"Who will be the Light Bearer chosen by the Pope and the others this time..."

Moonlight Parish.


"Jiang Jingzhe, Raphael."

The Pope still sat on the throne that had not changed for thousands of years like a stone sculpture. His stiff eyeballs were slightly drooped, and his lifeless eyes were staring at the two figures kneeling at his feet.

"In three hours, the promotion ceremony of the Light Bearer is about to begin. I hope you won't let me down..."

"Don't worry, Lord Pope, we will never let you down." The man kneeling on the left replied with a smile.

The outline of his facial features has obvious Caucasian characteristics, and there is no trace of stress on his smiling face. He does not seem to be afraid of the supreme ruler of the monastery in front of him.

And the woman kneeling on the ground beside him...

No, it should be a girl.

She wore a monastic robe.

The teeth are like braided shells, and the eyes are like bright stars.

There seemed to be white moonlight flowing in his eyes.

"Your Majesty the Pope, we will definitely succeed."

Jiang Jingzhe's demeanor was obviously much more cautious than Raphael's, and could even be described as serious.

"You should feel honored to be the first vessel of Ghero. Only monks favored by fate can receive this honor."

There was no expression on the Pope's stone face, but both Raphael and Jiang Jingzhe could hear...the hint of fanaticism revealed in the Pope's words.

Just like those fanatics within the monastery.

That kind of extreme worship and fanaticism makes people inexplicably scared.

"I didn't expect that in these prepared containers, two Light Bearers would appear at once. This has never happened before in the history of the Priory..."

The Pope seemed to be sighing, his tone of voice was slightly trembling, and he was unabashedly excited.

"As long as I have you as the medium and container."

"I'm afraid it won't take long."

"Gehro will be able to come to this world..."

Chapter 187 Awakening under the Moonlight

When Chen Bofu walked out of the church, his mood was a little low. His brows were furrowed and he was unwilling to say more. When he saw Xu Ye coming up to say hello, he just nodded.

"Mr. Chen, I have something else to do here, so I won't send you off..." When Xu Ye spoke, he gave Chen Jing a look, "Jingjing, regarding the matter of the 'He Guangzhe', you go back and give it to your grandfather." Say it.”

"What's the 'Lord of Light'?" Chen Bofu frowned.

"Go back and talk." Chen Jing whispered, "This matter may be more complicated than we thought."

Since Suye had something to do and couldn't get away, Suye's driver finally drove them back.

on the way home.

Chen Jing tried his best to explain Xu Ye's judgment to Chen Boxu and the others as concisely as possible.

Trends in the Priory and the possible awakening of the Light Bearers.

"So we misjudged it?" Chen Boxu asked puzzledly, "We all thought that the Hermitage had found an opportunity for Gehro to come... But in fact, these are two different things?"

"Yes." Chen Jing nodded and explained patiently, "Gehro has shortened the distance to the surface because..."

Chen Jing didn't say the rest of the words, but everyone knew what the answer was.

That's right.

Gehro suddenly began to approach the surface. This was because it sensed the "resurgence of deep space." In other words, its unusual movements had almost nothing to do with the situation in Evernight City...

It was not because the Priory wanted to attack the Parliament that it showed signs of coming.

"Gehro's origin is for the promotion ceremony of the Light Bearer..." Chen Bofu murmured, his expression was not very good, "Yes... How could I forget this..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Boxu fell silent, staring thoughtfully at the scenery passing by quickly outside the car window.

He seemed to be remembering something, and the expression in his eyes kept changing.

It wasn't until five or six minutes later that the old man slowly spoke.

"The situation is not as good as you think." Chen Bofu couldn't hide the anxiety in his brows, and his words were full of vigilance. "This can only prove that in a short period of time, the Hermitage will not have a chance to overturn the table, but it won't take long. …”

Having said this, Chen Boxu suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Jing.

"I remember I told you that I personally killed a Light Bearer from the Hermitage..."

"Yes, you told me." Chen Jing nodded, "It seems that that person is the Pope's only student."

"Do you know why I want to kill him?" Chen Boxu asked.

Chen Jing recalled it carefully and said according to the explanation in his memory: "It seems that it was because of a verbal conflict... did he accidentally provoke you?"

Hearing Chen Jing's words, the old man just smiled.

"That's the reason."

Chen Bofu shook his head, smiling helplessly.

"I had to find a reason to kill him."

"Why?" Chen Jing looked at the old man puzzled.

"The Pope was once the Light Bearer, the top container of Gehro, who could unlimitedly accept the projection of consciousness projected by Gehro into this world..."

Chen Bofu said truthfully, not hiding his fear of Gheluo at all.

"This is the source of the Pope's strength and his greatest reliance."

"So from a certain point of view, the Light Bearer is a pope who is about to rise. I tried every means to get rid of that person because there is only one pope in Yongye City."

After saying that, Chen Bofu leaned back leisurely and seemed to feel inexplicably relaxed.

"But fortunately, we still have time."

"How much time do we have left?" Chen Jing asked hurriedly.

"It's not long or short. The Light Bearers are actually old descendants. They are promoted from Sequence One. Compared with ordinary old descendants, their promotion speed is faster..."

Chen Bofu seemed to have made up his mind. He showed a malicious expression on his face, and there was a faint murderous light in his eyes.

"We just need to find a suitable opportunity to get rid of the Light Bearers who have not yet risen..."

"It's difficult."

Yan Que, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke. She knew more about the situation inside the Hermitage than the old man.

"I heard about you killing the previous Light Bearer in the Hermitage..." Yan Que's expression was serious, and her voice was particularly low. "At that time, the Hermitage was actually ready to turn against you..."

"I know." Chen Bofu spread his hands carelessly, with a nonchalant smile on his face, "It's just that a war was almost started."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Bofu laughed triumphantly.

"But I also have a brain. I know that the Pope doesn't dare to turn against me, so I dare to do that..."

"With the lessons learned from last time, I believe that this time, the protection of the Light Bearer by the Hermitage is unprecedented."

Yan Que said with a serious expression, holding the metal staff tightly in his hand.

"I even suspect that the Hermitage will not let the Light Bearer show his face before he rises."

"Take your time, there will always be a chance." Chen Bofu smiled.


After returning home.

Chen Jing immediately released Yegetos who was hiding in the "deep space".

"King, next time you should not let me go back to deep space, just let me follow you..." Yegetos said with a headache, "I am confused by the back and forth crossing..."

"Do you think I want to?" Chen Jing said helplessly, "We are the target of public criticism now. Once our identities are exposed... you know what the consequences will be."

Hearing this, Yegetos fell silent, because he knew how obvious his features were... Compared with the corrupt Bai Aji, his appearance was easier to recognize.

"Ryan! Go make me a pot of tea!"

"Got it, Master!"

Chen Bofu went to rest on the lounge chair on the balcony as soon as he got home. It seemed that he was waiting for something, and he kept looking in the direction of the Moonlight Parish.

"Grandpa, what's going on over there?" Chen Jing walked up and asked curiously.

"Since the parliament has received intelligence that the monks have begun to transport white filth to the parish, the promotion ceremony of the Light Bearer will probably begin soon..."

Chen Bofu said, raising his hand and pointing at Gehlo in the sky.

"When the old descendants are promoted to light bearers, Gehlo will react."

"Will Gehlo react?" Chen Jing looked at the direction of the parish in confusion.

"It should."

Chen Bofu nodded and described it to Chen Jing according to the scene in his memory.

"At first, the moonlight of Gehlo will become more and more dazzling, and then..."

Just when the old man said this, Gehlo in the sky suddenly emitted extremely dazzling moonlight, almost reflecting the entire city like a white and silent hell.

"Just like this."

Chen Bofu didn't seem to expect it to be so coincidental, and continued to point to Gehlo in the sky to explain to Chen Jing.

"After that, it will cast another beam of light, which is its gift to the light bearers..."

As Chen Bofu said.

When the moonlight of Gehlo gradually increased, a white beam of light as thick as a water tank fell from the sky and headed towards the Moonlight Parish.

"It seems that the news about the Light Bearer is true..." Chen Bofu sighed, holding the teacup and slowly stood up, "We can only look for an opportunity... As long as we get rid of this one-in-a-million Light Bearer..."

Before Chen Bofu finished speaking.

Suddenly, a second beam of moonlight projected from Gehero, still in the direction of the parish.

"This is..." Chen Jing looked at the old man in confusion.

At this moment, the old man's face had lost his smile. Compared with his previous calm expression, his face was now completely dark.

"There is actually a second Light Bearer?!"

Chapter 188: Shedding the Mortal Body

When Chen Bofu discovered that there was more than one "Light Bearer", his entire mood became extremely anxious, pacing back and forth in the room for a long time, until...

"I'm going to sleep."

After the old man finished speaking, he went back to the room and closed the door. It was obvious that he was not in a good mood.

"Two Light Bearers." Yan Que sat in the corner of the sofa, with a distressed expression on his face, "It's very troublesome... not easy to kill..."

"What's the trouble!" Wei Nan laughed disdainfully, "From what you said, they are just low-level descendants, maybe even I can't beat them!"

"They have bodyguards." Yan Que reminded helplessly, also afraid that this brainless crazy girl would go and do something bad, "Don't mess around, everything is arranged by Grandpa Chen."

"I'm not stupid." Wei Nan lay on the sofa carelessly, "Anyway, just follow the old man's arrangements, if he asks us to go, we will... That's right!"

Suddenly, Wei Nan seemed to remember something, and hurriedly sat up from the sofa, staring at Chen Jing with interest.

"Ah Jing, since you are all Sequence 2 descendants, your physical fitness should have become stronger, right?"

"I think so." Chen Jing spoke with a somewhat uncertain tone, he raised his hand and touched his biceps, "I feel that I am quite strong now."

"Then let's have a sparring match." Wei Nan said excitedly, "And by the way, I'll give you some close combat experience!"

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