Chen Jing frowned and looked at the building in front of him. It was pitch black from the bottom to the top, and it seemed that no one lived there.

"Calm down first..."

Chen Jing took two deep breaths and began to sort out the information from the light screen in his mind.

The test paper number is 073013.

This number should refer to the real world.

The number of the inner world is also 073013.

"According to the explanation of the real world, the inner and outer worlds are like the two poles of a magnet, and the geographical environment has a high degree of overlap, which is almost equivalent to a replica of the real world..."

Since it is a replica...

Does it mean that there are similarities between this place and the outer world?

As long as I am careful, it shouldn't be so easy to die...

Thinking of this, Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

According to the information on the light screen.

If you want to pass the exam, you only have to complete one of the two major questions.

Either kill the examiner named \u003cMu\u003e or destroy the "core" of this inner world.

If you think about it from another angle...

The difficulty of destroying the core of the inner world should be equivalent to killing the examiner.

Otherwise, these two questions cannot be listed side by side.

"I can understand destroying the world... but killing the examiner who presided over the exam... what kind of game is this..." Chen Jing had a headache, especially when he thought of the hint after questions 1 and 2.


Chen Jing thought it should be a hint.

Although the message that looked like garbled text had disappeared after the light curtain returned to normal, he still remembered the content clearly.

It was as if the garbled text had some kind of mental pollution ability.

It was silently engraved in his mind.

[\u003c3333333 Don't kill kill kill kill the examiner, this world is this world no no no no [invalid characters detected] Don't believe in their words [invalid characters detected]...]

"Don't kill the examiner... Isn't this in conflict with the first question... Are you forcing me to complete the second question..."

"This world is this world, nothing is clear... and I'm told not to believe their words..."

They should refer to the "people" who designed this exam, right?




At this time, the countdown for the closing of the safety zone has reached 10 seconds.

And Chen Jing also found a red circle with a diameter of about two meters and flashing at a very slow frequency under his feet.

This should be the safety zone mentioned by the light curtain.

As the countdown time approaches, the safety zone under Chen Jing's feet flashes more and more frequently.

The numbers on the light curtain keep jumping, like a death warrant, making Chen Jing's barely calmed emotions start to become anxious again... because he doesn't know what will happen next.

I don't know what I should do.

"There are 5 seconds until the safety zone is closed!"

"There are 4 seconds until the safety zone is closed!"

"There are 3 seconds until the safety zone is closed!"

"There are 2 seconds until the safety zone is closed!"

"There are 1 second until the safety zone is closed!"

"The safety zone is closed, candidate No. 0, I wish you good luck!"

When the last message appeared on the light curtain, the light circle representing "safety" under Chen Jing's feet also disappeared.

At the same time.

The light in Room 204, Unit 1 of the White Steel Factory Dormitory suddenly lit up.

If the dark building was like a giant beast lurking in the dark, then the light in Room 204 was like its eyes opening.

That indifferent and cold look was beyond words.

It only made Chen Jing, who was being watched, particularly depressed.

"The entrance to the exam is in that room..."

Chen Jing looked at the window of Room 204 illuminated by the light, with a hint of inexplicable expectation mixed in his uneasy mood.

It was like being in a game.

The expectation of controlling the character to enter a new dungeon.

"I came from the mountains... brought orchids... planted in the small garden... hope the flowers will bloom early..."

Suddenly, a slightly harsh song came from Room 204.

It was not until then that Chen Jing reacted.

There might be people in the other world!

"Is it other candidates or the natives of this world..." Chen Jing carefully looked at the window with light.

The resident of No. 204 seemed to have had his vocal cords damaged. His singing voice was hoarse and distorted, like a human voice distorted by the signal when an old radio switched channels. It sounded particularly weird.

However, no matter how bad it sounded, Chen Jing could tell that it was a woman singing.

Judging from the reflection of the dim light in the house, the woman was too thin, and even her shadow looked crooked and scary.

She should be humming "Orchid Grass", which was popular in the 1980s. Chen Jing often heard this song at school, and occasionally those street sprinklers would play it.

"I saw it three times a day... I saw the flowers blooming... But the orchids are still... There is no bud... Hmm?"

Suddenly the singing stopped, and before Chen Jing could react, a crisp sound of footsteps came from the window of that family.

"Jingjing! Why didn't you tell Aunt Hong when you came early?"

Before Chen Jing could wonder how the other party knew him, he saw the singing woman revealing her distorted face from the window.

That woman was not human.

At least not the "human" in Chen Jing's impression.

She is surprisingly tall, her forehead is almost close to the top of the window frame, her skinny body is like a dried wood, and on her face covered with sutures and wounds that are still bleeding, she also reveals a passionate expression. A smile that made Chen Jing feel uneasy.

The examiner’s reminder: “Aborigines” have appeared! Candidates are requested to read \u003cAttachment 1: No. 073013 Plane Creature Jump Examination Rules\u003e as soon as possible!

Chen Jing looked at the prompt message that popped up on the light screen in front of him. The words and punctuation marks always made him feel malicious.

"It turns out that these are the indigenous people of the other world..."

Chapter 3 Examination Rules

[Attachment 1: No. 073013 Plane Creature Leap Examination Rules]

[The Biological Leap Examination is related to the survival of civilization, so every candidate is asked to take it seriously with a correct attitude]

[1: The Biological Leap Exam is a long-term test with no time limit. Every ten days is a cycle. At that time, all surviving candidates will have the opportunity to return to the outside world to rest for ten days. After ten days, they will be transferred to the examination room in the inner world again to continue the exam. ]

[2: The inner world is the "same-dimensional body" of the outer world, and it is also an independent real world. Candidates are asked to explore the social operating rules, civilization development routes, basic physical laws, and the difference in time flow rates between the two worlds on their own... …]

[3: In view of the special situation of plane number 073013, the difference between the inner world and the outside world is too big, the examiner has arranged reasonable identities for each candidate, and always keeps the "Language Adaptive System" running]

[4: Please remember not to reveal your true identity to any "aboriginal people" in the examination room. Any candidate who deliberately violates this examination rule will be immediately disqualified from the examination and wiped out]

[5: During each round of exams, an indefinite number of "additional questions" will be randomly refreshed. We hope that every candidate can do their best to complete them, so as to please them and express their gratitude]

is! Be careful with him, him, them one by one [Invalid characters detected] Don’t believe it! ! ! ]


"The garbled code appears again..."

Chen Jing looked at the last line on the light screen in front of him, and his brows began to wrinkle more and more tightly.

This is not the first time this strange jumble of words has appeared.

Contacted the previous...

Is this a hint for me?

"I actually have to stay here for ten days..."

Chen Jing looked at the "239 hours, 58 minutes and 55 seconds" displayed on the light screen, then turned his eyes to Aunt Hong upstairs, and silently began to make calculations in his mind.

According to the rules of the examination room, I should have a reasonable identity in the other world, which can also explain why the monster knows me...

So in this world, what is my identity?

She calls me Jingjing...

Is my name in this world the same as in reality?

"Jingjing, come up quickly, the food will be ready soon!"

The monster standing behind the window, no, should be called "Aunt Hong". She kindly greeted Chen Jing upstairs, and then disappeared from behind the window.

Along with the crackling sound of cooking in the room, the light screen that was still showing the countdown was suddenly replaced by a few lines of text.


[Additional question: Identity in the other world]

[Tip: Find out your identity in this world and learn to integrate into this world. Score based on overall performance and completion. The higher the score, the richer the reward]

[Note: They are benevolent people who help all plane creatures to jump. If you complete the additional questions well and please them, you will get more rewards - the rewards can effectively increase the candidate's survival rate in the other world]


"Reward..." Chen Jing fell into deep thought after reading the information on the light screen, and the uneasiness in his heart was gradually replaced by curiosity.

He felt like he had become a character in a game.

This feeling is very subtle.

It even made Chen Jing uncontrollably excited.

After all, he has played video games for so many years, and this is the first time he has experienced the feeling of becoming the protagonist of the game.

Although this world exudes an ominous atmosphere everywhere, it is undeniable... He feels that it is much more interesting here than the real world.

"The additional question is about exploring one's own identity... This should be considered a novice task in the game..."

Chen Jing turned off the lights and walked towards the dormitory building.

The dark corridor reminded him of the scenes in those horror games, but this place seemed much weirder than horror games.

Because as soon as Chen Jinggang walked into the dormitory building, he discovered...

This building seems to be alive!

The sticky floor seemed to be smeared with glue, and threads could be pulled out of the soles with every step.

Chen Jing instinctively wanted to take out his mobile phone and use the flash to illuminate the road, but when he touched his body, he realized that his mobile phone was neither in his wallet nor in his wallet.

In other words.

Except for the clothes on his body, everything else disappeared.

"It seems that except for personal clothes, nothing from the outer world can be brought into the examination room of the inner world..."

Think of this.

Chen Jing had no choice but to observe through the lights outside the corridor.

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