"This is not something that humans can eat!" Chen Bofu cursed while spitting white foam after taking the medicine with great expectation for the first time.

From that time on, every time Chen Jing took the medicine, he could only "help" him, asking Yegetos to hold the old man down, and asking Hasad to bring a large funnel to pour water into his mouth.

According to the instructions of the elder of [Dafomu Temple], Chen Jing would feed the old man with medicine powder with a spoon every morning, noon and evening. As the elder said, this kind of medicine powder is particularly easy to stick to the throat after entering the mouth...

If the medicine powder is just bitter, it would be fine. After all, Chen Bofu has traveled all over the country for so many years, and he has put the most unpalatable things into his stomach. He is not ignorant of the principle that good medicine tastes bitter... But the problem is that this medicine powder is not bitter, but disgusting.


Disgusting in the literal sense.

The powder refined from the bodhi embryo does not have a pungent smell. Even when it is taken, the old man can't feel any peculiar smell in his mouth, but it seems to be able to trigger a certain information fragment of biological genes, so that people react instinctively and start vomiting crazily. It is difficult to describe the feeling in words.

Anyway, the old man can't explain it clearly.

The old man just wants to vomit.

After taking the powder, Chen Jing poured water into the old man not only to flush the powder into his stomach, but also to give the things that were about to be vomited... In short, every time he helped the old man take medicine, it was a kind of practice.

Chen Jing was considered to have practiced successfully.

At least he would not vomit with the old man.

The reason why he asked Yegetos for help instead of others was precisely because only deep space creatures like Yegetos could remain calm in this environment. Even if the air was filled with the pungent smell of vomit and powder, he was still calm as hell.

This kind of "torture" of the old man.

In fact, it only lasted for ten days.

After ten days, the old man showed obvious "improvement". He lay on the bed like a wax figure melted by high temperature and couldn't move.

If he hadn't repeatedly asked Qiao Youning to confirm that this was a normal phenomenon, Chen Jing would probably think that this was a trap set by the temple.

During the medication process.

The old man had gradually lost his human form.

Lying on the bed was like a shriveled human skin, and his eyeballs had lost moisture and turned into uneven objects like walnuts.

But even so.

Chen Bofu was still alive. After a careful examination, Chen Jing could even detect the old man's increasingly vigorous vitality and the energy that was constantly gathering in his body...

How long does the old man need to take the medicine?

Ten days?

Or a month?

There is no specific answer to this question.

Qiao Youning only said that the old man would stop taking the medicine after he turned into a "human cocoon" and was reborn.

Facts have proved that the process changes described by Qiao Youning are completely consistent with reality.

On the thirty-fifth day.

Chen Jing could no longer help the old man take the medicine.

Because he has become a "mummy". Although he is still lying on the bed in a big letter shape, the surface of his skin has been wrapped with many layers of blood-colored fibrous tissues, just like the cloth strips tied on the body of a mummy, which is frightening and indescribably weird.

The whole person is wrapped in this layer of blood-colored flesh cocoon. Occasionally, you can see the thin-film-like fibrous tissue on the surface wriggling, sometimes convex and sometimes concave. Qiao Youning said that this is a sign that the person taking the medicine is getting better, and there is only one step away from completing the treatment...

Since the day the old man formed a cocoon.

Chen Jing has been waiting by the old man's bed.

Every ten minutes or so, he will check the old man and make sure that his vitality has been continuously increasing. Chen Jing will feel a little relieved.

During this process.

The blood-colored human cocoon has been changing.

From the initial soft film state.

To the later stage, it gradually hardens and becomes a layer of blood-colored crystal.

When Chen Jing sensed that the old man's breath was gradually getting stronger, he knew that the day when the old man's treatment was completed was not far away.

"Before Gehero descended on Evernight City... I never thought that this old man would be beaten to such an extent..."

On the rooftop of the fortress.

Chen Jing was listening to the old man Hasard chatting with Lawrence beside him.

Chen Bofu's bed was not far away. At this moment, the blood-colored crystal human cocoon he formed was constantly trembling, which was a sign of breaking out of the cocoon.

It started three days ago.

After Chen Jing found that the human cocoon began to tremble gradually, he followed Qiao Youning's instructions and moved the old man and the bed to a ventilated place. It is said that this will help the old man break out of the cocoon.

"Is it almost done today?" Hasard raised his wrist and glanced at the calendar displayed on his watch. "If your grandfather can move faster, we can even take him to have lunch."

"The breath of that madman is becoming more and more blurred." Lawrence looked back with some worry.

Lawrence is different from Chen Jing. Although his perception is sharp, he has gradually lost the old man's breath since a few days ago. If Chen Jing hadn't said that this was normal, he would have suspected that the old madman was dead.

"Is his breath getting blurrier? Why do I feel it is getting stronger?"

Chen Jing yawned and scratched his head. He hasn't had a good sleep in the past month. Even if he doesn't sleep with his physical fitness, it doesn't matter, but the mental fatigue is real.

"Ah Jing, are you sure it's okay to let this thing stay in the sky all the time?"

Hassad pushed up the frame on the bridge of his nose. There was a trace of anxiety in his eyes hidden behind the lenses. He pointed at the huge black star hanging high in the sky, and his tone of voice was a little uneasy.

"Isn't this too ostentatious..."

"Invisible to outsiders."

Chen Jing smiled and comforted.

The longer he is in contact with the Black Star, the more rituals he gets about the Black Star from deep space... Yes, in addition to being used as a weapon of war, the Black Star is also a variety of deep space rituals. an important medium for orbit.

Just like how it is used now.

Using the Black Star as a medium to create a special force field that is isolated from the outside world, it is just like the moonlight field used by Raphael, but the defense of this force field is not that strong, it is just more concealed.

"I have used the black star to shield a two-kilometer radius. The outside world can't see the city or the black star. I can't even feel the breath..."

As Chen Jing spoke, he looked up at Black Star.

In fact, he still has a back-up, but this backup has not been mentioned to outsiders... Black Star is both a medium and an anchor. If he really encounters an unexpected situation that he cannot handle, he can directly borrow Black Star's The power moved the entire city into deep space.

"The cocoon seems to be about to burst..."

Hearing Hassad's voice, Chen Jing subconsciously looked back and saw that the giant blood-colored cocoon covering the old man's body was constantly trembling, with many small gaps opening in the abdominal cavity.


Wisps of thick black mist flowed out through those gaps.

Because these black mist are condensed from pure energy, they do not rise like smoke or be blown away by the wind, but gradually flow to the ground in a liquid state...

"It seems my grandpa is waking up."

Chapter 406 The Disaster of Return (Part 2)

When the giant cocoon completely shattered, what everyone saw was not Chen Boxu himself, but an amorphous black gelatinous object... Its temperature seemed to be very high, and when it came into contact with the air, it even That space was distorted by the heat.

Feeling the oncoming heat wave, Hassad's first reaction was to retreat, because as the first person to know Chen Boxu, he knew very well how crazy Chen Boxu was in this state.

Put it in objective terms.

This old madman attacks every creature equally.

Yes, no distinction is made between friend and foe.

Because in this weird state, he has no reason to speak, and will only follow the biological instinct to attack everyone around him.

But just when Hassad was about to remind Chen Jing, he only found that the amorphous gelatinous substance was spreading rapidly, which was different from his memory when he suddenly turned into a humanoid monster and started killing everyone...

These strange liquids flowed down from the rooftop and continued to spread to all directions of the city.

It only took a few seconds.

The whole building is covered in silence.

But it has no intention of stopping at all. Instead, it is still spreading in all directions at a steady speed, as if it will swallow up the entire wasteland before it stops.

"To be honest... I'm a little scared now..." Lawrence stood aside and seemed at a loss. His whole body gradually floated, as if he didn't want to be contaminated by the black gelatinous substances on the ground. "Your grandpa went crazy but didn't recognize his relatives. ...Looking at his state, it seems that he has not yet regained consciousness..."

At this moment, Wei Nan and the others, who were still playing games in the building, rushed up.

"Is the old man awake?"

"How is he!"

Behind Wei Nan and the others were Ryan and Anu, and at the end there was Tsukano Koshiro who walked slowly, holding half a toothpick in his mouth as if he was awake. These days, in order to help Chen Jing arrange the ceremony He almost never had a good night's sleep.

When everyone rushed to the rooftop.

The black water-like jelly flowing on the ground has covered the wasteland for dozens of miles, and is still devouring the unpolluted land in the outside world at an extremely fast speed. No one knows where this momentum will go. Time to stop.

"She should have woken up."

Chen Jing raised his feet and took a look, only to find that the glue was extremely sticky. If the shoelaces were not fastened tightly, the shoes would probably be torn off.

at the same time.

An extremely powerful aura suddenly burst out.

From the walled city, from the wasteland.

From every corner swallowed by those black gelatinous things.

It seemed like the old man was everywhere.

The whole world is filled with his terrifying aura.

this moment.

Even the weak ordinary people in the walled city felt it.

They all turned to look out the window.

This shuddering aura was far more terrifying than any old descendant or polluted species they had ever seen.

Since Chen Jing's body is filled with deep space blood, he is considered the calmest person at this time. Apart from him, Yan Que and Wei Nan, who are familiar with the old man, are all shaking uncontrollably, their faces pale and frightened. look like.

"So the old man is so scary..." Wei Nan beat his legs hard, only to find that he was still unable to move, as if his legs were filled with lead and were heavy.

Soon, all the wasteland in sight was swallowed up by the old man.

And on this endless black ocean.

Blurred and distorted faces emerged.

Some are from humans and have obvious human characteristics.

And some came from animals, even some creatures that Chen Jing couldn't tell apart...

These faces all had one thing in common.

They were struggling and afraid.

It was as if they all felt the old man's resurgence.


The black water on the ground pulled out silk like a cocoon, about the thickness of a chopstick, and continued to twist and twist toward the sky until they touched the black star hanging high in the sky.

Chen Jing thought they would be hurt by the black star with self-defense awareness. He was about to let the black star rise away from those long, winding lines that were as flexible as liquid, but he only found that the black star seemed to be disconnected from himself.

In Chen Jing's astonished eyes.

The black star was tightly entangled by those silk threads and pulled down to the ground.

"This..." Yegetos, who was standing aside, exclaimed in disbelief, "The black star was actually pulled by an external object..."

"It's not complete." Chen Jing frowned and said, feeling a little uneasy, "What is the old man going to do..."

In the deafening roar.

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