The two in the photo really seem to be friends who have grown up together.

They smiled heartlessly with their arms around each other.

“You took a good picture! I’ll take a picture for you!”

“Don’t grab it! This thing is fragile! Don’t break it!”

“What are you doing?”

Chen Bofu, wearing an apron, came out of the kitchen with a plate of freshly cooked dishes in his hand and a cigarette that was only half burned.

“Go get the bowls and chopsticks!”

“Okay! I’ll go now!”

When Wei Nan heard that dinner was about to start, he immediately forgot about competing with Chen Jing for the camera and rushed into the kitchen like a monkey.

“Didn’t I put this thing on the bookshelf?” Chen Bofu put the plate in his hand on the dining table and looked at the camera in Chen Jing’s hand with a smile, “This thing hasn’t been used for many years, is it broken?”

“It’s fine.” Chen Jing replied with a smile, looking at the old man with a trace of worry.

Chen Bofu often went out during this period.

Since he found out there were two light bearers, he would go to the parliament every day, but no one knew what he was doing.

Even when Chen Jing, his good grandson, asked him, he wouldn't say anything... It seemed like he had some plans of his own.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere was as warm as ever.

Except for the fact that Wei Nan would be scolded from time to time for snatching food from under other people's chopsticks, the old man basically didn't scold anyone, and his temper was obviously much better than before.

"We'll go to the hermitage in a few days." Chen Bofu picked up a piece of food with chopsticks for Chen Jing and said with a smile.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Jing asked nervously, "Are you ready to take action against the light bearers?"

Chen Bofu shook his head and said no.

"The Pope invited us to attend the Moonlight Festival, and Randolph and Xu Ye were also invited..."

"Isn't Senator Randolph about to..."

"He can still hold on." Chen Bofu smiled, but anyone could see that his smile was a little unnatural, as if he was talking about "Randolph", his mood became much lower, "He has to go this time, if he doesn't show up... the Hermitage will probably think too much."

"I see, let's go." Chen Jing nodded.

"Before I go, I'll take some time to help Ryan do the promotion ceremony, the materials are almost ready..."

As he said, Chen Bofu suddenly turned back to look at the camera on the coffee table.

"Why don't we take a family photo before Ryan completes the sequence promotion, otherwise he will change his appearance by then, and it will be too late to take another photo."

"Will your appearance change after you are promoted to the sequence?" Chen Jing looked at Ryan curiously, "What will it look like?"

Just as Ryan was about to answer, the old man had already walked back with the camera, and without saying a word, he slapped the eyeball flash twice.

"Take a clear picture for me! If you dare to take a blurry picture, I will crush you to pieces!"


The eyeball kept shaking up and down and nodded frantically, and then everyone saw it floating up and slowly moving in the air until it found the best shooting angle...

"Fuck, this thing can be played like this?" Wei Nan was so dumbfounded that he forgot to chew the chicken leg in his mouth.

"Look at the camera." Chen Bofu held a cigarette in his hand and leaned towards Chen Jing with a smile.

Wei Nan also squeezed over here subconsciously, holding the embarrassed Yan Que in his hand, and almost squeezed Ryan out of the camera.

Only a "hey" sound was heard.

The camera automatically finished shooting.

But the speed at which it spits out photos is much slower than before, and it seems to be trying to adjust the quality of the photos, fearing that the quality is not good enough to make the old man dissatisfied.

Almost more than three minutes passed.

The camera finally spit out the photo with a "yue" sound.

Chen Jing leaned over and bent down to pick it up. The photo was indeed much clearer than before.

Maybe it was because the lighting in the restaurant was too dim.

This photo, which still had the residual heat of the camera, looked like an old photo that had been taken for who knows how many years, and the picture looked slightly yellowed.

In the photo.

Chen Bofu had a mean look on his kind face.

Ryan was still trying to squeeze into the camera in a hurry.

Wei Nan was holding Yan Que with a chicken leg in his mouth, holding her throat in a lock.

Yan Que looked at Wei Nan's oily hand with a look of horror.

Chen Jing sat in the middle.

On his slightly immature face was a smile that was brighter than the night.


[Countdown to return: 3 hours, 11 minutes and 23 seconds]


Chapter 190 Second Return

People are always born lonely.

Chen Jing once believed in this sentence.

Especially after his grandmother passed away.

From college to entering the workplace.

He had become accustomed to living alone, a wandering soul living in a steel forest, and it was difficult for him to integrate into other people's groups and be integrated by others.

But after crossing into the other world.

This habitual loneliness gradually disappeared.

Family, friends.

All of these were there.

Although he was acting a bit at the beginning, and he was more or less wary of these natives of the other world, but gradually... he found that he had completely integrated into this world.

Weird, scary.

These may be the labels of the other world in the eyes of others.

But in Chen Jing's eyes.

This world has only one label.


After dinner.

Chen Jing sat in the living room with others to watch TV.

The old man yawned and lay in a rocking chair, with a cigarette in his mouth as if he would fall asleep at any time. His eyes were half-closed, and it was unknown whether he could see the content on TV clearly.

Wei Nan and Yan Que were squeezed on the sofa. The former was sitting cross-legged with a bag of shrimp crackers, his eyes wide open, while the latter was sitting upright and elegant, and was often shocked by the outrageous plot of the TV series.

Ryan was still sitting on the bench that Chen Jing liked most when he was a child, staring at the TV with his hands on his cheeks, and the soul fire in his eyes kept beating.

Occasionally, Chen Jing could hear the sound of Lawrence sweeping the floor downstairs. It seemed that he really fell in love with this job and completely put himself into the identity of the property.

"Why do I feel so uncomfortable in my heart... It's not like I won't come back..."

Chen Jing sat in a corner of the sofa, holding a fruity lollipop in his mouth. Although his eyes were always on the TV, he was obviously a little absent-minded.

This was not the first time he returned to the surface world.

With the experience of the last time.

Chen Jing is not panicking at all now, and he doesn't even plan to run to a far place and then teleport back like he did last time.

After all, the time flow rate of these two worlds is extremely strange.

Return to the surface world.

The time in the inner world is in a state similar to suspension.

Return to the inner world.

The surface world will also pause time.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Jing has basically figured out the rules, so he still feels strange... why he feels so uncomfortable in his heart.

Just like college.

Leaving home, away from relatives, and going to a strange place.

That feeling of uncertainty.

It makes him inexplicably afraid of returning to the surface world.

Maybe it's because... after returning to the surface world, he will no longer have the old man as a backer?

It doesn't seem to be the case.

It's just a simple reluctance.

Reluctant to leave this home, reluctant to leave these friends, even if they will meet again soon...

"What's wrong with you?" Wei Nan kicked Chen Jing lightly, with a puzzled expression, "I feel that you are depressed today. Are you thinking of something unhappy again?"

Hearing this.

Yan Que also looked over.

The old man yawned and turned his head to look at Chen Jing, and Ryan also turned his head.

"I have been tutored by you too often recently." Chen Jing yawned in a fake manner, rubbing his eyes and said, "I just didn't rest well, don't worry."

"Don't work so hard."

Chen Bofu stretched on the recliner and smacked his lips and said.

"You have improved fast enough, there is no need to rush..."

The old man has always known that Wei Nan took Chen Jing downstairs to practice every day, and his attitude is relatively supportive... Of course, occasionally when he saw Chen Jing being beaten black and blue, the old man still wanted to peel Wei Nan's skin.

I have to say.

Chen Jing really has no talent for fighting.

Everyone can see this.

But the strange thing is that Chen Jing's learning ability is very strange, or in other words, this body after the promotion sequence is very strange...

The first day, the second day.

Under the condition of suppressing her own strength, Wei Nan could still beat Chen Jing unilaterally. She could make this sandbag pose in any posture she wanted, but later... Wei Nan found that this kid was not right.

His close combat skills were rising straight up, becoming more and more outrageous day by day. In the last few days, Wei Nan could only barely fight him to a draw.

Unless he gave up suppressing his own strength in a hurry, Wei Nan's skills really couldn't easily beat him.

Physical strength, nerve reaction speed, various indicators of the body.

All of these were improving by leaps and bounds.

Looking at the sick and easy-to-bully Chen Jing... Gradually, she found that he didn't seem to be so easy to bully.

Especially yesterday.

Chen Bofu supervised and did not allow cheating.

The two had a friendly exchange downstairs.

That time...

Wei Nan was beaten up by Chen Jing.

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