After hearing "his" explanation, Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

"The eyes of the Black Pharaoh... really don't look like the eyes of a dead person... they look like a living person no matter what..."

After saying that, Chen Jing looked back at the splendor filling the alleyway, raised his hand and sent it directly back into the deep space.

In an instant.

The lanes of the maze have returned to their original appearance.

"I didn't expect the quality of this maze to be quite strong..." Chen Jing's eyes swept over the stone walls and floor tiles, "It has been corroded by the splendor of the deep space for so long without leaving any trace..."

"Nonsense, it is said that the Black Pharaoh is the most concerned about face. How do you think the quality of his tomb can be any worse?"

Saying that, "he" couldn't help but hit Chen Jing.

"If it weren't for the Deep Space Throne that I helped you get, would you still want to come out of the maze? Even if the Deep Space Glory helps you!"

"Well, it really wouldn't work without you. If I hadn't been able to 'jump' over directly, I would have been trapped to death."

"But not necessarily. Do you remember those snail people?"


"The guardians in other areas of the maze should be stronger than that worm. One of them should be the culprit who turned those old descendants into snails. If you meet it, maybe it will let you out..."

"Then turn into a snail and come back?"

Chen Jing asked angrily, and then strode into the tomb.

"I checked again with the help of the deep space splendor before. It seems that the ancient species in those areas have not been chasing us. It seems that they have given up on our targets since we stepped into this correct passage..."

When Chen Jing said this, he heard a loud bang and looked back to find that the stone door had been slammed shut.

"This doesn't leave us a way out!"

"Now that we've come this far, what's the point of retreat..."

Chen Jing ignored "him" and subconsciously looked up again. He carefully looked at the Black Pharaoh's body and made sure that the big rice dumpling showed no signs of being a corpse. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Was the Black Pharaoh also a human at the beginning?" Chen Jing asked curiously, "Should he have evolved from a human into the King of the Old Ones?"


"He" scoffed at Chen Jing's analysis.

"The Black Pharaoh's body is an amorphous chaotic substance, but he was indeed born on the surface of the other world."

"Not a human being?" Chen Jing was stunned, "Looking like a monster."

"Just like you, you look like a human being, but actually..." At this point, "he" suddenly paused, and his laughter became weird, "Do you think you are still a human being after becoming an Old Descendant? "

Hearing the question raised by "him", Chen Jing did not answer, frowning and not knowing what to say.

"You'll understand later."

"You are deep space."

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, Chen Jing suddenly saw a figure flashing not far away. When he turned his head and took a closer look, he saw a strange man jumping up and down behind a stone pile in the wasteland about a hundred meters away. He comes.

How did that person appear?

Chen Jing didn't see it and couldn't notice it in time.

Because from a certain angle, the weirdo was like air. Not only did he not emit any breath, he didn't even make any sound when he walked and jumped.

"If the situation is not right, just throw the brilliance out of the deep space, don't hesitate."

"I know."

Chen Jing stared at the jumping figure with vigilant eyes, feeling that there was something wrong with such a strange man suddenly appearing in the tomb!

Not a moment.

The weirdo stopped about twenty meters away from Chen Jing. It seemed that he also noticed Chen Jing's vague vigilance, and stopped moving closer to show his friendliness.


Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this well-spoken Mandarin word. He couldn't figure out whether it was a "self-translation" caused by the examination system, or whether the person was really speaking the Chinese he was familiar with.

"I've finally waited for you, the descendant of deep space..."

The weirdo who spoke bowed slightly, and Chen Jing was a little uncomfortable with the elegant gesture. After all, he didn't really look like a normal person.

This weird man, about two meters tall, was wearing a tuxedo-like outfit. His dark skin was dotted with gray markings, and his thin face was covered with many bone-like decorations. He looked like It's a skull tattoo on the face.

No breathing, no heartbeat, no breath.

No matter how you look at it, it is different from the ancient species in the traditional sense.

But even if Chen Jing was surprised, he didn't show it at the moment. After all, he also understood the principle of reaching out and not hitting the smiling person.

Since this weirdo behaved quite friendly, he naturally wouldn't embarrass the other party. At least he didn't fall behind in terms of etiquette, and he spoke politely without showing any hint of hostility.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

The weirdo smiled slightly, and when the muscles on his face moved with the smile, the white bone ornaments also made a "click-click" sound.

"I am Baron Samedi, the tombkeeper of the Black Pharaoh."

Chapter 321 Promotion Ceremony and Baron Samedi (Part 1)

Baron Samedi is a human being.

Although he does not look normal, his self-introduction says that he is just a scholar who has gained a long life, and is not even an old descendant or an ancient race.

He is not a dependent of the Black Pharaoh.

Nor is he a subordinate of the Black Pharaoh.

He was just an old friend who had known the Black Pharaoh for many years.

"When I first met the Black Pharaoh, I was still a scholar who only focused on studying extraterrestrial magic."

Baron Samedi led Chen Jing deeper into the tomb.

The huge corpse of the Black Pharaoh was like a black mountain lurking in this endless chaos. It was towering and steep, exuding an indescribable sense of oppression.

As they get closer to the remains of the Black Pharaoh.

This overwhelming sense of oppression made Chen Jing inexplicably depressed, and he even felt like his breathing was restricted.

Chen Jing knew that the Black Pharaoh was dead.

But he still felt that... this active body was not like the body of the deceased. It gave Chen Jing the feeling as if he could stand up at any time. The eyes hidden under the black mask seemed to be standing up at any time. Keep turning your eyes following them.

"What is extraterrestrial magic?" Chen Jing raised his head and looked at Baron Samedi walking in front. The more he looked at him, the more he felt that this man was ridiculously weird. Not only was his clothes and appearance quite weird, but his personality was also very out of character.

While Baron Samedi was walking in the tomb, he was still following a certain rhythm that Chen Jing could not hear, swaying his body slowly, as if he was dancing a cheerful and joyful dance with a strong sense of rhythm.

Was there a shaker in the old days?

Chen Jing watched Baron Samedi's strange dance moves calmly.

"Magic from outside the universe naturally comes from outside the universe...maybe it comes from a certain civilization in the universe, or maybe it comes from a world in another dimension. The content of those magics is very messy. In the end, I only barely understood the death sequence. 'Necromancy'."

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but complain in his heart, didn't you just say that you are just an "ordinary person"... The meaning of what he said sounded similar to that of an old descendant!

"Death, annihilation, rebirth, the afterlife."

Baron Samedi muttered, his head swaying left and right in line with the dance steps of his feet.

"When I was studying 'Necromancy', the Black Pharaoh found me. He was very interested in the project I was studying."

As he spoke, Baron Samedi suddenly stopped and looked back at Chen Jing.

"The Black Pharaoh is an old king with extremely profound knowledge. His understanding of 'Necromancy' is much deeper than mine, because the origin of 'Necromancy' is chaos... and the Black Pharaoh is also chaos. He Born in chaos and raised in chaos, I didn’t expect that he would also die in chaos.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Baron Samedi turned around and continued to lead Chen Jing deeper into the tomb.

"I have no friends except the Black Pharaoh, so I will try my best to satisfy his requests, such as helping to guard his tomb until the day when the 'Descendant of Deep Space' comes."

"Did he know beforehand that I would come?" Chen Jing frowned and asked with some confusion.

"The Black Pharaoh knows everything."

When Baron Samedi said this, his tone revealed unabashed admiration.

"He foresaw the war that spanned countless dimensions, and also foresaw the end of our era, and even..."

At this point, Baron Samedi's voice suddenly paused.

"He also foresaw the fall of the Yellow King and the rise of the new king..."

"So the Black Pharaoh foresaw my coming?" Chen Jing asked for the second time.

Baron Samedi nodded and said yes, but he couldn't see your face clearly. He only knew that many years later, a new king of deep space would step into his grave.

"He has a gift for you." Baron Samedi smiled.

Chen Jing was startled and asked subconsciously: "Why do you want to give me a gift?"

"Because you are the new king of deep space and a descendant of the Yellow King." Baron Samedi explained unhurriedly, "He has a close relationship with the Yellow King. He said he owed that old friend a favor. ”

Baron Samedi led Chen Jing through the rugged wilderness, crossed the third dark gray hill, and soon came to a vast and empty ancient square.

"Did the Black Pharaoh owe the Yellow King any favors?"


Baron Samedi turned around and made a "please" gesture to Chen Jing, indicating that Chen Jing could step onto the steps in front of him alone.

"During that war, the Yellow King saved the Black Pharaoh more than once. Although everyone still lost the war in the end, the Black Pharaoh knew that it was just the beginning... As long as Deep Space does not cut off the inheritance, it is not considered a loss. "

Listening to Baron Samedi's explanation, Chen Jing silently looked at the ancient altar on the steps in front of him.

This altar should be the ancient ritual used to advance to the rank. It’s gone!

"There are totems of deep space here..." Chen Jing looked around and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He didn't expect that the Black Pharaoh had such a connection with deep space.

The altar is like a huge rock placed in the square.

The height above the ground is about thirty meters.

Its overall shape is the same as the thirty-eight-sided special-shaped crystal that entered the Pharaoh's tomb. It is almost an enlarged version of that crystal, and there are many concave lines on the top plane, forming a huge swirl.

"This is a ritual that the Yellow King once lent to the Black Pharaoh to 'enlighten' the Black Pharaoh's dependents in order to cope with the war."

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, only suspecting that he heard wrongly. In the old days, there was still a saying about enlightenment?

"Now that I return it to you, it can be considered as returning it to its original owner." Baron Samedi followed Chen Jing to the altar, squatted down and gently touched the lines engraved on the ground, "If you want to activate this ritual, I need to use the blood of Star Mist, you should have brought it, right?"

"What the hell?" Chen Jing asked doubtfully.

"It's the medium that activates the ritual." Baron Samedi couldn't help but be stunned and said calmly, "The Black Pharaoh foresaw that you would come to the tomb with the blood of Star Mist... You didn't bring it with you, right?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Jing subconsciously became nervous, because he really didn't know what the "blood of star mist" Baron Samedi was talking about, but then he thought about it...could this be what he was talking about?

"I don't know what the blood of star mist you are talking about is, but I brought this..."

Chen Jing gently turned his palms.

Many colorful and shimmering substances flowed on his palm like liquid.

At this moment, Baron Samedi could not help but be fascinated.

That "color" beyond biological understanding has an absolute definition of beauty, and Samedi firmly believes that no living thing is immune to its temptation.

"Baron, is this the blood of star mist you are talking about?"

Chapter 322 Promotion Ceremony and Baron Samedi (Part 2)

"Yes, yes! That's it!" Baron Samedi was obviously relieved, because he was really afraid that Chen Jingren would come without the key medium.

"Is this the blood of Star Mist you are talking about?" Chen Jing couldn't help but become curious.

"Yes! But you..."

Baron Samedi showed a puzzled expression, as if he was recalling something.

"It seems to be more complex and brighter than the color of Star Mist Blood..."

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