Although everyone's cooperation to explore the ancient ruins seems to be huge, but after carefully calculating the uneven combat effectiveness of the team...

There are only seven people on Chen Jing's side.

Excluding him, the only ones who followed were Chen Bofu, Lawrence, Jagetos, Bai Aji, Wei Nan, Yan Que...

At present, the strongest ones should be Lawrence and Jaegertos, but none of them has reached the level of Sequence 6. It can only be said that Jaegertos has a trump card, and it seems that he can compete with the old descendants of Sequence 6.

There were even fewer on Hassad's side.

Apart from Hassad himself, only Tsukano Kushiro followed.


The five "mechanical families" brought by Hassad still have certain strength.

Don't look at the fact that they all have rigid doll shapes, like the inferior androids that were eliminated by the Hanging City... In terms of strength, each of them is at least comparable to Lawrence, which is around Sequence 5.

After everyone got dressed and prepared.

Hassad walked to the front without hesitation and began to lead the way.

Step into the tunnel.

Chen Jingneng could clearly feel that the temperature had become lower.

A melon and fruit aroma gradually appeared in the air.

Sweet and refreshing.

"I came here once with Mr. Hassad." Tsukano Kushiro was walking not far from Chen Jing, holding a strong flashlight in his hand, shining on the path under everyone's feet, "I almost died that time ”

"Is it because of the guard?" Chen Jing asked.

Tsukano Kushiro nodded and said that the monster was difficult to deal with, and its methods were different from ordinary old descendants or polluted species.

"When did your relationship become so good?"

At this time, Chen Boxu, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around and glanced at the two people who were walking and chatting almost next to each other.

As Chen Jing's biological grandfather.

He knew very well what kind of character his good grandson was.

It's almost impossible to strike up a conversation with a stranger you've just met a few times.

And looking at the way the two of them chatted, it didn't look like they had just met, but more like friends who had known each other for a long time.

"Just chat." Chen Jing said perfunctorily, and casually reminded the old man, "Grandpa, please pay attention to the road. This place is too humid and the ground is slippery."

"You're so scared, my shoes are for protection against..."

Before Chen Bofu could say the word "slip" at the end, he stumbled and almost sat on the ground. If Lawrence beside him hadn't caught him in time, the old man would have fallen to his knees.

"Bullshit!" Chen Boxu couldn't help scolding when he was helped up, "Hasad, what the hell did you bring us to!"

"Pay attention to the road, we'll be there soon..."

At this moment, Hassad has quickened his pace, and everyone can only follow cautiously for fear of falling behind.

Less than half a minute passed.

Everyone was led out of the tunnel by Hassad and came to an underground space similar to a cave.

The moment he walked out of the tunnel.

Chen Jing was so frightened by the strange and huge creature in the cave that he couldn't look away.

It was a giant tree about thirty meters high.

It seems to be made up of countless human arms with skin peeled off.

Maybe he sensed someone breaking into the cave.

Accompanied by a sticky and ominous sound, the dead and calm "bark" of the giant tree suddenly began to squirm, like thousands of hideous-looking bloody maggots preparing to feed...

"That's the guardian of the ancient ruins! The Ten Thousand Limb Tree!"

Chapter 288 Tree with Ten Thousand Limbs (Part 2)

Deep in the empty cave, the ancient tree of flesh and blood, made up of countless human arms, was squirming quietly.

At first, everyone could still hear the sticky sound, but seemed that all the sounds disappeared in the deep underground.

The human arms on the surface of the Ten Thousand Limb Tree are constantly tumbling, like ripples on the water surface caused by the strong wind, layered on top of each other endlessly, and like noodles tumbling with boiling water in a soup pot. It makes Chen Jing's trypophobia attack. .

"Ancient species." Jegertos knew a lot about these creatures that once lived in the olden times. He recognized its origin after just a few glances, "The Tumensen Tree."

"Can it be done?" Chen Jing asked.

Jegertos nodded, but his tone was solemn.

"Since it survived in the old days, its strength should have declined a lot. It's not difficult to deal with it, but..."

Yegetos suddenly stopped speaking and looked back at everyone.

"Just what?" Chen Boxu asked curiously.

"It's just that you have to run faster." Jegertos turned his head back and said in a calm tone, "It moves very quickly."

The moment Yegetos finished speaking, the floor of the cave suddenly began to squirm inexplicably. The seemingly hard surface seemed to turn into a swamp at this moment, extending outward from the roots of the ancient tree, and the ground continued to surge like waves.

"It's weird...why did it react so much this time..." Hassad seemed to have discovered something, looking at the ancient tree in surprise and murmured, "We haven't gotten close to it yet..."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and then smartly began to retreat.

After all, what came out of Hassad's mouth didn't sound like a good thing.

And right now.

Just heard a loud bang.

As the ground began to shake violently, a "Mechanical Familia" standing at the front of the team to explore the path suddenly disappeared.

Hassad also began to retreat with everyone at this moment, with indescribable surprise on his face.

"Everyone, stay back!!!" Hassad shouted, "The guard seems to be stimulated!! It is now starting to take the initiative!!"

It has to be said that Chen Jing and his group were really stubborn. At least when Hassad started to retreat, they had almost retreated into the tunnel.

"King, look, I said it should strike quickly." Jegertos said, raising his finger and pointing at the stone wall on the right side of the cave.

I saw a huge sunken palm print on it. From the outline, it looked like a human palm, but it was a bit scary. Only the shortest thumb was nearly two meters long, and the entire palm print was at least fifty centimeters deep into the stone wall.

At this moment, the disappeared mechanical family member was lying in the middle of the palm print, looking like a mosquito that had been swatted to death on the wall.

"Why are your dependents so useless??" Chen Boxu looked at Hassad in surprise, his words filled with undisguised contempt, "Just slapped to death by it??"

At this moment, Hassad was not in the mood to argue with the old man. He just raised his hand and made a strange finger.

The next second.

The mechanical family members, who looked like mural sculptures, crawled out of the pit.

Although its physical characteristics are similar to humans, its crawling movements are more like some kind of beast or insect.

Get down on all fours and crawl.

The slippery stone walls of the cave had no effect on it, just like a gecko crawling on the wall, moving quickly and silently.

During this process, Chen Jing could clearly hear the buzzing sound coming from its body, which was very similar to the sound of a damaged electronic instrument. Some electric sparks could also be vaguely seen in the splicing gaps on the neck.

And just when Chen Jing thought it could be withdrawn, there was another loud bang, and another palm print instantly appeared on the stone wall of the cave, and the mechanical family member who had just crawled out of the deep pit sunken by the palm print , was once again photographed embedded in the wall.

"What on earth is shooting at it..." Chen Jing murmured to himself, looking around from left to right, but still couldn't find the "enemy" attacking this family member.

"It has always been moving very fast." Jegertos was also turning his head and looking around, as if he was looking for something, "We must first find its true body..."

"Its true body?" Chen Jing was startled and subconsciously raised his hand to point at the strange ancient tree, "Isn't that tree its true body?"

Yegetos didn't explain too much, just shook his head and said no, and then settled down and continued searching.

"Fuck! It's over!" Hassad suddenly exclaimed.

Before everyone could react, they heard several more muffled bangs in succession, and the mechanical family members who were about to crawl out of the palm prints were slapped back again.

This time, it failed to struggle to climb out.

His body, which had resisted the previous attacks, was on the verge of collapse.

The entire torso was dented and twisted in a weird posture, and the slender neck was completely broken. Many objects similar to metal gears and fiber optic cables popped out of the wound with electric sparks.

At this moment, Chen Jing was certain that this family was hopeless, at least that's what it seemed.

Now no one can sense its old-descended aura, as if it has really turned into a pile of lifeless mechanical parts.

"The Sequence 5 Familia were just killed like this??!" Wei Nan looked at the "remnant corpse" deeply buried in the palm prints in disbelief, and said with a pale face, "If it was us who were attacked...were we? I have to die too!”

In fact, Wei Nan's worries are not unreasonable.

Among the people present, the strongest ones were only Yegetos and Lawrence, as well as the dependents brought by Hassad, and their sequence levels were all fifth level.

And Chen Bofu and Hassad himself.

The strength of both of them has declined to the point where they can be called "disabled", and they cannot put themselves on the stage for the time being.

Therefore, Wei Nan's nervousness is reasonable. At least among the people present, none of them can beat the ancient tree in terms of sequence level.

"What on earth is..."

Chen Jing looked around vigilantly, and saw that the palm prints on the cave wall were gradually disappearing, as if the rocky wall had turned into liquid, and the sunken parts continued to bulge, silently squeezing the mechanical family member's body. Devoured by corpses.

At this moment, the silent Yegetos suddenly shouted.

"found it!"

As his words fell.

An extremely terrifying deep space energy surged out from the flesh and blood armor on his body, even forming ripples as scarlet as blood in the air, just like the ripples caused by a stone hitting the water surface.

"I told you to hide!"

Jegertos smiled ferociously and suddenly waved the cross sword in his hand.

Several streaks of dazzling sword light, like blood, flew out along the sword body. In an instant, the underground cave where everyone was standing began to tremble violently...

Chapter 289 The Starry Sky Hidden Underground (Part 1)

This was the first time Chen Jing saw Jegertos unleash this skill.

It's like the light of the sword in the game.

The streaks of blood formed by pure deep space energy were almost the same as the laser weapons in Chen Jing's imagination. They were as smooth as cutting tofu on the seemingly hard cave walls.

A total of seven sword rays were slashed out by Yegetos.

Six of them struck the stone wall of the cave.

Only one hit the "target" that was invisible to the naked eye.


Everyone only heard a sound similar to a snake spitting out its tongue echoing in the cave, and the ancient tree composed of countless human arms also began to tremble wildly at this moment, as if it felt pain and was wailing.

No one knew what Yegetos’s sword had hit.

But the sword light could be seen disappearing in mid-air.

“Although it is an ancient species of Sequence 6... it is still much weaker than the original one...” Yegetos said softly, turning his head left and right, as if looking for the target that began to move rapidly again.

At the same time, Hazard also fell into self-doubt.

“I have been to this place more than once before, and I know it well.” Hazard said, raising his hand to the gully on the ground in front of him, “That arc is the safety line. Only if you cross it will it attack you, but this time... it’s really weird!”

At the end, Hazard couldn’t help cursing, because he has always been confident in his experience and felt that everything was under control before coming here.

What’s the result?

He hasn’t crossed the safety line yet.

One of his family members died on the spot.

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