"It's time to go on the road after dinner, right?" Chen Bofu's mouth smelled as bad as ever. After being woken up, he got up and couldn't get rid of it for a long time. Seeing that his good grandson was already ready to agree, he couldn't say anything more. , I can only seize the opportunity to say something disgusting to Hassad.

But it turned out that he was far more disgusting than he imagined. Even Chen Jing felt disappointed when he said this sentence. He always felt that the old man had scolded his whole group.

"Just us?" Chen Jing glanced at the people standing next to Hassad. Except for Tsukano Koshiro, who was a familiar face, the rest of them all looked very familiar, and they were not pure human beings. .

Similar to the biologically modified Hanging City Warlock.

They have no faces or features.

There was a hint of weirdness in the flat, mirror-like face.

"That's enough." Hassad nodded impatiently, "We can get in after we get rid of that guard!"

"That guard is fucking Sequence 6..." Chen Boxu was still a little worried and muttered softly with a cigarette in his mouth, "Are you going to let us use human wave tactics to do it?"

"Bullshit human wave tactics. To be honest, I actually have no confidence in you at all..." When Hassad said this, he slowly moved his eyes away from Chen Boxu and looked at the man standing on the balcony. The unmoved Jagerthos said, "I have faith in that One!"

"Then give it a try."

Chen Jing no longer hesitated. After all, if Yan Que and Wei Nan were to upgrade their sequence levels, the road ahead would be easier.

"If we can do it, we'll do it. If we can't, we'll withdraw."

Hearing this, Jegertos slowly raised his head.

"King, don't worry, you can definitely do it."

"Are you so sure?" Chen Jing was startled.

"Buried in that ruins is nothing but an Old King."

Although Jegertos's words were full of undisguised contempt, his calm tone seemed to be stating some convincing fact.

He walked slowly to Chen Jing's side.

The black flames under the flesh and blood armor were burning silently.

"In that era, there were quite a few kings of the past who were hunted by us. They were just ordinary inhabitants of the stars... nothing more."

Chapter 286: The Relics of the Star Residents (Part 2)

Deep space undead species, the second legion, the number one hunter.

Chen Jing still remembers Jegertos's self-introduction.

At the beginning, he didn't know much about the Yellow King's power in the old days, so he didn't know how valuable this so-called "Hunter No. 1" was.

But after getting along with each other for this period of time, Chen Jing roughly figured out what kind of status Jegertos was in the old days.

without any exaggeration.

Among the forces in Deep Space, except for the supreme Yellow King, there are really few who can fight better than him in terms of hard power.

So-called hunters.

In fact, they are all elites carefully selected from deep space.

They may have a higher status than the legion commander who is unable to strategize, but their combat ability is definitely not inferior to that of the legion commander. Even top-ranked hunters like Jegertos are almost as powerful as the legion commander.

Therefore, even if his strength dropped to the level of "insect", Yegertos still looked down upon those old kings who had been chased away by them.

In fact, Yegetos had an impression of the old king known as the Star Resident, but the impression was not very deep. The reason was very simple... It was just because the old king was not strong enough, that's all.

If this star dweller was powerful enough, it would be impossible for Jagerthos not to be deeply impressed by him.

But then again.

Although Jaegertos has a very high vision at this stage, his strength is indeed much lower than at his peak. He is almost like two different species. Therefore, when Chen Bofu and the others heard Jaegertos complain, they felt... Think he is bragging.

Dinner was served in Hassad's research room.

The food is not sumptuous.

But the food in the Walled City was much better than before.

After all, this batch of supplies from the Zhuolong Bandits was not brought back for nothing.

"Are you going this time too?"

Chen Jing and Tsukano Kushirou sat opposite each other. They were chatting quietly while eating. Chen Jing couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard him say that he was also going to the ancient ruins... an old descendant of Sequence 2 was following him. Adventure in ancient ruins, how is this different from seeking death?

"He will go too." Hassad took over the conversation. He seemed to have a good relationship with Tsukano Kushiro, and his words revealed a feeling of reminding the younger generation, "This child has contributed a lot to the city. Normally, the city He helps me solve any troubles here. This time his chance to advance to the rank is in the ancient ruins, so take him with you..."

"I will try my best not to hold you back." Tsukano Koshiro said seriously, as if he had a very clear idea of ​​his position and that his strength was nothing to that ancient ruins.

"What sequence do you have?" Wei Nan held a chicken drumstick in his left hand and a piece of fried chicken in his right hand, ready to put it into his mouth, looking like a starving ghost reincarnated.

"Killing." Tsukano Koshiro said his ultimate sequence without any hesitation, "I am now a descendant of Hōzuka of Sequence 2, and I should be able to reach Sequence 3 if I advance one more time." The embodiment of the soldier's grave."

"No wonder you want to go to that ancient ruins..." Wei Nan looked at Tsukano Koshiro in surprise, feeling quite moved by meeting an old friend in a foreign land, "I am also an old descendant of the Killing Sequence, and now I am a Sequence 3... "

"Eat some food." Yan Que stuffed a piece of fried chicken wing directly into Wei Nan's mouth, shutting up this talkative mouth.

For any old descendant, their ultimate sequence is a very private matter, not to mention the specific sequence level and sequence branch.

But it must be said that the concept of sequence branch, which had long been mentioned by the old man, has always been ignored by Chen Jing, so when he heard that Tsukano Kushiro and Wei Nan were of the same ultimate sequence, he was still a little surprised.

The so-called sequence branch.

In fact, it is a branch under the ultimate sequence.

Yan Que was a living example before.

Although she and the monks of the [Moonlight Hermitage] belong to the "Moonlight Sequence", the powers and titles they possess are completely different.

For example, Yan Que is a sequence 4 death bird, and those guys in the Bishop's Preparatory Camp are also sequence 4, but their titles will not be the same as Yan Que, or "Twilighter" or "Light Rider"...

This is the sequence branch.

Different branch routes under the same ultimate sequence will allow the old descendant apostles to obtain different powers.

"Are they all descendants of the 'Killing' sequence..." Chen Jing looked at Tsukano Kushiro, then at Wei Nan, and suddenly felt that the sequence this girl awakened was not that bad.

Chen Jing originally thought that the descendants of the "Killing" sequence were all like Wei Nan, probably tending to be "close combatants", and the side effects of the sequence power on the descendants were also very large, and they were not as useful as other strange sequences...

But now it seems that I was still shallow.

Didn't Tsukano Kushiro rush into the top ten of the list with this sequence?

Chen Jing clearly remembered that Wei Nan had talked to him privately. At this stage, she was just a "Sequence 3 Self-hating Demon". If she was promoted to another sequence, perhaps the backlash of the power would be greatly reduced...

Thinking of the crazy and violent state of Wei Nan every time she used the sequence power, Chen Jing thought it would be better for her to quickly upgrade the sequence, otherwise this girl would be killed by the backlash of the power of this sequence sooner or later.

After dinner.

Led by Hasard, the crowd took a private elevator that was not open to residents.

Or it would be more appropriate to describe it as a freight elevator.

The rusty iron fences and handrails, the disturbing creaking sound of mechanical gears, and the lever-like "elevator button" all gave off a sense of insecurity.

Fortunately, the elevator had a large space, and a group of people standing inside didn't feel crowded at all.

"The smell of the old king..." Yegetos was the most bodyguard-spirited immortal. From the moment he walked out of the house, he would stand next to Chen Jing anytime and anywhere.

"Will this elevator fall down suddenly..." Wei Nan looked up at the dim light, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

The structure of this elevator is different from the common ones.

The traction rope is invisible.

The vertical ascent and descent rely on the sawtooth pulleys on both sides.

"We'll be there soon..."

Hasard stood in the corner of the elevator, holding the rusty handrail, with an indescribable excitement on his face.

At this moment, the scene outside the elevator has gradually begun to change.

As the elevator continues to slowly descend towards the underground of the fortress, the dark walls covered with mold at the beginning are no longer visible. All people can see are those glass that looks like it has been deformed by burning?

The temperature is gradually dropping.

Everyone has already felt the biting cold wind blowing from below.

Chen Jing stood on the edge of the elevator and looked down carefully along the gap between the elevator and the wall.

The bottom of the elevator shaft is not dark.

It is a ball of light.

Or a giant human eye emitting colorful soft light.

Chapter 287 Ten Thousand Limbs Tree (Part 1)

The strange ball of light similar to a giant human eye lay quietly at the bottom of the elevator shaft.

The light it emits is extremely weak, so Chen Jing and others did not notice it at first, until the elevator descended to a certain height and barely saw it...

"Everyone stand firm!" Hasard suddenly reminded loudly, holding the metal handrail beside him tightly.

Seeing that Hasad was facing a formidable enemy, no matter how brave they were, they dared not take it lightly and followed suit by grabbing the handrail.

People like Wei Nan, who were both reckless and timid, held the handrail tightly with one hand and held the Yegetos, who stood like a hill, with the other hand.


The elevator began to shake.

From the slight high-frequency vibration at the beginning, it soon evolved into a crazy and violent shaking. The creaking sound of the metal gears became more and more piercing, and the dim lights on the top of the elevator began to flicker constantly.

"Fuck?! Are we going to fall?!!!" Wei Nan asked nervously.

It was not only Wei Nan who was nervous at the moment, but even Chen Jing felt that his heart was in his throat. Although falling from a high altitude might not kill an old descendant like him, the "human giant eye" at the bottom of the elevator shaft made him nervous.

To be honest.

Chen Jing didn't really want to touch that thing.

"Calm down!!! This is normal!!!" Hassad yelled, but even though he yelled with all his strength and his face turned red, his words were a little unclear amid the metal friction sound of the elevator's violent shaking, "It will be fine once the elevator stops!!!"

Chen Jing was a little nauseous at this moment, just like the reaction of motion sickness when he was a child.

"King, are you okay?" Seeing that Chen Jing's face was not very good, Yegetos asked hurriedly, "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"It's okay, I just want to vomit." Chen Jing held onto the armrest tightly, lowered his head slightly and closed his eyes. It felt better not to look at the scenery quickly passing by outside.

As Hassad said.

The closer the elevator gets to the bottom, the smaller the shaking becomes.

Until the elevator plunged into the "giant human eye" that exuded soft light under the watchful eyes of everyone.


The elevator stopped.

The rusty iron gate also opened automatically.

"It's your grandma's!" When Chen Bofu got off the elevator, he flew up and kicked Hassad on the butt. "It shook me so much that I almost vomited!"

"It's been shaking for almost more than a minute." Chen Jing couldn't help complaining, and slowly walked out with the help of Jegertos, "If you had told me that it was shaking badly, I would have taken some motion sickness medicine beforehand... …”

This decaying old elevator is parked outside the entrance to a tunnel.

Look up.

The light group above almost blocked the entire descending passage of the elevator. From this distance, it couldn't be seen in the shape of a human eye. It was just a cloud of soft light.

"Is this the entrance to the ancient ruins?" Chen Bofu lit a cigarette and stood on the mound next to the tunnel entrance, twisting his waist from side to side with an impatient look on his face, as if he was doing warm-up exercises.

"You can walk up to two hundred meters from here..." Hassad nodded.

"Can you enter the interior of the ancient ruins within two hundred meters?" Lawrence asked.

"No, no, no! What I mean is that if you walk two hundred meters, you can see the guard of Sequence 6!" Hassad couldn't help gritting his teeth when he said this, looking like he hated the guard of the ruins. " I was almost slapped to death by it last time, so I have to seek revenge from it this time..."

The guard of Sequence 6?

Chen Jing looked at the bottomless black tunnel in front of him and glanced back, only to feel that he still felt a little unsure.

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