deathly silence in an instant.

Jagerthos was too nervous to make a sound.

He slowly raised his head while trembling, and saw Chen Jing, who had lost his human appearance, standing motionless in front of the throne...

His entire body had split into thousands of twisted lines.

Just like the sketch lines left on the drawing paper, the chaotic and disorderly body made even Jegertos feel inexplicable fear when he saw it.

In the end, he could only lower his head, staring at the ground without looking away, and praying that the new king could be crowned smoothly...

I don't know how long it took.

Yegetos heard a sigh from the high platform.

He subconsciously looked up and saw that the strange lines that made up Chen Jing's body were pouring into it along the hood of the yellow robe in groups, like the straight star tracks drawn by countless meteors in the universe...

It was only a few seconds.

The ragged yellow robe that had existed for who knows how many years finally welcomed a new owner.

"Finally... I survived..."

Hearing Chen Jing's sigh of relief, Yegetos, who was kneeling on the steps in horror, suddenly found that he could no longer see the king's face.

Perhaps it was not just him.

Perhaps all creatures in this world, no matter how they perceive, can no longer see the face under the hood.

Under the hood is a pure nothingness.

Only the pair of eyes that seemed to be cast in gold can be known by outsiders.

Just like the fallen "Yellow King".

Those eyes are like the eternal golden sun.

They are extremely bright, supreme and noble.

And the dark pupil in the center of the iris is like the black star of Kakosha.

It seems to have a kind of soul-stirring magic.

"I don't want to do this again..."

Under the ragged yellow robe that is as delicate as silk, Chen Jing's body, which has returned to human form, gradually leans back.

The light curtain that only he can see is still shining in front of him.


[Candidate number: 0]

[Candidate name: Chen Jing]

[Ultimate sequence: Deep space]

[Current sequence: Sequence 2·Descendant of the King]

——As the only descendant of the Yellow King, you are just like him at the beginning, with unyielding blood flowing in your body. All the power from the deep space will protect you, and those immortal species that have survived to this day will eventually help you become the king...


Looking at the text information on the light screen in front of him, Chen Jing's eyes suddenly became scattered. Perhaps this is the sequelae of just being promoted to Sequence 2...

In a trance.

He heard many voices that did not exist here, and vaguely saw some incomprehensible weird images.

It was as if his consciousness at this moment transcended light and shadow and all known time and space...

Past, present, future.

Everything turned into a chaotic and disordered river of time flowing silently in his ears.

In the chaotic images, Chen Jing vaguely saw the skinny Yellow King, who was sitting exhaustedly on an ancient throne.

And at this moment.

Chen Jing found that Huang Wang seemed to see him as well.

Because he heard Huang Wang's voice.

It was exactly the same as his own voice.

"I am the ancestor of all kings..."

"You are the last of all kings..."

Chapter 163 Stars Return to Their Positions · Old King Revives (Part 1)

When Chen Jing put on the ragged yellow robe that once belonged to Huang Wang.

The promotion ceremony of the deep space sequence has been completed.

Waking up from the endless illusion that was like a psychedelic dream, Chen Jing could no longer see the thin figure of Huang Wang, because he knew that Huang Wang no longer existed, and perhaps that was the last image left to him.

"I am the ancestor of all kings..."

"You are the last of all kings..."

Chen Jing sat on his throne with a confused look on his face, and the two sentences left to him by Huang Wang kept lingering in his mind.

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