[Tsukano Kushiro]: Congratulations.

"It seems that Mu really does what he says..."

After replying to his friends' messages one by one, Chen Jing went to the forum again and made sure that all the candidates' questions were no longer about "killing him". Then he lay on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Chen Jing was not afraid that these candidates would pose any threat to him. His worries were just because... he didn't like the feeling of being placed by the examiner, just like fighting crickets.

Let you fight, give you a reason, you have to fight.

Let you fight internally, give you a topic, you have to fight internally.

"Have you brushed all the questions?"


"That's good..."

Chen Jing only heard "him" sighing in his mind, and his mood seemed to become a little depressed.

"The time of the change of the topic... is about the same as mine... My original 'wanted order' was also withdrawn by Mu... but it was too late."

After saying the last sentence, "he" fell into complete silence.

In fact, the "he" from another time and space is very similar to Raphael.

One wrong step, all wrong steps.

After accidentally having a head-on conflict with the same kind in the surface world, it is not so easy to save the situation, not to mention that with "his" mentality at the time... it seems that he has no intention of saving it.

It doesn't matter.

Since all the people "he" cares about are dead, will "he" still care about other people's opinions?

"What I did at that time may be a bit excessive."


"Except for Li Mobai and You Ning, no one stands on my side."


"Now that I think about it, I still regret it a little, but I can only blame Mr. Wu, the big fool..."

Before "he" cursed the last dirty word, Chen Jing felt that the bed under him suddenly began to shake violently, as if there was an earthquake, and even Wei Nanyanque, who had just returned to the room, ran over.

"Ah Jing! There's an earthquake, run!"

"Let's go to the open space downstairs first! It's safer there!"

"We are all high-sequence descendants, why should we be afraid of an earthquake..."

Hearing Chen Jing's words, Wei Nan and Yan Que were stunned for a moment.

"Are you stupid? What if the game console is buried? And there are a lot of luggage in the house!" Wei Nan said contemptuously.

"No... This doesn't seem to be an earthquake..." Yan Que wrinkled his nose, as if he smelled something strange, and then walked quickly to the window.

Chen Jing also followed at this moment, and saw that the end of the wasteland in the distance was full of dust, as if a group of large creatures were moving quickly on the wasteland.

At the same time

Chen Jing only felt that the deep space energy in his body suddenly became active, just like the last time he met the deep space throne at the Antarctic base, as if they were all summoned by some strange thing, and kept crowding to rush out...

"What's wrong with you? Why is the energy out of control?"

The "him" in his mind also noticed Chen Jing's abnormality, and the performance of the deep space energy on the verge of losing control scared "him" a lot.

"Good sign."

Chen Jing took a deep breath slowly, with excitement in his eyes.

"In that direction... there must be something good calling me... it makes the deep space energy in my body start to boil..."

Chapter 381 Transmigrator? ! (Part 1)

"It seems that they are all polluted species..."

At this moment, Yan Que and Wei Nan were crowded by the window looking at the dust, and the expressions on their faces were not as nervous as before.

"It's okay as long as it's not an earthquake!" Wei Nan breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought the building was going to collapse!"

"Drive them away." Yan Que tiptoed in that direction and seemed to have an idea, "If those guys get too close to the city, the building might be affected."

At this time, footsteps came from the living room outside the house.

"My dear grandson, are you okay?!"

Chen Bofu kicked the door open in his flip-flops, with a hint of worry in his anxious tone.

Although Chen Jing's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds to a state that is reassuring enough, when encountering such an emergency, Chen Jing is still the good grandson who needs to be taken care of in the eyes of the old man.

"It's okay."

Chen Jing smiled and turned back to the old man, only to see Lawrence and Hazard following Chen Bofu.

After a while.

Ryan and Anu, who went to the city repair shop to play, also came back, and even Tsukano Kushiro followed.

Everyone stood in a row on the balcony of the living room. Except for Chen Jing, everyone had a frown on their face.

Because they all knew very well.

Most of the polluted species in the wasteland are not social creatures.

But at this moment, they were running wildly in the desert in groups.

It felt as if something terrible was chasing them from behind, and each polluted species ran as if it was running for its life.

"Did you see the polluted species running in the front..." Hazard said with a worried look on his face, "I've seen that thing in the wasteland... It's probably around Sequence 6..."

Sequence 6?

Everyone was stunned, and Yan Que and Wei Nan Lawrence looked at Chen Bofu at the same time.

Because they all remembered very clearly that the peak strength of this crazy old man was Sequence 7, including the Pope of Evernight City and Senator Randolph, who were probably at this level...

"Old man, that big guy is only one level lower than you!" Wei Nan whispered nervously.


Chen Bofu scratched his graying afro, and now he just felt a little headache.

If his strength hadn't declined, he wouldn't have found it troublesome to encounter such a high-level pollutant. Instead, he would have found it quite novel. He might even catch it and study it on a whim... But now, that thing isn't available. It’s good to study them all.

That Sequence 6 contaminated species looks very strange.

It's like a "stick figure" that has been enlarged many times, with a weird large font shape. The arms, legs and even the neck are the same thickness. When running, the posture is also extremely weird. It staggers as if it will fall down at any time.

But don’t say it yet.

It runs really fast.

Among the fleeing army of polluted species, it was the fastest, even lagging behind the second echelon.

"It should be fine." Chen Bofu observed carefully for a while, and seemed to gradually relax. He touched the stubble on his chin and said, "The escape route of those polluting species is staggered from ours. As long as they don't turn around halfway, they are far away from us. It’s at least five or six kilometers away.”

"I gonna go see."

Hearing Chen Jing suddenly say these words, everyone looked at him subconsciously, especially Chen Boxu, a person who took his grandson as his life.

"You bastard, are you desperate for your life??" Chen Boxu glared, "That thing is only one level weaker than when I was in my heyday. Didn't you look for death in the past?"

"I'm not going to fight him."

Chen Jing smiled and said, the golden light in his eyes gradually gathered, as if liquid gold was slowly flowing in his irises.

"I want to see what's behind those polluted species..."

Upon hearing this, everyone just thought that Chen Jing was crazy.

"It can drive the polluted species in the wasteland away like rabbits. What do you think the thing behind it could be?" Chen Bofu said angrily, "Either it is an old descendant or a more powerful polluted species. Or it's those ancient races... No matter which one they are, they will definitely kill you!"

"I'll just take a look." Chen Jing said with a smile, "In the worst case, I'll hide in the sky."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing lowered his voice.

"Besides, you all know who I am. Now the people in those sects are eager to kill me. Maybe they are the ones chasing those polluted species away. Let me go to check the wind first. If the situation goes bad, we can also Make preparations early..."

After hearing what Chen Jing said, the old man had no reason to refuse.

Thinking about it carefully, the old man also felt that he was a little funny.

The good grandson he is now is not the little weakling he used to be.

Considering his ability to jump in space, even if he was caught by the Pope and wanted to escape, it would not be difficult.

"Okay, you go ahead." Chen Bofu patted his good grandson on the shoulder and reminded him sincerely, "Anyway, always remember that saving your life is the most important thing!"


When Chen Jing finished speaking, his entire body suddenly dispersed, turning into a golden stream of light that filled the sky and headed straight for the fleeing army of polluted species.

"Your grandson...why don't you give it to me?"

Hassad looked at the flash of golden light in the sky with envy. The more he talked, the more he felt uncomfortable in his heart. He just hated Chen Bofu for being lucky enough to have such a promising descendant.

Although Hassad has no intention of reproducing offspring, now he envies Chen Bofu from the bottom of his heart.

"Are you tired of living? You want to snatch my grandson? Do you believe that I tore your mouth off?" Chen Bofu glanced at him. Although his words were very rude, the corners of his mouth almost reached the base of his ears.

"He was still an ordinary person back then..."

Lawrence sighed, as if recalling the good years in Sunset Red Community.

"How long has it been... the path he has been on for decades... allowed him to work all the way to Sequence 4..."

At this moment, Chen Jing has arrived above the fleeing army of polluted species.

In fact, he was initially planning to jump directly to the space, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. After all, he didn't know where the "thing" he was looking for was, and he might miss it if he randomly jumped to a coordinate point.

He simply flew over and looked for it slowly by himself, without asking Bai Aji, the living target, to help.

"Be low-key first..."

Chen Jing said to "him" in his heart, his tone uncontrollably excited.

"I can feel that thing not far away...it is calling me..."

"You'd better be careful."

When Chen Jing fell into excitement, the "him" in his mind remained calm, seeming to be extremely wary of what Chen Jing sensed.

"If you can sense it...like sensing the throne of deep space...then it will definitely trigger additional questions or even divine revelation...but there is nothing now..."

The moment he heard this, Chen Jing calmed down a lot.


Nothing at all.

"No matter what, let's go take a look first. If there is really any danger, I will just drill into the deep space..."

Chapter 382: Traveler? ! (Down)

Chen Jing never exposed his body.

After mastering the application of "nihilation", he has always maintained this state, and even the golden streamers that first appeared were blocked by him.

It turns out.

This state is equivalent to invisibility for most creatures.

Except for the high-sequence stickman who could sense Chen Jing, the rest of the polluted species never noticed the stranger hanging in the sky.

But in this case, the "stickman" didn't take Chen Jing seriously. When he first discovered him, he paused for a moment, suddenly raised his head and took a look, and then continued running forward desperately. .

The further you move toward the rear of the polluted army.

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