It is the power of the origin of life...

"Buddha Mother is different from Turing. That god who lives in the virtual space really plans to kill you."

Chapter 402: The goodwill of the temple and the proposal of alliance (Part 2)

According to Qiao Youning afterwards, the elder was the one with the best temper among the elders in the temple and the one who disliked killing the most.


He is like a truly enlightened monk.

Sweeping the floor may hurt the lives of ants, but cherish the moths and gauze lamps.

As long as it is not an order from the highest level of the temple, then he will not take the initiative to kill people. Even if someone messes with him, he will just smile and forget it.

"Every independent life has its own value, and I am not qualified to take away this value at will..." This is what the elder often says.

Compared to other elders in the temple.

Destruction and killing are not what he is good at.

He is good at healing.

Regardless of whether the treatment object is a living or dead animal.

He's good at them all.

"Your method... is really amazing..." Chen Jing looked at the hole in Yukong Mountain that was constantly filled with loess and sand, and was a little stunned for a moment. "Is this also one of the powers of the monks in the temple?"


The elder said with a smile, his kind-hearted look made it hard for people to feel disgusted.

"In our monastery, there are not many monks with this kind of power. Most of them are better at destroying... either destroying things or destroying lives, but to be honest, I feel that this is not in line with the true wishes of the Buddha Mother."

"What is the wish of the Buddha Mother?" Chen Jing looked at the old man with interest.

"Each god has his own will, or ideal." The elder smiled and stroked his beard, "For example, Gehro wants to destroy the world, but Turing wants to rule the world... Buddha Mother In fact, she is not interested in these things. What the Buddha Mother wants is the growth of all things.”

Upon hearing this, everyone seemed a little hard to understand.

Because the meaning of the four words "all things grow" is too broad, it was difficult to determine what Chang Lao meant.

"You Ning has no friends in the temple." The elder suddenly changed the subject and looked at Chen Jing and Wei Nan Yanque calmly, "So when they said that You Ning took her friends up the mountain, I was actually quite puzzled. …When did such a lonely little girl make friends?”

In the [Big Buddha Mother Temple], Qiao Youning's withdrawn character is not a secret. Even the lowest-ranking monks have heard of that kind of solitary temperament.

That's right.

Qiao Youning's personality has changed a lot compared to the original, and she is no longer the one who is afraid of being bullied by others, but her nature is still to live in isolation, and no one in the temple can be called her friend.

In her words, she still likes to be alone.

Because Qiao Youning's status in the temple is very special, many pairs of eyes stare at her every day... Because of this, the elder said it was difficult to understand and unbelievable for friends like Chen Jing who suddenly appeared.

What's more, none of her friends are simple people.

Needless to say, Chen Jing, the deep space resuscitator, needless to say. The little girl next to him who looked cold and cold exuded a smell similar to Gehro, and the white halo flowing in his eyes was clearly the moonlight, while the girl next to him who looked silly...


From her hard-to-conceal blood, it is not difficult to tell that she comes from the Killing Sequence, but she is definitely not that simple. Although she looks stupid, she also reveals a hint of wisdom. Maybe she is the kind of person who is wise and foolish!

"Isn't the temple prepared to deal with me?" Chen Jing didn't like the constant scrutiny and couldn't help but ask.

"Well, I'm not prepared." The elder looked away and said with a smile, "If you can guarantee that you will never pose any threat to the temple, our temple can be a lifelong ally with you, and we can sign a non-aggression treaty with you."


Chen Jing looked at the old man in surprise, wondering if he had heard wrongly.

"Yes." The elder smiled and nodded, and then added, "If we can really cooperate, then I'm afraid you need to discuss the specific details with Mr. Ega in person."

"In person..." Chen Jing looked at the old man in front of him thoughtfully. Although the other party had shown enough goodwill, he still doubted whether this was a trap. For example, the old man felt unsure now and wanted to deceive him. Go to the base camp and kill...

"Yes, we will talk in person." The elder said helplessly. "After all, this is a major event related to the future of the temple, so we can only wait until Lord Ega comes back. It would be more appropriate for you to talk in person..."

According to the elders.

Erga, the supreme leader of the Great Buddha Mother Temple, is a person who is keen on traveling around the world. He spends most of his life traveling around the world.

Continents, oceans, wastelands, and even the sky...

Almost every corner of the world has his footprints.

Including Evernight City.

"Sir Erga actually met your grandfather more than once. The earliest meeting was when your grandfather was traveling around the world, and then in Yongye, not long after you were born..."

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Jing was stunned.

"Well, Master Erga said that your grandfather is a great person. He can give up his supreme power and the power at his fingertips just for the people he values. This is something he thinks he cannot do..."

When the elder said this, he glanced at the Bodhi embryos brought by Chen Jing.


Those bodhi fetuses had always been entangled in the golden light mist created by Chen Jing. When Chen Jing landed with Wei Nan and the others, they also fell into the grass on the ground.

"Did you come to Yukong Mountain for these Bodhi fetuses?" The elder looked very interested.

"Yes." Chen Jing nodded.

"Is it to cure your grandfather's illness?" the elder asked straight to the point.

Chen Jing didn't answer, but looked at him with a strange look, as if wondering how the old man knew?

"It's no secret that your grandfather was seriously injured. When your wanted order spread throughout the continent, news about your grandfather was also spread by the Pope of Yongye City. He said that your grandfather was severely injured due to backlash. It is impossible to return to full strength within a short period of time..."

"That bitch!" Chen Jing couldn't help but cursed, thinking about those bastards from the Hermitage, and he felt panicked in his heart.

"So the rumors are true? Your grandfather is really seriously injured?"


"But if you want a Bodhi fetus, this is not the way to catch it. If it is injured like this, there will be no medicinal properties at all... But these ones can still be used."

When Chen Jing heard the elder say the first half of the sentence, he felt something bad in his heart.

When he rescued these Bodhi fetuses before, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart because their appearance was so miserable. Then he thought about what Qiao Youning said that accidentally hurting their bodies would cause them to lose their medicinal properties. Finally, he added The first half of what the elder said...

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Jing felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He felt a little desperate. He felt that his trip was in vain, and the old man's treatment of his injuries might have to be delayed...

But after hearing the second half of the elder's words, Chen Jingxuan's heart suddenly relaxed.

"Which ones can still be used??" Chen Jing turned around hurriedly.

"Those few." The elder raised his finger and said with a smile, "If I help you refine them, the medicinal properties will definitely not be lost."

Hearing what the elder said, Chen Jing immediately felt that there was something hidden in the other person's words.

"You tell me."

Chen Jing sighed and asked helplessly.

"What conditions?"

Chapter 403 Treasure Map in Two-Dimensional Space (Part 1)

"Elder Chang, he is my friend!"

When Qiao Youning heard that the old man wanted to make a condition, she suddenly became unhappy and couldn't help but persuade him.

"Not to mention that helping him will be good for the temple!"

"I didn't say I wanted to put up any conditions!" The elder looked blankly at everyone, "I'm just curious about what happened in the mountains to make such a big fuss, but I'm sure they didn't ask you clearly. ...How about you tell me?"

Hearing such a simple request, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then nodded without hesitation and said with a smile: "Okay."

Chen Jing did not intend to hide what happened in Yukong Mountain, but a large part of the content was deliberately deleted by him.

Just like the two-dimensional space, because there are too many secrets in it that cannot be told.


It's okay for Qiao Youning and the others to know.

Because Chen Jing knew very well, not to mention the two little natives Wei Nan and Yan Que who were going back to the city with him, just talking about Qiao Youning... Chen Jing was 100% sure that she would not betray him.

"That's it...a withered corpse wearing monk's robes..." After listening to Chen Jing's story, the elder didn't disbelieve him. Instead, he looked thoughtful, "I didn't expect that there would be such a great god hidden under Yukong Mountain. …”

Because Chen Jing did not avoid talking to the elders about these things, everyone present heard them from beginning to end.

When Wei Nan discovered that Chen Jing had omitted most of the details, he didn't show any obvious expression, and his face still looked stupid.

Lute Que, on the other hand, seemed to have heard nothing and looked at the Bodhi Fetus beside him in silence.

"It had just recovered not long ago, so I was lucky enough to be able to kill it." Chen Jing said with a smile and glanced at Qiao Youning calmly.

He saw that the other party was also smiling, making others think that she was happy for everyone's luck, but Chen Jing knew very well that this expression was obviously that he couldn't help but steal after seeing his good friend lie and succeed. laugh……

"Looks like I have to thank you."

The elder looked at the Bodhi embryos in the grass with lingering fear, and his words seemed very sincere, as if he really believed what Chen Jing said.

"If you hadn't killed the monk's corpse in time, I'm afraid these Bodhi embryos wouldn't have been saved... They would have become extinct if they were all dead. It will be impossible to find them for medicine in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, the elder slowly waved his ivy cane.


Five of the group of Bodhi wombs suddenly levitated, as if being lifted up by some energy that could not be observed by the naked eye, and did not stop until they were about two meters above the ground.

"Promise you, I will do it."

The elder waved the ivy staff again, and the five bodhisattvas began to shrink in a terrifying manner until they were crushed into bloody balls by the invisible forces...

"To be honest, I feel quite honored to be able to help the deep space resuscitators with a small favor..." Elder Chang said with a smile, reaching out and taking out a pill furnace from his arms.

That's right.

Although the exquisite object was only the size of a palm and seemed to be made of crystal clear jade, judging from its shape, it should be similar to the Taoist alchemy furnace in the outer world.

Elder Sheng just waved his hand.

The five bloody meat balls flew directly into the alchemy furnace.

Then Elder Sheng raised his hand and slapped it.

It seemed to follow some ancient rhythm.

He slapped the alchemy furnace again and again.

Is this what the old man said about refining?

Chen Jing looked at this scene curiously, only to find out that the so-called refining of the Bodhi fetus seemed a bit of a joke, because Elder Sheng never stopped talking during the process of refining the Bodhi fetus, just like an old lady gossiping at the head of the village.

She asked Chen Jing how he usually contacted Qiao Youning, and whether the old man's injury had stabilized.

In short, it was just asking.

And Chen Jing answered if he could, and perfunctorily if he couldn't, and the other party didn't mean to ask further questions, as if he was just chatting casually.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

Elder Sheng stopped patting the furnace, and then took out a bag made of brown paper from his arms.

"Take it back and let your grandfather take it on time. Take it three times a day, morning, noon and evening. Just take one flat spoon each time..." Elder Sheng first poured the green powder in the furnace into the paper bag, and then threw a small golden spoon he carried with him into it, "Remember to drink plenty of water when you eat, this thing is a bit sticky in the throat."

For a moment, Chen Jing felt like he had traveled to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

Listening to Elder Sheng's careful instructions, Chen Jing hurriedly nodded to indicate that he had remembered everything, and then took the paper bag from the other party, weighed it slightly, and felt that the pile of powder was at least a dozen pounds...

"Elder Sheng! Thank you!"

Chen Jing raised his hand and threw the bag of powder into the deep space, and then looked at the old man and expressed his gratitude sincerely.

For a long time, Chen Bofu's injury has been a concern for Chen Jing.

Being unable to help him after his strength declined was only a small matter. What worried Chen Jing the most was actually the old man’s change in mentality… He was just like most of the elderly people in the surface world, who found themselves unable to help their own children anymore.

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