Wei Nan glanced at the receipt, and his expression suddenly became subtle.

"Are you going to deliver the receipt to the third floor below?"

"Yes, he is the only one missing."

"Then take care of yourself."

Wei Nan smiled and patted Chen Jing's shoulder, with a trace of amusement in his scarlet eyes.

"I don't even dare to go to that damn place on the third floor... You actually dare to send receipts... Seriously?"

Chapter 14 Dangerous neighbors on the third floor

Is negative three dangerous?

Probably not...

If that place was really dangerous, the old man wouldn't be able to let me deliver the receipt with confidence... Or is it that the old man is crazy and has too much confidence in me?

"What's on the negative third floor?" Chen Jing asked subconsciously.

"A very disgusting old man..."

Wei Nan's expression rarely became serious, and he seemed to be extremely afraid of the residents on the third floor. He even got goosebumps when he said these words.

"Is he dangerous?" Chen Jing asked.

"Hard to say."

Wei Nan lowered his voice and leaned into Chen Jing's ear. The wind from talking made his ears itch.

"That guy is as petty as the old madman. He remembers everyone who speaks ill of him. Although he is not as powerful as the old madman, to be honest, I don't dare to provoke him... Don't say anything outside!"

Chen Jing tilted his head subconsciously, not used to being in such close contact with others.

"I'm just sending a receipt, he won't make things difficult for me, right?"

"Who knows."

Wei Nan leaned against the window and looked up at the hole-like ceiling, her heart bleeding.

"Anyway, the negative three floors are a forbidden area in our community. Anyone who goes in has never come out again, and the property management can't control him... By the way, the old madman has been in there!"

"Then the old man went in?"

"Been in there."

Wei Nan nodded, with a look of fear on his face.

"That night I went out to buy game cartridges, but when I came back I heard the sound of a fight in the garage on the third floor below, and then I took a peek..."

According to Wei Nan himself.

Under normal circumstances, she would not dare to go to the garage on the third floor below.

Because that place is really dangerous.

You can smell the scent of the old descendants hidden underground from hundreds of meters away.

That is higher in the pyramid of life and earlier in the sequence...

"At least he's better than me." Wei Nan wiped his nose and smiled proudly, "But he's only a little better."

"Is it really just a little stronger?" Chen Jing was a little disbelieving and looked at Wei Nan with suspicion, "Why do I feel that you are quite afraid of that old man..."

"What is this nonsense!"

Wei Nanbang's punch hit Chen Jing's arm, almost breaking Chen Jing's bones.

"I'm not afraid of anything!"

"Okay, okay, boss, you are the best! Keep talking!"

Seeing Chen Jing rubbing his arm in pain, Wei Nan muttered disdainfully that it was useless, then raised his hand to rub it for him a few times.

Chen Jing's expression became even more painful for a moment.

Seeing this scene, Wei Nan had no choice but to take his hand back calmly and look away from Chen Jing, who looked aggrieved.

"At that time, I didn't dare to get too close to take a look! It's not that I didn't dare! I just thought it wasn't good to disturb other people's fights! Do you understand?"

"Understood..." Chen Jing replied weakly, feeling that his arm was no longer his.

"Anyway, I just hid in the dark and listened for a while. After about two or three minutes, the old madman came out, cursing as he walked away..."

"What are you scolding?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

Wei Nan coughed and imitated the old man's tone vividly.

"Forget it about the dog occupying the garage! How dare you damage my grandson's bicycle! I'm going to give you a half-disabled beating this time to give you a longer memory! I'll stew it for you next time! Fuck%¥##@ ……*”


Well, this tone is very grandfatherly.

Especially the string of curse words at the end that are not repeated for nearly five minutes.

It was definitely the tone of the old man.

No more running!

"After that old lunatic left, I sneaked into the garage and took a look... Oh my God! There was blood everywhere in the garage!"

Wei Nan was gesticulating wildly with his hands flying, as if he had returned to the day he saw the battlefield. His silly look made Chen Jing feel...

She does go well with the nickname Brainless.

"On the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling, all over it!"

"What about the old man?"

"I'm sitting in the back of the garage, with a big hole cut open in my stomach, all my limbs torn off, and semen flowing all over the floor!"

"You're not even dead?" Chen Jing said in surprise.

"The higher the level of the old descendant, the harder it is to die. This kind of minor injury is nothing...but I think the old madman didn't kill him. If he really wanted to kill the guy in the garage, I'm afraid it was just a matter of waving his hand. "

Having said this, Wei Nan patted Chen Jing's shoulder sincerely.

"Young man, don't blame the boss for not reminding you. The old man in the garage is really scary, and he also has conflicts with the old madman. You were sent by the old madman to deliver the receipt..."

"What are you afraid of?" Chen Jing was still rubbing his arms, thinking clearly in his mind, "He should be afraid of offending me. If he hurts me, wouldn't he just slap the old madman in the face? Isn't he afraid that the old madman will seek revenge from him afterwards?"


Wei Nan was startled, and suddenly seemed to remember something. He hurriedly knelt down beside Chen Jing to please him, and gently massaged Chen Jing.

"Then what...I didn't mean to hit you..."

"I know."

"When we first met, I wasn't...well, although I just wanted to kill you at that time...but I didn't really want to...you understand, right?"

"Of course I understand." Chen Jing said with a smile, "Boss Wei is so fierce that even if he was beaten by the old madman, he still didn't take him seriously. He gave me a blow when we first met... Okay, okay. , don’t cry, I’m just teasing you!”

Seeing that Wei Nan's eyes were red and about to cry, Chen Jing hurriedly changed his words to comfort her, muttering in his heart... People in this world are indeed not normal, just like the one in front of him who is brainless.

When he has a bad temper, he acts like a murderer.


Those who didn’t know thought I was bullying her.

"I'm not crying!" Wei Nan glared at Chen Jing fiercely, raised his hand and prepared to punch him again, but after thinking about it, he put it down, but his tone was still fierce, "Don't tell the old madman! Or I'll punch him Damn you!"


Chen Jing looked at this fool dumbfounded, thinking that she was just scary when her temper got the best of her, but actually she had no brains.

"You kid, don't tell me that the boss won't protect you. Aren't you going to give that person a receipt?" Wei Nan took Chen Jing's arm and lifted him up like a chicken. "Let's go! Boss will go with you!"

"You go with me?"

"Yes! I don't believe he dares to touch you when I'm here!"

"You don't think what I said before is reasonable, so you think that the old man won't dare to embarrass me, so you might as well go with me as a favor..."

"What are you talking about!" Wei Nan raised his hand and punched him again.

The next second.

Chen Jing was dislocated.

"I'm going to complain to the old madman now!"

Chen Jing grinned and said, he almost made Wei Nan cry before, but now he is about to cry, it hurts!

"You are not so unreasonable! You hit people at every turn! What a dog-like temper!"

As soon as Wei Nan heard that he was going to complain, he hurriedly stepped forward and hugged him tightly, hanging on his back like an octopus. He tightly covered Chen Jing's mouth with his hands, begging for mercy, half threatening and half pleading.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh buthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh use me go!" ah!"


"Shh, if you want to file a complaint again, don't blame me for killing someone."


Seeing that Chen Jing no longer struggled, Wei Nan nodded with satisfaction and let go.

Then, with lightning speed, he grabbed Chen Jing's arm and gave him a slap.

There was a loud bang.

The dislocated bone went back.

"You..." Chen Jing, a person who doesn't like to swear, almost couldn't hold back and wanted to curse out at this moment.

But Wei Nan obviously didn't care.

He pretended to whistle and ran forward.

"Hurry up! It'll be dark soon and it'll be even more troublesome! It's very dangerous down there!"


Chen Jing sighed and rubbed his newly repositioned arm, feeling uncomfortable...

As expected, stay away from fools.

Especially this kind of fool with excessive fighting ability.

This time I accidentally dislocated it.

What about next time?

What about next time?

Am I still alive?

"Little brother! Run faster!"

"I'm coming……"

Chapter 15 Master, what do you do?

Chen Jing originally planned to take Wei Nan in the elevator to the underground garage on the third floor, but when he got on the elevator, he discovered that the button on the third floor of the elevator was black and there was no light at all.

"Is the elevator button broken?"

"It's not broken. You can't take the elevator to the garage on the third floor below. Let's go to the first floor first..."

"Isn't it closer to go to the second floor?"

"The main road has been blocked by that mud-bastard, and only the small road outside can go down."

Chen Jingding nodded and pressed the button on the first floor.

As the saying goes, listen to others and eat enough.

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