"Shut up!"

"Being eroded...I...everyone...will die..."

The old man in the video was pulling the white hair on his head tightly, and for the first time, his stiff and cold face showed an expression other than expressionless.

That's pain.

"I don't have much time!"

The old man stared at the camera hysterically, the whites of his yellow and cloudy eyes covered with bloodshot eyes. That crazy look in his eyes made Chen Jing shudder.

"I've finished deciphering that stone tablet! So I woke up! I'm not crazy anymore! I know I've been sorry to you and your grandma all these years!"

"That's why I want to save you! I have to save you!"

If the old man's words and deeds before were said to be crazy in Chen Jing's eyes, then these words at this moment made Chen Jing suddenly feel something.

Maybe he was telling the truth?

Could it be that he has been hiding in the study like a madman all these years, not caring about this family, and never shed tears even when his grandma died... is it because he has been crazy before?

"Listen carefully to the next words! I can say as much as I can!"

"Every civilization that develops to a certain stage will be pulled into a biological leap test. If you fail the test, the traces of the existence of the civilization will be erased. This is how the last civilization perished, so..."

At this moment, the video began to shake violently.

Like a TV picture where the signal is affected.

A large screen of snowflakes appeared.

Even the old man's voice became intermittent, mixed with harsh and annoying electrical noise.

"The machine is about to collapse [* signal noise] - it's hot [* signal noise] - I know it's [* signal noise] interfering - [* signal noise] they are targeting me -"

"The iron box is for [* signal noise] - take away the things - bury the box back [* signal noise] - otherwise [* signal noise] will find you -"

"We reached an agreement - I finally helped you get the [*Signal Noise] qualification - to buy some time to deal with the end [*Signal Noise] -"

"[*Signal noise]——[*Signal noise]——"

Along with the lengthy current noise, the old man's image and voice have completely disappeared from the display screen, and the picture has been distorted into stroboscopic lines and snowflakes.

"What the hell is going on..." Cold sweat covered Chen Jing's forehead.

Although he didn't know what the old man meant by these words, and he couldn't even believe that the "doomsday theory" was true, the old man's paranoid and crazy performance really scared him.

But at this moment, the screen flickered violently for a few times, and suddenly returned to normal without any warning.

The image of the old man is extremely clear, even too clear for this old machine...

It's as real as looking in a mirror.

Different from the crazy look before, the old man in the picture is very calm, with a smile on his face.

To be honest, Chen Jing is really scared now.

Because he has never seen the old man smile.

The old man even has a sullen face in some old photos full of memories.

"I'll take you there now."

"Where are you taking me?"

Chen Jing asked subconsciously, and then couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, feeling that he was stupid for talking to the video.

But the next second, he knew that he was not stupid.

"Go where you belong."

The old man in the video seemed to be able to see Chen Jing and hear what he said. After giving his answer, the old man raised his hand and reached for the camera.

At this moment, Chen Jing was still immersed in the question "Is it a coincidence or is it haunted?" When he reacted, a pair of pale and withered hands had already stretched out from the display screen...

After those pale hands experienced a violent deformation from thin to thick, they strangled Chen Jing's neck before he was so frightened that he threw away the camera.

Then he jerked it towards the display screen.

In an instant.

Chen Jing disappeared.

The camera fell to the mud for a moment, and the display screen flashed twice and then went out.

At that moment the screen went black.

An old sigh came from the camera's speaker.

It's a pity that Chen Jing never had the chance to hear it again.

"Jingjing...don't blame me..."

Chapter 2 Candidate Number: 0

"What the hell..."

Chen Jing sat in shock on an old street from the 1980s, his body still stiff with fear.

He only remembered that he was beside his grandfather's grave a second ago, and saw a pair of pale hands stretching out from the DV screen and pinching him, and then appeared here inexplicably.

"Could it be that something happened?"

Chen Jing subconsciously raised his hand to touch his neck, feeling the reality of the tactile feedback. His expression became more and more confused, and he couldn't help but start to look around.

What is this place……

Why did I come here in an instant...

Before Chen Jing could figure out what was going on, a translucent light curtain appeared in front of him out of thin air, with many bold text messages on it.


[Candidate number: 0]

[Candidate name: Chen Jing]

[Examination Paper Number: No. 073013 Plane Creature Jump Exam]

[Exam location: No. 073013 plane - the inner world]

[Admission location: No. 204, Unit 1, Baigang Factory Dormitory]

[Important reminder, candidates please read carefully——]

[The Biological Leap Exam is their gift to the lower planes]

[According to the provisions of the "Regulations on the Administration of Deep Space Civilization·Chapter 3·Article 1\u003e", before the examination begins, the examiner \u003cmu\u003e responsible for the examination in this plane will adhere to the principle of fairness, justice and openness, and randomly indicate the world plane in the number 073013. Select a certain number of candidates to enter the examination room]

[There are two major questions in this Biological Leap Exam. You only need to complete one of them to be deemed as having passed the number 073013 plane]

[If one of the two major questions is not completed and all candidates die, the exam will be deemed to have failed, and civilization No. 073013 will be judged as invalid and completely erased]

[Problem Overview——]

[\u003c1\u003e: Kill \u003cM\u003e, the examiner of this biological jump examination, to prove that the biological level of the candidate's civilization meets the qualifications for jump]

[\u003c2\u003e: Destroy the dimensional core of the inner world numbered 073013, remove the negative traction of the "same-dimensional inner world", and the outer world will successfully enter a higher dimension]

[\u003c3333333 Don’t kill, kill, kill, kill the examiner, this world is yes, this world no no no no [Invalid characters detected] Don’t believe what they say [Invalid characters detected]...]

[He, He, He, they, be careful[Invalid characters detected]]

[He, He, He, they, be careful[Invalid characters detected]]


For a moment, the light screen was like a computer infected with a virus. The prompt [Invalid Character Detected] began to flash across the screen crazily, and from time to time a series of Chinese character combinations such as "they" and "be careful" would appear repeatedly.

Chen Jing was a little overwhelmed by the strange situation in front of him.

Suddenly, all the words on the light screen disappeared.


After waiting for about two or three seconds, the text message reappeared.


[Tip from the Examiner (1): Candidates entering the examination room for the first time please note that there are still thirty seconds before the start of the examination, and the safe area will be closed at the end of the countdown]

[Examiner’s Tip (2): Candidates entering the examination room for the first time please note that the other world is a real world, and the death of a candidate in the examination room of the other world is deemed to be a real death]

[Tip from the Examiner (3): Please note that candidates entering the examination room for the first time should remember not to violate any of the examination rules, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. The examination rules have been sent, please click to read]

\u003cAttachment 1: No. 073013 Plane Creature Leap Examination Rules\u003e

There are 30 seconds left until the safe zone closes


"what's the situation……"

Chen Jing looked at the light curtain in front of him with a puzzled expression, and suddenly felt that this matter was even more outrageous than digging his grandfather's grave.

He tentatively tapped the cross in the upper right corner with his finger, and the light curtain in front of him disappeared instantly, but a pattern that looked like a human face without facial features always stayed in the upper right corner of his sight.

Chen Jing clicked on the face pattern again, and the light curtain that disappeared before appeared again in front of him, but the countdown changed to "26 seconds."

"Biology jump exam?"

Chen Jing studied the information on the light screen and muttered to himself.

"Are those crazy things the old man said... are they true?"

In the DV dug out of the grave, Chen Jing clearly remembered the old man saying such a crazy thing.

Every civilization that reaches a certain stage of development will be pulled into a biological leap test.

Failure in the exam will erase all traces of civilization. This is how the last civilization perished, so...

"Is it our civilization's turn to take the exam?"

Too much information to take in all at once.

Chen Jing was a little confused.

After all, for ordinary people like him who live a monotonous and boring life, the biological leap test... is simply more magical than the plot of a novel!

Chen Jingshen took a breath, closed the light screen page again, and then pinched his face hard.

as expected.

It still hurts like hell.

"Determine the life and death of civilization...Enhance the dimension through examination...Death is the real death...The old man must think too highly of me..."

Chen Jing looked helplessly at the strange place in front of him.

It was no different from the city streets he remembered from the 1980s.

At least that's how it's played on TV, just not this dirty.

Looking around, the whole road was smoky and ridiculously dirty.

The streets were filled with all kinds of stinky domestic garbage, and the road that should have been gray was soaked in black and smelly garbage.

The street lamp next to it seemed to be in disrepair and was flickering violently at the moment. Electricity could still be faintly seen flashing on the rusty lamp pole.

Chen Jing subconsciously moved a few steps to the side and accidentally discovered that the garbage bags on the ground were full of rotten meat.

Red and white, chopped into pieces, mixed into a ball and put inside.

Only the stinking blood flowed out along the broken gap in the plastic bag.

"Do we have to make the other world look like a horror movie..."

Chen Jing chose a relatively clean road with some disgust and strode forward.

"The entry point is Unit 204, Unit 1, Baigang Factory Dormitory..."

Following the prompts on the light screen in his memory, Chen Jing soon set his sights on the red brick dormitory building closest to him.

"It should be this building..."

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