He always felt that King Huang said something else at the end.

But he couldn't remember clearly.

Did you hear it wrong?

Or is that also an illusion?

Chen Jing didn't know.


Yegetos slowly stood up, raised his hand and put the cross sword behind his back.

"We should go."

"It's time to go..."

Chen Jing raised his head.

I saw that the palace in front of me gradually began to shake. The withered vines covering the walls continued to turn into sawdust and scattered in all directions. Endless golden dust spread downwards from the dome like mist.

Chen Jing knows.

The mission of Huangwang Courtyard has been completed.

After the new king is crowned.

It will completely disappear into the dust of history with the fallen Huang King.

"Let's get out."

Chen Jing held onto the armrest of the throne with a slightly stiff movement, and slowly stood up wearing a ragged yellow robe.

And at the moment when he left the throne.

He seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned his head to look at a huge stone tablet behind the throne.

That stone tablet has always been there.

It was there when Chen Jing stepped onto the stairs and walked step by step towards the throne.

No pattern.

No text.

There is no totem.

The surface of the monolith is as smooth as a mirror.

Only that square shape, about forty centimeters long, and a sudden sunken space... was faintly dancing with dark yellow light.

Chen Jing took a closer look.

In that groove lies an object that looks like a gold coin.

And in the deepest part of the groove.

There is another recessed slot.

The deepest groove is not a regular square, but a shape similar to an hourglass, with nothing placed inside.

"Why does this shape look a bit like the Yellow King's Holy Grail..."

As the Yellow King's courtyard gradually collapsed, a series of incredible changes occurred in the outside world.

Especially the place closest to the Yellow King's Courtyard.

On that ancient ruins.

"What's going on in this starry sky..."

Chen Bofu looked up at the increasingly distorted sky, with a rare look of horror in his cloudy eyes.

The same was true for Wei Nan and Yan Que. They both raised their heads and looked up at the sky, their expressions full of disbelief.

"What's wrong with the starry sky..."

Although Ryan's head has been taken back by Chen Boxu, he has not yet fully recovered. He is lying face down on the ground motionless, extremely curious about Chen Boxu's words.

In the end, the giant crow raised by Yan Que was kinder. He ran to Ryan in two bounds and gently nudged Ryan's head with his beak, so that he could barely turn his face to see the sky.

"Why are all the stars running away..."

The starry sky above everyone's heads is no longer what it was before.

Those bright lines that are straight or curved like star trails are gradually rotating and twisting in the same direction...

It was as if the entire starry sky had been thrown into chaos by some unknown force.

Finally, a huge whirlpool composed of countless stars was formed.

And at the center of the vortex.

It is this wasteland where everyone lives.

Before everyone present could figure out what was going on, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Accompanied by a chilling tearing sound, huge boulders suddenly appeared on the surface of the ancient ruins, and something seemed to be rushing out of the ground...

Chen Bofu had the fastest reaction speed. With a wave of his hand, he swept everyone into the thick black mist and rushed into the sky like a cloud.

"What..." Chen Boxu's expression was a little nervous, because he could sense how terrifying the surging and majestic energy in the ground was.

As more and more boulders appear on the ground, the surface of the ancient ruins has completely changed its shape, as if hundreds of volcanoes only tens of meters high have appeared...

Most of the tops of these "volcanoes" shine with golden light.

The energy that Chen Bofu sensed was these strange lights.

About half a minute passed.

The first pile of boulders began to crumble.

Golden light pillars several meters in diameter rose from the ground and shot straight into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, other huge piles of rocks gradually followed...

Maybe there are too many light beams appearing.

It only takes a few seconds.

These thousands of golden light pillars merged into one.

The entire ancient ruins were shrouded in the giant light pillar that finally appeared...

"These lights seem to have rushed to the stars..." Ryan tilted his head and said in surprise, "In the middle of that whirlpool!!"

"Stop looking! Escape first!" Chen Bofu said anxiously, leading everyone to quickly stay away from this strange place.

The bright vortex composed of countless stars seems to be the home of the light pillar.

As the huge golden light pillar finally appeared, circles of ripple-like golden ripples appeared in the sky.

They spread out at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye, and even Chen Boxu could only vaguely see their spreading trajectory.

It's as if the sky of this world has turned into the sea.

The pillar of light is a pebble thrown into the sea.

The spreading ripples kept rushing in all directions.

It's like a signal.

The sea of ​​old.


Yarmouth Town Pier.

"Boss! I have packed all the tributes! Let me go to sea now!"

Over this period of time, Wang Elai seems to have become accustomed to his identity as a "fisherman", and his dress has begun to resemble that of the locals.

The work clothes that had not been washed for thousands of years were greasy, the waterproof rubber boots were stained with blood, and there was an unpleasant fishy smell.

"Let's go."

The "boss" Wang Elai mentioned was the first aboriginal he saw in the other world.

The captain of the fishing boat.

"Be careful when you offer them tribute, don't break the rules."

The captain sat on the cargo box at the dock, scratching his neck painfully while talking.

He was like a fish with scale disease, all the scales on his neck exploded and stood up, and a hand full of green mucus was scratched.

"Got it!"

Wang Elai didn't dare to look at the captain when he spoke, because he felt sick every time he looked at him, especially when the captain scratched his neck.

Seeing those vertical scales... it really gave me goose bumps!

And just as he entered the cabin and was about to start the fishing boat, the captain suddenly shouted to him.

"Wait! Don't go yet!"

"What's wrong?!"

Wang E Lai walked out impatiently, only to see the captain looking at the sky with a look of horror.

Following the captain's gaze, Wang E Lai also looked up at the sky.

It was foggy and gloomy.

It was still the same.

I couldn't see anything.

"There seems to be something in the sky..."

The captain said in horror.

Although he couldn't see the scenery behind the gloomy fog, he could feel...in the sky, there must be something terrifying that passed by!

"Hellish." Wang E Lai muttered, took out the pipe he had just bought two days ago from his pocket, lowered his head and stuffed the tobacco leaves impatiently, "Boss! Then should I go out to sea today or not!"


Hearing the captain's voice suddenly stop, Wang E Lai instinctively looked up...

At this moment, the captain was looking at the sea with a face full of horror, trembling and unable to speak.

"This grandson is so weird all day long... How long will it take me to finish this additional question..."

Wang E Lai became more and more impatient and looked back at the sea.

This look.

He was also stunned.

The vast sea in front of him was silently splitting apart until a dark abyss hundreds of kilometers wide appeared.

The end of the abyss almost reached the horizon of the sea level...

In the empty abyss.

Wang E Lai only vaguely saw many giant tentacles as wide as black ridges.

While dragging the "main body" along the abyss to the sea surface, they howled wildly and shrilly.

I don't know what the structure of the monster's vocal organs is, the sharp and high howl is like thousands of human babies crying.

Until the indescribable horrible creature floated the "main body" intact above the sea.

Everything Wang E Lai saw.

Even most of the sky was blocked behind "Him".

At the same time, the captain on the dock suddenly yelled.

"Dagon... Dagon!!!"

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