Not to mention who in the world knows of its existence, even in the distant old days, few creatures have seen or heard of it.

It is one of the top secrets of deep space.

It is also a killing machine cultivated by King Huang.

The meaning of its existence is to make other creatures disappear.

That's all.

"It seems that the old man is right..."

Chen Jing silently watched the weeper who was constantly eroded by the strange colors of deep space, and couldn't help but think of what the old man had said.

Even if two creatures are at the same sequence level.

There may be a huge difference in their strength.

The weeper in front of him is a living example.

It is the same as the tree in the ancient ruins of the Star Dwellers. They are all creatures belonging to the same sequence 6, but it is not difficult for Yegetos to skip levels and deal with the tree.

But when facing the weeper, Yegetos must be prepared for a desperate battle, and even if he fights hard to the end, he can't kill it.

This is the gap.

The gap between creatures of the same sequence level.

During this period of time, Chen Jing has almost figured out the background of the Deep Space Color. In fact, it is also a sequence 5 creature, but it is undeniable that it is different from the traditional sequence creatures. It can even be said that it is almost invincible among the sequence creatures of the same level.

That's right.

It is invincible to all sequence creatures of the same level.

That kind of terrifying corrosive power is enough to make any creature of the same level decay to death. Even when facing a sequence creature of a higher level, it has the power to fight... and it is very likely to kill the opponent.

At this moment, the Weeper has begun to move slowly.

Although it is not completely suppressed by this piece of deep space color like Yegetos, it is also unable to resist this strange corrosive ability, and its movements are becoming slower and slower until it stagnates.

The terrifying changes that once appeared in Yegetos are now repeated on it.

"Killing me... is useless..."

The Weeper's voice trembled, but there was no fear at all, as if it had long expected that there would be such a day for itself.

"You can't get out of this maze..."

"And the Cursed Ones... The Rejuvenators... They will make you..."

"I won't get involved with them."

Chen Jing interrupted the Weeper. He had already drawn a complete map of the maze in his mind. He also noticed that... In the maze, the Deep Space Colors in several areas had been completely dispelled.

In other words.

Those areas should contain creatures with higher sequence levels.

Even if the Deep Space Colors are powerful, they are only Sequence 5 at present. Facing a powerful opponent who can suppress it unilaterally, the erosion ability of its body is not very effective. The opponent can even ignore its "nothingness" state and directly dispel it like clouds.

The guardians of the other areas of the maze should be the same.

They are most likely stronger than the Weeper, and much stronger, but Chen Jing also thought clearly... He didn't come here to play a dungeon. He just needed to enter the mausoleum to complete the promotion ritual. There was no need to kill all the BOSSes in this maze.

These bastards don't drop equipment or give experience points.

Only a fool would go to kill them!

Chen Jing's idea now is very simple. First, take Yegetos and Deep Space Color to travel through space. According to the route outlined in his mind, it is not difficult to leave this maze safely.

Of course.

If you are brave enough, you can also "blind jump".

Just like when you escaped from Evernight City, you can blindly jump to any coordinate point within the controllable range.

This is convenient, but there are also risks that cannot be ignored.

Because you don't know what strange place your foothold will be after the space jump.

From Chen Jing's experience of practicing many times in the wasteland, you either jump to a coordinate point on the surface safely, or you are unlucky and flash directly into a stone... In the wasteland, bad luck can be temporarily ignored because he has the ability to deal with those small troubles.

But this is in the tomb of the Black Pharaoh.

If you are unlucky and choose a high-risk coordinate point...

It's no problem to get out of the maze.

But Chen Jing might not be able to deal with the troubles that he encountered next, so the best solution was to first find out the general route, and then make space jumps step by step to move his own position.

"Black Pharaoh... likes... games... to please..."

The voice of the weeper became intermittent, and there was a strange muffled sound in the vague tone. Chen Jing knew that it should not be able to hold on.

To be honest.

If possible, Chen Jing didn't even want to kill it, because it was too troublesome to delay time with it here. It was the best solution to run away to the tomb directly, but he couldn't not kill this thing in front of him... The breath in his heart was too hard to swallow.

Maybe it was because he became the king of deep space?

So he couldn't bear to hear others insult deep space?

Chen Jing couldn't figure it out.

But he was sure that the murderous intention in his heart was very abnormal, and it was completely inconsistent with his previous personality.

"You eat slowly here. I'll go over and take a look. If that road leads to the tomb, I'll take you with me."

Chen Jing's words did not receive a response. Deep Space Color had already devoted himself to eating.

This precious food from the old days seemed to suit its appetite very well. Now it was only concerned with eating and didn't care about anything else.

According to the maze map constructed in his mind.

The alley leading to the tomb is not too far away from him. If he walks there, it won’t take long. But Chen Jing is still relatively rational. He cautiously chooses to "jump" directly...

Although the road to the tomb has remained stable.

But the road to the alley keeps changing.

Looking at the target not far away.

Maybe he will never reach it in his lifetime.

The same sentence.

Who can cheat and cheat?

"Let's go."

As in the previous space jump process, Chen Jing first returned to the deep space, and then quickly selected the next coordinate point with the help of the throne, and then made a space jump...


Chen Jing came to the alley leading to the tomb.

Like other areas of the maze.

This place is also submerged by the overwhelming deep space colors.

"This thing is really weird... How big would its body be if it were fully spread out..." Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then he looked at the stone door at the end of the front.

In the deepest part of the alley.

A huge stone door that was almost five or six hundred meters high stood there.

The door was made of the same material as the stone wall of the maze.

Dark gray.

It exuded a dead feeling.

Chen Jing didn't hesitate, raised his foot and walked forward quickly, and soon he came to the stone door.

And perhaps he sensed the arrival of the "game passer".

The moment he walked to the stone door, Chen Jing vaguely felt the ground tremble slightly, and the tightly closed door slowly opened at this moment.

Chen Jing stared at the gradually opening stone door, and his heartbeat could not help but speed up slowly.

When the door gradually opened.

When he saw the huge figure sitting in the tomb.

The look in Chen Jing's eyes instantly became solemn, and there was even an incredible surprise.

"Fuck... Don't joke with me... The Black Pharaoh is still alive?!"

Chapter 320: The Pharaoh's Tomb in Chaos (Part 2)

Looking into the tomb from Chen Jing's perspective, it was a chaotic space that could not be described in words... Yes, the word chaos was the most appropriate annotation for this tomb.

The tomb seemed to be in an open-air environment.

Although darkness was its main tone.

But the sky was lit with a dull and dim white light.

The drowsy feeling made people very uncomfortable. It was not the kind of drowsiness that would make people sleepy and tired, but a kind of... ominous feeling, as if standing under this dim sky was destined to happen something terrible.

The tomb was more like a wilderness in the suburbs.

There were rugged rocks and dust everywhere.

Anyone who saw it would think that these were all natural products.

How big was this tomb where the Black Pharaoh rested?

Chen Jing really didn't know.

You couldn't see the end at a glance.

It seemed that behind this door leading to the tomb was not the tomb, but another strange and unknown world.

About one or two kilometers away from the door of the tomb.

In the wilderness full of jagged rocks, there is an ancient and exquisite stone throne.

A huge and terrifying figure sits on it, and its size is even more terrifying than the Pope of the Moonlight Hermitage, just like a black hill standing in the wilderness.

That's right.

That's the Black Pharaoh.

Even though Chen Jing has never seen him, he can recognize him at a glance.

The thin figure sitting on the throne is extremely similar to humans, or he is very similar to the Yellow King, both of them are roughly humanoid creatures.

However, judging from the body proportions, he seems to be much thinner than the Yellow King, almost a skinny skeleton supporting a decaying skin.

Perhaps the Black Pharaoh really has some connection with ancient Egypt in the real world.

Whether it is his dress or the gold jewelry he wears, there is an extremely strong ancient Egyptian style.

The elegant robe was extremely colorful, and the black mask covering his face also shone with metallic luster. The long staff shaped like a question mark held in his hand was inlaid with various precious gems from the old days.

Under the mask of the Black Pharaoh.

In the deep eye sockets.

Chen Jing could see his eyes that were the opposite of human colors.

Black eyes and white irises.

When Chen Jing looked over, the eyes hidden under the black mask were also silently watching him, the outsider.

At the moment when their eyes met, Chen Jing could clearly feel the vitality in those eyes... They were definitely not the eyes of a dead person!

If it is said that King Huang has a pair of eyes that despise all living things.

Then the Black Pharaoh...

In his eyes as cold as the water of the Forgotten River, what he revealed to people was only the arrogance from the soul.

"Don't worry. If he were still alive, he would have killed you long ago." The "he" in Chen Jing's mind said slowly, as if he had sensed what Chen Jing was afraid of. "He is much more powerful than an ordinary Old One, so his corpse can still barely retain a trace of vitality."

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