in an unconscious state.

The start and end of the transmission is almost imperceptible.

In an instant, he had returned to the other world.

But this time.

Chen Jing followed "him"'s instructions and was extremely well prepared. Not only did he activate the deep space energy in his body to strengthen his connection with deep space, he also instantly deconstructed his physical body to make it more powerful when the countdown reached the last second. Falling into "nihilation"...

That's right.

This is the method Chen Jing used when he traveled through the moonlight realm last time.

The void body is extremely difficult to touch, and even dense energy barriers cannot stop it from crossing. Therefore... if the examiner wants to "transport" Chen Jing to the other world, then he will face greater difficulties than before. So a little bit.

Just this little bit.

It was enough for Chen Jing to have an overview of the dimensional passages through the inner and outer worlds.

After experiencing a brief period of confusion.

Chen Jing's chaotic consciousness gradually recovered.

He felt that his brain had never been so awake, as if his body would continue to secrete dopamine in this state of nothingness. This was a pleasure that he could not understand... He didn't know why he was happy, but it came from the heart. of pleasure.

"Very happy, right?"

At this moment, the "him" hidden in Chen Jing's mind seemed to have guessed what Chen Jing was feeling now, and couldn't help but laugh.

"The first time I saw this scene, I was very happy. It was like looking up and seeing the stars for the first time as a child. That kind of inexplicably shocking and exquisite scene can make you cry with joy..."

Although Chen Jing knew that he was in a passage through dimensions.

But this passage was different from anything he had seen before.

One positive and one negative, the world inside and outside.

They were two huge gyro-shaped light clusters, like gathering nebulae, suspended in the vast darkness.

The hourglass-shaped connection in the middle is the passage between the inner and outer worlds.

"It turns out that these two worlds are really connected..."

When Chen Jing stared blankly at the two huge light groups, the countless details in them seemed to have turned into a magnified picture, playing in Chen Jing's eyes at an incomprehensible speed...

It was like two accelerated documentaries were played in Chen Jing's eyes.

The content of these two documentaries was very detailed, so detailed that Chen Jing was unable to fully absorb the information in these scenes for a while.

Because there was too much information and data poured into my mind in an instant, these pictures that were clearly "arranged" according to the timeline were all confused, and many pictures that should have appeared were directly skipped.

One second ago.

What Chen Jing saw was the birth of two planets in the lonely and vast universe.

And the next second.

It fast forwards to a world where various alien creatures and dinosaur insects are rampant.

After that...

Chen Jing saw many scenes that he had imagined before.

Although the timeline was wrong, he could tell.

The first humanoid creature appeared in this world for the first time, although it was a "beast" as tall as a mountain. It had no facial features or even skin tissue, and it looked like a mountain of flesh when crawling on the ground...

And the watch world at the same time.

It was Homo sapiens traveling in groups in the mountains and forests, waving their crudely made weapons while making howls like wild beasts...

History is like a stream of light that is constantly changing in Chen Jing's eyes.

Suddenly I saw creatures from the past fighting for their faith.

Suddenly I saw someone carving the Code of Hammurabi on a black basalt pillar.

Chen Jing saw those creatures who called themselves "Members" declaring that they would implement order in the world, and he also saw the black-robed king holding a Zen ceremony far away on Mount Tai, ordering people to erect stones to remember Qin's achievements.

Again, time flies like water.

Chen Jing saw the faceless Buddha mother resurrecting in the mountains, the hanging city rising from the ground and heading to the sky, and Gehro coming to the world to fill the eternal night with moonlight.

And at the other end of the dimension.

A drunk old man with gray hair tremblingly dropped his wine glass, shouted "Gee hoo hoo" and jumped into the water to catch the moon. It was as if he was riding a whale and emerging, causing the moonlight in the water to break into pieces...

Chen Jing didn't know how long he had spent in the dimensional passage.

Until I wake up.

He found that he was already lying on the bed in the room, and the sound of Wei Nan and Yan Que wrestling on the bed could be heard next door.

"It's like a dream..."

Chen Jing subconsciously raised his hand and touched his face, only to find that there were tears on his face that had not yet dried. He didn't know when he started to burst into tears.

The history of the inner and outer world just flashed before his eyes.

Gone in a flash.

It was as if those histories died in his eyes.

Magnificent and shocking.

"I didn't expect that the history of these two worlds would be so exciting... That can't be seen from books at all..."

"Hmm...shocking, right?"

"Of course." Chen Jing grabbed a corner of the quilt and wiped his eyes, "Being able to see this once, I feel that this life is worth it."

Hearing this, "he" just laughed that Chen Jing had seen so little of the world.

"There are too many histories like this in the universe. You will get used to it the more you see them."

"Well...actually I have a question to ask you..."

Chen Jing put his right hand on his forehead and looked at the residual light on the ceiling through the gap in the curtains, with a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

"Why is there a part of the history of the other world missing..."

"Did you see it?"

"Well, I only saw the history after the old days, which is the birth and evolution of the current civilization...but I can't see the pictures of that period in the old days."

"So it's a pale history."

As soon as he finished speaking, "he" sneered twice, seeming to express disdain for some superior creatures.

"That period of history is not liked by them, it even makes them feel disgusted and hateful..."

"Are you talking about the Creators?"

"Actually, that period of history shouldn't exist. There were more than one supreme existence who wanted to erase that period of history, and even wanted to completely erase this world, but in the end they were persuaded by other creators... Well , I can almost tell you this. When you advance to a higher level, you will know all the answers.”

"Then we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey. I haven't seen the divine revelation yet..."

Just when Chen Jing was about to get up from the bed, the door to the room was suddenly knocked open. A teary-eyed Wei Nan ran in with panda eyes, hugged Chen Jing's arm and began to ask for help.

"Brother! Help me beat her!"

"...You two were having such a good time, why did you start fighting?" Chen Jing turned his head and looked at Yan Que who was hiding by the door with a guilty look on his face.

"We were playing for fun at first, but you also know that she can't afford to lose. She got angry when we hit her." Yan Que hid pitifully behind the door, only daring to show half of his face, "I'm afraid She demolished the house carelessly, so she had to take a preemptive strike..."

"Is there anyone like you who can strike first!" Wei Nan was so aggrieved that she cried loudly, "I just wanted to scare her! She actually used an electric cannon to shine in my face!"

"This crazy woman has used all the relics. I didn't know she was trying to scare me!" Yanque said weakly, with a helpless tone, "What's more, you also know that she is crazy sometimes. I I thought she was sick."

"You are the one who is sick! You are the one who is crazy!"


Chapter 380: Title Reset: The Trembling Walled City (Part 2)

"If you want to play, have fun, don't be stingy, otherwise just go cry when no one will play with you in the future..."

Chen Jing looked at Wei Nan and could vaguely distinguish the scars from the fist marks on his face. Although he felt a little distressed, he felt more that this guy deserved it.

"Help me beat her up." Wei Nan wiped her tears and tugged on Chen Jing's sleeve, "You have to be loyal!"

"...To be honest, if I don't help her beat you up, it would be considered loyalty."

Before leaving Yongye City, Yanque's rank was higher than that of Wei Nan. Now that they have passed the promotion ceremony, this trend has not changed.

But that’s fine too.

At least Yan Que, a silly girl, can control this crazy girl.

"Okay, okay, I just hit you accidentally..." Yanque walked in in small steps and gently tugged on the corner of Wei Nan's clothes. Seeing her angry and aggrieved face, he could only coax her. After all, After all, she is one of the few friends of his own age. "Let's go back. How about I accompany you to the game arcade?"

"I'm not going." Wei Nan turned his head.

"Speaking of games..." Chen Jing looked at Wei Nan thoughtfully, then quietly put his right hand into the quilt and started tinkering.

This strange behavior immediately attracted the attention of Wei Nan and Yan Que.

They looked at the rising and falling quilt in silence, then looked at Chen Jing with suspicion. Finally, Wei Nan couldn't help but ask.

"Is your butt itchy? Why did you scratch it for so long?"

"...I'm scratching your head." Chen Jing muttered angrily, and then pulled out a cardboard box with a diameter of about 80 centimeters from the quilt.

This time, Wei Nan and the others were stunned.

Before these two silly girls could ask questions, Chen Jing opened the carton and took out the unsealed game consoles and cartridges one by one.

"This is a batch of supplies from Hanging City that I seized when I went to clean up Zhuolong last time. I thought you might like it, so I kept them here..."

Chen Jing opened the packaging box of a handheld console and checked it casually. He made sure that all the information about the manufacturer and the watch world on the packaging had been erased. Then he handed it to Wei Nan and then to Yan Que. Take apart one...

"Game console?!"

Wei Nan was good at this and recognized what the handheld machine was for at a glance.

"It's so exquisite..." Yan Que looked at the blue and red handheld device in his hand, and a child-like excitement appeared on his dull little face, "I have seen the advertisement of Hanging City. The games in it The machine seems bigger than this..."

Chen Jing briefly introduced them to the basic operations of the handheld console, and then pointed to the pile of opened and unsealed cassettes in the box.

"These are games, you can play them yourself... By the way, these game cartridges have a special smell, so don't lick them."

At this moment, Wei Nan quickly opened a box of "Please Save the Princess" with quick eyes and hands. She held the black cassette in her hand and looked at Chen Jing doubtfully.

"Special taste?"

"Well, it's very special." Chen Jing nodded expressionlessly and reminded maliciously, "Don't lick the cassette..."

As soon as Chen Jing finished speaking, Wei Nan threw the cassette into his mouth.

Yan Que looked at her with disgust on his face, complaining that she really didn't know how to be dirty, and then he gently licked the cassette he had just opened in his hand, and his little face instantly wrinkled up in pain.

"Lie to me! It's so hard!"

Half a minute later.

Wei Nan and Yan Que happily carried the cardboard box away.

Chen Jing was left behind, rubbing his shoulders and looking aggrieved.

"This bitch really can't take a joke..." Chen Jing thought of the punch she had just given him, and was so angry that his teeth itched, "I decided not to feed her those snacks for the time being!"

Just then, the screen in front of Chen Jing suddenly popped up, and a series of messages from friends began to refresh the screen.


[Li Mobai]: "Fuck! The additional questions have been refreshed! You are not the task target of the examinee now!"

[Qiao Youning]: "Ah Jing! I just received a group message from the chief examiner! He said that the vicious BUG in our examination system has been fixed! Then I found that my additional questions have changed! The questions of all candidates have changed!"

[Bixuan]: Fuck, Brother Chen, my questions have finally been refreshed!

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