If you want to resist, you are afraid of being beaten by the old man for cheating.

If you don't resist... you really can't beat him.

"Why don't you let that big fool out to get some fresh air?" Wei Nan suddenly asked.

During this period of time.

Yegetos has been hidden in the "deep space" by Chen Jing.

The reason is very simple.

Chen Jing is afraid of accidentally exposing his identity.

After all, it is not the time to do whatever he wants. Who knows if Yegetos's identity as a deep space hunter will be recognized at a glance...

In fact, let alone Yegetos, even Baiaji is not dared to be summoned.

Since being torn apart by Zhao Weixian at the ancient ruins of Huangwang Courtyard, Baiaji has not been able to see Chen Jing again... To be honest, this is not because Chen Jing is cruel, but because its appearance from the sky is too cool.

Geheluo is so close to the surface now.

Maybe it can see much more clearly than before.

In addition to the stimulation of deep space resuscitation...

If it really finds something, will I still be alive?

"I'll go lie down on the bed for a while, you guys watch slowly..."

Chen Jing turned his eyes away from the light screen in front of him, yawned and slowly stood up.

No one thought much about it. After all, Chen Jing was really tired during this period. Any free time he had was used to practice martial arts.

Back to the room.

Chen Jing closed the door.

On the bedside table was his packed luggage, still the familiar backpack.

As if he was really sleepy.

Chen Jing raised his head and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling and began to be dazed.

The light screen was still on in front of him.

The countdown was going on minute by minute.

The moonlight outside the window was as dazzling as ever. Since the curtains were not drawn, almost the whole room was illuminated.

The old photo frame on the bedside table was found by Chen Jing in the study.

The glass was a little reflective.

It would inadvertently flicker Chen Jing's eyes.

It contained a group photo of the dinner.

Everyone in the photo had a bright smile.

It seemed that they had no worries.


[Countdown to return: 0 hours, 00 minutes, 05 seconds]


Seeing that the countdown of the light curtain had reached the final moment.

Chen Jing closed the light curtain, took two deep breaths, and slowly closed his eyes.

"It's time to go back..."

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on the grass.

Looking at the cloudless sky.

Listening to the mountain wind whistling in his ears.


He felt as if he was in another world.

"I'm back again..."

Chapter 191 Mr. Fog

Having experienced a time travel, Chen Jing's emotions quickly calmed down when he returned to the surface world this time.

In fact, in the final analysis.

This feeling is very similar to going to college in another city.

I felt empty in my heart and a little uneasy.

"I don't know how Li Mobai and the others are doing..."

Chen Jing stayed in the barrier for about ten minutes, looked around to make sure there was no unusual movement in the outside world, and then carefully left the barrier and returned to the Chen family's old house.

To be honest, Chen Jing was still a little guilty.

Thinking of the monster he saw last time at Sentinel Ridge, that huge human face that seemed to be made of gray mist...

That thing was like a nightmare.

It really left him with a big psychological shadow.

Although the monster eventually disappeared in the mountains and did not appear again in the next few days...but who can guarantee that it will not suddenly appear again?

But it is not realistic to stay in the barrier all the time.

At worst, when the situation is not right, just run directly into the barrier.

Back to the old house at the foot of the mountain.

Chen Jing summoned Yegetos immediately.

It is indeed not accustomed to being alone, not to mention that there are no ancient creatures here who understand the "deep space", so the risk of being discovered is not high.

"Wang...this...this is..."

When Yegetos appeared, it was still silent, just like Chen Jing's shadow, appearing in the corner of the living room on the right side of the TV cabinet.

The moment he appeared, he noticed the abnormal environment. He almost instinctively tightened the cross broadsword in his hand. The armor on his body also faintly flashed the holy light of King Huang. The dark room with the curtains drawn was suddenly illuminated as if it were daytime.

"This is my other home."

Chen Jing sat on the sofa. With the experience of perfunctorily dealing with Bai Aji last time, he was much more relaxed this time. He just organized his words a little and began to explain to Yegetos.

The general meaning is... don't ask, don't say, don't think about it.

All this is the secret of deep space.

"You can actually travel back and forth between the two worlds... This... is incredible..." Yegetos murmured.

"Can't King Huang do it?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

Yegetos seemed not to hear Chen Jing's words. He walked around the room on his own. After a while, he came to the window again and carefully opened a corner of the curtain to look out.

In this process.

Chen Jing was also preparing to summon Bai Aji.

Because the whistle was absorbed by his body, this time the summoning was simpler than before, and there was no need to blow the whistle at all...

Just like summoning Yegetos.

The thought came to his mind.

Baiaji, who was far away in the Pleiades, could hear his summoning.

It only took two or three minutes.

There was a strange sound of wind outside the house.

It was like some large creature flapping its wings in the air not far from the ground.

"Bai Aji..." Yegetos stood by the window, looking up at the monster circling in the air around the old house.

At this moment, Chen Jing had already opened the door and walked out, holding a bottle of soda that he had just taken out of the refrigerator.

"You are still alive!!!"

As soon as Bai Aji saw Chen Jing, he excitedly rushed down, but Chen Jing reacted in time and hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't be excited! Stay steady! Come down slowly! Don't press my house!"


Bai Aji's memory still stayed before his death.

It only vaguely remembered that it was torn apart by the ancient alchemist, and it didn't know anything about what happened afterwards. It didn't realize until the moment of resuscitation... Chen Jing should still be alive!

After all, if Chen Jing died, it would be impossible for it to be revived in Pleiades.

"You are too big now... You can't enter the house..." Chen Jing looked at Bai Aji who landed outside the yard. Compared with the first time he traveled back to the surface world with Chen Jing, the current Bai Aji is more than just one or two circles bigger.

The body length is at least ten meters.

The wings stretched to their limit were about 20 meters.

At this moment, it was like a giant dragon crawling outside the yard. Its rotten body showed no signs of improvement. The white bones were looming on its body, and its deformed beast face was still ugly and ferocious.

"You... the smell on you..." Bai Aji seemed to have noticed something. He suddenly stretched his neck to get close to Chen Jing and sniffed carefully. His tone suddenly became unbelievable, "Why do you have the smell of the Yellow King?!"

Before Chen Jing could explain, Yegetos suddenly walked out of the house.

Perhaps because he was too excited to see his old friend, he even became extremely excited when he spoke, and his voice was trembling slightly.

"Bai Aji!"

"Who are you?"

Bai Aji seemed very alert and didn't seem to know Yegetos. This reaction was beyond Chen Jing's expectation...

"You don't know him?" Chen Jing asked in confusion.

"Its memory is damaged." Yegetos was not surprised, but patiently explained to Baiaji, "I am Yegetos, you have seen me before, the Second Legion of the Deep Space Undead Species..."

Hearing Yegetos's self-introduction, Baiaji's eyes became less vigilant, and he looked at the giant in armor thoughtfully, as if he was trying to recall...

"After I died...what happened..." Baiaji looked at Chen Jing in confusion.

"Actually, there are quite a lot of things after you died." Chen Jing scratched his head and explained helplessly, "Probably...the person who killed you was killed by him...I completed the coronation ceremony in the Yellow King Courtyard..."

"New King!" Yegetos said excitedly, "Deep Space is no longer a no-man's land! The new king has appeared!"

Baiaji listened to Chen Jing's story with confusion as if he was listening to a heavenly book.

Incomplete memory.

It seems to be gradually pieced together at this moment.

King Huang... Deep Space... New King...

"Hello? Hello?"

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded in Chen Jing's ears. Before he could figure out what this sudden voice was, a thin and blurry gray figure appeared in front of him.

This figure.

Bai Aji and Yegetos seemed to be invisible.

"Can you hear me?"

This figure, which seemed to be made of gray mist, stood in front of Chen Jing. "He" turned his head left and right while speaking, as if he was confirming something.


"Can the candidates hear me?"

"Are you sure you are connected?"

"Then I will say hello again."

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