[Chen Jing]: What can we prepare for...

[Li Mobai]: Damn, my adoptive father's words are unusual. Also, a strong descendant like you doesn't need to be mentally prepared. Little scum like us still need to do some mental preparation... …

[Chen Jing]: Do you believe that I am coming here to whip you now?

[Li Mobai]: Don't talk nonsense. I still have a lot of things to do. I don't think I have time to come over and get together with you. Let's meet again when we go back to the other world!

[Chen Jing]: Okay.

In the past few days, Li Mobai seemed to have listened to Chen Jing's advice and started to be careful in everything he did, especially... completing his ideal big things.

He never spoke about it to anyone again.

In other words.

Except for Bixuan and Chen Jingqiao Youning, no one knew what Li Mobai planned to do, and the fans who were following him openly had no idea what Boss Li had in mind.

"Take your time." This is what Li Mobai told Chen Jing, because he also realized that his ideals are not so easy to be understood by others. Wang Elai is an obvious example.

Therefore, step by step is the best solution.

Let people accept and understand step by step... In fact, in other words, it is PUA and brainwashing in disguise.

Li Mobai was extremely good at this kind of thing, but because there were too many things going on recently, and some things were done too smoothly, he suddenly forgot that he should take small steps when doing big things.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have killed Wang Elai." Li Mobai often lamented to Bixuan in private, but after saying that, he regretted that it would not be unfair to kill him, because Wang Elai was really a person who could not be lured back. Righteous people.

If Li Mobai's "badness" is acquired, then Wang Elai is a born bad person. He has been a ruthless character with a bit of anti-social personality since he was a child.

If Li Mobai hadn't been restraining him, I'm afraid that bitch would have turned into a native of the motherland immediately when he returned from the first exam.

Back to business.

In the early morning of the second day after Chen Jing met "Mu", all candidates were reminded of the rotation of examiners.

Mr. Wu, who suffered a thousand cuts, went down.

And "Mu" returned to the position of examiner.

Not only that.

Mu also appeared in person on the projection and announced the start time of the next exam to all candidates.

Although in the projection He was still wearing that mysterious robe and his face was completely covered by a hood, perhaps because he had seen His true face, Chen Jing thought as soon as he heard the serious tone of His words. laugh.

Facts have proved that Chen Jing's initial guess was correct.

The exam time will continue to increase.

The first round of exams lasts thirty days.

The second round of exams lasts for 100 days.

Now it’s round three…

"The third round of Biology Leap Examination will be extended to one year. Candidates please be mentally prepared to face this round of exams in the best condition..." Mu said in the projection.


One year.

If you don’t count the leap year factor, that’s 365 days and 8,760 hours.

"Be prepared to live in the other world for a long time." Many candidates began to complain on the forum. Some candidates were more pessimistic, "This time it is one year, and the next time it may be ten years. This It’s just like unfinished kindness, the profit is endless…”

In addition to those candidates with a pessimistic mentality, there are actually many candidates like Chen Jing who are happy to see the increase in time.

The reason is simple.

Either he has no family or friends in the outer world, so he feels more comfortable in the inner world.

Or they are some social beasts working under Li Mobai.

Compared with the free life in the inner world, you have to go to work as soon as you return to the outer world, and you have to take risks to deal with some troublesome things from time to time... No matter how you think about it, the inner world is more comfortable!

"Do you really think you can grasp the rules of exam duration?"

Just when Chen Jing was happy that the exam would continue to be extended in the future, "he" had already popped up in his mind, and he couldn't help complaining that Chen Jing's idea was too naive.

"The duration of the exam is determined by the club's big turntable. The results of that thing are random every time it is turned. Your exam lasts for one year this time, and it might be one day next time."

"The examiner will not make it easier for you in this matter. They are just having fun with you by asking you to follow the rules..."

Chapter 378 The Third Round of Examination·One Year (Part 2)

Hidden in the deep space where multiple dimensions overlap.

The Golden Throne suspended above the stars exudes a soft shimmer. A lazy figure wears a yellow robe, holding his chin with one hand and looking at the constantly distorted space in front of him.

When he waved his fingers gently, he could gradually smooth out the twisted dimensional cracks until the "lesioned" space was restored to its original state.

"The difference in strength between the old descendants lies not only in their level, but also in their control over the basic laws of the world. Now I finally understand what you are saying..."

While Chen Jing was "treating" the stubborn diseases left over from the old days in deep space, he was chatting quietly with "him" in his mind.

"Compared to other sequences, Deep Space is closer to the basic laws derived from the birth of the original universe, so you can touch the surface of the laws in Sequence 4, which is something that other sequences cannot do... …”

"Even the old man can't do it?"

"He has a different path from yours. He is just like the Pope of the Monastery. The laws they master are different... But then again, why are you moving so slowly? With the treatment speed of a barefoot doctor like you, you can't wait until deep space It won’t last until the year of the monkey comes!”

"How about you come?"

"Forget it……"

After the actual battle with Raphael, Chen Jing gained a lot of insights, especially after performing the "Living God". He found that this suicidal abnormal ritual actually had room for further improvement. He just needed to know how to continuously compress it. The overflowing energy can delay the time of death.

Run into deep space to heal your wounds before you die. Even if this bug is over, you can go out and perform a set of trances after you have almost rested... Isn't that what a matryoshka perpetual motion machine is all about?

But while Chen Jing was accumulating experience by continuously performing "living deity" in deep space, he unexpectedly discovered that "deep space" seemed to be ill.

That's right.

Like last time, after performing the "Living Spirit", Chen Jing was able to view the space he was in from a microscopic perspective and scale, including deep space.

In his eyes now.

The countless points and lines that make up the deep space are all chaotic, and the trembling "strings" are even knotted.

When he discovered this situation, Chen Jing immediately asked "him" and the answer he got was unexpected.

Deep space is sick.

After the fall of King Huang.

Deep space has also left stubborn miasma and chronic diseases that cannot heal themselves because of the war.

The only people who can cure this disease are descendants of deep space.

"Actually, this problem has little impact on deep space. It doesn't matter whether it's cured or not. I didn't start taking action until Sequence 8. You can take your time now..."

Healing deep space can be said to be easy or difficult, because only the old descendants who have the power of deep space can "use the knife" on it.

Smoothing out those distorted spatial lines, resetting the "points and lines" floating in the void... the whole process is a bit like playing a jigsaw puzzle. According to Chen Jing, it is not difficult, but it is just time-consuming.

Well, it’s not just time-consuming.

Judging from the current speed of "treatment" for deep space, it probably won't be possible for 18,000 years.

"Work harder!" When Chen Jing sighed, "he" was also cheering for Chen Jing in his mind, "The more 'space bad spots' you repair, the closer the connection between deep space and you will be. The wifi signal is the same, you understand?”


at the same time.

Yagerthos and Baiaji, who were standing on a brown star not far away, were whispering.

"How come the king's strength suddenly became so powerful..." Jegertos expressed puzzlement. Although he was also happy for his master, he still couldn't figure it out. "I remember that the Yellow King gradually became a low-level creature. It also took a long time to be promoted to Lord of Deep Space..."

"Talent." Baiage was not as excited as Yagerthos thought, "The talent of the new king has crushed the old king! We in deep space will surely rise again among billions of dimensions!"


Suddenly, Yagerthos and Baiaji heard an inarticulate voice coming from behind them.

Look back.

It is the splendor of the deep sky that curls up into a ball and looks like it has turned into jelly.

Since Chen Jing started repairing deep space, in order to avoid unnecessary interference, it was strictly prohibited from eating inside deep space. Until Chen Jing paused repairs and returned to the surface world, it could continue to eat the ubiquitous stars. .

For a starving ghost like Shen Kong Yicai, denying it food is no different than killing it. If it hadn't been concerned about Chen Jinghui's anger, it would probably have been unable to bear the thought of using Yegthos and Baiage as war supplies. Chewed.

At this moment, Chen Jing suddenly stopped what he was doing and instantly pulled himself out of the "living deity" state.

Before Jegertos and the others had time to ask questions, Chen Jing left the deep space, leaving only one sentence.

"The time has come to return to the other world. You stay in deep space for now. I will call you out when you return to the other world."

Return to the old home of the Chen family.

Chen Jing only found that the previously messy living room had been tidied up by Qiao Youning, and the cartons filled with souvenirs had also been stacked in the corner, neatly arranged in a row.

At this moment, Qiao Youning was still standing in the corner of the living room, comparing the shopping list in her hand, and felt Chen Jing's aura without looking back.

"Are you done?"


"I just said, why did you disappear in the blink of an eye and go to deep space to fix the WiFi again?"


Chen Jing sat on the sofa, rubbing his sore right arm.

"It won't work without repair, otherwise the signal will be too poor."

Hearing this, Qiao Youning didn't ask any more questions, turned around and walked towards Chen Jing, handing over the list in her hand.

"I have sorted out all the things you want. The pile in the corner is there. The boxes next to it are the souvenirs I bought for you..."

"Did you buy it for me?" Chen Jing was startled, "No wonder, I said I didn't buy much, so why did I pack so many boxes..."

"The old man likes to drink and smoke. I bought some expensive tobacco and alcohol from all brands from all over the world. You let the old man try it. If you like it, we will buy it for him later."


"Those boxes are the snacks I picked for you. They are all the ones that children and girls like. There are also some pastries. You can take them back to Wei Nan and the others to try."


"The box at the edge is the clothes I bought for you." Qiao Youning whispered, "Although it is inconvenient to buy things in the wasteland, you can't wear the same set of clothes all year round. I have asked the laundry to help wash those new clothes. You can change them directly when you want to."

"Thank you for your hard work..." Chen Jing scratched his head, "You are still more careful than me... I didn't think so much..."

"Send these things into deep space."

Qiao Youning smiled and looked back at the wall clock.

"Time flies so fast." Qiao Youning sighed, "It feels like I just returned to the surface world not long ago, and I have to go back again in a blink of an eye..."

Chen Jing also adjusted the light screen at this moment, looking at the countdown of only more than 50 seconds left on it, and hurriedly accelerated the action in his hands to stuff all the cartons into the deep space.

"See you back to the inner world."

Qiao Youning sat in a corner of the sofa and stretched lazily. Under the fine monk's robe, there was a body curve that showed the feminine beauty.


Chen Jing was also ready to return to the inner world. He leaned against the sofa and slowly closed his eyes. At the same time, he also activated the deep space energy in his body, intending to listen to "his" words and give it a try during the crossing...

"Goodbye, inner world!"

Chapter 379: Question reset: Trembling fortress (Part 1)

When the candidates were teleported back to the inner world, everyone felt the same as in the previous times of crossing.

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