Hearing what Wei Nan said, Chen Jing also felt that it was reliable.

After all, he now considered himself a "summoner" and a "magician" who could glow, and close combat seemed to be his weakness.

"Okay." Chen Jing nodded and looked at Wei Nan expectantly, "Teach me some close combat skills, maybe I can use them in the future!"

"Don't worry! Fighting is my specialty!" Wei Nan rushed directly to Chen Jing's side, and the two of them were like brothers, "Let's go to the square to fight, it's more spacious there."


"Don't let the big guy follow, I can't let go when I see him."


Yan Que has been watching from the side without saying anything, just holding the long staff tightly in her hand, and seems to be eager to teach Chen Jing something... After all, she has always felt that Chen Jing has helped her too much, so she always wants to find an opportunity to repay.

"Come on, don't say I'm bullying you, we're sparring..."

Wei Nan happily took Chen Jing downstairs, and Yan Que followed silently behind him.

Arrived at the community square.

Before Chen Jing was mentally prepared, Wei Nan had already set his stance, rubbing his fists and smiling at Chen Jing.

"Come on! I'll give you three moves!"

"That's enough, right?" Chen Jing asked carefully. He had never done this kind of sparring with others before, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

"Are you afraid of beating me to death?" Wei Nan smiled disdainfully, raised his index finger and shook it, "Little Jingjing, let me tell you, the ultimate sequence of my awakening is the best at close combat, not to mention you in sequence 2, even if it is..."

Chen Jing punched him before he finished listening.

Without holding back.

Hit Wei Nan's abdomen.

The huge noise scared Yan Que.

"You... why did you suddenly attack!" Wei Nan half-bent his waist, holding his stomach with an angry face, "Can you have some martial ethics!"

"Didn't you say I could use three moves?" Chen Jing asked in confusion, with a bewildered expression, "I thought it had already started..."

"Okay, start now." Wei Nan glared at Chen Jing with gritted teeth, "There are two more moves, you'll know when I attack..."

Before Wei Nan finished speaking, Chen Jing had already rushed behind her, raised his hand and used a throat lock that she was very familiar with.

"Can you please not imitate me..."

"I think your move is quite practical...Is it okay?" Chen Jing smiled shyly.

Without saying anything, Wei Nan forcibly separated Chen Jing's hands. Without waiting for Chen Jing to react, she grabbed Chen Jing's arm and swung it in a circle, and started playing with the windmill...

"Didn't you tell him to do three moves?" Yan Que looked disdainful, and said in a very dissatisfied tone, "If you can't afford it, don't play!"

Wei Nan didn't say anything.

Wei Nan used the throwing skill directly at Yan Que, using Chen Jing as a hidden weapon.

Wei Nan missed.

Chen Jing rolled on the ground like a rolling gourd for more than ten circles, and stopped only after hitting the community flower bed.

Accompanied by the huge impact, the flower bed collapsed directly, and Chen Jing even heard the sound of his bones breaking.

"Catch me..." Chen Jing looked at Yan Que in pain.

"I didn't react just now..." Yan Que said hesitantly, "I will definitely do it next time!"

Wei Nan has never been a rule-abiding person. Seeing that Chen Jing's physical fitness was so strong, he immediately became interested.

What's the difference between three moves and not three moves?

She rushed over and started "sparring".

To be honest, Yan Que suspected that Wei Nan was going to kill someone, and she even recalled whether there was any deep hatred between the two...

Chen Jing was like a sandbag at this moment.

He was chased and beaten from the community square to the lobby on the first floor of the community, and then beaten into Lawrence's garage. After nearly ten minutes, Wei Nan beat him all the way out again...

It has to be said.

Chen Jing is quite talented in resisting beatings.

At least he is still alive now.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me..." Chen Jing squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, and he almost forgot his last name in pain. "I don't want to spar anymore..."

"I'm doing this for your own good!"

"If you hit me again, I'll call someone!"


In fact, Wei Nan was beating... No, when she was sparring with Chen Jing about the experience of close combat, she had already found that something was wrong.

Chen Jing's body structure seemed to be different from before.

The more injuries he got.

His body became softer.

Finally, it was like a strange jelly, lying on the ground like it was melting, and it stood up again after half a minute, and the injuries on its body were almost healed in the process of recovery.

"The strength is much greater than before... the self-healing speed is also faster... but the skills are not as good..." Wei Nan summarized him in his mind.

At this moment, Yan Que had already trotted to Chen Jing's side, and after a careful examination, he was relieved to make sure that there was nothing wrong.

"He is still a newcomer, why did you hit him so hard?" Yan Que looked at Wei Nan with a somewhat complaining tone, "Don't you understand the principle of gradual progress?"

"You know nothing!" Wei Nan retorted, "Real warriors are tempered in blood and fire!"

"Which game line are you talking about?" Yan Que looked at Wei Nan suspiciously.

At this moment, Chen Jing, who had just stood up, sat down on the ground again, his face pale and his expression a little solemn.

"Is this kid really in trouble after being beaten by me?" Wei Nan's heart tightened, and he hurried forward, "Are you okay?"


Chen Jing's eyes were dull, staring straight at the light screen in front of him.

"Wait for me to calm down for a while... I'm a little exhausted..."


[Notice of Examiner Rotation]

As agreed by the examiner team, the examiner rotation system will be implemented starting today. \u003cMr. Wu\u003e will be temporarily promoted to the chief examiner, and \u003cMu\u003e will be demoted to the assistant examiner, waiting for the next rotation...


Chapter 189: Yellowed Photos

It started from the day I was beaten by Wei Nan in the community.

Chen Jing's mood never felt better.

Of course, he is not a stingy person.

The main reason is that his mentality was broken by the light screen pop-up window...

Based on past experiences and the letter Chen Boxu left him in the world.

Chen Jing was almost certain...the examiner "Mu" didn't have much ill intentions toward humans.

In other words, He is a pretty good examiner.

But that "Mr. Fog" is not sure...

Chen Jing even felt that the many changes in this exam were most likely related to "Mr. Fog".


Now there is a rotation system for examiners.

"M" is laid off.

"Mr. Fog" is on duty.

No matter how you look at it, this is not a good thing for candidates!

not to mention……

"I'm still a cheater..."

Chen Jing felt very uneasy, like the kind of student who cheats in a regular exam and trembles with fear at the thought of being caught by the examiner.

It is precisely because of this.

Ever since Chen Jing saw the notification from the light screen, his mood had become less depressed. He was completely in a state of panic all day long...

This situation lasted until the day of return.


[Countdown to return: 4 hours, 02 minutes and 17 seconds]


"Hey, can you stop looking so gloomy every day..." Wei Nan stuffed the potato chips in his hand into Chen Jing's arms, sat cross-legged on the sofa, and tilted his head to look at him unhappily, "You're not still here Do you remember that I beat you that day?"

Chen Jing shook his head and looked at the countdown prompt on the screen from time to time, feeling a little depressed for no reason.

"How can I hold a grudge against you... You've been beating me up a lot these days. Do you think I've ever been angry?"

"It's hard to say, I feel like you are quite petty-minded."


At this time, Yan Que suddenly walked out of the study.

These days, she has been studying the old man's collection of books, especially those ancient classics from all over the world, most of which she had never seen before in the monastery.

"What is this?" Yanque held a dusty machine in his hand with a very curious expression.

"Camera." Chen Jing explained, "I remember that the old man brought it from outside when I was ten years old. It is also a relic..."

The camera in Yan Que's hand is indeed old. It looks like an old Polaroid camera, nothing special...

The overall white tone of the camera makes it look very fresh and simple.

He took it from Yan Que.

Chen Jing checked it carefully, with a hint of memory in his eyes.

"The price for using it is the blood of high-ranking descendants." Chen Jing said, flicking the big eyeball used as a flashlight with his hand, "It's like a battery. The old man has charged it once, and it's probably still alive." It can be used for a long time..."

Maybe this camera is self-aware.

After hearing Chen Jing's words, the big eyeballs that stood like dandelions began to shake up and down, as if they were nodding in agreement with Chen Jing's words.

"Take a picture of me, take a picture of me!" Wei Nan said excitedly, sitting upright on the sofa with his legs crossed, smiling brightly at Chen Jing, revealing a cute little tiger tooth.

"You also sit over there." Chen Jing glanced at Yan Que and said with a smile, "Let's take a group photo together. We can use it as a souvenir in the future."

Yan Que nodded.

As soon as he reached the sofa, he was pulled over by Wei Nan.

Chen Jing looked at the two people holding each other's back in front of him and couldn't help laughing. He picked up the camera and focused it for a while before pressing the shutter.

The shutter sound on this camera is weird.

Not the sound of electronic machinery.

It's a mean "hey" that sounds like a human voice!

Just after taking the photo, a sound similar to the rotation of mechanical gears came from inside the camera. After about half a minute, the big "one-line" mouth under the camera spat out the photo with a "yue" sound.

The picture is clear and the colors are full.

Look at the two people in the photo.

For a moment, Chen Jing forgot how bad their relationship was back then.

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