"I'll take you to see it in a moment."

Chen Jing's smile was still full of soothing warmth, and the yellow robe under the surface of his skin instantly turned into thousands of golden threads, pouring out of his pores and wrapping him tightly inside.

"Where... can I see the Black Star?" Anu asked carefully.


Chen Jing said softly, and then pointed to the scarlet sky above his head.

Following the direction he pointed, Anu looked up with his little face.

I saw a huge and ancient black star hanging high in the sky shrouded in red light.

Chapter 279 Revenge from Deep Space (Part 2)

No matter in which dimension.

The black stars will rise as usual.

As long as the power of deep space is still tightly held by the "King", Black Star will become the most loyal servant and follow him everywhere, like the second shadow of the "King".

"Black Star..." No expression could be seen on Anu's dirty face, and he just raised his head motionlessly, staring blankly at the black stars hanging high in the sky, "It actually exists..."

At this moment, Baiaji had slowly flapped his wings and began to fly towards the south of the wasteland.

It didn't increase its speed too fast from the beginning, because it was also looking for traces of those robbers. The smell of those low-level creatures flew too fast and could not be smelled.

"Sir...who are you?" Anu slowly looked away from the black star and looked at the yellow-robed figure sitting cross-legged and leisurely on Bai Aji's back.

Chen Jing did not answer this question because he did not think of how to answer it for a moment...

"You are the king's people." Yegetos suddenly spoke.

"Yes!" Anu nodded subconsciously, seeming to remember the ancient legends passed down from generation to generation by his tribe, "Abba said! We are all the king's subjects! At least we once were!"

"It's the same now." Jegertos held the bloody broadsword in his hand tightly, as if muttering to himself, "The king is right, it is not easy for you to continue to this era..."

"King?" Anu was stunned.

"This lord is your king." Yegetos looked back at the figure wearing a yellow robe, his words full of unabashed respect and admiration, "He is also our king."

"He?" Anu was even more confused, "The eldest brother is the king?!"

"The supreme master of deep space, the protector of the Black Star, the conqueror of the dimension, the king of the ancient kings..."

"Are these titles available for wholesale?" Chen Jing couldn't help but asked carefully, "When did you get them for me?"


"Then we are really going to find them now..." Anu's eyes gradually brightened.

"Revenge." Chen Jingding nodded. The nothingness under the yellow robe was squirming, making it difficult for people to see his face clearly. "Although we are just meeting for the first time, from a certain point of view, you should be considered the same faction as me. ...Since you are being bullied, I have no reason not to help you."

"That Zhuolong is very powerful!" Anu couldn't help but remind him, "He is an old descendant of Sequence 5!"

"It seems that you are indeed taller than me." Chen Jing muttered, his tone a little disappointed, "But it doesn't matter, anyway, even Xu Ye is an old descendant of Sequence 6. If he is one level lower than her... he should be at the level of the Pigherds and the others. Bar?"

"I'll just go." Jegertos said calmly, "Any bastard who dares to bully the people of deep space should be slaughtered to death."

"I'll give it a try later." Chen Jing held the palms under his robe gently. Thinking of another ability of the Deep Space Throne, he couldn't help but be curious, "I want to see what the old descendants will become if they are polluted by the deep space. What does it look like..."

"Deep space pollution??" Yegetos was startled, as if he thought of some terrible memories, and shuddered subconsciously, "Being polluted by the source of deep space is a punishment more terrifying than death... But if it is used It fits them perfectly.”

The south side of the wasteland.

Outside the Noel Canyon, which is like a natural chasm.

In the wasteland called "Bonemund".

The Zhuolong bandit group with thousands of members is stationed here.

Dozens of all-terrain tanks produced by a large consortium in Hanging City were lined up outside the camp. On top of the sentry tower served by four-story RVs, heavy security machine guns equipped with intelligent modules were also erected.

Around the campfire.

A giant who was more than twenty meters tall was sitting cross-legged on the ground. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes and his back was leaning against a dragon-shaped creature with red scales all over its body.

"Lord Zhuolong... We have made this big deal... Will the alchemists from the Hanging City come to trouble us..."

"They're not coming for us."

The giant named Zhuolong said in a deep voice, and then he raised his hand and grabbed a naked young woman from the huge dinner plate on the side. Ignoring the other party's screams, he opened his bloody mouth and stuffed the big living person directly into it. Chew slowly in your mouth.

When the pungent smell of blood filled the air, the subordinates on the side lowered their heads and dared not say anything.

"We just got lucky and robbed a caravan's goods. It's not their research association's stuff. Those alchemists are only interested in meeting Turing to seek the road and won't care about these small things."

After saying that, Zhuolong slowly turned his head and looked at the subordinate who asked the question before.

Although Zhuolong's size is too different from that of ordinary people, the overall proportions are still very coordinated, like an enlarged version of a normal person, with a slightly handsome face exuding a fierce temperament.

"Sir...Sir...I understand!" The subordinate seemed to know that he had talked too much before, and hurriedly knelt on the ground to beg for mercy, because he suddenly realized that he seemed to have violated Zhuolong's taboo, "Sir!! I will never do it in the future. Don’t ask this question again!”

Zhuolong hummed, then raised his hand and slapped it down.

Accompanied by the dull sound of internal organs exploding.

He slowly raised his palm.

Only a human-shaped blood stain was left on the ground.

It's as easy as swatting a mosquito to death.

"Don't follow me if you are so cowardly. You are such a disgrace..." Zhuolong turned around and continued eating.

Until he chewed up the dozens of people on the dinner plate and swallowed them in his stomach.

At this point, he burped with satisfaction.



"What happened to the information I asked you to collect..."

"The collection has been completed! Now we can confirm that there are at least three high-ranking descendants in the Windmill Zhuan Zhuan City Walled City! The owner of the Walled City is still a wanted criminal in Hanging City..."

"I'm not talking about the Walled City!" Zhuolong suddenly roared angrily, "Using our strength to touch the Walled City?! Do you think we can get it?! I'm talking about the caravan from Jiju Capital!! "

"Yes! I'm sorry Lord Zhuolong!! I have compiled the information about the caravan in writing!! I will show it to you now!!!"

"Useless things." Zhuolong shouted in a deep voice, "By the way, bring us the list of transactions we had with the old rat in Xuankong City during this period. I always feel that the old guy is lying to us... All the goods were delivered yesterday. Bar?"

"Already on the road!" The subordinate shouted without looking back as he ran towards the RV, "All the old descendants have been sent to the Hanging City! The remaining ordinary refugees have been canned by the cook! A little bit All the pretty ones are reserved for you!”

"Just give it away. As long as you get the final payment for this batch of goods, you should be..." Zhuolong breathed a long sigh of relief and stretched comfortably against the red dragon behind him.

And just then.

Zhuolong's eyes passed across the sky inadvertently, and he suddenly saw a huge shadow hanging high in the sky.

Not waiting for him to see clearly.

Only a muffled sound was heard next to him.

Zhuolong instinctively looked back and saw a creature wearing blood-colored armor appearing beside the campfire.


Maybe that's not armor, but its flesh and blood...


The bloody monster tilted its head and looked at him. It exuded an extremely strong smell of blood. Only black flames were burning under the scarlet helmet, and its body could not be seen at all.

"It should be." The monster nodded as if talking to itself, then raised its face and shouted to the giant creature in the sky, "Found it! It's them!"

The next second.

Zhuolong heard a gentle voice coming from the sky.

"Every wrongdoer has an owner, and every debt has an owner. It's good to find the right owner. If you accidentally kill the wrong person, it will be a disaster..."

The voice sounded very young, even a little childish, but the murderous intention between the lines made Zhuolong instinctively fear.

"Leave the old descendants of two levels and above to me."

"Where are the remaining people?" The armored monster asked, holding the cross sword ready to move.

Soon, an answer came from the sky that made Zhuolong feel cold all over.

"Kill them all, leaving no one behind."

Chapter 280 New Power·Deep Space Pollution (Part 1)

Chen Jing is a good-tempered person. For him to say "leave no one behind" can only mean that the other party makes him hate him to the extreme.

Perhaps it was because he had been sheltered by the old man before, so his life was somewhat isolated from the masses... Chen Jing had almost forgotten that this was a world of the jungle and the strong.

Compared to the outside world where people secretly eat people without spitting out their bones.

It's much more realistic here.

Just like a jungle following the natural law of survival of the fittest, all creatures are just pure beasts.

"These people are really bad...they know how to kill people all day long..."

Chen Jing took Anu and sat on Bai Aji's neck, tilting his head to look at the blood-stained dinner plate below. Although he did not witness how Zhuolong ate before, he could hear it from Anu's mouth. Come out, this is also a man-eating master.

"King...can I go and play?"

Baiaji asked tentatively. When it saw Yegetos rushing into the crowd and starting to kill everyone, it couldn't help but flutter in its heart, because its strength had also improved a lot after Chen Jing was promoted to the rank. At this moment, it was A good opportunity to try your hand at...

"Okay." Chen Jing nodded.

At the same time, Yegetos was already killing like crazy, and the broadsword he waved in his hand kept spinning like a big windmill. This was the result of his deliberately suppressing his strength... Otherwise, he could easily kill him with just one sword. Flatten the wasteland where the Zhuolong bandits are stationed.

For a while.

Gunfire, roars, screams.

Countless chaotic sounds flooded into Jagerthos's ears.

Bullets and artillery fire were endlessly focused on him, and some bold old descendants rushed forward with various relics, intending to stop this demon-like monster.

It turns out.

The Oldspawn in the wasteland are far bolder than those in the city.

At least the aura of Yegetos could not suppress them. At this moment, everyone was fighting against the trapped beasts. They knew how powerful Yegetos was, but they did not run away. Instead, they made the wisest choice... Fight to the death.

From the other party's ruthless attitude, it can be seen that this monster is going to take everyone's life. Kneeling down and begging for mercy is obviously a stupid choice, and it is even better to choose to escape.

But running away is impossible.

No matter how stupid they are, they can see this.

Judging from the speed of this blood-colored monster that is almost teleporting, it is basically impossible for everyone to escape from here. There may be a glimmer of hope if they fight together to resist... At least that's what they think.

"How dare you bully the people of deep space?!"

Yegtos swung his sword to kill the old descendants who blocked his way, and threw the enemy beside him as a hidden weapon with a wave of his hand, directly hitting the sentry tower with a security machine gun...

He hates those things that burst into fire.

They are not very lethal, but very annoying.

It just reminds him of the ancient alchemists in the old days, who always liked to make some strange and clever toys to make people laugh.

"Who are you?" Zhuolong screamed in despair, watching his men fall to the ground one after another and unable to get up. It is no exaggeration to say that he has never been so scared before. Even if he had to bite the bullet and rob the goods of the research institute, he would not be so scared.

Because he still hasn't figured out the details of Yegetos and his men.

Are they from the Polar Day City?

No, they don't have the smell of those monks in the temple.

Hanging City... That's even more impossible!

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