That's all.

In an instant.

This complete body split into hundreds of pieces, flying rapidly in the air at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if trying to return to the ground from the vertical passage from which it came.

Seeing this, everyone chased after it without any hesitation.

They finally managed to break the defense of this old thing. If they let it escape at this last moment, they would probably be angry to death!

"Merciful and compassionate Buddha Mother..."

Qiao Youning chanted the Buddha Mother's scriptures softly, and the expression on her face seemed to become pious at this moment.

She saw her hands slowly clasped together and made a palm-clasping gesture.

In an instant.

The rocky ground cracked without warning, and a pair of giant palms that were more than ten meters long appeared. Like the palms of a giant, they easily gathered the old monk's "skin fragments" in their palms.

"Yan Que!" Qiao Youning shouted, and then the closed palms opened an extremely narrow gap, and Yan Que rushed forward at this moment, waving the moonlight in the sky with the cane sword in his hand. "Leave it to me next..." Wei Nan slowly exhaled a long scarlet mist, and her bright and clear eyes had already turned red. The metal armor wrapped around her arms made a burst of dense and fragmented sounds, exploding like snake scales. "Let me punch this bastard to death..." Before Wei Nan could curse the last "egg", a white hand suddenly appeared out of thin air and rested on her shoulder. "A Jing?!" Wei Nan was stunned for a moment, and then she was happy. The excitement instantly diluted the murderous intent that had just surged in her heart, "Where did you come from?!" At this moment, Yan Que and Qiao Youning also surrounded her, with a look of relief on their faces. "Where did you run to just now?" Qiao Youning asked worriedly. "There's no time to explain now. I'll take you out first, or something bad will happen..."

Chen Jing's face was pale as if he was over-exhausted, his breath became a little weak, and his eyes were full of regret.

"What happened?" Yan Que couldn't help asking.

"The space here is going to collapse."

Chen Jing turned into a golden light mist that gathered but did not disperse, instantly sweeping everyone in it, and began to move rapidly towards the surface along the vertical channel they had blasted out before.

"If I had known it would be like this..."

"I wouldn't have released the black star in the two-dimensional space..."

"This is a big trouble!"

Chapter 399 Black Star Hangs High in the Far North (Part 1)

In that confusing two-dimensional space, Chen Jing's battle with another stickman was bizarre. First, he was suppressed and chased by one side, and then he was counterattacked by the dimensional disorder caused by the other party. In the end...

Chen Jing found that it was not so easy to kill the other party.

The deep space strange color could not completely devour the opponent's body. In that strange two-dimensional space, the opponent seemed to be able to use some special energy to heal himself at an astonishing speed.

While the deep space strange color suppressed the opponent, Chen Jing also tried various attack methods, but none of them worked, so in the end... Chen Jing summoned the black star.

The black star that stood above the kings in the old days and represented endless disasters appeared in the two-dimensional space.


To be precise, it unfolded in the two-dimensional space.

Chen Jing still remembers that strange picture.

After the black star was summoned, it was not a sphere, but a round black silhouette.

It continued to expand at a terrifying speed until Chen Jing's body was forcibly "squeezed" out of the two-dimensional space.

In fact, when Chen Jing was squeezed out, he didn't know how serious the matter was.

Until "he" suddenly reminded him.

"The two-dimensional space will cause the mass of the black star to fall into a chaotic state. After endless expansion, the black star will completely explode this space... So you should take them away quickly!"

"Once this limited two-dimensional space explodes, the three-dimensional space outside you, especially the place near the entrance and exit of this two-dimensional space, will fall into an irreversible collapse state. Even if you are now, you will be destroyed if you face the space collapse directly."

Chen Jing did not dare to doubt the truth of these words.

So at the first time, he chose to take Qiao Youning and others away, and at the same time, he raised his hand and rolled up the bodhi fetuses bound by the "matchstick man" in the corner of the cave, and merged into the golden light mist and rushed to the outside world.

After rushing out of the vertical tunnel.

Chen Jing brought everyone to the sky.

"What happened?" Qiao Youning asked worriedly, "You were not injured before? I saw that your face looked very bad."

"No, it's just that the consumption is relatively large. I can recover after a rest for a while." Chen Jing answered while carefully looking at Yukong Mountain below.

"Ah Jing! We met an old monk before! That old thing is hard to kill!" Wei Nan didn't realize the danger. Seeing Chen Jing coming back, he couldn't wait to tell him what happened before, "Just after you left, it came out of the soil!" "That should be the three-dimensional body of the 'Eshen Buddha'." Chen Jing replied in a low voice. "Eshen Buddha?" Everyone looked at each other in confusion. They didn't know where Chen Jing got this name from, but it seemed that he knew the origin of the old monk.

"I intercepted a lot of useful information in the two-dimensional space... The old monk is the three-dimensional shell of its original body... It is the skin that the original body uses to move in the three-dimensional world..."

Chen Jing sorted out the large amount of information in his mind and explained it to everyone as briefly as possible.

"Its original body is called 'Eshen Buddha', a powerful creature that existed in the old days, and its heyday is comparable to the old kings."

"I seem to have seen this name in ancient books..." Qiao Youning said hesitantly, "But the records about it in the book are very vague, and even think it is just a legend, because it has never shown its face in front of others..."

"It likes to live in two-dimensional space." Chen Jing explained, "For it, the world of that dimension is the purest, and the three-dimensional space is too complicated and too noisy, it doesn't like it."


Chen Jing told them what happened before in a long story.

When they heard Chen Jing say that he traveled into the two-dimensional space, everyone had an expression of disbelief, because for them, this kind of low-dimensional travel was simply unimaginable.

Is it possible for a creature in three-dimensional space to fall to two-dimensional space and still maintain the vitality and combat effectiveness of the body? ?

"Can you take me to see it?" Wei Nan asked expectantly, with shining stars in his eyes, "I also want to play in the two-dimensional space!"

"Not now, my strength is too weak, if I force you to go in, you will be flattened by the two-dimensional space." Chen Jing replied helplessly, thinking that Wei Nan is really a naughty child, who only wants to play all the time.

"Is the black star your new power?" Yan Que asked curiously, because she had observed Chen Jing's fighting methods before, and it seemed that he didn't use the so-called "black star".

"Is it so?" Chen Jing replied.

"According to what you said, the black star will burst that limited two-dimensional space, and then cause the three-dimensional space outside to collapse..." Qiao Youning looked at Yukong Mountain below thoughtfully, feeling a little worried, "How big is the impact range? If the impact range is large, we can arrange for those mountain people to escape as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, the impact range of space collapse is limited, and it won't even have much impact on Yukong Mountain."

The light mist-like Chen Jing maintained his balance in the sky, and he was not shaken at all by the strong wind.

In the process of leaving the surface of Yukong Mountain, he noticed several unfamiliar energy auras coming from the bottom of the mountain.

These auras are very obscure.

It seems that they are deliberately hiding their existence.

Although Chen Jing cannot judge the strength of the other party through these obscure auras for the time being, based on his feeling, the strength of these people will not be too weak, and their auras are very similar to Qiao Youning...

"The people from the temple are here." Chen Jing suddenly said.

Qiao Youning was stunned for a moment, and then turned back to look down the mountain.

"Then you should retreat first to avoid trouble." Qiao Youning said in a low voice, with a nervous tone, "Leave the people in the temple to me, nothing will happen."

"The problem is that I can't leave now..."

Chen Jing said with a smile, and looked at the cracks on the surface of Yukong Mountain that were constantly cracking.


Black Star has not come back yet.

If Chen Jing just pats his butt and leaves now, it will be difficult to get it back from the temple in the future...

"Why? Do you want to fight with the temple?" Wei Nan seemed to notice the subtle change in the atmosphere.

Hearing this question, Chen Jing didn't know how to answer for a while. After all, no one could guarantee what the monks who rushed to Yukong Mountain thought. In the end, Qiao Youning spoke.

"Not necessarily." Qiao Youning said softly, "If they don't make things difficult for Ajing, they won't fight naturally."

"What if they make things difficult?" Yan Que asked calmly.

"Then fight." Qiao Youning sighed helplessly.

At this moment, Wei Nan suddenly asked a question childishly, without thinking about so many complicated things in his mind, just pure curiosity.

"Sister Youning, which side will you stand on when the fight starts?"

Chapter 400 Black Star Hangs High in the Far North (Part 2)

Thinking of the relationship between the temple and Qiao Youning, Chen Jing actually felt a little headache.

Because in his opinion, the temple is far less annoying than the [Moonlight Hermitage].

What's more, the temple treats Qiao Youning very well, almost worshipping this silly girl who has been in the outer world for more than ten or twenty years.

It can be said that the temple has not let her suffer any grievances so far. Of course, there is also a big reason for this, which comes from Qiao Youning's special physique.

She carries the hope of the entire temple to rise again, and it is also an opportunity for the Buddha Mother to return to the world, so the temple's attitude towards her is not what Chen Jing can imagine.

Once, Chen Jing also asked the "him" in his mind privately.

Will the temple hurt Qiao Youning?

Just like Jiang Jingzhe, using her as a medium or part of the ritual, so that the Buddha Mother can return to the world...

And "his" answer is affirmative.

"The temple will not hurt her, but will only protect her, including the Buddha Mother. The only one who can kill Qiao Youning is herself."

Let's get back to the point.

After hearing Wei Nan ask which side you stand on in a fight, Qiao Youning was obviously stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect to face this difficult problem suddenly.

"The temple has been kind to me, and those elders are very good to me, better than my biological parents, but... I won't let A Jing suffer any grievances."

With that said, Qiao Youning sighed helplessly.

"If there is really going to be a fight, then I will stand in the middle. I will persuade you if I can. If I can't persuade you, I will help you hold off the people from the temple and let you run away."

"What is your temple's attitude towards resuscitators in deep space?" Yanque asked coldly.

"There is no hostility." Qiao Youning shook her head and said in a sincere tone, "Ajing is my only friend, so I care about this matter very much. You can trust me. If the temple was hostile to Ajing, I would have Told him."

Hearing this, Wei Nan and Yan Que looked at each other for a while. No one said they didn't believe it, but no one said they believed it, because they had only known Qiao Youning for a short time, and some things could not be seen casually.

Until Chen Jing spoke.

"Stop asking blind questions." Chen Jing's tone was as usual, and he seemed to be a little helpless about the topic they were talking about, "You Ning is my good friend, there is no way she would betray me. If one day, the monks in the temple Just like those alchemists in Hanging City, they plan to kill me... We’ll talk about it then.”

The words fell.

Chen Jing felt that those breaths were approaching him quickly.

And just when he was about to follow the direction of those auras and look over, at the place where the big hole was blown out by Wei Nan and the others in Yukong Mountain... right on the edge of the cave, several strange figures were already standing there.

Everyone who comes is a monk.

Six people in total.

The five monks standing at the back all wore black robes of the same style, with hollow masks on their faces that looked like gold. Only the old man standing at the front was dressed more "simplely".

The simple white monk's robe is spotless.

His beard and hair are all white, his eyebrows are kind and his eyes are kind.

He has the temperament of an eminent monk.

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