The long staff he holds tightly in his hand looks like a vine woven with nine golden wind chimes hanging on the front, back, left and right.

When Chen Jing saw him, the old man raised his head and stared at Chen Jing, with no trace of hostility on his face.

" grow old??" When Qiao Youning saw the old man, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, "The temple would actually send an elder directly here?!"

"Do you know him?" Wei Nan asked.

"Well, he is one of the nine elders of our temple. His real name is 'Sheng Immortal'. People in our temple call him Elder..." Qiao Youning explained in a low voice.

"Immortality?" Yanque frowned and couldn't help complaining, "Why did the elder of your temple have such a weird name?"

"Is he strong?" Wei Nan asked the most curious question.


This time it was not Qiao Youning who explained to her, but Chen Jing who took the initiative to speak. It seemed that he had already judged the approximate strength of the old man from the results of the breath feedback.

"He should be around Sequence 6. He is only one level weaker than the Pope of the Monastery. He is not as good as the old man, but he is not something we can deal with casually..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing also laughed.

Because he found that although these people who came were powerful, they were not really strong enough to keep him. Even if the leading old man had the strength of the Monastery Bishop, he would not be able to keep everyone in this Yukong Mountain...

"You Ning?"

At this time, the old man had already seen the familiar face through the golden mist. Although he had heard from the monks at the foot of the mountain before coming here, there were several unfamiliar faces beside the saint. He heard the saint said that they were her friends. …



So this "life form" that exudes the aura of deep air and has no human form is You Ning's friend?

"Chang Lao..." Qiao Youning replied weakly, only afraid that the situation would develop in the worst direction.

"Are they all your friends?" the old man confirmed for the last time.

"Yes! They are all my friends!" Qiao Youning spoke hurriedly, fearing that the elder would misunderstand, "Elder, don't worry! I'm not in danger! I'm safe with them!"

"Then you come down first."

The old man with gray hair and childlike face smiled, his face was kind and he spoke softly.

"Let these friends of yours come down... Don't worry, I have no hostility towards them, especially this little guy."

The elders seemed to be able to see what Qiao Youning was worried about, so they spoke in a very candid and straight-to-the-point manner.

And just then.

Chen Jing suddenly spoke up.

Since he is no longer human, when he speaks loudly, his voice is always a bit like depressing rolling thunder.

"Elder Chang, you'd better take people out of this area first, otherwise you may be in danger."

Chen Jing originally thought that he would have to waste more words to ask them to leave, and he was even mentally prepared to get into trouble because of his words. After all, his words sounded somewhat like a threat to outsiders, and in addition, he was "elderly". With such a transcendent status, it is inevitable that the monks in the monastery will feel uncomfortable...

But it turns out that the people in the monastery are not that stupid.

Especially growing old.

After confirming that Qiao Youning was safe and sound, he felt relieved and nodded in agreement after hearing Chen Jing's advice. Before the monks behind him could speak, he turned around and walked down the mountain with everyone.

Just at this moment.

The space in the underground cave began to collapse.

Accompanied by the sound of bursts of dimensional space being torn apart, a black beam of light as thick as a water tank broke through the earth, like an energy cannon spewed by some ancient creature, and shot straight into the sky.

The next second.

The beam dispersed.

In the cloudless sky.

A black star with a diameter of several thousand meters appeared.

"That's...the black star in the deep sky of the old days..."

Chapter 401: The goodwill of the temple and the proposal of alliance (Part 1)

It is difficult for people who are not deeply involved in it to feel the horror of space collapse.

In Qiao Youning's view.

Space collapse is a silent process, and in the end it only causes a small part of Yukong Mountain to be missing, as if someone took away a piece of cake with a spoon... leaving only a huge hole.

The shape of the mountain cavity is irregular, with undulating edges, and the depth reaches directly to the inner layer of the mountain. It is much deeper than the original underground cave. The four walls also show a strange gray-black color, as if they have not yet been burned. Used up charcoal.

have to say.

The reaction speed of the elders and the monks was extremely fast.

Although Chen Jing had warned them in advance, and they were indeed walking down the mountain, the space collapsed in an instant... From the moment the black beam broke through the surface of the earth and soared into the sky, to the time a huge gap appeared in the mountain, this process was continuous. Wei Nan and the others didn't react.

But the elder and his group escaped.

One second they were standing in the middle of the gap in the mountain, and the next second they were five or six hundred meters away.

"What should we do now?" Wei Nan asked cautiously.

"Send her down."

Chen Jing replied without hesitation.

Because he could clearly feel that the elder was not hostile to him, and he really wanted to see what the upper echelons of these temples thought of the deep space resuscitators...

As for Chen Jing, is he afraid that the old man will suddenly betray him and take action against him?


But not too scared.

Because he has the trump card of deep space, if something unexpected happens, he can lead everyone to use deep space to make long-distance space jumps in time.

Even the Pope may not be able to stop this method in time... let alone an elder of the temple?


Chen Jing led everyone to the monks.

When the monks witnessed Chen Jing's transformation from the light mist state into a human being, their eyes became much more alert. Only the elder still looked kind and kind, with a smile on his face that showed no trace of hostility.

"Deep space resuscitator, Chen Jing."

The elder spoke with a firm tone, and he recognized the origin of the young man in front of him at a glance.

"I was born in the wasteland and lived in Yongye for a long time. My only relative is my grandfather Chen Boxu. He was once the master of disasters in the wasteland and one of the honorary founders of the parliament. But before the fall of Yongye... "

"You seem to know me very well." Chen Jing interrupted the old man with a smile, because he didn't want to hear an old man read out his past in front of so many people.

"Very understanding."

The elder replied truthfully, with uncontrollable emotion in his tone.

"You may not realize what the resurgence of deep space means to the world, nor do you understand how much of a threat you pose to those ancient sects."

"Those ancient sects you mentioned also include your [Big Buddha Mother Temple]?" Chen Jing asked with interest.


The elder nodded without hesitation, the expression on his face became serious, and every word he spoke was deadly serious.

"At the beginning, those of us at the top of the temple were quite frightened by the resurgence in deep space. Many elders even suggested... that we should join forces with the Gehro faction in Eternal Night City to get rid of the resuscitators before they rise. he."

As he said that, the elder was afraid that Chen Jing wouldn't understand, so he raised his finger and pointed at him.

"It's you, understand?"


When they heard this, Wei Nan and Yan Que, who were standing next to Chen Jing, were already alert and ready to fight at any time.

Qiao Youning, on the other hand, looked nervous and wanted to persuade the elder, but before she could say anything, the elder continued.

"But those proposals were ultimately rejected."

"Who vetoed it?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

He has always been in an extremely calm state, and has not reacted much to the old man's words from beginning to end. He is so calm that it is shocking.

"The supreme leader of our temple, Lord Erga."


Although Chen Jing has never interacted with anyone else in the temple except Qiao Youning, he does understand the internal organizational structure of their temple, especially those leaders in high positions... For example, the supreme leader of the temple, E Jia.

That was a big shot that the old man said was far more dangerous than the Pope.

Although they are all at the same sequence level.

But according to the old man, his combat power is not comparable to that of the Pope. Perhaps this is also related to the strength of the original god.

Gehro is far inferior to Buddha Mother.

So Ega is far better than the Pope.

It's that simple.

"Lord Oga said that everything in the world has its fate. Since the deep space will be resurrected in the last era, there is a reason for its revival. As for the rumors that the resurrected deep space will destroy all the remnants of the old era... that is just a legend. ”

"Well, it is indeed a legend." Chen Jing said without hesitation, indicating his attitude towards Shen Kong, "At least I have no such intention."

The elder looked at Chen Jing silently, as if he was trying to discern the truth of these words.

It wasn't until Qiao Youning came forward with an anxious look on her face that the elder looked away from Chen Jing.

"You Ning, why are you here?" the elder asked knowingly.

"I'm here to collect herbs...I said hello to grandma..." Qiao Youning explained calmly.

"Have you mentioned these friends to her?" the elder asked.

Qiao Youning shook her head and said no, it was not too late.

"I forgot about it when I was in a hurry. I didn't mean to..." Qiao Youning explained guiltily, and then hurriedly added, "They are all good people! Especially A Jing! He is really a good person!"


Why in particular?

Wei Nan and Yan Que looked at each other, feeling a little unconvinced.

Damn, we are good people too!

"Good guy?"

The elder smiled noncommittally, looked Chen Jing up and down, and said with something in mind.

"Actually, most people who want to kill him are just afraid of his power. As for whether he is a good person... no one cares."

As soon as he finished speaking, the elder asked again.

"How did you meet in the first place?"

"We met by chance." Chen Jing replied calmly, without giving Wei Nan and the others a chance to show off, because some words could be used to deal with them, but that didn't mean they could deal with the old man.

"Actually, I have sometimes doubted Master Erga's decision, because for our temple, your existence is a trouble that cannot be ignored, just like a time bomb in the hanging city, although you have not caused any harm to our temple now. What a threat, but who can guarantee the future, so..."

At this moment, Chen Jing was ready to lead everyone in a space jump. The energy of deep space surged silently in his body, gradually entering an active state.

"So, I can relax a little bit now."

The elder laughed and said, feeling as if his prank had succeeded. He seemed to think it was fun to scare Chen Jing.

"Don't be afraid, kid. As long as Master Erjia doesn't speak, no one in our temple will dare to touch you."

As he spoke, Elder Sheng gently shook his cane, and the thirty-six golden wind chimes also made clear and pleasant sounds.

At this moment.

Chen Jing could intuitively feel the majestic vitality coming towards him.

That should be the power from the Buddha Mother sequence.

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