This monster obviously has no trace of biological transformation.

So who are they? ! Are they wanderers in the wasteland? ! Or...

"Deep Space."

Zhu Long thought of the rumors that came out of Evernight City not long ago. Those monks said that Deep Space has been revived, and the revived one has led his family to escape into this endless wasteland...

As a native who has been struggling in the wasteland since childhood, Zhu Long is not as good as those sect members. He only knows that "Deep Space" is an ancient and ominous sequence, and almost all known sects are extremely hostile to this sequence.

"This old descendant is so strange..."

Suddenly, Zhu Long heard a voice coming from behind.

Looking back.

At some point, the monster hovering in the sky had descended to the ground, and before he could notice it, it silently killed his biggest trump card... the red dragon mutated from the old descendant.

"It tastes weird." Bai Aji tore open the red dragon's chest, picking and choosing like a buffet, and finally bit its heart and slowly tore it out, "It seems to be contaminated by something..."

When Bai Aji was hovering in the sky, the visual impact he brought to the turbid dragon was not that strong, but at this close distance... Its huge body with a wingspan of more than 50 meters is like a black hill standing here.

Compared with it, the so-called red dragon is completely like an unevolved lizard.

"Don't be afraid." Bai Aji bit the red dragon's body, and on the face that was rotten to the point of exposing the bones, he grinned with an extremely anthropomorphic smile, "I'm not interested in you now, after all, the 'king' still needs you..."

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Aji turned his head and slowly opened his mouth.

In just a moment.

A black beam of light with a strong smell of death spewed out from its mouth, just like the laser weapons of the suspended city, directly tearing the surface along the way into a gully with a diameter of about ten meters.

The camp parking lot that was directly hit by the beam was instantly reduced to ashes. Not to mention the all-terrain vehicles that stayed on the ground, even the surface was blasted down and turned into a huge sinkhole.

"You are too good at spending money..."

Hearing this sudden voice, Zhulong subconsciously raised his head, because he remembered that this was the voice of the previous conversation with the bloody monster.

When Zhulong saw the golden throne hanging high in the sky, his first reaction was to suspect that he had hallucinations... The throne seemed to have always been there and had existed for who knows how many years.

Ancient inscriptions and totems were engraved on it.

The pale golden light wrapped around the throne was as dazzling as the sun in the polar day city.

There were two people sitting on the throne.

The little girl on the right looked very ordinary, wearing a shabby small work suit, her face was also dirty, but her eyes were surprisingly bright.

And the one on the left...

No, that one!

If there are gods in this world.

Then the one in front of me must be one.

He must be an ancient god comparable to the Moon God of Gehero.

Under his yellow robe and the hood filled with nothingness, Zhuolong couldn't see his face clearly.

The only thing he could see.

Only those eyes without any human emotion.

As cold as ancient sculptures, it was intimidating.

Just like the kings in the old days in the ancient stories told by monks...

Those were the eyes that had power over the world and could decide life and death.

Chapter 281 New Power·Deep Space Pollution (Part 2)

The thin figure on the throne looked very frail. He rested his chin on the golden armrest of the throne with one hand, and his lazy posture revealed an indescribable elegance.

When being stared at by his golden eyes, Zhuolong felt that any curiosity and questioning about him was a serious crime like blasphemy.

He deserves to be punished by heaven and earth.

"Is it him?" He raised his hand, and the soft and delicate yellow silk rippled like lake water. He placed his pale palm on the little girl's head and asked softly, "Did he kill your parents?"

"Yes..." The little girl nodded without hesitation, revealing deep hatred in her eyes.


The moment he heard this word, Zhuolong felt that the blood in his body seemed to freeze into ice. Looking back, he saw that almost 80% of the members of the robber group were chopped into meat paste by the bloody monster.

That's right.

Literally meat paste.

Although the monster's killing actions were very simple every time, either separating the head from the head or splitting the person in half... but after killing all the targets, he was still like a madman who had not yet calmed down, constantly slashing the cross broadsword in his hand, almost using the indestructible weapon as a heavy hammer, and hammering a corpse more than a dozen times.

But in just a few dozen seconds.

There were only more than 200 people left in the entire camp.

The Zhulong bandit group, which claims to have thousands of members and roams the wasteland, is no different from the livestock waiting to be slaughtered in the factory.

Yes, no different.

Zhulong finally understood what he was about to face.

"Do you still remember me..."

At this moment, Anu suddenly stood up and shouted excitedly to Zhulong, tears streaming down his face.

"All the people in our Stu tribe were killed by you!!!"

"Stu Tribe?" Zhuolong didn't react for a moment, his brain was still confused, "I remember not offending a tribe as big as yours... Are you talking about that small tribe that migrates everywhere?!"

How could such a refugee tribe that was like a bug... have such a backer? !

Zhuolong couldn't figure it out.

Even this confusion dispersed the fear in his heart.

"Be good, don't cry." Chen Jing patted Anu's shoulder and comforted her softly, "We are here for revenge, how can we cry in front of our enemies?"

"Well! Don't cry!" Anu wiped her tears hard, but she couldn't let go for a while, and the tears seemed to be getting more and more.

At the same time, Yegotos also came back to report.


"I have completed your order..."

"Killed 1,361 targets in total..."

"There are 234 remaining old descendants..."

"Well done."

Chen Jing slowly scanned the wasteland and saw that Bai Aji had driven the remaining old descendants to the right side of the camp and was still driving them in the direction where he was, like a sheepdog and a flock of sheep...

"Are you ready?"

At this moment, "his" voice sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

"Well, it's almost done. I'm not stupid..." Chen Jing replied, "Use my own energy as a deep space medium. I know what to do..."

Half a minute later.

The last batch of survivors of the robber group were driven over by Bai Aji and crowded in the open space below.

Chen Jing looked down from a high position, and felt that it was just like a teacher watching students doing exercises on the rostrum. The formation of the square array was crooked, and he really didn't know what to say...

"Please give me a chance to atone for my sins!!!"

At this moment, Zhuolong gave up all thoughts of resistance, or he gave up at the beginning, because if you count carefully, he seemed to be the only one among the old descendants present who did not resist from beginning to end.

"How can you be so timid when you are so big?" Chen Jing sighed helplessly, feeling a little bored.

Without waiting for Zhuolong to say anything to the old descendants, Chen Jing raised his hand and waved it gently, and hundreds of milky white tentacles extended from the back of the Deep Space Throne...These were the tentacles that dragged Chen Bofu and others into the deep space last time, but they did not appear this time to bring these dregs into the deep space.

In a flash.

The old descendants present, including Zhuolong, were touched by these tentacles one by one, either on their limbs, torsos, necks or even heads.

This touching process was very brief.

They didn't even realize that they should resist.

Touched and then left, in just a moment.

It seemed that the tentacles appeared just to touch them, and after the touch, they quickly retracted into the deep space throne.

"You... what do you want to do to us..." Zhuolong stood up shakily, feeling as if something was added to his brain, and he felt a little uncomfortable with drowsiness.

Chen Jing did not answer Zhuolong's words, but asked Anu softly.

"Are you scared?"

"No! Not scared!"

"Then keep watching. If you are scared, cover your eyes..."

Hearing their whispers, Zhulong felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong until he heard screams coming from his side...

"The black star in the sky is going to fall!!"

"Nonsense! We are standing on the black star!!!"

"The lake... there is a figure in a yellow robe in the lake?!"

"No!!! Let me go!! I'm not in Kakosha!!! I'm not a sacrifice to the Yellow King!!!"

The meaningless screams and cries of the bandits made Zhulong's mind more and more dizzy.

What are they calling...

What black star...

What the hell is Kakosha...

Zhulong shook his head vigorously, but the scene in front of him suddenly changed in the process... He found that he seemed to have traveled to another world.

This is not the wasteland he is familiar with.

It is a lakeshore with unknown wild flowers.

The black star is hanging high in the sky.

A thin and blurry figure stood on the quiet lake.

Zhulong was still confused about where he was, but he only saw the figure standing on the lake suddenly turned around, and the eyes under the robe hood were clearly black and white...

When his eyes met the eyes of the figure.

Zhulong only felt that his consciousness was pulled out again, and began to fall and sink in the vast and boundless abyss of nothingness.

The faces of countless creatures appeared at this moment but suddenly disappeared, and those billions of eyes seemed to be looking at him with a sad and pitying look.

At this moment, Zhulong lost the concept of time.

His consciousness seemed to be torn back and forth in the endless abyss and the terrifying nothingness. The resentment and hatred buried in the pale history for billions of years poured into his mind, and the skeletons of those deformed and twisted ancient gods and the fallen old kings were right in front of him...

He was crazy.

He had never been so crazy before.


In the camp, the turbid dragon, which had almost melted into translucent white mucus, kept uttering strange and vague syllables. Perhaps his vocal organs were the last to melt, and the "mouth" whose outline could not be distinguished at all was still wriggling.

It was like a dying person trying his best to tell the truth of what he saw.

He wanted to tell about the horrible things that appeared before his eyes.

But unfortunately, no one could hear clearly.

No one would care.

"What a pity..."

Chen Jing sighed in disappointment, slowly lifted the hood of his yellow robe, revealing his slightly pale and sickly face.

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