Can’t persuade her.

Really can’t persuade her.

Don’t think this girl is stupid and has no brains, but once she gets angry, she might turn her face and ignore you in an instant.

Although Chen Jing really wants to help Yan Que solve this little conflict between neighbors, and brush up the friendship so that he can complete the “extra questions” earlier, but now he thinks it’s better to forget it.

There are always opportunities to answer questions.

Fate is not always there.

If she likes to hit those crows, then she can hit them, and those crows fly so high and fast that she may not be able to hit them.

“All of you go to hell!”

Chen Jing only heard Wei Nan curse, and then he saw that the blood color in Wei Nan’s eyes became more and more intense.

The irises in her eyes, which were already as red as blood, now shone faintly like rubies, and the blood on the whites of her eyes was as dense as spider webs, as if blood would seep out in the next second...

With a piercing scream, the stone in Wei Nan’s hand flew out of her hand instantly, and even the flight trajectory was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

In an instant, the stone hit a crow circling in the sky...


Not just one, but a bunch!

The stone was like a bullet, with a sharp whistle that tore through the air, and easily pierced through the trunks of dozens of crows.

Seeing this scene.

Chen Jing was very glad that he was still sober and did not stop Wei Nan when she was angry.

But the next second.

Chen Jing felt bad again.

Because he found that there was one more person in the room.

Yan Que.

She seemed to appear out of thin air.

She appeared in the corner of the living room the moment Wei Nan threw the stone.

"Patience has its limits."

Yan Que first glanced at Chen Jing, and then looked at Wei Nan.

There was not much expression on her young and pale face, and her gloomy eyes still made people feel particularly depressed.

"Who are you trying to scare?"

Wei Nan was very conscious of being the boss. As soon as Yan Que appeared, he pulled Chen Jing behind him, then stepped forward and blocked Chen Jing behind him.

"Who told you to keep so many stupid birds when you have nothing to do? They scream in the house at night! It's so annoying!"

"This is indeed a bit too much..." Chen Jing whispered.

"They didn't make any sound."

Yan Que looked at Chen Jing calmly. The cane that was against Chen Jing's throat not long ago was now tapping the ground lightly, as if beating some strange rhythm.

"Ordinary people can't hear those sounds, but I am an old descendant..." Wei Nan smiled, not caring about the darkening window behind him, "I've told you several times! Did you take it seriously?!"

"I've tried my best to shut them up." Yan Que explained.

"Not to mention the noise, look at these..."

Wei Nan pointed at the traces of bird droppings on the window, and was even more angry.

"They pull on my window when they have nothing to do. Have you ever taken care of it?"

"I paid for your cleaning."

"They pull on me every day. You hired them every day?"

For a moment, Chen Jing felt like he had traveled to the property management office in the real world.

The more he listened to the two of them arguing, the more subtle this feeling became...

It seems that neighborhood disputes are not uncommon in any world!

"If you say so, I have to ask you, 24 hours a day, except when you sleep, your home is like a party, playing video games and turning on the speakers, shaking my floor, do you admit this?"


Perhaps because of the presence of "Chen Bofu's grandson", Yan Que thought again and again and decided to control her temper.

At least she had to give the other party a face, so before she took action, she wanted to make herself right first.

"You were yelling while playing games in the middle of the night. I came to find you, and you said I heard you wrong. Was this your fault?"


"Since the 7th of last month, the takeaways I ordered every day have disappeared inexplicably. The delivery man said he hung them on the door for me. You..."

"This is really not me!"

Wei Nan hurriedly denied it, and then glanced at Chen Jing for fear that he would misunderstand.

"I never do petty thefts! If I want to eat something, I will just rob it!"

"Why don't you guys stop doing it first?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, intending to learn from the property owners and mud in the real world, "Since everyone has met, why don't you just have a good chat?"

"Your grandfather..."

Before Yan Que finished speaking, Chen Jing hurriedly interrupted, fearing that Yan Que would expose his identity in front of Wei Nan. After all, he hadn't figured out how to prevaricate this brainless person.

"I am now a member of the property management, can I make the judgment? If you can't reach an agreement, it's not too late to fight!"


Wei Nan patted Chen Jing's shoulder, then winked and gave him a look, meaning that he should pull the hand.

However, this look was too obvious, and Yan Que next to him saw that something was wrong.

"Fair?" Yan Que asked simply.

"Absolutely fair."

Chen Jing smiled awkwardly, then looked at Wei Nan.

"Do you often turn on the speakers to disturb others?"

"That doesn't count..."

"In the future, you should divide your game time into two periods. You can do whatever you want during the day, but you should pay attention to the impact at night. Put yourself in their shoes, right?"

"Think about it, if someone downstairs turns on the speakers to play games when you are resting, and shouts from time to time, you will definitely have opinions..."

Wei Nan made a sound, took a step back and leaned against the window.


The crows that Yan Que "raised" were already crowded outside the living room window.

They are very similar to crows in the real world, except that they are three or four times larger in size and have six protruding eyes like human eyeballs...

Chen Jing thought they looked quite scary, especially when he rolled his eyes, they looked exactly like humans.

"As for you..."

Chen Jing turned to Yan Que and said earnestly.

"It's really inappropriate to keep so many crows in residential buildings."

"That's my house, I can raise whatever I want."

"But it has to be on the premise that it doesn't affect others, right?"

"..." Yanque said nothing.

"As long as it doesn't affect the neighbors, you can raise them as much as you like, and no one can control you. But if it affects the neighbors..."

"Then die!" Wei Nan muttered angrily, causing Yan Que to tighten his grip on the long stick in his hand.

"It's not like that..."

Chen Jing hurriedly pulled Wei Nan to signal her not to talk blindly, and then kneaded the mud carefully.

"Let's each take a step back, okay?"

"Say." Yan Que nodded.

"Can those crows understand you?" Chen Jing asked.

Yanque nodded without hesitation, saying he understood.

"That's fine. You can tell them not to fly around here in the future. When they go out to have fun, they can fly farther away."

"I try my best."

"Don't let them poop on Wei Nan's window again."

"Definitely in the future."

"If you want to let them into the house, then try to be as quiet as possible so as not to disturb the neighbors. If you can't control it... why not let them stay on the rooftop?"

Speaking of this, Chen Jing couldn't help but think of the pigeon coops on the roofs of the old residential buildings when he was a child.

"Well, it's so cold up there..." Yanque said slowly.

"Then build a shed!" Chen Jing said.


"Yes, pigeon coop...forget it, you probably haven't seen it before. I'll find a way to build one for you later and install some heating equipment, right?"


Hearing Chen Jing talk about this, Yan Que felt a little embarrassed.

"Would it be too much trouble for you..."

"For the sake of neighborly harmony, this is what I should do."

"I'll give you money!"

"Forget it, it doesn't cost much to build a shed..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing clapped his hands and said to them like an adult coaxing children.

"Isn't it settled? Everyone just needs to take a step back. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors..."

"For the sake of my little brother, I won't argue with you!" Wei Nan glared at Yan Que.

"You're being unlucky." Yanque replied expressionlessly.

In an instant, the originally harmonious atmosphere became tense again.

But fortunately, Yanque's temper was slightly better than that of Wei Nan. She just looked at Wei Nan deeply, then turned around and left, and the crows outside the window also dispersed.

"You didn't even say you would scold her for me!"

"It won't do you any good to fight. Aren't you still hurt..."

"If it hadn't hurt me I would have whipped her!"

"Okay, okay, you just killed so many of her crows, let's calm down first..."


Wei Nan glared at Chen Jing angrily, and then pointed angrily at the crows that were gradually retreating outside the window.

"Those crows can't be killed. Do you really think they are alive?"


"By the way, will you be okay soon?"

Wei Nan's temper disappeared as quickly as it came on. Before Chen Jing could persuade her, her bad temper went away on her own. She looked in high spirits as if she had forgotten what happened before.

"If you have nothing to do, come with me. I want to find someone to renovate the house."

"Okay, but you have to wait until I finish delivering the receipt..."

As Chen Jing spoke, he took out the last receipt for the "Minus 3 underground garage" from his pocket. It was signed "Mudbuddy", which was probably also a nickname...

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