"It seems that this deep space pollution capability has its limits..."

Chapter 282: Teammates in the Table World (Part 1)

Deep space pollution is not a power, but from a certain perspective, it is no different from power in the true sense. By connecting each other through a simple medium, the other party can be exposed to the material energy of the deep space origin...

This is an efficient killing method comparable to the golden holy light.

It's easy to use, but it's not easy to use either.

Although the tentacles of the Deep Space Throne can reach a connection with each other by simply touching the enemy, their speed is actually not very fast... at least in the eyes of some high-level ancient descendants, they can dodge. It's open.

Just like Zhuolong.

He had a chance to evade, and his body function was enough to support him to react like this. Unfortunately, he was frightened and did not realize what he should do at the last moment.

"Old descendants of Sequence 5...are the limit of deep space pollution..." Chen Jing looked at the indescribable pools of boneless pus on the ground, and when talking to "him" in his mind, his tone was slightly disappointed, "I I thought the limit of this pollution capacity would be higher..."

"Just wait until you advance to the sequence." "He" in his mind was as calm as ever, like an extremely patient mentor. "The higher your sequence level, the more stable the connection you build. Sequence 5 is just a It’s just the beginning.”

"I was also observing the battle between Yegertos and Baiage just now. I found that although they will continue to get stronger as I advance, their growth rate seems to be much slower than before..." Chen Jing said doubtfully. .

"It's normal." The voice in his mind explained patiently, "Yegetos should be at Sequence 5 now, and Baiaji should be at Sequence 4. When you are promoted next time, it is very likely that their levels will not be the same. There will be changes, but there will be more inexplicable skills.”

While Chen Jing was talking to "him" in his mind, Bai Aji had already flown Anu back to the walled city.

After all, the bandit group left a lot of supplies in the camp. Although some of them were damaged in the previous battle, bringing the remaining supplies back to the walled city was enough for Anu and the others to live easily for a while.


Chen Jing had no intention of taking out all the supplies for good deeds. He was currently wandering around the camp, looking for things that would be useful to his group, such as hard currency from the other world... relics.

"When I let them see the deep space, I seemed to have hallucinations."

Chen Jing squatted beside a puddle of milky white mud, and slowly picked up a relic similar to a dagger from the corpse that could not be identified as human.


"Well, I seem to have seen scenes from the past."

Chen Jing raised the dagger in his hand and looked at it carefully. The scarlet sky reflected the red light on the blade of the dagger, like a mirror made of red gems. Chen Jing could clearly see his face on it.

"I saw the vast deep sky flashing with colorful colors... The stars suspended in the deep space were constantly being hit by some strange beams and then destroyed. Kakosha was covered with gray dust... The legions gathered by the undead species rode on A giant creature like a spaceship..."

"That was the last war." "He" in his mind answered.

"The war that led to the fall of King Huang?" Chen Jing asked subconsciously.


The "him" in his mind pondered for a moment, and finally added in a low voice.

"It's the war between bugs and their Creator."

"The Creator invaded deep space?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

This time "he" didn't answer.

And the sound of cars roaring could be heard not far away.

When Chen Jing looked back, he saw that Bai Aji, who was flying high in the sky, had descended and landed quietly next to Chen Jing.

"They are really stupid, even if I lead them the wrong way!" Bai Aji rubbed his head on Chen Jing's sleeve like a spoiled puppy, his tone full of grievances, "If I had followed With my previous temper, I had to spit out thick phlegm to kill them all!"

"Don't be so grumpy." Chen Jing gently touched Bai Aji's head and said softly, "We are going back soon, go and eat everything you can. Those corpses that have not been contaminated by deep space should be good to you." it works."

Say it.

Chen Jing looked up at the large trucks rushing out of the wind and sand, and saw Wei Nan sitting on the front of the truck waving to him.

After the convoy drove into the camp.

The first person to jump out of the car was not Wei Nan who was sitting on it, but Chen Bofu who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Although the old man has great confidence in Chen Jing and thinks that it will not be difficult for him to deal with a gang of bandits, in the end Chen Jing is still his grandson. Even if Chen Jing no longer needs to protect him from wind and rain, he should still be worried. There are still some.

"Made cleanly."

This was the first thing Chen Bofu said when he got out of the car. Then he walked quickly to Chen Jing and looked him up and down. After confirming that his good grandson was not injured but his face was a little gloomy, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as it's okay..."

"Grandpa, you don't have to worry about me so much." Chen Jing said in a dumbfounded voice, "They pose no threat to me."

"Oh, how can I not be worried? After all, this is the first time my good grandson has killed a whole family alone. Such a big thing... Come on, come on! Let's take a picture!"

Chen Bofu suddenly took out the relic of the camera he used to take pictures last time from his stomach, put his arms around Chen Jing's slightly thin shoulders and made a scissor hand gesture, while Yagertos and Baiaji also silently took a step forward, wanting to Take a photo with Wang.

Finished taking photos.

Chen Bofu put away the camera, smoked a cigarette and began to clean up the relics that Chen Jing had picked up, pretending not to hear Wei Nan's whining complaints over there.

"Old man, why are you moving so fast! How fun it is to take pictures together!"

At this time, Hassad had led a group of residents of the walled city to come over. He was still dressed in Arab style, and his face was tightly wrapped, as if he was extremely afraid of the sun in the sky that could not be observed with the naked eye.

"The Zhuolong Bandit Group?"


"I remember that there were thousands of people in their bandit group..." Hassad sighed loudly, "You are very agile... It seems that I have not underestimated you... You are worthy of recovery..."

"Chen Jing?"

The man wearing a black jacket who was following Hassad suddenly took off the mask on his face, and a surprised expression appeared on his unshaven face.

"You are..." Chen Jing looked at this face that had the characteristics of a sub-realm race, and felt that this person looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.


On the man's rigid face, the smile looked a little unnatural, but the joy in his eyes didn't seem to be fake.

"Tsukano Koshiro."

Chapter 283: Teammates in the Table World (Part 2)

On a hill far away from the camp, Chen Jing and Tsukano Kushiro sat on the edge of a stone pile, looking at those who were cleaning up the mess in the camp from a distance.

"I didn't expect you to be in Hassad's walled city..."

"I am always here."

The faint light curtain still appeared in front of Chen Jing's eyes. Looking at the familiar name on the light screen, he felt that this world was such a coincidence.


[Candidates’ Comprehensive Points Ranking]

【5】: Candidate No. 730, Tsukano Koshiro.


"I just didn't expect to meet you in the Walled City." Tsukano Kushiro put his hands in the pockets of his jacket and was looking at Chen Jing, the "living legend", with curious eyes from beginning to end, although he knew that this kind of staring This behavior seems a bit rude to others...but I really can't help it!

Among the candidates, the mentality of worshiping the strong is common, especially those candidates who are immersed in the "otherworldly" and are about to become gods... Okay, let's use a simple metaphor.

They are those candidates who are relatively "secondary".

In their eyes, powerful people of the same kind are worthy of respect, and many people will even make the choice to follow them, just like the group of younger brothers that Li Mo recruited for nothing.

But no matter who has the highest reputation among the candidates and who is recognized as the top boss, most candidates will probably default to "Chen Jing".

The answer is simple.

When the rankings first came out, Chen Jing had been dominating the rankings. The reason why he later dropped to second place was because Raphael, that bastard who was playing dirty tricks, took advantage of the arrival of the ancient gods to gain a ranking. Wave "Achievement Point".

If it's about hard power.

Almost 90% of the candidates will think that Chen Jingyuan is better than Raphael.

It can be seen from the fact that he was able to escape from the situation when the ancient gods descended that his strength is beyond the imagination of ordinary candidates.

"Raphael is a bastard." Tsukano Kushiro said in a deep voice, with a look of disdain on his unshaven face, "When I successfully advance to the rank again, I will definitely go to him to avenge those innocent candidates."

Chen Jing was not surprised when he heard what Tsukano Kushirou said, because from a certain perspective, this man with a slightly "middle-level" attribute was also considered a celebrity in the forum.


The reason why he is famous is that he is too middle-aged... In other words, his character is different from his peers in this era.

He believed in the so-called "chivalrous way."

In the real world, he also tried his best to help some weak candidates. He had done this often and even paid a painful price for it.

Some say he is stupid, others say he is pretentious.

But overall.

In the words of Li Mobai...

He's mentally ill, but he's still a good guy.

"Maybe I've read too many comics since I was a kid, and I always feel like I'm a righteous warrior... Even though he's a bit silly, he's quite interesting." Li Mobai's original words were this.

Chen Jing had seen Tsukano Kushiro's posts on the forum and how he responded to other people's sarcasm.

Chen Jing still remembers what he said to this day.

"Before the end, most people can only live in a way they don't like. But now that we have the opportunity to start a new life in another world, why can't we choose to live in a way we like?"

For Tsukano Koshiro, the meaning of his life is happiness.

Yes, he said more than once that before the end of the world, his mud-like life was really terrible, so he longed for a truly happy life.

Even if his way of dealing with the world is easily criticized and causes him to suffer a lot of losses for no apparent reason, he doesn't care.

"Just be happy." Tsukano Kushiro often says this in the forum.


Chen Jing had a pretty good impression of him.

At least the impression he gave Chen Jing was much stronger than that of ordinary candidates.

"That's basically it."

Tsukano Kushiro sat cross-legged on the ground. He was about the same age as Chen Jing, but his face was full of vicissitudes... But this is understandable. If he was always treated as a fool by the Holy Father, Chen Jing would probably be more vicissitudes than him.

"Well... So you went to settle in the city after the first exam..." Chen Jing looked at him thoughtfully, "Did you take people out to find the daily necessities of the city during this period?"

"Yes." Tsukano Kushiro nodded and said helplessly, "Master Hasad is too lazy. He only cares about his own things and has always let the city run freely. Unless someone deliberately violates the rules he set, he usually won't show up."

After that, Tsukano Kushiro suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it's good that you are here. I can relax in the future..."

"We may not live in the city permanently." Chen Jing said a little embarrassedly.

Hearing this answer, Tsukano Kushiro nodded silently, but there was no other reaction, and he didn't continue to persuade Chen Jing to stay.

"Are there any other candidates in the city?" Chen Jing asked.

"There are six more." Tsukano Kushiro said with a smile, "They are all good people. I have driven away the bad ones. The ones left in the city are all... lazy people? That's what I mean?"

Just as the voice fell, Tsukano Kushiro seemed to suddenly remember something important, and looked at Chen Jing and slowly frowned.

"Actually, I have always wanted to remind you, but I don't have your forum friends. If I post a message to contact you, it would be a bit too ostentatious."

"Remind me of what?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"Your situation is very dangerous." Tsukano Kushiro said in a low voice, with a somewhat contradictory expression on his face, as if he didn't know whether he should say these words, "I have many forum friends, they are all over the world..."

"So?" Chen Jing had a premonition in his heart, and his smile remained unchanged.

"Everyone's additional question is to kill you, and I am no exception."

Tsukano Kushiro said, slowly getting up from the ground, standing on the edge of the hill and stretching. Yegetos, who stood like a sculpture behind Chen Jing, also slowly raised his head and looked at Tsukano Kushiro.

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